View Full Version : In the dark but...
01-26-2010, 07:02 PM
Hello All... In Northeast Pa. and gonna try this tapping thing... If I bust my butt, work hard, get a gallon of something sweet and start something with my family I will be happy... Have some trees, got 4.2 gal plastic jugs ( had cooking oil in them ), some tubing, and like 12 taps... Having 2 stainless steel pans made, fire ring, and a bunch of wood from crew clearing power line... as a newbie I guess I am heading in the right direction, I think... So the question is what do you all think??? Any thoughts would be great.. Thanks and may the sap flow...
01-26-2010, 07:08 PM
First of all welcome to the trader. Second of all your on the right track. Collect sap reduce to 66 brix with any means possible. Have fun with family doing it and put tasty sticky syrup on every thing from pancakes to ice cream. Wait 12 months and make more then the first year....... this will become part your life from hear on out. welcome to the addiction!!!!
01-26-2010, 08:14 PM
Welcome, You will be more than happy, this is just the start of a family
tradition, there will be generations of syrup makers to come.
Bring on the sap and good luck.:mrgreen:
Al Smith
On the ledge
01-26-2010, 09:04 PM
Do it!! I tried last year for my first time. My wife was chuckling as I was out on the the deck with my turkey fryer when it got close to syrup I said try this , she took a sip and was hooked. now when I say I want to tap more trees there's no arguement. I only had 8 taps last year but am going to 20 this year, I had planned on getting an evaporator this year, but am putting on an in-law apartment instead, but next year she who must be obeyed said I could get one . The only thing is I didnt tell her was that it that there needs to be a sugar shack over it, lol. when you you read this is an addiction don't laugh need to tap more and make more!!
Bucket Head
01-26-2010, 09:04 PM
Yeah, what Gator and Smitty said.
Good luck and have fun!
01-27-2010, 05:18 AM
Me and smitty are 3rd generation maplers and the bug is still strong. My little ones(5 and 3 yrs old) Tag along and have fun with it. I'm sure the bug will get them too.
welcome, good luck and have fun.
Smitty76;) ;)
01-27-2010, 06:37 AM
What are these pans you speak of???? You may want to look into a block arch to put them on. If there any size they may work better on a arch then the fire ring. The other thing be shure your jugs are free of the oil that was in them. I'm thinking your going to use them for sap collection???? Lots of ways to and things you can collect sap in. Gallon jugs, buckets, totes ... More taps more sap, more syrup!!!! All add up to more FUN!!!!
01-27-2010, 03:17 PM
Thanks everyone for the welcome... The pans I am having made are stainless steel ( trying to keep a budget on this )... I plan on setting them on the fire with the fire kissing the The plastic jugs are for collecting. The plan is to tap the trees, run a short hose to the top of the jugs ( drilled holes in caps ), and have the jugs sitting on the ground. Not sure on the arch for this year, hopefully I won't burn it up.
On a side note... I have been making apple cider for 17 years and that started on a whim with my wife's Grandfather..
Any and all ideas are welcome to get me started... again thanks..... Tom
01-28-2010, 09:24 PM
Welcome and enjoy your new hobby! If I can help let me know I think you are off to a great start!
01-28-2010, 09:34 PM
Welcome aboard innoxen. In case you did not know your life just got a little sweeter and your wallet a little thinner.
Smitty76 you cannot possibly be a 3rd generation mapler I am just, see it says so right up there.........
01-29-2010, 06:08 AM
may be you are not as alone as you thought. my grandfather introduced my father to it and then me and my bro to it and now I am introducing my daughters to it and I hope they do the same to theirs.:D :D
Gumlaw's sugar shack
01-29-2010, 07:18 AM
Welcome to the madness. I got back into sugaring 2 years ago and told my self that I would stay small. Well it started that way but it didn't last long. As anyone here can tell you when your hooked your hooked. Have fun and god bless.
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