View Full Version : any thoughts on a live chat for the site?

02-02-2010, 04:12 PM
Had a very nice visit from Red maple today to check out how badly I had screwed up my tubing and the rest of my setup..turns out I'm not as messed up as I thought. Anyways, I mentioned to him that a live chat would be really nice to have for the site. He also seemed interested in the idea. So anyone else have an opinion?

02-02-2010, 04:52 PM
Right now We have to update the site due to security patches that need to be done, I can't say that it can't or won't happen, I actually have thought about it for a while just have to see how and how much it would be to add it to the site.

02-02-2010, 07:49 PM
I'm a newby here but my two cents say no. I'm not into texting or chat and really only need or want to check the site once or twice a day. OK if the weather is bad and I'm being lazy maybe four times a day:emb: I'ts very good the way it is and I thank those that are doing the slog work to keep it running.

02-02-2010, 08:45 PM
im all for chat probably because i was born in to this technology age it would be nice to talk to someone one on one but if you ever do put live chat on this site dont do java chat because it is not compatable with alot of 64 bit programs such as microsoft x64 right now most people have 32 bit but in the futer more people will have 64 bit because in 2038 32bit will become useless

02-02-2010, 08:50 PM
i think the chat would be a good idea to a point= What i mean is if theres alot of people in there it would get so confusing noone would know/ understand what everone is talking about so a yes/no for the chat from me,

02-02-2010, 08:59 PM
i see where you are coming from nate but one can set it up that along with the main chat there also is "private chat" wich is one on one or just a few people

02-02-2010, 09:10 PM
yes, you are correct on that, i used it many of time, the private chate is what i prefer for chat rooms, just gets to confusing with to many people

02-02-2010, 09:17 PM
i honestly have never been in a "chat room" although when you are iming with a bunch of your friends the "private chat" is nice so it is not as confusing

02-03-2010, 08:23 AM
It may be a good idea for some of the younger set, but for me a "chat room" is the last thing I am interested in, I was raised to be outside.

This is a great site for information and reference, kind of like going to the library when I was a kid - "chatting" is not in my vocabulary.

Just my 2¢

02-03-2010, 12:42 PM
While I mentioned it, to be honest, chatting is not something I would do on a regular basis either...However, on another (fishing) site I used to belong to they would do online seminars a couple times a year that were worth their weight in gold. Just another thought on it....

Haynes Forest Products
02-03-2010, 04:53 PM
as long as its in English and full words no Abbreviations. The one problem I see is the site cant be pulled up for good information as a resource.

farmall h
02-03-2010, 05:03 PM
I personally don't feel that a "chat arena" is appropriate for this site. Besides, what drew me to this site in the first place: maple syrup tips and traditions!:)
Would I use it? Most likely not.

02-03-2010, 07:51 PM
I like the fact that I can check this site out anytime and see what everyone has to say. The subjects covered in a chat room would be missed if you were not tuned in at the right time.:(

02-03-2010, 08:26 PM
I think a chat area is a good idea. Mabey because I was born into the tecnology age like syrupkid and Nate. I tend to be on every night between 9:00 and 10:00 and it seams like a lot of people are also on then and a chatroom would be nice. Just my 2 cents

Jim Brown
02-04-2010, 07:00 AM
Unlike Farmboy and a few others I was not born in the IT age. I never sat at a computer until I was 50.A chat room would serve no propose for me!
My two cents!


red maples
02-04-2010, 07:37 AM
I think a chat room would be great. as well as private chat rooms too. this way you could have a one on one conversation. or just join in on the community conversation.

hey how about video chat. mmm sexy get your lap top out to the sugarhouse and show those evaporators boiling!!!!:lol: ;)

02-04-2010, 08:49 AM
I do think many are right that once a question is posted in the chat room its gone for everyone else that could benifit from it. The trader is here for all to get info from. there are ways to do chat, if everyone were to get an aim or yahoo acount and start a maple chat room that would work, but then you only can rely on the info at hand, not everyone can give help.

so the jury is still out, your comments are needed both sides.

02-04-2010, 09:08 AM
I think a chat room would be fine if it were not too much work/maintenance. I would think our administrators have enough work to do. I also don't think it will be used nearly as much as the rest of the site.

One thing I would love to see though at mapletrader.com would be our own Maple Producers Manual. A wiki that the community contributes to and edits. A common place where all of these questions, answers, best-practices, worst-practices, questionable practices, etc., could be gathered into a wikipedia-like reference.

red maples
02-04-2010, 09:25 AM
good point mapleman3

I also like the wiki idea... seems like like that would be a ton of work though. gotta think about that one. because when you search for topics you get a ton of stuff and can't always find the answers you re looking for so you need to ask again(which usually isn't a problem someone is always here to help no matter what.

02-04-2010, 09:40 AM
If you all go to a chat room,:cry: I have nothing to read each day. Darrell

02-04-2010, 09:48 AM
The current setup is almost a chat room already, sorted by topics and searchable. I like it this way.

Dave Y
02-04-2010, 10:45 AM
Not Intrested In live chat.I find it annoying.

Thompson's Tree Farm
02-04-2010, 10:54 AM
I really see no purpose to a chat room. I think these forums approach "chat" at times as answers come pretty quick when there are a bunch of us online. I think the importance of having the record of what has been discussed is a clincher. When I discovered what was here in the archives, I spent days looking at old posts to help me with expansion and management of my operation. If all of that activity had been on a chat basis, It would not have been available.

02-04-2010, 11:53 AM
Agreed, unless more and more ask for it we shall leave it as is.

Amber Gold
02-04-2010, 01:00 PM
I think a chat room would be good because it would keep some of the non-information stuff from threads, leaving them as information only and more useful.

An improved search engine would be good. It's difficult to find old information and questions/answers tend to get repeated, clogging the forum with repeated information.

My 2 cents.

02-04-2010, 01:03 PM
Josh, True, that is why though the search should be used more so threads are not done twice , three, and four times on the same subject with the same people giving the same answers they gave the last time it was asked.

02-04-2010, 01:04 PM
Better search engine would be great.
And the great part of this forum, is for the most part we are pretty close geographically. So there is a good chance at chatting live and in person.

02-04-2010, 01:08 PM
I, too, wish for a better search engine. It's often hard to find information that I know is on here somewhere. Not to keep plugging the idea, but a user-maintained wiki could distill most of the common and repeatedly asked-and-answered questions down into a nice, organized, searchable document. Or even a wiki-style FAQ page would be nice.

02-04-2010, 01:13 PM
The problem with"wiki" is the information is not always correct. as is here it's mostly from experience, but to condense everyones answers into a "FAQ" would be a heck of an undertaking.... question and this is not to be a wise guy but do you have the latest Maple Syrup producers Manual? thats the bible besides the info on here. the good thing about this site is the ease of asking and getting an answer in pretty short time by a number of different views and experiences, then you take it and use it as best you seem fit. we will try to upgrade the search when /if we upgrade the forum software.

02-04-2010, 01:13 PM
Or stickies on common questions.
How many bricks in a 2x6?
What size stack?
How does a divided pan work?
How much does a gallon of syrup weigh?

02-04-2010, 01:34 PM
Mapleman3, first let me say how much I appreciate this website and all of the useful and timely information it has. I know you, being an administrator, have put countless hours into helping this site be what it is. So I thank you (and everyone else for that matter). But I hope all the suggestions for making the site different/better doesn't feel like ingratitude or just more work for the administrators.

The problem with"wiki" is the information is not always correct.... to condense everyones answers into a "FAQ" would be a heck of an undertaking

I understand, but the point of a wiki (a la wikipedia) is to present all of the information that nearly 100% of people agree on. The other point of wiki-style pages is that it is the users themselves that build, edit, and moderate the entire thing.

... and this is not to be a wise guy but do you have the latest Maple Syrup producers Manual? thats the bible besides the info on here.

I don't have the latest yet, but I do have the older copy of it. I even met and talked a while with one of the authors of that book. And I agree it's a great resource, and that's partly my point. I routinely see questions asked here that are well answered in that book. If we had our own organized resource, people could easily just get the information.

But I think I see your point now. The kind of information is available elsewhere, so why not just let others do it. I'm cool with that. It was just a suggestion.

Thanks again.

(ps. saying "not to be a wise guy" means exactly the opposite, as in "okay I'm going to be a wise guy now")

02-04-2010, 01:48 PM
Ahh then wise guy I am ;) actually the "wise" part is the maple smarts that I learned here.. he he (way to plug the site Jim) ha ha

All your points are well taken. we will see what the future will bring... as far as a Wiki... I would have no idea how to start one.. maybe you or someone does? and where would we put it? here or just on the web?

02-04-2010, 04:43 PM
If you all go to a chat room,:cry: I have nothing to read each day. Darrell

My point exactly.:D

02-04-2010, 05:09 PM
It's chatty enough in here already......

02-04-2010, 08:17 PM
I like the current setup. I love technology but I am not interested in a chat room.

10-10-2010, 08:57 AM
I mentioned to him that a live chat would be really nice to have for the site. He also seemed interested in the idea. So anyone else have an opinion?
Personally I would much rather see a gallery script added or at very least an increase in allowable attachment file size. Many members have links to photo sites like photobucket but many require registration to view and I simply don't bother. Coppermine could be added to MapleTrader for free (open source) or PhotoPost for a fee (which integrates with vBulletin beautifully). Member's maple pics would all then be linked to their profiles entirely from within Maple Trader. As an easier but less fancy alternative, increase the attachment restrictions to allow for typical 800 x 600 .jpg images to be included in a post.