View Full Version : Where's Winter?

02-04-2010, 05:33 PM
Ok, so many people may not share the same feelings as I do but how many of us in the northeast are looking, praying even, for a good snowstorm?

My only reason for asking is I have had a grand total of 13" here at my house, just west of Albany, NY this season thus far. Right now I can see more brown than white on the ground.

And what's worse? Southern states getting pounded with storm after storm. And what's this? Another beauty of a storm coming (yes weekday storms are better, I'm a school teacher and I could always use a mid-week storm as it usually yields a snowday) and yet again it's headed south... where there are more people that probably DON'T want it. I hear my local news reports saying everything will be to our south. I can't even watch the Weather Channel anymore because of talk of the "Huge" snowstorm that's headed to the Mid Atlantic states.

So who else is feeling depressed that they can't go out in their woods and go for a snowshoe, xc ski, or snowmobile? Man oh man, where is winter? It's certainly not in my neck of the woods. :(

Depressed in NY,

02-04-2010, 05:41 PM
Come here let me feel your forehead please. I hate winter with a passion.

02-04-2010, 05:53 PM
I love the snow too and was wondering were it was but i still have some line work to do this weekend and then let ur go. I am just west of binghamton so I am not that far from u and i have all the brown as well.

You are not alone "depressed in ny"


red maples
02-04-2010, 07:36 PM
as much as love the white stuff I don't really want any good snow now...I don't have to dig anything out at this point!!!

02-04-2010, 07:38 PM
I snowmobile and haven't had it out of the garage yet this winter. I want snow!

02-04-2010, 08:13 PM
Thanks to the Mid Atlantic, you guys are not getting any snow. We are up to probably 70+ inches at the sugarhouse this year and starting tomorrow thru Saturday evening, we may get up to another 2' on top of what is already on the ground.

And it gets better, next Tues and Wed another one coming and possibly a third one by end of next week. I was making syrup already this time last year. The 10 day forecast thru Feb 14th shows nothing above freezing. Season is usually over around March 21st, so this isn't very good for WV producers.

02-04-2010, 08:57 PM
Well at least there are a few on here that like snow.

And thanks Brandon for rubbing it in! :cry:

Time to go to bed and dream about snow... and syrup of course.

02-04-2010, 09:05 PM
You guys can have the rest of my snow for the winter. Been looking to buy a pair of snow shoes, never owned them and never had much of a need for them but might need them to tap this year. LOL!

Hope it quits this before it gets too late in the year. No reason for concern yet as most of our syrup is made the first 2 weeks of March and sometimes last week of Feb is a good too. I am ready to tap, just waiting for the weather. Will probably tap the big south bush that has about 260 taps on it the 13th regardless so it will be ready to go when we do get weather.

NH Maplemaker
02-04-2010, 09:57 PM
Brandon, Have you ever had this much snow befor? I was wondering were you have been. When this season is over for you, You will know all a bout the high tap holes in the tree this spring during clean up!! Cleaning is alway a blast when you can't even reach the tap hole to pull the tap!
If you really need a pair of snow shoes, let me know. I still could find a pair in the stores up here! Maybe evan on sale this time of year! You wouldn't need a real fancy pair! Really let me know!! I will be glad to do it for you. Jim L.

02-04-2010, 09:59 PM
Not nearly as much snow this year at this point. We are about 100 inches under our norm. Still we have had atleast 100. Been snowmobiling every week:D It is time for it to leave and get to sugaring.

Mike Van
02-05-2010, 06:18 AM
I think it's el ninos fault - Or maybe GW Bush's - :lol: Whatever, I'm liking it alot. We've had maybe 12" all winter, and at times it's melted and gone. Right now there's about 2" out there. I'm putting up next years wood, I'm up to 12 [full] cord right now, of the 25 or more I plan to do. Some for sale, we use some, etc. Sure is nice not to have to dig it out everyday, I don't miss the soaking wet gloves either. Stupid groundhog.

02-05-2010, 06:40 AM
Im with you, my whole family snowmobiles. Got 5 sleds sitting here with nothing to ride on. At this point I hope we dont get a big storm since some of my mainlines are 18 inches off the ground. Really stinks shoveling off tubing.

02-05-2010, 06:48 AM
We got about 120 inches in 1998 and that's the most I can remember. Season normally runs from about Feb 10th to March 21. Hopefully this will quit before 2 long. I would rather have a good solid 4 week season from 20th to 20th, but you don't normally get what you want.

02-05-2010, 07:39 AM
I was just out firing the furnace in the shop and realized if this weather does not break soon I will be burning evaporator wood in the house wood furnace. I dont think we have got above freezing more than 8 or 10 days since thanksgiving. I was looking at the accuweather 15 day forecast and looks like only 2 days in 15 above freezing. WVM looks like your right in the path of a couple of feet.

02-05-2010, 05:49 PM
Wanabe, you must still have some snow up there. I posted on another thread earlier this week to you. I'm originally from Lake Luzerne but moved down here when I got out of college. As I recall my father said that they have around a foot up there. Might be bulletproof and last until mid-May but at least it's white compared to what I got.

Let it snow... just bring it this way, please. :rolleyes: