View Full Version : Started In The Northern Adirondacks
02-04-2010, 08:35 PM
Well, time is getting short,Still have alot of things to do before i can even thing about tapping, hopefuly this weekend get the 85' chevy all tightend up with the new motor anyway, and put the hood on and possibly but the box back on the truck but who knows, still gotta do a little welding, hope to have the truck on the road in the next 2 weeks,as for the woods, still have alot to do there, The new bush still have to run some wire to get the pipe to the lifter location and twist tie that tube on that, then move to the other bush go fix some down lines, then map out a new mainline to get some more taps hopfully a 100-200 more there, and then move to a other woods(225 bush) and fix some lines and maybe shorten some and add on some main there and maybe get it up to 250, then go to a OTHER bush, and put twist ties on all the saddles and fix some lines and fix some lines and get them ready for vac= was a gravity system, so i think over my winter break ill be pretty busy, have 9 days off and looks like ill either be in the garage, sugarhouse, or woods, or at the hardware store for parts lol, I have a big list for the hardware store, when i get out there the shelves will be empty. should be tapping the last weekend in Feb and have everything ready for action, put depends all on the weather, you never know, we havent really had much of a SNOWY winter anyways up here, here at the hose you can see grass, all the snow got blown away into drifs, but in the woods theres about 2 feet of snow, HARD WALKING but plan to use some snowshoes when the snow starts to soften up so i can stay on top,
Casey's Sugar House
02-04-2010, 08:53 PM
Your going to 16 going on 60 soon.
02-04-2010, 09:17 PM
going to be 17 on feb 23:D
02-05-2010, 05:11 AM
Well, happy b-day casey.:)
02-05-2010, 09:14 PM
Thanks Smiity, today worked in the garage on some pumps again, added a skid to one more pump and built a relcaimer holder for one of my vac pumps, hope to do the other one tomorow, and maybe get into the woods tomorow to put some saddles in and map out a new mainline, here are some pictures of the pumps and soon to be sap hauler
02-07-2010, 08:53 PM
Not much maple today, went ice fishing and put the box on the soon to be saphauler should have some updated pics tomorow, going to take the plow frame and junk off
02-08-2010, 08:22 AM
Saw your utube vid of the sap hauler running. How far do you have to transport your sap? What kind of tank r u going to use? We are curantly using a 500 gal poly pickuptruck tank on a F-250. It works good and is convinent to put on and of but is a SOB to clean.
02-08-2010, 08:44 AM
were using i think a 425 truck tank in it, and my dads 2500hd will have the 350 truck tank i have and my moms little half ton 1500 will take the 210 truck tank, my furthest bush is proably 7 miles or around there all the woods im in are pretty much in a stright shot down the road just spaced out quite aways, stil going to making alot of trips i need like a dump truck or a dual axel trailer with a tank
02-08-2010, 11:18 AM
One of the maplers here have a trailer tank, about 900 gal tank and dual axels. works good for him.
02-08-2010, 07:28 PM
Tightend the box down today and took the plow frame, off, im kinda slackin on getting stuff ready for maple, but this is the last week of school then were out for 9 days and i hope to get alot of stuff done, I have a pretty big list, and i still have to get the vac pump oilers drilled and taped for the pumps, and then try them out , hopfuly everything goes well and i dont have to replace anything in the pump when i take it apart, like a bearing or somthing, but anyways, i did clean the milk releasers today and and painted the support brace's, hopfully i can get everything i need to do done, id like to even set my tanks over this vacation and set my releasers but im not sure if ill get to it, im going ot make a little hut for my releasers that sit on top of the tank so the rain/snow wont get to them, and hopfuly once i get everything that NEEDS to be done i can add 100-200 more taps, maybe more
here are some pictures
Gumlaw's sugar shack
02-09-2010, 08:07 PM
Must be nice to have snow in the woods Nate. We hardly have any up here in Mooers. But we are hopeful.:D
02-10-2010, 09:11 PM
I can see grass at my house its a nuts winter, its like we cant get a storm up here its all south, sucks big time, Should be drilling holes in two weeks if weathers good, but by the looks of it its going to be cold for a wile with no snow,
02-11-2010, 08:18 PM
added a recicilation line to the R.o tonight, this is going to be one busy winter break for me 9 days off from school a probably 9 days in the wood, sugarhouse working on pumps cleaning tanks getting everything ready
02-12-2010, 08:36 PM
picked up a surge bb2 vac pump for storage, this ones in really goodshape with ordinal paint i think its sure looks good will post some pictures of stuff later on,
farmall h
02-12-2010, 08:45 PM
Nate, nice Chevy.
02-13-2010, 08:23 AM
Its getting there , i added a slide show to a other you tube account i have take a look at it its =
02-14-2010, 02:05 PM
Cleaned one part of the sugar house today, the part where the ro is there was alot of junk in there and dirt lol, I got that all cleaned up could be cleaner if i had a pressure washer and an drain, and maybe some above freezing temps, but anyways things are starting to come together probably run some wire tomorrow= i was suppto do that today but didn't get to it. i have a alot of things to do, wish i had a bigger tank to feed the ro, ill just have to keep adding sap,
02-17-2010, 08:08 PM
ran more pipe today, hope to add and the taps i can before i tap, been working on pumps/ releasers, i must say fittings sure do add up in $
02-18-2010, 05:48 PM
That is my conclusion as well. Just spent a sh-t load on taps and now need more fittings. When will it stop.:o :o :o :o
02-18-2010, 06:04 PM
fixed some lines today and GOT MORE FITTING'S, found alot more trees at one of my smaller 225 tap bush, Probaly could add easily 100-200 more taps there, going to ask the guy if i can do that section of woods to, probably wont get to running tube there this season but you never know,
still cold as heck here, wont tap till i see a change in the weather, suppto be in the 30 this weekend so maybe next weekend be tapped but who knows,
02-18-2010, 06:04 PM
Casey, only 5 more days:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: you old timer
02-19-2010, 10:49 PM
lol the big 17 lol, Today worked in the woods ,and ad a heck of a time with the mainline wire today, must be my **** crimp tool loosend up and opend the gap up more so the crimps were holding!, hoplfuly tomorow i can get the mainline all nice and tight and sloped then runn some laterals, i only got 2 rolls of 30p left,, who knows how far that will get me, going to try and add a other 100before i tap, could add more but just dont have the $ stuffs expensive, spend over 400 bucks on stuff just for pvc fittings, air ducks valves, brass fittings for vacuum pumps, hose pvc pipe for mainifolds and moisture traps, really adds up, well hopfuly tomorow i can run the laterals and get the 100 drops i have made up in,
02-20-2010, 10:34 PM
well worked on the pumps today, still have to fix one of them, if i cant find then problem or if there even is a problem im going to shim it and make it work, Anyways went in the woods around noon came home at 4, got the mainline wire finaly all tight after messing with my crimp tool that was loose and had to big of a gap, then after i got that all done i ran some laterals probably only got like 15 drops cut in, but tomorow i plan to run the last 3 rolls of tube i got left and try and drop in 100 taps if i can or if theres that many trees, then its off to the next line over to shorten and take some taps out of lateals, going with 1 tap a tree, some small ones have 2 and i dont know how that happend must be wen i ran the pipe i was going by old standards but anyway i have alot of tighening to and alot of pump/ sugarhouse work and cleaning till im ready, hopfully the weather dont change fast, i hope to atleast get this week to work on stuff then put stuff in the woods this weekend maybe but by the looks of it i have so much stuff to do i might not even beable to shorten some lines but o well , probably going to build 2 releaser huts next week if i can before i set anything out in the woods i wanna have it coverd good this year, last year i left the reaslers out in the weather, didnt seem to hurt them but i wanna make sure it dont this time, and hopfully i dont have any engines blow up or anything like i did last year,= that why i hope to get some of my bushes on vac hopfully, at one of my small bushes that i can add a 100-200 more there found out theres already electric there just has to be turned on and meter put in !!!! so going to talke to the owner about that!, then a other one that will have id say atleast1000-1500 taps on it i would love to get on electric next season but we will have to see if i can find any, theres some near a barn about 1500ft away so if there is there thats where my pump will be and id pipe the vac over, and if not then id ask the neigbors next to the barn, ans see if we could work out a deal, i dont hink there would be any problem with them letting me use it if i may there bill but you never know, GETTING NEW TIRES FOR THE SAP HAULER MONDAY 31x10.50x15 MUD TERRAINS KM's:D
02-21-2010, 02:27 PM
so far i added around 150 taps for additional taps, going to try and add around a other 50 an try and get it to 200 more taps for the big bush, should have around 900 taps there, once thats all done and i get the saddles put in, im going to the next line over and take some taps out of some lats that have 2 taps, that shouldnt have 2 TAPS lol:lol: going to go work on the pump soon so see if i can fix it
02-22-2010, 08:05 PM
went and got tires for the sap hauler today,:D early b-day gift, TOMORROW turning 17:D
02-23-2010, 05:39 PM
Happy b-day Casey:D :D :D :D . 17 yrs and still young
02-23-2010, 07:12 PM
i must say i sure dont feel 17, It kinda sucks i wish i was still a young buck today for my b day, i worked in the woods :D What i love to do, added about a other 30 taps going to have everything in the woods by the weekend hopfuly and start tapping if the weather looks good
farmall h
02-23-2010, 07:16 PM
Somebody has been receiving quite a few presents lately! Happy b-day Casey. Enjoy your youth....oh if I could go back to 17!:evil:
02-23-2010, 07:45 PM
yes farmall, i actually cant complain, i did get quite abit this year :) but what i got will pay for itself in no time
02-23-2010, 09:58 PM
looks like were getting 10-20 inches of snow up here by thursday morrning there saying, not sure if were going to have school tomorrow or not, i hope we dont so i can get alot of stuff done, and i dont really like skipping that much due to my grades going down and stuff like that, but hopefuly i can get everything i need done this week and weekend hopfully and maybe tap sunday but i really doubt it i think next weeks sounds more ideal. going to try and get the 85 on the road next week if i can, and get the tires mounted this week, truck should look pretty nice with 31's, hopefully we have a good season, hope to drop in the rest of the saddles i gotta put in this week, and get the vac and sugarhouse ready and set tanks and pretty much tap, looks like it will be a somewhate normal season up here, we dont usally make syrup till first week in march and thats when it looks like were going to, but u never know could get real hot and ruin the season
02-24-2010, 06:10 AM
we got 6-8 inches right now, BRING T ON! going to be snowing all day acording to the the weather, suppto get dumped on pretty good :D hopfully this helps out the sugaring season and it helps out me so i can get some stuff done befor the big gulp comes, this year it seems like sugaring season came wicked fast or earily but its really not this is around the time i was sugaring last year, So it must be just how the weather is and makes it feel like it came fast ths year, i know last year it didnt seem like it came that fast , but anyways, NO SCHOOL TODAY SNOW DAY!! so i get to work on sugaring stuff today :D
Thompson's Tree Farm
02-24-2010, 06:48 AM
So what are you doing on the trader:D Get that 17 year old butt out in the bush!
02-24-2010, 08:50 PM
well got 18 inches of snow and it still snowing, tomorow morrning its suppto be snow/some rain, probably snow here the later thursdya after noon WERE GETTING A OTHER STROM TILL FRIDAY NIGHT a other 6-12 inches there saying, Today i didnt get into the woods which sucked but it would of sucked in the woods i would of had to grab the snow shoes, but anyways i worked on pumps here and there, and made sure the pumps were all ready, and tested 2 pumps, got to test a other 2 once i get oil for the gas engines to test thoes and then made some little shannys for the pumps, and make some for the releaser soo and make some gas tank stands, need to make four of thoes, alot alot of work to do, still have to install saddles and hook lifter and run some dry lines for the lifter, hopfuly everything works out and goes pretty smooth, but will see, OH YEAR i still gotta side tie the LIFTER LINE! its still just saging with no sideties, gotta do that, thats probably runn take a little time like 20 feet in the air lol
farmall h
02-24-2010, 09:40 PM
Casey, so far only received maybe 6" of the white stuff' higher elevation had reported 14-16". Seems to have missed it's mark. Maybe tomorrow it will hit hard. Well, I had to changed the # of taps on my signature from 1200 to 1400. Had my boili'n partner Rolaids (who han't posted yet on the Trader) do a phyisical count as we were fixing lines. More than I thought!:o
02-24-2010, 10:19 PM
thats aways a good ting withthe number of taps, you gunna be busy, your putting thoes taps on vac right? ill have 1700 on vac maybe a few more if i can get some more lateral line but that probably wont happen pretty much broke so going to go with what i have this season, 1700, i havent really counted my taps just from when i added i counted how many droplines u put in, so im pretty sure right around 1700 maybe a little less maybe alittle more, who knows, ill have a pretty good idea once i start tapping, ill be installing 400 sanitary extensions and 500 cv and the rest is year old tubing so i dont think i would get much of a benifit putting sanitary extenstions of year old tubing but then again im running cvs on brandnew tubing, gunna give it a try anyway since im on gas pumps, hopfully we have a good season, im shooting for atleast 750 gallons but we will see depedns mize well set it high lol, i still gotta go and tighen a crap load of laterals, and DE DROPLINE some laterals that have a 2 taps when they should have one lol
farmall, how far are you from swanton?
02-25-2010, 03:18 PM
me and dad plowed one of the sugarbushes today, 3 feet of snow around the tank, dad frove the tractor over which tool 30 minutes and i was driving the truck over, there was alot of snow, Good thing we did it today because were suppto to get a other 6-12 inches tonight into tomorrow and the tank would of been totaly coverd and would of been real hard to get out, probably going to build pump houses tomorrow and releaser huts, then possible install all the releasers this weekend, still gotta clean one of the tanks in the woods though, gotta haul some water over there and clean the tanks up
02-26-2010, 01:09 PM
building pump houses today, and also some releaser huts to get them out of the weather, things are starting to come together but still way behind, may get into the woods at like 3 if dads done with the pumphouse, if not heading to get some supplies for releasers and pumps
farmall h
02-26-2010, 06:23 PM
Casey, the 5-6" snow storm we received all melted least down at my work place. Amazing what 10-15 miles away differs. Anyway...real warm and windy today..a little rain. Mud on the dirt roads! Gonna tap her hard this weekend.:evil: Oh, once I get the "bender" (pvc modified body) up and running I'll have my daughter (who is SEVENTEEN by the way;) ) take a vid of it and post on you tube or e-mail it to you.:)
My older brother has an idea for vac but won't know if it is going to work. It involves an artesion well pump that is mounted on top of the well head. Never seen one before but he picked it up from a carpentry job he was doing. Supposedly it is self priming, and can pull water from 1800 ft deep from a well. Creates vacuum with out having to have a releaser. I know it sounds odd but I will see it tomorrow.
02-27-2010, 02:23 AM
yes id like to see a video, i been adding new vids everyso often too, maybe a few more this weekend if i can find somting good to video lol. hopfuly i get my mud tires get put on the truck so soo we can us it for sugaring!
02-28-2010, 06:31 PM
900 intoday 200 checkvavles in and 300 more to go and 400 more sanitary adaptors togo, go the new pump im place and releaser and all hooked up, just have to fix a few leaks on the moisture trap and where the vac hooks to the top of the releaser and be good to go there, then out on leak patrol in the woods then once thats done going to finish tapping other woods, SAP RAN ALL DAY TODAY,=LET IT RUN ON THE GROUND TO CLEAN OUT THE LINES! hopfully we may get a run this week but you never know,
03-01-2010, 07:34 PM
sap in the tank, was running pretty good, didnt get the vac on till after school=3:00! but should get a pretty good run tomorow, i gotta figure out my pump i must have a leak somewhere on the pump or releaser, its a airablo 8cfm pump with flood system and i was only pulling 20 so theres a big leak somewhere and i can seem to find it! but will see tomorow, hopfully get that system tight and have that pulling 24 or 25 hopefuly then move on to the other bush and tap the 300 Cv's there and hook up the lifter, but we will how much time i have, things are coming to fast and wayyyy behind
03-02-2010, 09:01 PM
sap ran pretty decent today for the 900 i have on vac right now, and not really pulling that much vac, still was pretty good, once i get the all the bushs all tapped and semi ready to go i have to fix some dips in my lines, kinda like comes in gushs into the releaser not just flow in like it should, going to tapp 200 taps in the morrning and then off to the 300 tap bush i did this morrning and finish the lifter line and try out the lifter and relaer and bb4 vac pump, Should work real good on 300 taps with that monster
03-03-2010, 08:29 PM
SAP SAP SAP, IM WAY BEHIND, Currently 2 bush's put of 4 are up and running, cant worry about vac leaks or dips in the mains and lats right now, conentrating on getting all the woods up in running, got about 1200 gallons ready to be r/o saps been running but no big runs yet hopfuly before we do i can get the woods and mains and stuff are nice and tight and NO DIPS in the lines lol, Its hard not to get dips in ur main to the releaser if ur mains ends like 10 feet before the releaser! gunna try and fix that up, tapped around 300 today and sap was running real well on gravity! by 5 i had the milk releaser and vac pump installed and was starting to freeze up!
well hopfully i can get the r/o up and running tomorow
03-06-2010, 01:57 AM
just got in from boiling down 900 gallons, Got that r/oed to 17% and lit the fire, boiled for 3 hours and sweented the pans and made a little syrup , alot still in the evap just ran out of sap, looks like we may get a good run tomrow, today was to cold, didnt warm up till noon!
frosty mugs
03-07-2010, 07:15 AM
getting started in mooers on the canadian border. This is the the first time i have ever used an evaporator. just a little nervous, its a mason 2x4 continuous flow. Hey Nate I met your dad last year and he showed me your set up. It looks pretty good. I got started 2 years ago when my son was 5. I hope he takes to it like you did. Tell your dad that Matt the phone guy says hi. I was working in the area on Fri and stopped by but your dad was just leaving. I was looking for some of your candy. u makin any yet?
03-08-2010, 10:57 AM
made a barrel of light so far, hey frosty mugs, i told my dad u said hi, I havent made any candy yet, been right out stright, havent been getting that good of runs up here ye but hopfully soon,
03-08-2010, 10:35 PM
just got done boiling made about half a barrel, not getting that good of runs up here yet still kinda cold and windy, but i think this week will be a good one, picked up a sp22 vac pump from Moonlightmaple, Thanks again! real nice guy, but anyways, hope put that in the woods to replace one of my other pumps,
03-09-2010, 11:07 PM
just got done boiling again tonight, not much sap coming in around here, tomorow might look like a good day.
03-10-2010, 10:45 PM
well, took the alamo out of the 200-300 tap bush and put the bb2 there, coulnt stand the oil mist, and pump was just a pain, i know the bb2 will be more work to keep the vac up since its such low cfm but once i get into woods and get vac leaks all out of all the woods i should be good today, today got to the big bush and was only pulling 17 guess i got some work there again on leaks, i just got dont fixing leaks and now theres MORE there, the other woods have alot of leaks, kinda behind on that part but with school and then boilibg as soon as i get home is kinda hard to have time for vac leaks, finished the 2 barrel of syrup, not sure what the deal is with the sap 300 gallons of sap from 1500+ taps kinda nuts, alot of snow in the woods and was real cold last night it was 10 this morrning and didnt start running till noon my dad said kinda a werid season so far, hopfully its just beggin up here and not ending
farmall h
03-11-2010, 05:32 PM
Casey, are you getting any sunny days above 40 degrees? I have had really good runs since last Saturday. Of course I don't have as much snow as you. Maybe 5-6" in the woods. Early for us...last season we didn't boil until the 15th of March. I tapped in a tee shirt last Sunday!!:o
03-12-2010, 12:51 AM
sunny days, but not getting much for runs, alot of snow still, still eairly for us we didnt boil last year i dont think till about the same time as u or somting like that, I got 600 gallons today so it seem to be getting better runs, i just got in from boiling 20% and made around 15 gallons , so hope to finish off the barrel tomorow
03-12-2010, 05:00 PM
worse day yet, pretty much no sap, maybe 150 in at the 900 tap bush and maybe 20 in the rest of bush's.season isnt looking great, Hey phone guy i hurd you stopped intoday, wish i could of been here, Stop in again, would like to chat
farmall h
03-12-2010, 08:31 PM
Casey...@ 92 gal. Fancy & medium amber. Tanks ran over today...started boiling at 8:30 am but the sap caught up faster than could boil. I need R/O next year $$. Sap was running @ 10 am. Oh, the pvc Bender is working but can only get 18" of vac...tight set-up. Gotta get bigger pump set up tomorrow. Watch out!
03-12-2010, 09:19 PM
im at 70 farmall, i think the seasons just starting OR ENDING i hope not, thats good on the bender, does ur like leak on the top cap, mine do not sure if there suppto or not but i think im going to put a sp22 on the 300 tap bush this weekend if i can get everything finetunes but i got alot od stuff to do, still gotta get al lthe vac leaks out of the other woods, im making some really really nice medium, gotta clean the pans tomorow if i have time or the next day, grade hasnt went down at all, hope we have a good season Farmall what kind of vac pump u have,?
03-13-2010, 10:49 PM
got 350 gallons today real low of gallons but better than nothing, ran that though the ro and boiled, hope to fill the 3rd barrel tomorow, and hopfully we can get some good runs soon. really werid up here so far maybe its because im not keeping the vacuum on anough, its hard with gas pumps, they suck,
03-13-2010, 10:57 PM
I hear you there, Nate. I'm spending $30/day for gas. Been going nonstop since Tues. night. Might run out of has tonight, though. Since 3pm Friday, there was about 6-800 gal by 5pm today. Hope she's full in the morning!
03-13-2010, 11:03 PM
i have one pump on a 15 gallon tank, its real nice but electric would be better lol, going to set 3 more 15 gallon gas tanks when iget the time, might not get the 200 tap bush on vac this year, been real busy so far, maybe if everything goes smoother later on i may have time to hook up the 200 tap bush on vac im at 1500 on vac currently, next year have alot of work ahead of me,
03-14-2010, 04:47 PM
not going to collect today didnt get the pumps started till 1, sap was coming in, today i only have 1200 taps on vac= changing out a pump on a 300 tap bush putting a sp22 there and a milk releaser, hopefully i can get that hooked up tomorow, and have the 1500 all on vac, then if i get time to hook up the 200 on vac
03-15-2010, 08:05 PM
trees finally broke loose here today, picked up 1000+ gallons today and saps still running as i speak, going to fill the pumps again at nine, r/os running steady, going to be boiling some 20% tongiht going ot be a long night, hope for a good run over night and hope it freezes later on, and hope for a good run tomororw,
farmall h
03-15-2010, 08:08 PM
Nate...get off the 'puter and go make some Faaaaaancy! Good luck. !st boil of the season?:cool:
03-15-2010, 09:55 PM
farmal lol i dont think its going to be light, my pans are wicked dirty and i need to clean them to bring the grade back up, i went from a really nice light medium to a Grade A dark, might jump back up a grade tongiht but we will see,hope to clean the pans tomorrow if i dont get swamp tomorrow still waiting on the r.o as we speak, wish i had a bigger one but o well
03-16-2010, 07:37 PM
my trees broke loose today, but mainly on the forest edges and large trees. My inboard 12 inches didnt do much..i expect they need one more warm day, snow is still ten inches deep in there.
i think the season will even out in the next two weeks..
03-17-2010, 06:17 PM
got around 1000 gallons again today my 900 tap bush i cant seem to get the vac past 21 looks like its going to have to stay there for the rest of the season should be atleast pulling 24 but cant seem to find any leaks at the releaser or anything so i dont know what hte deal is, finish off a drum tonight
farmall h
03-17-2010, 08:18 PM
Nate...I woudn't fret over 21". How is the color of your sap? Is it real clear? I think this year my sap color has been the clearest ever. Your right on time as far as boiling right? I didn't boil for the 1st last season 'till March 17 and ended April 25th. You have a lot more snow pack than us in VT.
03-18-2010, 06:41 AM
You probably don't have any leaks. It is so warm that the oil in the vac pump gets thin and can not maintain pressure as high as it was. I dropped from 24 gradually to 19. Was sure I must have leaks. Walked the bush and nothing. Changed my oil and righ back up to 24". However yesturday it was 60. Started at 24" gradually back down to 20". Just a possibility.
03-18-2010, 11:15 PM
saps still clear, as for vac pumps, im not sure, its deffinly the releaser, because when i shut off the valve between the releaser and pump when when i close it the pumps pulls 24-25 just gotta figure it out but i aint really gunna worry about it , i dont have the time really, might try and figure it out this weekend, but anyways boiled tonight filled the 4 barrel and put 10 gallons in big boy barrel, suppto be cooler next week so hopfully it saves the season, was real warm today and suppto be tomorow to and saterday
03-26-2010, 07:35 PM
havent been on here in a wile, got a pretty decent run yesterday, brought in over 1000 gallons, boiled some 20% lastnight from the 1000 i got the day before, and tonight i may boil some more 20% once the r.o gets the sap up that far, might take tonight off and boil tomorrow. wicked cold lastnight 8 deg and calling for colder tonight, i hope were only half way though the season but its hard to tell there saying 50-60 next week:mad: but we will see, if the sap flows keep up we might have a good season,
03-26-2010, 10:53 PM
r/os still running, should have it ready in the next hour or 2 for the feed tank,
farmall h
03-27-2010, 08:55 AM
Sounds like your keeping up with the pace there Nate. TG for the R/O eh?:) I was looking at your vid of you have auto draw-off?
03-27-2010, 09:20 AM
couldnt shoot it up to the head tank 1:30 this morrning, head tank r/o feed line was froze , so i had to shut everything off and nows all the lines are froze, so now i have to unthaw the lines i did yesterday and the one that was froze last night GREAT, Farmall, you still making syrup, and i do not have a auto draw but it sure would be nice, im not even sure if its going to get above freezing today,hopefully it does. after todays boil i have to clean out the syrup pan, sugarsand is going to start building up and reversing flow is a pain with the little wse so just going to filter the syrup pan out
03-27-2010, 09:52 PM
grade shot up to medium today, hope to get a big run tomrow, didnt get much today stayed to cold, and thank god for vacuum
farmall h
03-27-2010, 09:59 PM
Yes, boiled today from sap of Friday. I don't know...maybe 5 gallons of "darker than B" going in the drum for Maple Grove. Still has good flavor. The sap almost wanted to run pretty cold this morning. 6 above, everything froze pretty tight but the sun was out all day and at about 5:30 the sap was just starting to dribble. Supposed to be in the 40's Sunday and cloudy. 24.1 right now so things are froze up good. Which is good.:)
03-28-2010, 10:13 PM
only hauled in 750 gallons from the last 2 days, been cold up here, didnt get flowing till around noon, and the day before the sap didnt start flowing till 1, was happy to get my vac up today from 15-20, found a line pulled apart and a tap out of a tree, shot right up to 20. hope we can get atleast 2 more weeks but its not looking good, saying mid 60's by the end of the week but we will see, its hard to keep the vac pumps on, Gas is almost 3.00 a gallon, wish i could sell some syrup to pay for some gas to keep the pumps on , but noones taking it yet around here, raining right now and sap would be running if that vac was on but i shut them off to save gas for tomorow, Well anyways Syrup totals are way down from lastyear if we only get this week.
hope everyone is doing well
farmall h
03-29-2010, 08:27 PM
Nate...saps a runnin today. I'm starting to sound like Theeerrrron. Will have 900 gal by am or it will be running on the or the other:o Will leave vac on all night...rain is helping I guess. Looks clear in the tanks.
03-29-2010, 09:52 PM
i got 800 today, pumps wont run all night do to gas lackage wish i could leave them on but o well, one bush will be on allnight, but thats it
03-30-2010, 09:16 PM
r/oin some sap and hoping the sugaring season last passed this weekend, suppto start getting freezes at night after the 70 degree weather this weekend but who knows, going to try and keep the vac on put its hard, GAS SUCKS
farmall h
03-31-2010, 07:47 PM
Nate, how far do you have to travel from sugarhouse to bushes? Are they near each other or down the road many miles. You don't haul your sap do you? Or do you?
Supposed to be in the high 70's by weekend...then maybe freeze again. Boiling again today...working on filling barrel #6. Dark B but still has nice flavor...(30 gal barrel). Left the vac on all night and nobody switched tanks in the early am (probably 3:00 ish) and sap ran on the floor:o :( :emb:
03-31-2010, 08:11 PM
2 of the are pretty close to eachother, and yes i do have to truck sap which sucks, wish i could have ti come right to the sugarhouse but o well maybe some day!, the 3rd bush is probably only 3 miles from the other 2 that are close, i can deffinly say i spent probably 600 or better in gas this season between the pumps and the gas hog 2500hd 8.1L:) sap ran some today around 500 gallons today= better than nothing for no freezes for like 4 days, might go out late tonight and fill the pumps but who knows, next year i sure hope to be set up better than i was this year, the season came to quick. i hope we get though the weekend. Gotta go boil right now, hope to make 20 gallons tonight but we will see.
farmall h
03-31-2010, 08:42 PM
Good luck Nate...on the boili'n. Maybe you will have to go diesel generators...or move the sugarhouse...or better yet...move to Northeastern VT, get married and inherit an established 40 acres of maple with 2500 tap potential;)
04-09-2010, 02:07 PM
were done here, suppto get a freeze tonight but proabably wouldnt beable to boil it to density, we will seee, gunna start the pumps and see what happens
farmall h
04-09-2010, 08:52 PM
Nate, I didn't even get a giggle out of you!!! So you done boilin?
04-09-2010, 09:59 PM
Farmall, I wish, over in vt alot of maples, ny has alot of potential of alot of expandment its just finding the place id like to get to 10,000 once i get out of schoolo but we will see. just gottta find the right place or mnts!:D yes were done boiling , pretty bad year around 250 in barrels and maybe 10 in jugs, next year lets hope for better weather and ELECTRIC on 2 pumps:D
farmall h
04-10-2010, 07:58 AM
Seems the season came on fast...caught some folks off guard. Guess we know what expect next time mother nature tries to trick us.
04-10-2010, 09:01 AM
plan next year, Tapp first week in feb and be ready and have new plastic in the trees, ill be permarted next season, hopfully
12-08-2010, 09:59 PM
been slacking this week. havent been in the woods to cut wood or to run tubing. Last weekend i lost all my sugaring stuff. going to buy new stuff this week so i can finish my 500ft lifter Dry line for the 400 tap bush with 20' lift. hopfuly running some 5/16s too to switch it up a bit. i been running a chainsaw alot. time for a little break then to get back to cuttin:). if i can tap this whole bush i bet i can get 1500-2000 taps out of this sugarbush once some of the smaller trees grow a few years. hoping to atleast add 1000 this season but who knows. shooting for 2500 this season. could be alot more if i was only rich:p
12-12-2010, 10:50 AM
worked in the woods yesterdayfor a little bit. got 500ft of dry line tied up and added 30 taps. A lot more to go!:)
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-12-2010, 11:52 AM
Hey Nate,
30 a day from now until tapping is almost 1000 more:)
farmall h
12-12-2010, 03:57 PM
Nate don't feel bad...finally got all the wood in the sugarhse. All hardwood this more of that softwood slab stuff....opening the door to the arch too many times! Dubbed around in the woods today 'till the weather got nasty...added some more 3/4 to the set-up and rearranged some lats...striving for 5-10 taps per lat. Been reusung some 2 year old 5/61 tubing. I have about 300 new taps to put this year. Finally got all the softwood and dead maple out of the way. Looks like a tree plantation! Still have 500+ more to go. The bush was originally set up for gravity so I will have to install a larger "main-line at some point. $$$$$$
01-13-2011, 09:08 PM
added 200 new taps so far changed out 200 drops. trying out the 5/16 clear spouts hopfully adding a other 200 before i gotta tap. deffinly not going to get as many taps as i thought i would this year. going to have to wait till next year. l
Mountain Winds Farm
01-18-2011, 02:49 PM
finished hanging laterals today, kind of lost track but I think we have added close to 500 new taps this year.Put in 3 sap ladders to access a low area.If everything works we will be around 1150 -1200 taps for the season
maple flats
01-18-2011, 06:35 PM
I was shooting for 150 new on vacuum, beginning to look like it will only be between 100-120 new. I never did an inventory to see what was there, I just guessed it was enough to get 150. I need guessing training. My other roadside bonanza might have fallen thru too. Still trying to get permission. The son contacted me and asked if I was interested, but then I find out his aging mother has the decision authority.
01-19-2011, 12:06 AM
switched out 100 more old drops with new drops and added a other 100 more. looking like i might be right at 2000 taps this season if i keep addin day by day..
01-19-2011, 04:46 PM
Casey- keep on stringin tube, its the big one, tap every tree you see that has maple bark!!!!!!$@#%@$#it, its an emergency!!!!!
01-20-2011, 11:12 PM
looking like 2000 this season maybe a little more if i get the time. i got a little bit of pipe i can run. probably 100 more or so taps worth. next year im hopin to go big (for me) im hopin to have 5000 by the time a graduate but i think i can get to 4000 easily by next season.
01-23-2011, 01:26 AM
got 75 more new taps intoday shooting for a other 75 tomorrow. Found alot more trees:D
01-23-2011, 03:31 PM
you keep going Nate and you will have 3000 this years. Keep up the good work.
01-23-2011, 11:35 PM
added 150 taps this weekend. hopin to get a other 50 at this bush for this year. next year i can add a other 200 or so taps at this bush. tapme. im shooting for 5000 by the time i graduate. im pretty sure i can get 4000 for sure by next season.
01-30-2011, 08:54 PM
got in a other 30 more taps today. Doing all the saddles this week. hopefully moving onto the other sugarbush to fix lines this weekend. have a lot of damage there. should be tappin 2nd 3rd week in feb. hopfully tappin a little early this season to be ready.
farmall h
01-30-2011, 09:13 PM
Nate you must be crank'in out the drops as you watch"Axe Men".:lol:
02-06-2011, 11:56 AM
How did you know :) i do it all the time
02-06-2011, 09:49 PM
got all the saddles in on the clark hill road bush. added 200+/-. were getting down to the wire. i hope to tap feb vacation. hopfully i have everything ready by then. i cant wait to try out the new 3x10. i can tell im already going to have steam issues. cant wait to have a bigger cupula next season.
02-07-2011, 09:55 AM
cassy, put a fan up in the copula to suck the steam out. Just make sure it can take the heat.
02-11-2011, 10:37 PM
hope to get the bush i have the lifter in tomorrow all ready to be tapped. puttin alot of valves in tomorrow yippie and a booster 20ft in the air!!
02-12-2011, 06:35 PM
i cant wait to try out the new 3x10. i can tell im already going to have steam issues. cant wait to have a bigger cupula next season.
Bigger cupola or a nice steam hood??!!
talahi maple products
02-13-2011, 06:20 AM
Would really like to get started, Getting real anxious. But with the snow here off the Tug Hill Plateau @ 4' and my lines @ 3' I think I'll wait another week or so.:lol:
Browns Maple
02-14-2011, 07:41 PM
Put up 50 buckets yesterday and added another 75 today. My wife showed me just how much she loved and was right there with me! Sap was running pretty on the trees that were in direct sunlight and was getting 2.5 with the hydrometer. Still early, was averaging right around 3.4 most of the season last year, even though it was short. Have 100 more to go and just waiting on mother nature to do the rest. Good luck everyone!
02-15-2011, 09:05 PM
450 in today. one bush down. 2 to go. hoppin to get my 500 tap lifter bush tapped. tomorrow.
02-17-2011, 10:01 PM
800 taps in 1200 to go. sap ran today, looks like 50's tomorow turning the pumps on tomorow, gunna be a long day.
02-27-2011, 07:31 AM
all taps in. going to hook up one more releaser and pump and should be ready for leak patrol
03-04-2011, 10:52 PM
looking likes its going to run tomorrow. getting up early to run pumps and and go check for vac leaks.
03-06-2011, 10:36 AM
pulled in around 750-800 gallons between yesterday afternoon and night. now its froze up and snowing 6-10 inches looks like saps not going to run till the end of the week.
03-07-2011, 02:20 PM
Tapped 200 so far......115 on FRI and the balance SAT (in the rain).
Then storm blew in turned to snow and had to dump what little was in buckets, fearing the buckets may split.:mad: Looks good 3/10-1/13 in my neck of the woods!
03-09-2011, 09:20 PM
looking like ill be firing up the ol 3x10 for the first time with sap tomorrow night or friday night for sure. still lots to doo! vac leaksss!!!
03-13-2011, 12:05 AM
well its on. first boil was lastnight. made ten gallons. and made a other 14 tonight. runs been slow but this weeks looks perfect. still lots of leaks to fix!
frosty mugs
03-27-2011, 10:32 AM
I drove by your house an saturday. Looks like you guys put on a big addition. Looks good. How are you liking the new evap? Tell your dad that Matt the phone guy says hi.
04-24-2011, 07:51 AM
Pulled the plug yesterday. pulled 950 yesterday. the rest today . time to start cutting wood for next season!
And matt my dad said HI and stop in anytime.
04-24-2011, 09:31 AM
So Nate, how did you do this year?
04-24-2011, 10:50 PM
not to bad 400 gallons. stayed cold up here then a few days in the 60's and 70's really slowed things down. but im happy with what i got. hopin for alot more next season:D
12-03-2011, 10:07 PM
Hello, havnet been on here for a wile. been workin in the woods since school started back up. redoing one sugarbush with wet/dry line system an trying to fine tune everything before the season comes. hope to add some more taps for the number i lost during irene, today worked fixing tubing that pulled apart and fixing anything that need to be fixxed in the woods. Hope to get the tubing repairs done tomorrow morning. then over to the other sugarbush to work on running pipe and wire to the new wet/dry. Hopefuly everyone is doing well. WE NEED SNOW! December 3rd and still no snow. Had 12 inches for a day then melted the next. weird Fall, hope the winters good to make good SAP! LOOKIN FOR BIGG SAP this season. We all need it.
01-10-2012, 11:24 AM
hello , havent been on in a wile, been real busy working in the woods, worked on redoing a old sugarbush with new tubing and a wet/dry set up, got it up to 900 taps as of right now looking like i can get a other 2 or so out of it. going to have somewhere around 2200-2500 taps this season. working on putting in a 3-400 tap bush right next to the house.
Thompson's Tree Farm
01-10-2012, 12:10 PM
Hi Nate, good to hear from you
01-26-2012, 07:27 PM
been real busy with school and on weekends in the woods, lastweekend finished putting in 600 new drop lines and hooked in mainlines into the wet dry lines. its getting close!!! will be drilling holes before we know it. looking like around 2200-2300 taps this season on Vac and maybe a few buckets, Still lots to do, Aranged tanks around in the sugarhouse lastnight for r.o water, and a bigger feed tank for the evaporator. well hope everyone is doing well, and are getting ITCHY cause its getting close, and with this weird winter weather were haveing you never know what mother nature will bring!
Wow Casey, you have really grown over the last seveal years. Good job. I would think that as far north as you are you wouldnt be tapping until mid feb based on the number of taps you have. I would think you would want to be fully tapped by the last weekend of Feb? I plan on concentrating over PResidents day weekend.
01-27-2012, 03:30 AM
ADK1 thanks, i have been doing my best to improve and add trees when i can, and yes i usally dont tap till last week in feb,
02-05-2012, 08:44 PM
started tapping today, but 200 in, lot more to go, really weird winter so far, barly any snow. going to be a busy week. setting pumps and tanks out in the woods. time for some BIGGGG SAPP
sounds like and judging by the weather this year, maybe tappinga week earlier would be good. I might tap in this weekend. Supposed to be 45 today followed by a cold front. I will be looking hard at the weather for next week to make my decision. I am alittle concerned in the number of reds that I tap since they bud out earlier than the sugars do. Last year I paid attention as to when the reds budded, and it was a solid week earlier than my sugars. That being said, I should tap a week earlier than most do around here because of the number of reds I tap..This will be my first time so I really dont have a clue but it makes sence.
02-08-2012, 09:26 AM
Wile sitting at cv Tec in my conservation class i figured id get on the trader and write a little somthing. this winter is so odd No snow on the ground and havent been really cold for this time of year, I have a feelings sugaring gunna come a week or so before last year. but ya never know what mother nature will bring.This is the earliest i ever tapped, between how the weathers been and howbusy i been with everything its ideal for me to tap now and be ready. i dont think ill loose out on any production for tapping a week or two earlier due to how the weathers been and i have all newtubing in the woods so everythings clean and good to go. Going to Clark hill sugarbush after school to finish in stalling a 200 tap lifter and to tap some more, /have 400 taps in and 1600+ to go. hope everyone is doing good,
02-12-2012, 05:42 AM
1400 taps in an still tapping. hope to be done today or tomorrow
lakeview maple
02-12-2012, 08:20 AM
Good for you Casey, I tapped the last 2 days, everything is in and now Im waiting on the weather .Long range for the week looks promising so heres to BIG SAP! Good luck to all ,Al
I think I am gonna tap in on Tuesday if I can finalize my tank
02-18-2012, 06:14 AM
Sweentend the pans lastnight. brought in 725gallons, Had a few expeditions but we got it done. Sap was 1.8 not to bad for first run. Might get a run today gunna be 39.and cloudy so who knows. hope everyone is getting all tapped, its coming really early this year. should have eveything finetuned by next week.
02-18-2012, 08:57 AM
Tapping here in Carthage today. The sugarhouse is all set. Only thing left is to pipe inlet to head tank on outside of sugarhouse. Kids have been on my backside about the time to tap ever sense New Years Day! Have 160 buckets ready, try to get in as many as we can today. Bring on the sap!
02-18-2012, 02:57 PM
tapped and hung 78 buckets. Every one sap running like crazy. Expected to tap other 90 tomorrow.
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