View Full Version : Rapi-tube strapping
02-04-2010, 09:30 AM
Has anyone purchased the cdl rapi-tube strapping yet? If so, how wide is it?
02-04-2010, 11:59 AM
I havn't bought any, but played with some up in Quebec last spring. As I recall, it's about 1" - 1 1/4" wide.
farmall h
02-04-2010, 03:59 PM
I purchased 600ft the other day and some frenchman told me I should receive it Friday. Keep you posted.
02-04-2010, 04:08 PM
Thanks, keep me posted. I'm wondering because I've found it online elsewhere, but 1/2" wide is cheaper than cdl's price and 1" is more expensive than cdl's price. So it'd be nice to know the width of what they are selling.
farmall h
02-04-2010, 04:11 PM
Mapleack, I guess you could go and review the video on the rapitube almost looks 2" wide. I can't recall. Gonna go take another look. Be back.:)
Definately not wider than an inch...I see the guy hanging it and it was the length from palm to knuckle on his index finger!
What is this site selling it for 'cause I could not find it anywhere on the net.
02-04-2010, 04:22 PM
Please let me know where to get it even the half inch stuff. Ive been drooling over this since I saw the video. I think the half inch would work great on side pulls for some of my longer laterals. This would be easier to see in the evening hours. ( has anyone ever found a side pull on the bridge of the nose in near darkness?:( ) And it looks easy to adjust.:) :)
farmall h
02-04-2010, 04:34 PM
wanabe, I ordered from the CDL site. They advertise it as 250ft rolls but the guy called me yesterday and told me it comes as 200ft rolls. So I have 600ft coming Friday. $.20 ft.:)
02-04-2010, 05:18 PM
Saw some today. The stuff from CDL is an inch wide.
mark bolton
02-04-2010, 05:19 PM
Rapi-Tube is about 1" wide. I used it this year for the 1st time & it is great. Fast, strong and easy to apply by yourself. I used it for side-tying the mainline to trees.
02-04-2010, 09:39 PM
Thanks Farmall H I will check it out.
02-05-2010, 07:02 AM
The stuff is called Prolock Poly Chain. has the 1/2inch stuff, $25 for a 250' roll. I found several other places that also have the 1 inch, but it was more expensive than cdl's price.
IPL Technical Support
12-07-2010, 03:03 PM
The Rapi-Tube's strapping is called "Rapi-Fix".
Here are some specifications that can be useful:
- 1" inch wide
- 200' a roll
- Black colored
- UV resistant
- Ultra-durable and flexible
- Specifically designed for Map Sap application
- User-friendly installation
Do not hesitate to reply or PM us for any questions!
farmall h
12-12-2010, 04:04 PM
IPL Tech Support, I can't speak for the rest of the folks but glad you joined in. I really like the rapitube wire!
The Rapi-Tube's strapping is called "Rapi-Fix".
Here are some specifications that can be useful:
- 1" inch wide
- 200' a roll
- Black colored
- UV resistant
- Ultra-durable and flexible
- Specifically designed for Map Sap application
- User-friendly installation
Do not hesitate to reply or PM us for any questions!
Where can I find actual prices?
12-12-2010, 06:03 PM
IPL Tech Support, I can't speak for the rest of the folks but glad you joined in. I really like the rapitube wire!
What kind of mainline are you running with the strapping?
Rapitube, black or traditional mainline? I've got a 300' section I want to run across my yard to my sugarhouse that I would take down off season (thus, no wire)
Monster Maples
12-12-2010, 07:12 PM
Where can I find actual prices?
Call Jim Cermak he is the cdl dealer in N E Ohio.
440 636-5371
Ok thanks. I actually toured his place last spring.
farmall h
12-13-2010, 05:41 AM
Danno I have been running the heavy psi black 3/4". I think it is 150psi? Maybe when I strike it $$$ I will replace everything with the proper tubing. As seen in the video you do not have to stretch the snot out of it...just tight at first then put your straps on which puts more tension on the line. Also, don't forget to use the electrical kellums (meshy-hangers) with one clamp...they are a must.
12-29-2010, 12:20 PM
My existing wet/dry consists of 1.25in. wet and 1.5in. dry. Wet is 30p and dry is potable water line. Both suspended traditional way with wire and wire tie-backs.
Main wires and a few tie-backs have broke because of trees blown down. I was thinking of trying the Rapi-fix strapping. Anyone use it on this size of pipe? The wet will obviously be the heavy one.
farmall h
12-29-2010, 05:10 PM
Can't hurt to try a roll. I wonder if it will prevent sags on the 1 1/2" is certainly strong enough. You might have to place the straps every 20 ft or so to prevent sags.
12-29-2010, 05:41 PM
I have used just side pull wire before. I just had some inch and a half crap hanging around that I cut into 12 inch sections and ripped it in half on my bench saw that I would wrap around my mainline to protect from the wire cutting it and it worked great.
12-30-2010, 06:49 AM
The mains are "twist-tied" to high tensile wire and most of my wire tie backs (old tubing or pipe to protect tree) are fine. I think I'll give a roll a try depending on what kind of price I get from the local IPL dealer. Looks faster compared to wire ties and appears it won't slide down trees as quickly.
Ridgeland Farm
12-30-2010, 08:03 AM
I just set up a whole bush with rapi-tube. It is def. convenient but im not quite sure im sold on its overall longevity and performance. This will be the first year so im excited to see how it holds up. It def. takes a lot more planing in your pipe placement and your tubing placement as well. because of the amount of tension it takes to keep your lateral lines tight you have to make sure you always bring them into the mainline the opposite way from which the mainline is pulled back to the tree's. Otherwise you will free tension of the mainline from the tree it was pulled back to and it will now be free floating. Ill try and take some pics today and post them.
IPL Technical Support
01-18-2011, 11:03 AM
Here are some answers to your questions! Feedback, new ideas and pictures of your systems are always welcomed by the team, so feel free to post some on this page.
Where can I find actual prices?
For USA:
39, Rewes Drive, St. Albans, Vermont 05478
Phone: (802) 527-0000 / Fax: (802)524-3666
Toll free: 1-800-762-5587 (
For Ontario:
Atkinson Maple Syrup supplies
2907, Highway 11 RR#1,Oro Station, Ontario, LOL 2E0
Phone: (705) 487-3331 / Fax: (705)
and more :
What kind of mainline are you running with the strapping?
Rapitube, black or traditional mainline? I've got a 300' section I want to run across my yard to my sugarhouse that I would take down off season (thus, no wire)
Danno, the Rapi-Fix has been tested with ¾” and 1” Rapi-Tube (which can be blue or black). Even if it was designed strong enough to hold larger diameters we can’t guarantee how long it will last with a heavier duty. This is why we do not recommend the installation with piping larger than 1”. Maybe you guys can proove us it can support 1.25" and more! You can also try the Rapi-Fix with regular mainline, but you will encounter faster tension losses.
I just set up a whole bush with rapi-tube. It is def. convenient but im not quite sure im sold on its overall longevity and performance. This will be the first year so im excited to see how it holds up. It def. takes a lot more planing in your pipe placement and your tubing placement as well. because of the amount of tension it takes to keep your lateral lines tight you have to make sure you always bring them into the mainline the opposite way from which the mainline is pulled back to the tree's. Otherwise you will free tension of the mainline from the tree it was pulled back to and it will now be free floating. Ill try and take some pics today and post them.
maple newbie, concerning your point on the longevity, I want to reassure you: the Rapi-Tube system has a 10-years warranty covering any production issues and it’s now being tested for over 6 years without any problems. You can add a sophisticated polyethylene formulation designed with UV protection that will prevent any early plastic aging to the list. From my point of view, this product should last longer than regular main line.
You will certainly be able to confirm us the performance next spring when you will fill your barrels! Rapi-Tube offers the same performance as regular pipe. The main idea behind this product was: “Same performance + quicker to install and repair = money savings”.
You are right about the planning time. For a first installation, you will totally benefit a longer planning when it will be the time to tie your first Rapi-Fix. The more well-prepared you are, the less time it will take to install your system.
I hope I replied to everyone correctly!
01-18-2011, 04:08 PM
I just set up a whole bush with rapi-tube. It is def. convenient but im not quite sure im sold on its overall longevity and performance. This will be the first year so im excited to see how it holds up. It def. takes a lot more planing in your pipe placement and your tubing placement as well. because of the amount of tension it takes to keep your lateral lines tight you have to make sure you always bring them into the mainline the opposite way from which the mainline is pulled back to the tree's. Otherwise you will free tension of the mainline from the tree it was pulled back to and it will now be free floating. Ill try and take some pics today and post them.
I almost always use the "Y" forks to bring laterals into a mainline and bring them in at a tree close to the mainline. This way, there is no pressure of any kind on the mainline and if there is a sudden hard jerk from a tree or limb falling on it, the mainline never receives any pressure.
maple flats
01-18-2011, 06:26 PM
I am running an experiment this year. I ran 600' of 1" dry line, black pipe. I stretched it with a comealong 4 days in a row and then anchored it there. Then all additional tension was by using the Rapi-tape. Then I added branch lines in 3/4" 30P (ranging from 300' to 640') using the same method. After I tensioned it I side pulled with the Rapi-Tape. I also pulled additional with each lateral. Where I have each lateral tied to the branch pulling as tight as I can manage, I also have a Rapitape nearby pulling in the same direction. Hopefully I don't need to run around after the first day flow and install support wire, but I have the supplies ready if needed. If this works it sure saves time, if I need to rush to put in the support wire I will have proven that it was a poor idea. I'll update when the season starts.
How did your experiment go?
maple flats
04-20-2011, 07:47 AM
I liked it. During the season it went well. Now that warmer temperatures have arrived I now see some sagging on longer sections, but they were not a problem during the season. I plan to use the Rapi-Tube system again. Much faster and no sags like the little sags between ties I used to get. I was going to loosen the tension but now I'm not sure. I certainly will need to tension further next season. I may try the Rapi-Tube in parts next year to see if the tubing truly holds tension better. I have a whole new bush that I will be signing on soon. The landowner and I have agreed but the paperwork is in progress. Dotting the I's etc (litterally, the landowner found where a typo could have put me under. I had copied a lease and in typing my price per tap I had $.75 in year one and $75 in years 2-5 adjusted by ..... for inflation (or deflation). If that had remained I could never recover from such a cost.
This new bush has the potential of 1500-2000 taps, maybe more and I plan to tube it using the Rapi-Tube system. I really like the Rapi-tape side ties strapping, a little costly but easier to use and much more tree friendly. If a side tie will be real long, I use the tape on the tubing and finish with 14 ga wire around the tree and a piece of old lateral tubing to protect the tree. Shorter runs are all the tape. This new bush will present some new challenges. It slopes perfectly for the entire bush, but from the road a big field goes uphill at 5-6% and then the next 2 fields go downhill about the same until reaching the bush, whice continues the slope away from the road. I will need almost 2000' or so of line and some sap ladders to get to the road where I can collect the sap. Not sure yet if I'll go sap ladders and use vacuum to move the sap or have a gas powered pump at the low end of the bush to push. That would be simpler but getting gas back there could be a chore in itself.
I was at 710 taps this year (I think, getting exact count as I wash and remove the CV's) Plan to be at 1200-1400 for 2012. Then will go to the new bush max in a year or 2.
IPL Technical Support
05-14-2011, 12:41 PM
maple flats,
It is the right time to try some Rapi-Tube tubing! CDL, our distributor, is drastically discounting the price per foot - starting in May.
05-14-2011, 04:16 PM
what is the new pricing?
IPL Technical Support
05-16-2011, 08:35 AM
what is the new pricing?
Alsmaple, you should try to contact Daniel Lalanne at ( to get more info about pricing. He's your representative for the area.
IPL Technical Support
Got a quote of .77/ft from my dealer perhaps not the discounted price, not really sure but can sure ask now ....3/4" 500' roll was 380 something plus shippping. Looks like such a great system. Good thought about how well it will hold tention. Allthough, if it holds well for the season that is what matters most.
06-15-2011, 11:26 AM
I just paid $0.66/ft for the 1" rapi-tube and $0.55/ft for 3/4"; base on "open house discount prices".
Looking forward to stretching this stuff out.
Thad Blaisdell
06-15-2011, 12:31 PM
Got a quote of .77/ft from my dealer perhaps not the discounted price, not really sure but can sure ask now ....3/4" 500' roll was 380 something plus shippping. Looks like such a great system. Good thought about how well it will hold tention. Allthough, if it holds well for the season that is what matters most.
I guess for $300 less (per 500') I will run black pipe. It doesnt take that much more time and energy. Sounds like a great product but at those costs it would bankrupt me.
06-15-2011, 09:12 PM
I agree Thad it would take alot of sap to recoup the money invested in it. Does anyone know what the lifespan of the rapid tubing is?
02-17-2012, 11:55 AM
I guess for $300 less (per 500') I will run black pipe. It doesnt take that much more time and energy. Sounds like a great product but at those costs it would bankrupt me.
I hear the price of rapi-tube dropped significantly for 2012. Might be a viable option for a lot of people now. Sure is easy to work with.
Four D Acre Farms
02-20-2012, 02:59 PM
just purchased 500 foot roll two weeks ago price was like .67 foot (US) what a dream to install the labor savings is wotrth it to me ( full time job) will be adding more in the future if the product holds up over time
None of the websites that have been posted dont work
02-26-2012, 04:28 PM
try this link for informations
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