View Full Version : Retail This Year
02-03-2010, 01:35 PM
It's time to set my retail price for this year and I am thinking about freezing my prices from last year because of the economy and all. My current prices are $6 1/2 pint $10 Pint $17 Quart $30 Half Gallon
$55 Gallon
Thoughts from others in the region.
02-03-2010, 02:03 PM
I will keep mine the same as last year except I will bump up my plastic quart jug price up 50 cents to help with the high cost of each jug. Around $1.25 each jug. I charge $12.50 quart jug....$12.00 quart glass....$7.00 pints....$6.00 3/4 pints....$5.00 1/2 pints.....Might go up with my fancy leaf bottles just cause their a pain to fill. Will go to Roth's open house on Thursday to get all my containers. That will be $1000.00 bucks going bye-bye.
02-03-2010, 04:21 PM
42 for a gal 22 a half 15 qt, does anyone sell to diners? what do you charge per gal? we give them alot better price because they are steady year round costumers
Fred Henderson
02-03-2010, 04:32 PM
[QUOTE=backyardsugarer;95388]It's time to set my retail price for this year and I am thinking about freezing my prices from last year because of the economy and all. My current prices are $6 1/2 pint $10 Pint $17 Quart $30 Half Gallon
$55 Gallon
Thoughts from others in the region.
55 bucks a gallon!!!!!!!!!! thats robbery
farmall h
02-03-2010, 05:10 PM
ksnorton, your price is exactly what mine is. Some folks were even pushing $45/gal. near me. This season I plan to not retail any. I need the quick bulk cash to help pay for improvements this year. Probably jug up 15 gal. for x-mas gifts and table usage amongst family.
02-03-2010, 09:16 PM
It's a free market, not sure that referring to someone else's prices is robbery is appropiate. I raised my quarts to $ 13 and pints to $ 7.50 up from $ 12 and $ 7 and if they buy a gallon, it is in quarts as I don't package any larger containers as I can't sell it.
My first price increase in 4 years.
02-03-2010, 09:49 PM
What are you guys from NH selling gallons for? I recall NH having the highest priced gallons on average of the syrup producing states - somewhere over $60?
Mine are $5 half pint, $8 3/4 pint, $16 qt, $24 half, $46 gallon.
02-03-2010, 10:42 PM
Last years price was:
gal $45
1/2 g $25
gt $15
pt $8
I'm now down to my last 5 gal drum and another 5 or so gallons in jugs.
Dave Y
02-04-2010, 05:13 AM
If you think $55 a gal is high, I was in Vt the first of Dec. and in a small town north of Brattleboro, this gal in a restaurant I was in showed me a gal. she paid $85 for, and it was Vt syrup.It is not robbery if the customer gives you the money willingly.
02-04-2010, 05:23 AM
Our prices are the same as perryw's and we are out of syrup.
02-04-2010, 05:50 AM
my retail sales are $5 1/2 pint $10 pint 20 quart. i also don't bottle any larger than quarts for retail, but some for familly. i sell most of my syrup either on site at the sugar house or at the local farmers market. my prices are much lower than any other retail store around here that sells real syrup.
02-04-2010, 08:12 AM
Robbery is a little silly especially since I can not keep my syrup on the shelf. Keep giving yours away if you wish but I work too hard to get any less.
02-04-2010, 08:16 AM
My retail is $8.50 1/2 pint, $11 a pint and $18 for a quart. I know for a fact that I am high for my area but I did sell all but 1/2 gal of last years 30gal totals.
I did attend the Veronia Conference and I also attended the Conference at the Lethwotrth, NY High School. At both conference I attended seminars with different speakers and they both stated that as a whole industry we do not charge enough for our products. They also mentioned that once you set your prices you should only increase your prices once a year and not in big jumps.
I have come from a business background when I worked for a HVAC company when we started out as a young company we were the cheap guys and after some business looks at the books we saw that we were not making money and we were actually loosing money. So then and there we made the decision to increase our prices and not bwe the lowest price guys. We based our decisions on proffit and loss statements. At the present time the company is the highest priced company in the area and they are employing more then ever and are busy all the time.
People buy our products from us not because we make better syrup then everyone else, but because they like us and our product. I know that my syrup is not any better then anyone else's but my customers like me and they also know the amount of work it takes to produce syrup so it is a product that they do not have a problem with paying more for.
Some one stated that backyardsugarer was riping off his customers at #55/gal and that to me is wrong. My personell feeling is that he is not charging enough. He stated that he was thinking of holding last years prices and that I also think is wrong. He should raise is prices from last year prices as the cost of making the syrup is getting higher and he should not eat that. Remember our product is not a necessity product it is a luxary product and reseccion or not people who want our product are still going to purchase is even if we raise our prices a little bit.
Well that is just my thoughts and everone is entitled to theirs.
02-04-2010, 08:25 AM
If I sell one gallon this year, it ought to cost about $3K.
Robbery is usually theft with a weapon involved.
Willing buyers will buy or walk away.
Our prices are 47/gallon, 27/ 1/2 gal, 17/qt., 11/pt. These are our retail prices at the sugarhouse or at a farmers market. Our largest market that we wholesale 5 gallon containers to gets $5.85 / pound in their bulk section where the customer supplies their own container. That's $64.35 per gallon in their own container.
Last year was 20qt and 14 a pt. Probably be the same this year. I do give a break for 3 or 4 qts, but I don't bottle any bigger than a qt for sales.
Hannaford's (grocery chain) is down to 14 a qt, which a couple customers mentioned to me. But then again I only have 2 qts left after last year.
02-04-2010, 09:51 AM
i sell most of my syrup either on site at the sugar house or at the local farmers market. my prices are much lower than any other retail store around here that sells real syrup.
The local retail environment is the same gauge that I used to set my prices for the local farmers market. I'm lower than everybody but the Wal-mart grocery (which I was surprised to find actually sells real Vermont syrup).
1/2 pt: $5
12 oz: $7
pint: $9
02-04-2010, 11:37 AM
If you think $55 a gal is high, I was in Vt the first of Dec. and in a small town north of Brattleboro, this gal in a restaurant I was in showed me a gal. she paid $85 for, and it was Vt syrup.It is not robbery if the customer gives you the money willingly.
In Eastern Ontario $55 for a 4L jug (slightly bigger than a USG) is low.
02-04-2010, 11:54 AM
$45 /gal
$25/ 1/2 gal
$15/ qt
had to hide some in the back closet for christmas gifts or else they would've sold too!
02-04-2010, 12:42 PM
I sell 1/2 pint jug for $6 and the pint jug for $12 any thing i did in glass was 250ml foil cap and card got $12 for every one of them. I'm buying syrup for my own use right now. Payed about the same as I charge. MOST MAKE MORE!!!!!
02-04-2010, 05:40 PM
At the liquor store on I-95 there is a NH gift shop selling gallons for 75 bucks...
Must be their mark up... At hannafords I see qts for 26 bucks, and it is a toss up as to if it is real.
Real, to me is nothing added, just nothing but fire.. I read here some guys add crap, and to me anything you add is crap. I don't even add a single drop of cream finishing.
02-04-2010, 06:56 PM
Half gallon---$32
Half pint---$6
3.4 oz---$3
8.45 oz glass---$10
I'm also keeping my prices the same as last year because of the economy. I sell just about all of my syrup at farmers' markets and have had no complaints about my prices.
02-04-2010, 07:03 PM
Lady in school wanted some syrup but shes spoiled. Says syrup is to high in Quebec as she used to buying it from the Amish in Ontario. I am only asking $12 for a liter and they want $20 some in the stores here for the same so I figure I am reasonable.
farmall h
02-04-2010, 07:18 PM
If you think $55 a gal is high, I was in Vt the first of Dec. and in a small town north of Brattleboro, this gal in a restaurant I was in showed me a gal. she paid $85 for, and it was Vt syrup.It is not robbery if the customer gives you the money willingly.
Dave Y, c'mon, that is a ridiculous price.:o Where did she buy it at? Price Chopper? I never heard of it going above $48/gal. locally here in Northern VT.
Dave Y
02-04-2010, 07:49 PM
I'm a m just telling you what she told me. Believe it or not! thats what she said. She said her uncle made it. I would tell you the name of the town if I can remember it.
farmall h
02-04-2010, 07:53 PM
Maybe the cost of living is higher in Southern VT. 300 miles away may be the difference! Wow, I wish I could get that price.
02-04-2010, 07:54 PM
here in sothern RI I'm cheaper than others in the area.sold everything i made last season right at the sugar house and only one complaint about the prices already having costomers calling to request syrup. should be tapping next week if the weather breaks
1/2 gal. $35.00
1 qt $19.00
1pt $12.00
1/2 pt $7.00
1/2 lb maple cream $8.00
02-04-2010, 07:57 PM
Our prices stayed the same from 2008 to 2009 and we sold out both years.
$45 - gallon
$25 - 1/2 gallon
$15 - quart
$9 - pint
$6 - 1/2 pint
We will be raising prices this year as we've drained the savings account putting in improvements. Haven't settled on what those prices will be yet, but seeing everyone's posts and thoughts here sure helps!
Dave Y
02-04-2010, 08:06 PM
I looked at the map I believe it was in Putney. Little diner on Main st next to I think it was a paper mill. and it is only 132 mi from you. A little advice on getting more for your strup, Ask more! I get 52 a gal.
farmall h
02-04-2010, 08:17 PM
oops, I think I was thinking of Bennington not Brattleboro. Regardless, that is a high price. I sell gallons to my co-workers for $40.
02-04-2010, 09:02 PM
We get 6 for 1/2 pts, 9 pts, 15 qts, 28 1/2 gal, 54 gallons. We are not the lowest and certainly not the highest in the area. We had one of our best years ever selling syrup and so did many others in the area.
It amazes me how some producers seem to feel the need to sell very cheap and undercut the neighbor. Last time I checked online prices from several big VT producers they were well above my prices and they sell way more than I do.
02-04-2010, 10:27 PM
Lady in school wanted some syrup but shes spoiled. Says syrup is to high in Quebec as she used to buying it from the Amish in Ontario. I am only asking $12 for a liter and they want $20 some in the stores here for the same so I figure I am reasonable.
The OMFRA research on production and pricing always shows the Kitchener-Waterloo area (a lot of Amish farmers) as the lowest prices in the province. Their prices are where ours were over 15 years ago! I tell people if they want cheap syrup to go to Costco but if they want the best to buy from me!
Amber Gold
02-05-2010, 11:17 AM
My prices last year were
Half gallon---$26
Half pint---$6
This year I'm increasing my prices to the same as Oldemaple:
Half gallon---$32
Half pint---$6
I didn't get any complaints last year about my syrup being too cheap, but I got plenty that I was the cheapest around.
02-05-2010, 11:22 AM
Last year I had a lady tell me I was to high. A week later she came back said sorry and bought two pints at 12.00 each. I was going to knock off two bucks and she wouldn't let me.
02-05-2010, 03:45 PM
some of you make a lot of $ around here in western NY it sellsin the local store for $42 gal. so thats what i charge
1/2 gal-$25
02-05-2010, 04:41 PM
Our prices stayed the same from 2008 to 2009 and we sold out both years.
$45 - gallon <snip>
I'm not surprised you sold out. For at least a chunk of that time bulk syrup was going for $4.00/lb. Syrup in a drum was worth $44/gallon.
02-05-2010, 05:41 PM
i sell my syrup for
$40 per gallon
$20 per half gallon
$10 per quart
$6 per pint
can anyone tell me if these prices are reasonable for this area?
maple flats
02-05-2010, 05:46 PM
Most of you are giving your syrup away. I haven't set my prices yet but it will be over $50 a gal, however I sell few gal. Last year I sold everything too cheap and sold out in April even after raising prices. I sold gal $45 (which I only pack when ordered, but I do keep some empty gal jugs onhand)), 1/2 gal $25, qt $15, pt $8, 1/2 pt $5 I sold almost completely out during maple weekend. Only made 125 gal and it was gone April 20 except for a case of 8 oz I brought home for home use. Not sure but thinking g$52, .5g $29, q $18, p 11 and .5 p 7. I may go even higher but not much. I have sold out very early the last 3 seasons and want to have stock carry through at least until Christmas. In fact I choose not to participate in Maple Weekend this year just to help it last. Day in and day out if I have steam out the cupola I get customers stopping to buy and most say they will wait for mine rather than go to another source when I have nothing.
02-05-2010, 05:47 PM
i sell my syrup for
$40 per gallon
$20 per half gallon
$10 per quart
$6 per pint
can anyone tell me if these prices are reasonable for this area?
You're pretty low, but I recall from other threads on this site, Wis. prices always seem lower than than the NE. Other Wis. guys want to chime in on this.
Thompson's Tree Farm
02-05-2010, 06:02 PM
Your prices should reflect the cost of the extra containers and the labor in filling them when packaging in smaller containers. Containers are also overfilled. This means that 1 gallon will not fill 4 quart jugs. Your pricing should reflect this also. My 2cents
02-05-2010, 07:20 PM
i sell my syrup for
pint =7.00
12oz =6.00
8oz =5.00
this is about average for northeast wi.
i sell mostly quarts n pints and give away 3/4 n half pints.
this is my 5th year with these prices ,i was thinking about raising prices $1.00 on everything but a little nervous, i will for sure raise for 2011. i have to pay for this new evap. n sugar house some how, maybe buy 2050:lol:
02-05-2010, 07:54 PM
Wisconsin prices are way too low for all the effort required to make syrup. I know of people around here who have just moved up to $9-$10 a quart.
Because of this I put very little effort into selling locally. It just isn't worth it for me. I've slowly developed a mail order/ internet customer base from around the counrty. Then I can actually sell it for prices that are fair to both me and the customer.
But the local market in WIS is just not worth it for me anymore. And the people here just don't seem to want to change either. It's the mind set here.
02-05-2010, 11:17 PM
Most of us here in Wisconsin compete with Amish. Nuff said!!
02-06-2010, 06:32 AM
True confession of a Minnesota Mapler: I sell all my own syrup and then buy what I need for personal use from someone in Wisconsin.
R Kneeland
02-06-2010, 07:20 AM
On Craig's List there are some folks in Fairfield Vermont selling 3 gallons for $100 for all grades.
02-06-2010, 07:20 AM
syrupkid, I read an economic analysis of syrup pricing that said you need 60% of your gallon price for your halves, 60% of your half price for your quarts, and so on down the line. This is to cover the extra cost of containers and extra handling time. Go to the store and compare prices on other food items in different sized containers and you will see that they are close to this breakdown. Based on your $40 gallon price your halves should be $24, your quarts $14, your pints $8.50, etc.
02-06-2010, 10:11 AM
i get 16 for quarts, and 10 for pints here in connecticut. dont realy advertise but sold out all my syrup just from word of mouth. some places are higher some are lower, i have seen quarts as high as 24 dollars and as low as 12 so i guess im in the middle somewhere
02-06-2010, 07:02 PM
Most of us here in Wisconsin compete with Amish. Nuff said!!
Hah getting to be the same problem here. Had somebody who has bought syrup from us since my gramps started making it many many years ago. He did not stop to buy syrup he stopped to tell me he would be buying from the amish now cause they were alot cheaper. I think he was waiting for me to say well I will match his price. Instead I told him to take a little ride over there and after seeing the evaporator sitting in the cow barn with manure all over the place if he still wanted to buy there's cheaper. They aggravate me and the hole town.
maple flats
02-06-2010, 07:32 PM
I'm now thinking $54 gal, $32 half, $19 qt, $11 pt and $7 half pt. Glass will be slightly higher to pay glass cost. I price all glass by subtracting jug price and dividing to get per oz cost of nearest jug size, multiply x oz and add glass cost, then I round up to the nearest half or full $. When I get a deal on glass I calculated it the same and pass the savings on. Over the past few years I have often bought several cases of a closeout or specially priced glass.
02-07-2010, 09:03 AM
[QUOTE=backyardsugarer;95388]It's time to set my retail price for this year and I am thinking about freezing my prices from last year because of the economy and all. My current prices are $6 1/2 pint $10 Pint $17 Quart $30 Half Gallon
$55 Gallon
Thoughts from others in the region.
55 bucks a gallon!!!!!!!!!! thats robbery
Fred, what is the going rate in your area. Thanks Dave
02-07-2010, 01:11 PM
I live 9 miles from Fred and I charged $42 per gallon, $25 per half; $15 per qt; $9 per pint last year. Still have a little left. Some folks around here charge less, some charge more especially the "Certified Organic" guys. The thing is, our county is as big as Rhode Island but only has 100,000 people, and has lots of maple trees and sugarmakers, though very few are Amish. Supply and demand affects price so our price is lower than areas with more people. Some locals just sell it all in barrels so as to not be tied to the weak local retail market.
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