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View Full Version : Branch openings for tractor or 4 wheeler

Snow Hill Farm
02-09-2010, 10:47 AM
I have been installing all new 5/16 branch lines and have been using the leader end ring connectors around the last tree. Trouble is I have several woods roads and trails that I need to access in the off season and wonder what others use for this purpose. I have tried the 5/16 quick disconnects but if your tubing is nice and tight they tend to pull apart. I use to have some of the IPL end hook connectors and they worked well, just unhook from the last tree and roll up the line, but now the new Leader stubbies I have won't plug into them (they might if I leave a sanitary tip plugged into them).

02-09-2010, 11:19 AM
If your woods road crosses the lateral within 50 feet or so of the end tree, just skip the end ring connector entirely and just put a simple spout on the end (with a little extra slack). The extra slack allows you to wind the tubing about the end tree differently each year to tap different sections of the tree.

At the end of the season, just pull the tap and coil up the excess and hang it on a tree on the low side of your road opening.

Essentially, all of my take-down tubing is set up this way. Just pull the end tree tap and start coiling up the lateral.

02-09-2010, 12:04 PM
I think that lapierre has some end line hooks that may work for you.
You could also use the new CDL end line hooks set up for the disposable spiles on the end trees. Just keep a pocket full of disposable spiles when you tap. You may find that you like them, and they're cheaper than a stubbie and a spout reducer.

Beans Maple
02-09-2010, 02:06 PM
If you use rope or strapping to tighten your laterals at the mainline then you should have a 6"-12" section of 5/16" right at your saddle that has very little to no tension on it. This would be a good place for those twist together quick connectors. At the end of season just twist off the connector and slide through the tightening rope and "bingo", all set.

02-09-2010, 05:12 PM
I have been installing all new 5/16 branch lines and have been using the leader end ring connectors around the last tree. Trouble is I have several woods roads and trails that I need to access in the off season and wonder what others use for this purpose. I have tried the 5/16 quick disconnects but if your tubing is nice and tight they tend to pull apart. I use to have some of the IPL end hook connectors and they worked well, just unhook from the last tree and roll up the line, but now the new Leader stubbies I have won't plug into them (they might if I leave a sanitary tip plugged into them).

You can wrap the 5/16" quick disconnects with electrical tape and they are good and secure during the season.

maple flats
02-09-2010, 05:24 PM
I've used the quick disconnects with a hose clamp over the part that comes apart. To open you then need to loosten the clamp to dis connect but they will not pull apart. Sometimes I also use a side tie ti tighten the 5/16 and loosen it and raise a section up to drive under. I have even thrown a light rope over a tree limb to pull a section up high enough. I usually prefer the last idea because the tubing is not opened to let contamination in.