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View Full Version : LR Pump RPM's

Amber Gold
02-11-2010, 07:17 AM
I was watching Lapierre's video on the new busch pump. They have a vacuum sensor connected to a VFD, which runs the pump. The VFD is programmed to maintain say 26" Hg and it modulates the motor speed to do this. I can see a few benefits to this: less wear and tear on the pump and motor and reduced energy consumption. Can LR pumps maintain high vac. at lower rpm's?


02-11-2010, 07:35 AM
They can if the system is tight!

Haynes Forest Products
02-11-2010, 08:00 AM
Reread your post you just told us about this wonderful new pump that moniters the vac levels and maintains 26" HGs and Modulates the motor speed to do this:) So it stands to reason that the VFD would choose the lowest RPMs and maintain the HGs:o

Amber Gold
02-11-2010, 11:55 AM
Not on the plan for this year, but next year would be nice. I would need to find a sensor and find out if my VFD can do something like this. I wasn't sure if the pump needed to operate at max RPM's to work properly. The lapierre video shows the busch pump going down to an idle, then ramping right up when the releaser dumps, then back down to an idle.


DS Maple
02-11-2010, 02:50 PM
The guy who would know a good deal about this, or at least know who to talk to, is Dan Crocker up in the Putney, VT area. He runs a VFD on his vac pump (which has a 20hp electric motor.) I remember him telling me something about the liquid ring "dropping out" at low rpms, so there's got to be a minimum somewhere.