View Full Version : pricing

02-07-2010, 09:45 AM
I hope to retail some syrup this year, last year almost all of what I made was sold farmgate. A local gift shop wants me to put some stock in and there's another gift shop close by that I think would prefer to stock local syrup. What are other Ontario producers selling for and is your farmgate price the same price that you sell to the retailers for. I only have 50-60 taps so I'm not going to get rich but I don't want to under value my syrup or undermine people who are doing this as a business.

02-07-2010, 11:08 AM
There is a whole thread on prices on this same page.

Haynes Forest Products
02-07-2010, 03:06 PM
MTBguy So let me get this straight you dont want to sell your syrup at a lower price because other producers are charging more:rolleyes: If your going to sell it then your in the same business as they are. First make sure that the peice that you charge is a price that will cover your costs. I dont mean paying for your land in the first season. Remember the price you charge is the price you will be getting all year so dont undersell and then look like a fool when they want more and you want to double the price because you didnt put a sharp pencial to it. If the nearest wholesaler is buying syrup at $2.80 per pound then you have a point to start from.

02-07-2010, 05:31 PM
Ken the problem with the other thread is it's mostly U.S. producers and I have found there is big regional difference's. I should have titled my thread Ontario pricing. Hayne's my point about not underselling is out of respect for producers who have been around for a long time and know better the ups and downs and true costs. My trees and my firewood are off my own property and my equipment is home made the biggest expense I have is my labour (my wife said over my shoulder it's beer). If I were to price my syrup based on those costs I'd be asking about $300 per litre. Unless I can market it as organic, free range, probiotic enriched, green powered, environmentally friendly then that price might be a little high.:lol:

02-07-2010, 05:57 PM
I know what you mean. Find a post from Ennis maple and he has a web site for his prices. Now where in Ontario are you. Do you have Mennonites around stuff like that. I know what syrups worth here in stores and road side stands and such. I am priced low but didn't have much to sell so sidn't push it much. Thos 540ml cans go for 8 to 10 bucks depending on the store. Seen it for $64 bucks a gallon some places and down to $54 bucks in others. Two years ago it was $38.