View Full Version : I have a question

01-27-2010, 07:22 PM
I was thinking about making and arch out of 2 55 gallon drums. I would weld then end to end and buy one of those drum heater kits for lemens. If i cut a slot in the top i could weld a piece of 1 inch angle iron to both sides to place my pan. I have a 2x6 pan right now so my hole in the top of the barrels would ahve to be 2 feet across. Any idea if the would work if i braced the side apart with more angle iron or would the barrels be enough to support the pan full of sap?

01-27-2010, 07:38 PM
as long as you have 2x6 outer angle iron frame, you should be fine.:)

good luck,
Al Smith

01-27-2010, 07:50 PM
Other than free steel if you have barrels laying around, it is way better to build a simple angle frame and panel it with sheet metal. All square and no fighting the dang curves of the barrels. See Davy Jones' posts for good plans.