View Full Version : trying new hook-up for Leader end ring tee
maple flats
01-25-2010, 04:13 PM
I've noticed that the end ring tee from Leader always leaves a poorly drained tubing as it circles the tree. I changed a few to try a new way to use them. I made a ring around the end tree by taking the proper length of tubing (good use for old used tubing) and circle the tree, hooking one end on each barb fitting. Then I just took the line coming to that tree, slid it through the ring from bottom, upward and put a stubby spout on. It is adjustable by lengthening the newly formed (drop). If the tree is getting more that 1 tap just add a tee and drop between the spout and end ring, keeping drainage in mind. This should make no dead or trap spots. Sort of like the end Y but with some adjustment. No sap flows through the tube around the tree. Has anyone else tried this yet? So far I like it but I only tried a few as I walked and repaired lines from limbs falling and a few squirrel chews (or chipmonk? maybe) Most lines have no chews but some did.
Brian Ryther
01-25-2010, 05:08 PM
Why not just use a "Y".
maple flats
01-25-2010, 05:26 PM
I like some adjustability. This gives it. Remember to that this idea is just in it's infancy. One thing about this plan is that I can use old fittings off old removed lines as no sap touches the end ring in this method.
farmall h
01-25-2010, 05:38 PM
I can't seem to get a visual on what your doing MapleFlats. Which leader endring fitting are you using? You got me thinking on this one.
Homestead Maple
01-25-2010, 08:41 PM
The Leader end line ring that I'm familiar with, shouldn't leave any residual of old sap or other foreign substances in the line when you flush or pull cleaner by vacuum through the spout. I use a Waterloo end line ring and one of the Darveau red tees that only allow flow in one direction. If Leaders end ring is used as designed there is no "dead area" in the line around the tree.
01-25-2010, 08:51 PM
I think I know what Mapleflats is up to and I think I like it.
I use the same end fitting.
See item 4738
He's running old tube around the tree to each barb and running his lateral through the loop, into the tap and then into the tree.
I don't like the leader loop as sap sits in that loop, but more so, the loop is usually where I get squirrel damage and gives me vacuum leaks - thus I would much rather use "dead" tube around the tree.
I also don't like the Y fittig, cause lateral is not adjustable.
berry boy
01-25-2010, 08:54 PM
Wouldn't this tend to kink the line where it goes through the ring when the lateral is pulled tight? I use old tubing through ring around tree then splice together by doubling end and putting a wire tie on. This way I can use the 90 and put my drop on top. Thanks, Berryboy
farmall h
01-26-2010, 03:22 PM
I like some adjustability. This gives it. Remember to that this idea is just in it's infancy. One thing about this plan is that I can use old fittings off old removed lines as no sap touches the end ring in this method.
Mapleflats/Homesteadmaple, this makes more sense now. When you include the oneway Darveau "tee" on your drop. Yes indeed. I will have to get some of those for my end tree application. Currently I have that dead sap that won't come out. I have been replacing my end rings (picture courtesy of HomesteadMaple) with the Leader double-flow endring which accepts a 7/16 or 5/16 spout. Easier to replace the tee with the one-way tee. Install the regular 2-way tee to another tree! Hey thanks for the info! I didn't even know of the Daveau red tee. That a Canadian product?:cool:
Item # 4738 comes as you see it on the web page. In order to get the 2-stage plug such as what is on the "T" you need to call since it is not updated on their web page (per Randy @ Leader).
Homestead Maple
01-26-2010, 07:45 PM
I got my red tees from Glen Goodrich in Cabot, Vt. You may already know his business. Yes, Darveau is Canadian. They carry a lot of different maple equipment items.
farmall h
01-26-2010, 07:50 PM
Goodrich's is about 40 minutes away. The tee is possibly a Leader product as well?
maple flats
01-27-2010, 04:52 PM
The dead spot is not truly such. Theoretically the tap on the drop feeding the end ring tee is at the end of the line and sap can only go one way. The problem is that there is always sap setting in the tubing going around the tee, tubing that does not flow thru andget replaced by fresh sap dependably enough. It tends to harbor problems. My new approach for connecting them addresses this. As designed there are always low spots, you can not go from a drop, around a tree and end at the same elevation and get proper flow, there are always low spots, fresh seems to run along the top and leave the stale there to an extent. As far as kinking, yes, if pulled too tight it will kink slightly. By the same token, if you pull the end ring tight as originally designed it kinks a little to, in face the same if the tightening pulls the end ring out very far from the tree to take up more stretching.
farmall h
01-27-2010, 05:16 PM
Thank's Maple Flats/Homestead Maple. I believe what was missing from the equation was the one-way tee for the last drop on the line. Many thanks.
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