View Full Version : Warming trend

maple flats
01-31-2010, 06:52 AM
I hope there is a warming trend real soon. Not outside as much as indoors. I didn't get up during the night to put wood on the fire (which I only do when it is at or below zero) and I woke up to 47 in my living room. Rather cool, guess I should have put wood on about 2 or 3 am. A cool indoors temp is usually at or near 60. I must admit, 47 indoors feels cool. Now about 45 minutes later I already have the temp shooting way up, it is already 49 and climbing. But from here it will climb the next 10-12 degrees in 20 or 30 minutes. I didn't think it was going to get this cold last night, but we had -1 at 7am but no wind. apparently I didn't put enough wood in last night. Yes, i do have a furnace, a good one, high efficiency and all but we refuse to use it and have the emergency off switch turned to OFF. As I type this I can hear the woodstove cracking from heat expansion as an almost evaporator type fire rages inside,

Frank Ivy
01-31-2010, 07:22 AM
Yeah, the temp here in Erie PA is negative 1 Fahrenheit.

That's cold for around here.

I didn't put any wood on last night. It was about 67 when I went to bed. It was about 60 when I came down. :)

When we built the house we went with 2x6 walls and 3" of PolyU in the walls - house stays amazingly warm. It's about 3500 square feet and we used about 4-5 cords of wood last winter. This winter looks to be about the same.

If there's wind, then the house gets colder quickly, but it's dead still here right now.

01-31-2010, 07:23 AM

What is polyU?? Is it the spray in foam insulation??

01-31-2010, 10:54 AM
We heat with wood and my pipes froze last night. One line is still froze as we speak.

01-31-2010, 11:58 AM
-11 degrees with some wind here last night. This dang old house is a bear when it comes to heating. Been remodeling and insulating as I go. The whole upstairs was not insulated nor the attic. Got that all done past summer and all but 2 rooms downstairs which includes the master bedroom. Nothing like buying an old house that has been in the family just for the maples. It was like 49 in here night before last cause I too was lazy getting up around 3 to put wood in. Pretty much got up every 3 hours and put wood in last night and it was pretty warm. I also burn wood as the main staple and have oil as backup but never turned it on cause I was to stubborn. I did see something I have never seen before ever last night. Woke up this morning and had no water. I checked every pipe I could and dang the basement is heated and was nice and warm down there. Thought maybe we were out of water so went down to the well and pulled the cover and it was filled with frost and the pipe coming throughwas frozen. Why is it always the last place you look.

01-31-2010, 12:30 PM
I heat with wood also and have oil back up. If the temp went down to 49 at night I would need a wheelchair to get around in the morning. My basement is not heated for some reason. They put the wood heat on the ground floor. It dosn't get real cold untill you get under -30 below and then it get down near freezing. There is electric heaters down there but so far haven't had to use them. If the oil runs it does heat the basement.
Last night was actually pretty warm as the wind stopped and the air dried out in the house a lot.

maple flats
01-31-2010, 06:51 PM
I had one frozen water line for most of the day. This was the first time it froze in 8-10 years, but it is the coldest indoor temp ever I think. The pipe did thaw on it's own, while I worked the latterals on my last bush. Way too steep for this old man to climb all day, up one and down the next, fixing and tightening lines. Still have about 150 more to do, but less steep ground.

red maples
01-31-2010, 06:59 PM
Pretty cold here 1F here yesterday morning warmed up to like 5 degrees this morning.

02-01-2010, 09:43 PM
It was 1F here in N.E. Wisconsin also. It got up to 20 today though and it felt GOOD!! Almost took the coat off.

02-01-2010, 11:08 PM
-11 degrees with some wind here last night. This dang old house is a bear when it comes to heating. Been remodeling and insulating as I go. The whole upstairs was not insulated nor the attic. Got that all done past summer and all but 2 rooms downstairs which includes the master bedroom. Nothing like buying an old house that has been in the family just for the maples. It was like 49 in here night before last cause I too was lazy getting up around 3 to put wood in. Pretty much got up every 3 hours and put wood in last night and it was pretty warm. I also burn wood as the main staple and have oil as backup but never turned it on cause I was to stubborn. I did see something I have never seen before ever last night. Woke up this morning and had no water. I checked every pipe I could and dang the basement is heated and was nice and warm down there. Thought maybe we were out of water so went down to the well and pulled the cover and it was filled with frost and the pipe coming throughwas frozen. Why is it always the last place you look.
Cause you stop looking as soon as you find it.:D
The house I grew up in was 180 years old and had a drywall stone foundation and no heat in the cellar. Even with the banking my father used to do each year the water pipes in the cellar froze on a regular basis.I got good at hanging a propane torch on a galvanized pipe and moving it along as the flame made the ice pop and moan. I gave up on it though as it sat right in the road ROW and had ledge just three feet down under half of it. I built a new house a hundred feet away and put a Sam Daniels wood furnice in the new concrete basement and I haven't had to thaw a frozen pipe scense.