View Full Version : Private Messages

02-01-2010, 05:11 PM
OK You folks that are replying to the notification that you have a private message are getting them deleted, I have put the info in the messages and rules forum area explaining that when it says on the email DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL... that's what it means, DON'T REPLY TO THE EMAIL.... it comes to me... there are many going back and forth from members and new members.

SO please , next time you get an email stating that you have received a private message, please read the instructions included that you need to go to the link or your private message page. I am sorry that I delete them but I don't have time to reply telling you to do all this.

Thank you

02-04-2010, 08:52 AM
Ok it's getting better but sorry to a few of you who still replied to the PM notification emails and had their replys deleted.

on another note, big member signup in the last few days and welcome those new members... enjoy the site and happy tappin !

Haynes Forest Products
02-04-2010, 09:25 AM
Charlene You have to understand that Im an IDIOT when it comes to this high teck thing called reading instructions:emb: