View Full Version : is it time to go.
02-13-2010, 06:34 AM
iam starting to get jumppy. i hung my pipe line yesterday,got fire wood into
the suger house and couple little things. i would like to know when everyone
is think there going tap.
p.s good luck
02-13-2010, 08:21 AM
I really figure they should invent some kind of tree dial. We put on on the trees and when it reads tap we start drilling. What could they cost $20 bucks a piece and we only would need 50 of them spread out around the bush.
02-13-2010, 08:45 AM
Wouldnt that be nice...I'm getting tempted here in southern vermont, the long range looks pretty good with highs in the upper 30's most of the week. Dont wanna miss a good run but also dont wanna tap and have it cool down for two more weeks.
02-13-2010, 09:53 AM
Well here in NY the long range forcast looked pretty gloomy until today. They had the end of the month in the teens for highs and just this morning they changed it to mid 30's. But regardless I will be tapping 25th to the 28th
a late start for sure.
02-13-2010, 09:58 AM
I really figure they should invent some kind of tree dial. We put on on the trees and when it reads tap we start drilling. What could they cost $20 bucks a piece and we only would need 50 of them spread out around the bush.
Hey Ken.....they have those. They're called thermometers. :lol:
02-13-2010, 11:25 AM
HAHA. I had to go across the line for my weekly libray run and drove over and checked the one dairy farmers trees. They look like they have most tapped already. Of course he does have 18-20,000 trees tapped most years so maybe hes starting early to get ready . The other place down the road isn't started yet that I can see from my end but theres lots of tracks around the vacuum shack already. Slow but sure it will get here be over and done with like every other year.
maple sapper
02-13-2010, 12:19 PM
From my experience no doubt geographicaly it depends where you are. I am in so. NH (Nashua to be exact) and when others are still getting sap, im cleaning and buds are out. So what elevation your at may have something to do with it. The weather looks good for this week. What makes me hesitant though is how right is that long range? Temps can be there, but wind kills the whole deal. I so am ready to go. Any opinions or feed back, bring it on.
02-13-2010, 02:40 PM
How big is Nashua anyways. I have a buddy there makes guns but never seem to get down that way to see him.
02-13-2010, 03:05 PM
Tapping Mine Out Tommorw, And Starting My Grandfathers In The Afternoon, But Wont Be Done With His Untill Probably Wed-thursday Afternoon, 1400 Of His To 165 Of Mine, Mines A Walk In The Park Compared To His..
Anyways Not Waiting Any Longer.. Lets See How It Goes Wish Me Luck
Maple Rookie
02-13-2010, 07:36 PM
well just double checked the forecast for then next week and looking very good, with a couple of days in the upper 30's. so im going to take a gamble here and punch some holes in trees tomorow. and then start taping my grandfathers. talking with him earlier he said that he typically gets started between presidents day weekend and town meeting day. so i guess if the weather going to be ok for the week why not. im sure we will get a freeze up but well see what happens.
anybody else going for it????:o
02-14-2010, 07:32 PM
Extended forcast says nothing here for 2 more weeks and then see what the next 2 weeks say after that
orange county maple
02-15-2010, 09:19 PM
started tapping 2/13 500 done and 100 or so to go, next weekend set up vacum, install sap ladder. Had to tap didn,t even need snowshoes it was great. Past six years at least 3 to 5 feet of snow, years of pulling taps in snowshoes.:D
02-17-2010, 06:38 PM
did any of you guys get anything so far this week for a run, or is the weather still playing tricks on us. monday down here it started to run good then the clouds came and it just like stopped, i didnt even get to go check that tank today, it was like border line warm enough for the sap to run. weather i get enough sap to sweeten the pans this weekend or not still got some cleaning to do in the sugarhouse, and around 80-90 more taps to put out. wont be hanging any buckets until mid march i think or so..
02-18-2010, 06:02 AM
Like you, Maple Rookie, I've a few more things to finish up in the sugarhouse. Once that's done I'll be ready to tap out, hopefully within the next day or two. If the sugarhouse was ready, I probably would have tapped out all the tubing as the lines are all new this year and I've no worries about tapping too early.
Curoius to hear if you got anything yesterday or today. Good luck!
02-18-2010, 06:27 PM
well northwoods, i finished up tapping this evening started around 100 and got done in the dark. it was running very well my thermometer said low 40s in the sun and every hole i drilled it came pouring out. i think its game time..
i got 115 on my tubing, and about 65 buckets that i wont hang until the weather is prime time.
hoping to have enough sap to sweeten my pans by this weekend.
good luck keep us posted
02-19-2010, 04:07 AM
Set back another day! A tank fitting I was waiting on to bring the feed line to the evaporator came in the mail yesterday, but they sent the wrong part - argghh! Well, I'll just have to make it work today, need to get the sugarhouse on line as I don't dare tap out before I can move the sap to the pans. So if all goes well today, I hoping to start tapping Sunday as I have to run the wife and kid South on Saturday.
02-19-2010, 05:47 PM
it sounds like the southern part of the state is flowing iam going to
tap my pipe line on sat,sunday.i hope it goes good. iam in hinesburg,vt.
good luck to everyone
02-19-2010, 07:34 PM
so. starksboro/lincoln getting started tapping on the first thousand sat. am, time will tell? Most of the "big shots" started this week
02-20-2010, 08:26 AM
i wana tap soooo bad but end of the week not lookin so promising and dont wana do it to early...
02-20-2010, 04:01 PM
well tapped 500 or so of my grandfarthers 1700 today alot togo. seamed to be flowing after awile. but kind of slow..lots of squirl damage to taps and line. this could take all week getting this lot done..
02-20-2010, 04:15 PM
when is everyon going to start tapping with buckets? we usually start now at a farm down the road but i built my own this year and i want to tap. beginning of this week is looking nice but have 2 snow storms coming. also its supposed to drop to aroun 33 at end of the week. ugg i just don't know when to tap
farmall h
02-20-2010, 04:46 PM
I'm going to start tapping town meeting day...regardless of the weather. A week or so won't dry them up. We hardly have any snow...10" in the woods maybe. Last year we had mega snow! Sunk in even with snow shoes.
02-20-2010, 04:48 PM
Dont panic! (and dont forget your towel, but that's a serious tangent!) It'll all get done- early season tapping never seems to work for me- too many aggravations with things re-freezing, and I think the holes stay open longer- but that's just me......
farmall h
02-20-2010, 04:51 PM
Any snow in Cabot?
02-20-2010, 07:09 PM
Going to start in Sunday tapping out the new tubing lines. WX looks good one moment then iffy the next, so I'm not expecting much next week. I'll hold off a bit on the buckets and the other tubing.
Finally have all the parts to finish plumbing the feedlines and tank drains. Hoping to have it all together tomorrow morning!
02-21-2010, 05:19 AM
hey northwoods glad to see you are finally getting it toghter. ive been busy tapping alday yesterday and probably today in my grandfarthers lots. 1700 were shooting for, plus we have to repair them as we go. so anyways its going slow. all my pipeline is tapped and running, be interested to know if yours is running also? im thinking of putting my buckets out next weekend, when are you hanging yours?
maple rookie
02-21-2010, 06:04 AM
Yeah, barely getting it together! Took a late night run to Home Depot to get there and I hate going to Home Depot for anything.
WX forecast is still all over the place. Last night is was 36 for today and 39 for Monday. Now we've got 40 today and 44 tomorrow!
Very happy to hear your tubing is running, Rookie. If you're getting sap up in Andover, I'm sure my southfacing Newfane slopes will do just fine.
Made any syrup yet?
02-21-2010, 07:13 AM
NORTHWOODS i havnt made any syrup yet im hoping that tuesday i can finish up all the tapping on my grandfathers and maybe be gathering and boiling by afteroon. time wel tell.
good luck
maple rookie
Big John
02-21-2010, 07:56 AM
Got 10,500 in got 3000 more to go. Got most the leaks fixed, waiting for the weather, Lets go already!!!!
02-21-2010, 11:52 AM
I wouldnt get to nervous yet, unless you have allot of taps and no help...
02-21-2010, 06:24 PM
Nervous? Me? You bet! I've been nervous and worried pretty much since, oh, since I finished cleaning buckets last year. Built a sugarhouse this fall/winter, more than doubled our tap count from 2009 (sold sap the past 2 years), will be boiling by myself for the first time, and put a serious hurting to our savings account.
Anyway, put in 300 taps this afternoon and had about 50 gallons o' sap in the tank at dusk.
02-21-2010, 06:28 PM
I hung up 50 of my 75 buckets today and every hole was running very well. i was very impressed. checked over all of my pipe line and wasnt running yet still ice in the lines. i guess that the advantages of have both buckets and lines when the lines are froze maybe the bickets will run when the bucket spouts are froze maybe the lines will run. anyways 25 more buckets and all done over here. cant wait to start boiling..
maple rookie
02-28-2010, 04:27 PM
Looks Like I Might Finally Have My First Boil If I Can Get Down To My Tanks To Gather Them. There Apprx 700 Ft Off The Road And Down A Hill. Going Tommorow To See If My Neighbor With His Bulldozer Will Plow A Road To Them. I Got 30 Something Inches Of Snow And It Has Really Put A Herting On Our Sugaring Opperation Know. Wasnt Bad Before And Were On Schedual To Be All Tapped Out By This Weekend, But Hard Getting Around In The Woods.
Good Luck Everybody.
Maple Rookie
02-28-2010, 04:59 PM
Hey Guys you should be going good by now , i tapped friday boiled the first time yesterday and it ran like mad today Went to pick mine up at 4:00 this afternoon and tub was running over . The weather for the next 10 days look like a real barn buner, should be rolling in GOLD.
Good luck Dick
02-28-2010, 05:02 PM
You could carry it with pails up to the top. The down part would be easy enough.
02-28-2010, 05:31 PM
maple rookie i hope things go better for u in the next few days.
iam going too boil on monday.good luck maple rookie.
03-02-2010, 06:00 AM
I like that part about lugging it up the hill in buckets! Very nice!
Had a good run yesterday and a smooth boil yesterday. I was moving about 40 gallons an hour through my 30"x8' without the preheater set up yet. I've a nice batch of syrup to finish off, but didn't want to deal with the new filter press in the middle of the night (had some trouble with it earlier) so I'll just need to burn some propane and finish it all today.
Planning to put out 100 or so buckets today and bring the taps up to 425.
Looks to be a great stretch of weather coming in. Best of luck to you all!
03-02-2010, 09:52 AM
Well we are all tapped here in Northern Vt. Lucky we only ended up with 2 1/2 feet of snow but now only have about 6" or so. Tapped 1500 buckets with someleft if needed. Going to start gathering tonight and boiling tomorrow night. Good luck to You all this year I think it's going to be a good one.:D
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