View Full Version : sap collection??

02-14-2010, 06:15 PM
I met a guy the other day at a sugar open house that buys these foil looking bags with a plastic fitting hole in them, he places them directly on the plastic tap to collect. He claimes to be getting them from a amish guy for about .30 each. They look like the bags resturants have bulk ketchup in.
Anyone else using them? or know of how to get them? thanks

02-14-2010, 10:07 PM
Don't know about those ones but I used food saver bags the same way to get some extra taps in on the poor years in the past. I had like 200 of them out one year and they worked very well. Just sealed the top and melted a hole through them with a solder iron and used tubing taps with a short peice of tubing stuck in the bags. If I remember right I would buy them in the large boxes of like 6 and made them large enough to hold almost 2 gallons.