View Full Version : Noel Perrin

02-10-2010, 03:53 PM
Have started re-reading his "Amatuer Sugarmaking", which is really putting me in the mood to tap. Will have to read his other books now, I love how he writes.

Googled him and found to my dismay that he died 5 years ago.

Seems another Dartmouth Prof., Terry S. Osborne, lives in his old house, and I wonder, are they still making syrup in Noel's sugarhouse?

In the book, Noel describes planting a row of Sugar Maple seedlings in 1970 and hoping to sit on his porch watching and giving advice as they're tapped in 2000. Did he?

Is anyone here around Thetford Village VT and can tell us how the story unfolded? Is anyone tapping Noel's trees?

NH Maplemaker
02-10-2010, 04:46 PM
Maplesedge, No, last I knew there wasn't any syrup being made there!! years back we would always stop and vist him when we were working on the phone line on his road durning sugaring season. A few years ago his x-wife was the gal that did our census and tolled me of his passing! He just always wanted to see how chaeply he could do things. The sugar house is still there.I think it is c.l.led Tucker Hill Rd (911 name chang) right at the end of the coverd bridge!! I have his frist book, but not the second.Jim L.

Hop Kiln Road
02-10-2010, 06:32 PM
Jim L - I knew Noel Perrin !!! You forgot to mention this during my visit!! Bruce

NH Maplemaker
02-10-2010, 09:20 PM
Bruce, I can't say I realy new him!! We would stop and visit when he was colecting sap or at his sugar house boiling! But it wasn't until years later when my wife pick up his frist book at a yard sale that I figured out who he was!! We just new him as Noel. I think at that time he was teaching up at Thetford academy.Jim L.

02-11-2010, 02:43 PM
The book is a great read. I've made it an annual tradition to read it every year in mid/late Feb. right before I tap. If I remember correctly, I think they included an article on him and his obit in the Maple News right after he passed

02-11-2010, 02:51 PM
NH Maplemaker did you know J.D. too?

NH Maplemaker
02-11-2010, 10:57 PM
Softmaple,I can't say I knew him, But knew him by site and once a pon a time he knew who I was ! Years back when I was the chief of police here in town, ( part time position) I would get a call from him stateing that some reporter was trying to find his house and I would haft to go run them off !! Jim L.