View Full Version : Contributing member status

02-04-2010, 01:17 PM
On other forums they have a way for members to donate and help the site run. I am looking to do an upgrade in the near future hoping to get some new options available but mostly to secure the site better from spammers.

I have seen when there is a contributing member no matter what they give , to get a special status tacked on to their profile.

Not sure if we will ever ask for voluntary donations but just posting a poll here.

02-04-2010, 05:31 PM
maple man,

1st, this site rocks and I would donate without a blink of an eye.

2nd, you do not need to ask, just make it avalible for those who wish to.

just mt thought. Smitty76:D :D ;)

02-04-2010, 06:33 PM
I agree 100% with smitty. No need for contributing member status either.

02-04-2010, 07:24 PM
why not sell t shirts hats maybe even mugs

02-04-2010, 07:58 PM
One of the other forums I am on has upgraded twice. I'm not crazy about re learning and having things move, etc, etc. In fact I am spending less and less time there because of it. They sell ad banners...which I was fine with...The latest upgrades put banners in between posts. It is distracting and annoying to me. I would like a hat and a tee shirt, but not at the cost of screwing up a good thing. Just my $.02.

02-04-2010, 08:09 PM
More than willing to help as you know!!!

maple ridge tappers
02-04-2010, 09:42 PM
Sugar season is only 4-6 weeks long. This web site is 52 weeks long.
Whatever it takes, just glad I found found this forum!:D

02-04-2010, 09:55 PM
I'm in for a donation. Paypal option and it's done.

Bucket Head
02-04-2010, 10:04 PM
I'm with Stickey. I would'nt mind a small contribution since I love this website. I spend a lot of web time here. However, lets not reinvent the wheel. This site "rolls" nicely just the way it is.

Less spam, more security, no phony users, etc., etc. would be great, but at what cost? I too am turned off at format changes at other sites. I enjoy logging on here and seeing the familiar home page.


NH Maplemaker
02-04-2010, 10:15 PM
I will gladly make a donation to help keep our site!! But also agree, lets not change it so much that it's not our site!!!! I love this site and willing to help!!! Jim L.

02-04-2010, 10:42 PM
I may be a new member, but I will gladly help suppport the site....Don't want it to change. As I stated before I also belong to a saltwater fishing site that has a very similar culture. Each winter they do a fundraiser auction that is run just like a thread is here. Everyone there uses this oppurtunity to clean out and auction the accumulated stuff that is relevant, (in this case to fishing), However this auction raises the funds to run the site while giving members the chance to "clean out the unused stuff in the sugarhouse" that other members would love the chance to get their hands on. All proceeds from sales go to the site. Just a thought....

02-05-2010, 05:05 AM
I also agree with below. I like it as it is. We do not want baners and adds to take over either. We all know how aggrivating photobucket is. we do not want that here, or at least I do not.:evil:

02-05-2010, 05:26 AM
I'd kick in some $ in a heartbeat. I like the idea of mugs as a fundraiser (no sizes to stock like with shirts). Something simple like "MapleTrader.com Member" with a maple leaf would do for me. I'd keep it right next to the evaporator.

I hate ad banners and such. I don't need to recognized as a contributing member in my avatar, but I know there is a bit of "peer pressure" to contribute when you see so many others have contributed.

Whatever you decide, know that this is an awesome site with a very loyal following. Keep up the great work!

02-05-2010, 07:39 AM
No we would never have it where there would be ads... I hate those too.. Also I wouldn't want us to "Make Money" on this, it's a difficult thing to figure out so it's just an option in the future... what we wouldn't want is 3000 members each sending a couple bucks then we end up with THOUSANDs of dollars... No don't want that holy crap! This still is a free site

As for tshirts there are some for sale, I will get you the info , I just have to find it again.

Yeah Guys and Gals, we want this to stay as easy and friendly as it is now.... just upgrades mostly for security... Lets be safe here!

02-05-2010, 07:50 AM
It sounds as if it's a relatively small expense to keep this sight secure, enjoyable and educational. Just let us know what's needed, Jim.

Scott O
02-05-2010, 08:42 AM
I would gladly donate to help keep the site going. It is a great place for research and entertainment!

As someone new to maple syruping, I always seem to be looking for information on this, that or the other. So off I go to google, yahoo or whatever and look there. Typically, I end up clicking on one (or more) of the ads on the side. The money just spent went to google, yahoo etc. I would rather have the money go to MapleTrader and have the information in one location.

I think a page with links (ads) could be added to the site without distraction and possibly help with ongoing costs.

Just my thoughts.

Haynes Forest Products
02-05-2010, 08:49 AM
This is the only site that has a CALMING effect on me:) MMMMMMMMMMMMM:) So what ever it takes to keep it lets do it. I think the TRADER should capitalize on there good name and sell a sign that says MAPLE TRADER MEMBER or bumper stickers, mugs, T shirts BLAZE orange so I can find you in the woods. If there is a surplus than The trader could donate it to research...............NO KenW not in a new set of pans so you can do some "research":lol:

02-05-2010, 08:52 AM
all most had it kenw:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

02-05-2010, 02:54 PM
Absolutly, I would not mind helping out such a great site. I also lke the idea of hats and mugs too. My coffee mugs are always falling off my evaporator and breaking.

02-05-2010, 03:55 PM
Absolutly, I would not mind helping out such a great site. I also lke the idea of hats and mugs too. My coffee mugs are always falling off my evaporator and breaking.

I'm all for mugs (could you tell?). I've got a couple of metal ones for camping that have lasted a good long while...maybe a little dented, but I still use them. They don't break easily!

02-05-2010, 04:07 PM
I would be glad to make a Paypal donation. I do not like the idea of mentioning who donated and who didn't.
Thanks for the great site. Better than any magazine and cheaper. ;) :lol:

02-05-2010, 04:31 PM
Whatever it takes to keep things running smooth. If you find that the trader is getting smothered in money I say we spend it on a Trader Party at Ken's house.

02-05-2010, 06:34 PM
I think it's a great site. Especially for the open conversation. I'm starting to find out that I need to go back to some of the older posts to catch up with some of the humor.

I would be willing to contribute in some way, but I think you need to make sure people are comfortable with the amount you need to keep things running smooth. It sounds like you are sensitive to collecting only what you need and that's one of the reason this is a great site.

02-05-2010, 07:01 PM
I belong to another site that has to do with second ammendment stuff and a couple guys chip in to keep it going and we also do favours for each other. There is a secret spice only found in Canada that I buy once in a while and send down south to people. People have in return sent me little parts that I can no longer buy up here. So it all works out in the end.
That and I can't pick on 3rgen with out this place.

02-05-2010, 08:47 PM
This is a great site.
The amount of information I've gleaned from reading it has been invaluable. I'd be happy to make donations!

About a coffee mug: A cool idea would be to recreate/interpret to look of a hydrometer testing cup (oversized flat bottom and enlarged s-handle). Engrave it with "MapleTrader.com" and it'd be perfect.

Anyone on this site work with stainless steel?

02-05-2010, 09:04 PM
Mugs, tshirts, hats, all good ideas but someone has got to spend the time getting them all printed and spend the time and money shipping them and trying to get money in return, etc. I know Jim(mapleman3) very well and to say he has more than enough on his plate is an understatement, besides have 2 teenagers and one almost teenager. and a very sick mother with cancer.

Setup a paypal account and let the ones willing chip in $ 5 or $ 10 @ or mail a check and see how far that gets and if it is not enough, we can do it again. That way, if someone wants to give they can easily come up with $ 5 and that gives everyone a small part in the large part and no one will know who gave what.

02-05-2010, 09:19 PM
Here is some already done all you have to do is order what you want.

here is an example of a sweatshirt with the logo I made many years ago, Chris from the Mapleguys set this up and they are still available, Hats Tshirts Etc. Maybe even mugs

go here to check stuff out

02-06-2010, 06:48 AM
mapleman, does any of the funding from these sales support maple trader?:confused:

Hop Kiln Road
02-06-2010, 07:54 AM
Count me in, but I need directions to Ken's house. Bruce

02-06-2010, 09:02 AM
No , no money goes to the trader for that stuff... it's just cool stuff.

10-29-2010, 01:42 PM
I'm with Brandon.

The behind the scenes work for this site is already more than enough. Forget the merchandise, ordering, packing, UPS etc.

Just a Paypal and suggest to everyone something like $ 2.00 only and see how it goes from there.

11-10-2010, 09:13 PM
you had me at,..."would you consider...."

this site is an amazing resource of information and help.

70 Buick
11-11-2010, 01:19 PM
I would gladly donate
this site is very helpful

11-11-2010, 03:57 PM
who do i wright the check too?

11-11-2010, 07:45 PM
More than willing to donate.

On top of that if there is a need for technical help I work on web servers, content management systems, server side HTML programming (PHP), and database servers (MySQL) and would be willing to donate my time to this site.

It is the least I can do for a website that has given me so much information.

11-12-2010, 07:51 PM
maybe charge per posting ??

Thad Blaisdell
11-12-2010, 08:40 PM
That would keep valuable info from ever reaching this site. A once a year fee.

How much $ are they thinking? $1000----$5000----more how much would be needed? Off the top of my head I would pay $10 a year..... 1000 people that is $10K

11-18-2010, 07:05 PM
Now the Upgrade is done... the Classifieds are on their way. More info to follow. Thanks everyone for the kind words..... We like the site to be free, but if it helps to keep the site at tip top shape we may open up a donation(paypal or something) entirely voluntary. We will keep you posted.

11-25-2010, 10:02 AM
Jim, thanks for all your hardwork on the site, I know that 99.9% of us really appreciate it. I will gladly contribute when there's an option for it, especially if it helps with the classifieds.
Andy Kinter

11-25-2010, 10:19 AM
Thanks... We are keeping it Free as long as we can. It's a great place, unfortunately some things take time to update, upgrade and get online.... I have received many emails for password problems, those mostly are for new registrations... But man, Some people get downright NASTY! say I am ruining the site because they cant see a classified or something... If they only new or saw WHY we had to upgrade they would understand.

Anyway.... Happy Thanksgiving everyone

11-25-2010, 11:04 AM
i'am sure i can speak for many and would like to thank you for your time put into this site. happy thanksgiving

11-25-2010, 01:44 PM
The clasifieds are only a very small part of this site. I for one am very thankfull for all the information in one location that helps "feed" my addiction. Thanks for all you do to keep this site up and running! But don't ever go off line again for 24 whole hours I dont think I could take it!!:lol:

11-26-2010, 03:42 AM
It can't be said too many times, GREAT SITE! I would kick in with out thinking about it, I would pay more for NO banner ads I hate those things.

Thanks for all your hard work

Haynes Forest Products
11-26-2010, 08:47 AM
Mapleman3 shut it down for a few more days and lets see what happens to the numbers:lol: Im glad for the upgrade because now I dont have to sign in every time I log in:):) Keep up the great work. Now lets have the names of the 7 :o

11-26-2010, 06:18 PM
Glad to make a donation lets just get the site up and running again asap: We do appreciate all you have done and for the great site.:)

12-16-2010, 05:26 PM
Great website and members! Would definietly donate!

12-16-2010, 05:35 PM
Great site and great information from a bunch of great guys.
You bet I would pay something. Country guitar tabs costs me 20.00 a year and well worth it.
Keep the site going--there is lot of work to keep something like this up and running. We can't take it for granted.

12-17-2010, 05:08 AM
This site got me up and going i would donate to keep it updated for sure. And all the other traders on here are great and very helpful cant find that anywhere else. thanks for the great site lots of fun looking at different post.