View Full Version : Got Wood? how much??
red maples
02-04-2010, 03:17 PM
So I hope this brings some staggering numbers.
how much Wood has everyone put up this year?
please keep it easy though full cords I think everyone understands 128cu/ft
since last winter I put up approx about 10 cords total between house and maple and I am still going:( !!!
Brian Ryther
02-04-2010, 03:24 PM
25 full cords sugar wood
5 full cords home heating wood
Jeff E
02-04-2010, 03:31 PM
10 for maple
5 for the home- Got about 1 left for the home, so I should have done 7!
02-04-2010, 03:37 PM
I'm never out of wood as long as I can look out from my deck and see a tree that I own. That ash tree south of the house is getting nervous.The house uses ten cord a year and right now I only have two cord under the deck so a wood cutting day might happen between now and April. I bought six bundles of slab wood for the sugar house. they cut up to about a half cord each,Then there was three pickup loads of cedar slabs from another source, say a cord and a half and perhaps two cord of wood we cut around the place and threw in the pile. So six to seven cord in the stack and lots more in reach of the tractor and saw. I hope I burn every stick of it and have to scramble around getting more to boil all that sap this season.
Dave Y
02-04-2010, 04:59 PM
23 cord burned 40 last year. Wont need near as much with a new Force 5
02-04-2010, 05:04 PM
I put up 15 full cords of wood this summer. I should only use 2 for syrup the rest for the house or next year. I have 4 more cords or more out in the bush waiting also.
02-04-2010, 08:12 PM
9 cord of condensed pallets for syrup, in the sugar house wood shed.
9 cord for house future years ( 2, I hope) Stacked on plallets and tarpped.
10 cord for Eric ( we cut together, but split most by ourselves.)
Had 5 cord ready for the house this season and have about 1 + cord of that left.
Are we in the wood or syrup business:)
Dave Y
02-04-2010, 08:27 PM
Are we in the wood or syrup business? Both!
maple flats
02-04-2010, 08:34 PM
I've done up about 20 full cord, over two season's worth for sugaring and about 3 full cord for the house. I burn about 3 a year, my only heat at home, I was in the insulation business at one time. My evaporator wood is about 70% hard wood, 30% slab wood, mostly soft. (I have my own sawmill, slab is sometimes piled to rot because I get more than I want to burn)
02-04-2010, 08:52 PM
I have about 8 cords which should get me 125+ gallons of syrup, 98% hardwood, mainly locust with some oak and hard maple.
02-04-2010, 09:06 PM
40 cord to make syrup
6 cord for our house
115 sold to buy maple line...
02-04-2010, 09:08 PM
I have 3 cords of wood for the evaporator. Mostly pine. I have some slabwood at the mill ready for me when I want to get it. For the wood furnace we don't keep track of that. I have like 2 cords of hardwood stacked for sale but could be syruping wood. My dad has a pile of about 4 cord of hardwood I can use if I need it but I don't think I will.
02-04-2010, 09:56 PM
25 for the house and running out 7 for the evaporator.
02-04-2010, 10:00 PM
40 for house 10 in woodshed for sugarhouse, and a pretty big pile of wood outside dry but not stacked, hopfuly for next season woood, i figure 10 cord should get me though with the r/o
02-04-2010, 10:27 PM
burned 6 cord in the house so far this year, have 2 stacked away for the boiler. already pulled out about 10 cord for the house next year, stil have to pull some out for the boiler.
love the sound of chainsaws in the morning
02-04-2010, 11:43 PM
6 for me from, clearing for the new sugar shack, Haven't had time to cut more. I hope thats enough
02-05-2010, 04:21 AM
17 cords for the sugarhouse and 8 for the house
02-05-2010, 06:58 AM
4 cords stacked and ready for evaporator, plenty on standby. 5 cord for house. need a few more, getting low.
02-05-2010, 07:33 AM
3 cord for syrup, most of which is pine. 4 cord for the home where the propane company helps out too. I try to have enough seasoned wood put aside for both uses before winter sets in. It's a spring ritual and a never ending process.
Hop Kiln Road
02-05-2010, 11:30 AM
4.5 cords hardwood for the evaporator
7 cords hardwood for the house furnance
Pix of our pallet and wood cutting/splitting weekend a week ago. Oh yeah, we got wood. Enough? Dunno.
02-06-2010, 07:08 PM
i have 12 cords on hand all split and ready to burn, but another 10 or more on the ground just need splitting, and some is still log length too actualy. about 2 cords of the wood is just dumped in a pile in front of the sugarhouse the rest stacked in the woodshed in back of the sugarhouse. the stuff in the pile was alot of brush, inch and a half up to 4 inch that we cut at work, and rather than chip it i left them in 6 to 8ft pieces and took it home, then to cut it just grabbed a clump with the backhoe thumb and sawed them off with the long bar on my chainsaw, worked great, but a bit random lengths on some of them so not good for stacking. the picture is my woodshed last summer, its full to the front now with just enough room to park the log splitter in the center. it works way better than tarps, i hate messing with tarps!
02-06-2010, 07:27 PM
Just think, if we all had more insulation in our houses we could burn the extra wood in the sugarhouse instead. 6 for people house, 3 for sugarhouse
2 piles?
I burned 4 or 5 in the house as well. That seems to be the magic number around here. For the first time in years, I still have a pile for the house, and I'm not scaring the ash trees, which I also keep an eye on.
Mostly maple and beech for the house this year.
Did 3 more pickup loads of slabs today. I cut them at the mill and bring them home in pieces. Probably 3 or 4 cords ready to go. I'll supplement that with more slabs and pallets.
red maples
02-07-2010, 08:13 AM
I used up almost 3 cords for the house so far. have 1.5 left and 1/2 cord Poplar for the end of the season. I actually like burn that on the corner months of the season beacuse you get a quick burst of heat enough to heat the house up then the sun takes over and warms the rest. and the fire is out pretty quick. perfect for the fall and srping.
I've given up on poplar. By the time I find it in the pile it's rotten.
Now beech is my new favorite. Up here on the ridge its white oak and beech. Never used to burn it when I was a kid. We had dead elm and swamp maple and the emergency ash stand. Anyway, its incredible, dries fast and burns hot.
02-07-2010, 11:15 AM
My favorite is beech as well. Love the fact that it's not quite as dirty as oak, maple, or cherry.
2 cord left for my house. Need to restock for next season. I have used more wood in the house this year than in the previous 6. But I can't complain seeing that other people have used 4-6 cord. I've only gone through 2. Yes, I live in a nice, tight house. Very well insulated. My typical year is 2-3 cord.
2-3 cord of poplar for the sugarshack. Not sure what to expect as it's my first year. Have plenty more on standby but I don't see tapping more than 50 so unless I go nuts this year I don't believe I'll use all of it.
02-07-2010, 11:20 PM
14 cords ready for the house and the evaporator. I find the tree that has the best combination of splitability and BTUs is oak. In our area that means northern red oak and white oak. That said, we will burn about anything. We have the luxury of only cutting fallen wood. The woodpeckers like to nest in snags.
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