View Full Version : firefighters out there?

02-13-2010, 05:51 PM
im in search of an scba facepiece and havent had any luck finding one. was wondering if any of you ff out there had one they wanted to sell? it has to be a scott scba to accomodateour airpacks. ive been told that i would have to share a mask with someone while doing overhaul when the fires out and it is safe to go in or around. and for training purposes. that just seems nasty to me. thanks in advance,nate

02-13-2010, 06:31 PM
Find out who supplies your SCBA equipment to your dept, and buy a new one from them... You should be sized for the propor mask, and fit. Some manufact. have a universal fit mask, but they never seem to fit as well as a properly fit one... As far as sharing masks, alot of departments do this, just make sure between each use they are cleaned , and disenfected properly, not just the mask, but the resperators as well... Think about what this piece of equipment will do for you.... by far a better investment then a $200 tubing tool in my oppinion...

02-13-2010, 07:08 PM
Too bad you didn't post about a month ago I just got rid of 4 complete units. also check with a diving supply store they sometimes repair and sell scba along with scuba. At least I did.

02-14-2010, 10:19 AM
i agree with you vtmaplemaker. 200 is well invested considering the fact that a tubing tool wont protect me from carbon monoxide and smoke. what do you guys think of the scba facepieces on ebay? i was planning on buying one used just because im a cadet and it wont be used that often. mostly after structure fires and misc training drills

02-14-2010, 10:58 AM
Maplekid, my opinion, from somone that used to repair and rebuild these units is everytime you use it no matter how often, your life depends on it to work properly. Never cheap out on life support equipment. like the old saying with motorcycle helmets if you have a $10. head then wear a $10 helmet.

02-15-2010, 01:31 PM
the inhalation and exalation take place in the face piece regulator on a scott airpak. yeah, nasty. talk to the dealer yourself, ask for a trade in.

02-15-2010, 02:57 PM
well i bought a new one at the expense of about 200dollars. a good investment considering i need my lungs to be functional

02-15-2010, 08:19 PM
well i bought a new one at the expense of about 200dollars. a good investment considering i need my lungs to be functional

Well, that's pretty convincing evidence that your a 'lifer (in it for life). I don't do structures, just wildland. Welcome and congrats. You're crazier than I am.

02-15-2010, 08:48 PM
haha thanks. whats the average number of calls you get for wildland fires flat47?

02-21-2010, 05:40 PM
i wanted to add a little question to this thread. what do you firemen(fire officials for political correctivity) do when you get a call and the evap is running full steam.

02-21-2010, 06:15 PM
Flood the evaporator shut down the drafts and go for it. Maybe even toss a pail of water into the firebox also.

02-21-2010, 06:34 PM
. Maybe even toss a pail of water into the firebox also.

Something tells me that red hot cast iron grates and a pail of water aren't a good combination.... just my thoughts!

Grade "A"
02-22-2010, 06:36 AM
I'm lucky, I hit the swicth and go. Got to love oil!!! I know when the tone goes off your blood gets going but keep your cool and take care of your investment first. You don't want to go to a fire then come back to burnt pans or a burnt down sugar house.

02-22-2010, 02:18 PM
fortunatley i have about 5 mins till cief picks me up to go to the station. i think i could just shovel out the firebox and dump the hot stuff in the burn barrel. atleast thats how i plan for it to happen haha

Greg Morin
02-22-2010, 05:45 PM
your dept. is your employer and should be responsible for all PPE

03-06-2010, 06:37 PM
We went to personal masks a few years ago. We got the assistance to fire fighters grant and just retro fitted our old msa ultra elite II masks to the new oush to connect type, it was the best thing we ever did. I think OSHA was looking at making it mandatory that everyone have their own masks, but i'm not sure what happened with that.

On a seperate not I could have used my scba earlier today when I totaly burned my half pint &*@&#&*#$&(*&#Q$!!!!!!!

Well got to go play with acid!! love those homemade hazmats!

Greg Morin
03-06-2010, 08:03 PM
We went to personal masks a few years ago. We got the assistance to fire fighters grant and just retro fitted our old msa ultra elite II masks to the new oush to connect type, it was the best thing we ever did. I think OSHA was looking at making it mandatory that everyone have their own masks, but i'm not sure what happened with that.

On a seperate not I could have used my scba earlier today when I totaly burned my half pint &*@&#&*#$&(*&#Q$!!!!!!!

Well got to go play with acid!! love those homemade hazmats!

My sister and her family live in new berlin used to live in lewisberg nice place gotta love country cupboard

03-06-2010, 09:56 PM
i was planning on buying one used just because im a cadet and it wont be used that often. mostly after structure fires and misc training drills[/QUOTE]

maplekid, make sure your wearing your scba during overhaul on structures, thats one of the worst times to be inhaling smoke.

Usually there is 3 of us in the shack when the tone goes off -- the 1st two out the door get to go :D