View Full Version : cost per tap
01-31-2010, 05:18 PM
I know I once read on one of the threads about the cost of running a tubing system,but I cant seem to find it now.Could someone tell me the cost per tap ,say on a 200 tapline using 3/4 inch mainline gravity fed.
01-31-2010, 05:28 PM
I think the rule of thumb used to be $5/tap, not counting labor. Not sure if that's still true. But usually smaller setups cost more than larger, like volume of scale, I'd say.
01-31-2010, 06:02 PM
I think the $5 figure is pretty close - put in 300 taps on 500" of 1" mainline this past summer, and the cost worked out to $5 per tap, not including labour.
01-31-2010, 06:44 PM
I don't know where you guys are buying supplies.......A 2 pipe, vacuum system, done right will run you close to $10 a tap.
red maples
01-31-2010, 07:11 PM
I think the $5 figure is pretty close - put in 300 taps on 500" of 1" mainline this past summer, and the cost worked out to $5 per tap, not including labour.
you got 300 taps on 500 ft of mainline wow thats tight.
I put 235 on 1000 ft of 3/4 inch main and I thought my trees were tight.
I actually need to run more mains to the same trees for next year so I can cut down on the number of taps per lateral shooting for the 3-5 range.
I haven't figured out a per tap cost I think it would scare me this year. I figured if I could sell each quart for $50 I might just break even.:) So if I find that market I will tell no one!!!!
02-01-2010, 05:29 AM
I have also heard the same $10 per tap for a wet/dry line system with lots of valves and boosters...
but I think my numbers are closer to $6 per tap for simple 3/4" one line system. I use the cut in star fittings instead of the multi-fittings and that accounts for the extra cost I would guess...
going the try the multi fittings on the next set up though...
Brian Ryther
02-01-2010, 06:04 AM
I think everybody is forgetting the tank, wire ties, wire, side wire, valves, hose clamps. If it is vac then the releaser etc.. I am closer to $12 / tap.
Dave Y
02-01-2010, 06:06 AM
A single line system averages around $7 dollars a tap. A wet dry is a few dollars more.
02-01-2010, 07:12 AM
I average about $8 a tap counting only wire, tube, fittings, hose clamps.
02-01-2010, 07:38 AM
I run all mine on gravity 1/2" mainlines and I average around $ 5 per tap and this is with the higher cost 30p leader mainline.
02-01-2010, 12:58 PM
I usually figure on up to $5/tap for laterals and saddle manifold only. Mainline, fittings, steel, tanks, pumps etc... will be on top of that.
02-01-2010, 07:27 PM
Heck if you went out and bought used aluminum buckets and soule taps you are looking at 6 bucks a tap just for that. What I am thinking here is you need to figure in the cost of the vac pump,releaser and bulk tank as well, after all what good is a vac setup without the vac or releaser or a place for it to dump in. The initial cost has to be alot higher than some have stated. If it wasn't I think we would all be on tubing cause at 5 bucks it would be cheaper. Also the more taps you add the cost per tap would be less. Lets think about it, just for numbers if you got a vac pump and releaser for 2000 and only put in a hundred taps, you just added 20 bucks per tap, now if you put in 1000 taps it would only add 2 bucks per tap.
red maples
02-01-2010, 07:36 PM
used vac and releaser for me this year so $850 and about 235 taps so whats that around 3.50 or something give or take and then tubing , mainlne, wire, taps, T', saddles, hook connectors, valves, rachets, hooks, wire ties, endline rings, quick connects, cuplers, clamps, fittings, man someday I 'll sit down and figutre it all out.
02-01-2010, 07:43 PM
I like to add everything in to get a true average, as well. Then, it IS scary! I think I will be around $12/tap when all is said and done. Still don't know how many I'll end up with, though.
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