View Full Version : CDL web site?

02-09-2010, 07:25 PM
I got the 2010 CDL catalog this weekend and tried to go to their web site...and found nothing. They list it on the front and back covers as cdlusa.net but that isn't even a real web site. What gives???

02-09-2010, 07:39 PM
Try This.


02-09-2010, 07:57 PM
Isn't that the Canadian-based side? It's not CDL USA in St. Albans. I know there was a thread not too long ago about this, but CDL USA is it's newest name, and the first I've seen of a published wab site. And, they've got a brand new facility in St. Albans.

So...I guess we're back to the same old question: Is CDL really CDL regardless of the boarder?

farmall h
02-09-2010, 08:13 PM
flat47, I don't think I will buy from them ever again. I ordered online 500ft of the Rapitube strapping...2 weeks ago.:mad: Last Friday I had a french fella call me to tell me that the Rapitube is sold in 200 ft lengths not 250ft lengths as advertised. So I told him to put me down for 600ft. He then tells me that my order was being shipped that day (Friday)...still have not seen it. Customer service is lacking and their web order site sucks (for a better word?)

02-09-2010, 09:32 PM
I was on the CDL web site today. It works in french but the english side hasn't anything. Theres several maple companys that way all the good stuff is in french and token english stuff.

02-10-2010, 05:49 PM
I was on the CDL web site today. It works in french but the english side hasn't anything. Theres several maple companys that way all the good stuff is in french and token english stuff.

Thank God we have Ken on here to translate the French site for us! :D

farmall h
02-10-2010, 05:53 PM
I don't have a problem with the french...can't get much frenchier than already am. The problem seems to be with their website. It needs to be updated regularly and it has not been.

02-10-2010, 06:03 PM
That's all we need is two french speaking people on here.
They seem to have a weird way of selling things if you ask me. You would think with the economy the way it is they would do everything in their power to attract business. I emailed them in English and go nothing so tried french and got a reply so emailed them back in english and got nothing again. So my idea is go someplace else. I don't mind if they don't speak english but when you know they can and don't then it ticks me off.

farmall h
02-10-2010, 06:12 PM
kenwp, It was all too odd in my opinion. When I filled out the "payment" section of their website I had to insert USA in the address section. They did not have a place to locate what country you are from. I figured that I would get a response from the St.Albans, VT folks but didn't. I had USA, USA,United State of America, USA written all over the place.:lol: :rolleyes:

02-10-2010, 07:50 PM
I do not ever remember the CDL web site/s working well enough to use in english. They used to have bunch of used equipment listed but only in french. I don't see that they are that interested in seeling to English only speaking customers.

farmall h
02-10-2010, 07:54 PM
One thing is for sure...the Rapitube straps better come fed-x tomorrow or they will get a cancelled sale!:mad:

02-10-2010, 09:20 PM
A couple companys have their used equipment only on the french side. 3rdgen was looking for buckets and I found a bunch on a french web site but the english side was bare. Easy for us who have had french shoved at us for 45 years but hard for others.

02-15-2010, 02:49 PM
Isn't that the Canadian-based side? It's not CDL USA in St. Albans. I know there was a thread not too long ago about this, but CDL USA is it's newest name, and the first I've seen of a published wab site. And, they've got a brand new facility in St. Albans.

So...I guess we're back to the same old question: Is CDL really CDL regardless of the boarder?

According to the CDL web site the St. Albans location is a distributor - not a branch location which may explain why there isn't a separate US web site. I too have tried repeatedly to get a catalogue only to be completely ignored however, if you go to the French site and download the .pdf version of their printed catalogue it is bilingual with most prices posted.

farmall h
02-15-2010, 04:41 PM
Bryanx, well I got to the bottom of my Rapitube strapping order that had not come in. I called CDL in Canada this morning and she (very nice customer service "french" lady) gave me the St.Albans,VT phone number. I called them and the reason given was that their shipping clerk had been absent due to sickness and all the orders were backed up. I spoke directly to her and she assured me that I would receive my product Tuesday am via UPS. So, basically when you order online you order through Canada and they in turn send the order to CDL USA. Which, by the way, I have the 2010 catalogue that I receive in the mail every winter. Must have bought something from them years ago. So, long story short...I will be running more mainline this weekend.:)

ps: I could not find any used items posted on the website either.

02-15-2010, 04:51 PM
farmall the best way to work with cdl is to go thru a dealer. your local dealer is glenn goodrich.

farmall h
02-15-2010, 04:53 PM
Really, I was not aware of that. Could have saved probably $30 bucks in shipping cost. He's not that far to drive to for me. Thank's good to know.

ps: Kenwp, I am only "frenchy" by name. My father didn't speak in the french tongue much as we were growing up. I can get by but not too fluent. I know a few slang phrases (cuss words) that's always a plus I guess.

02-15-2010, 06:45 PM
According to the CDL web site the St. Albans location is a distributor - not a branch location which may explain why there isn't a separate US web site.

Getting back to my original post, the 2010 CDL USA catalog has "www.cdlusa.net" printed on the front and back covers, but that isn't a real web site. Go to it and you get junk web ads, nothing more.

Doesn't matter now, anyway. The stainless bucket spouts in their catalog seemed have been mislabeled, so I'm not ordering any after all.