View Full Version : New to site

01-25-2010, 10:17 AM
Im new to posting on this site. I found this place about a year ago and have been reading like crazy since. Im in college, but I plan to have an operation ready to go when I graduate.... most likley sooner haha. I have had gravity tubing set up before and sold sap.. kept just enough to boil down on a turkey cooker. I broke down and bought a 2' by 8' leader drop flue this year. Brought it home 2 weeks ago and now it sits in my work in progress sugar shack waiting to be used.

I have had the bug since I can remeber, started collecting sap with my grandfather and boiling it down on an old coal cook stove. Slowly but surly im gathering eguipment and it kills me to not just go for it and tap all I can, but good things come to those who wait. Right?

I figured after a year of just reading I might as well introduce myself and start asking questions. This year looks like 60 taps and a flat pan in the woods on weekends...not enough time with school to tap enough to run the evap.... told the parents I wouldn't run it till I graduate but will see how it goes.;)

Good luck to everyone on the upcoming season!

01-25-2010, 10:24 AM

Welcome to the trader. Sounds like you have a good plan in the works. You might even be ready when you do go for it, unlike the rest of use here:lol: Already have a 2x8 it must be killing you!!!!!! Get it running the parents will understand if you run it before graduation.

01-25-2010, 10:30 AM
hellow Scott and welcome. Sorry about your cercomstance. the bug can really get your panties in a bunch when you can't get as involved as you want.

good luck and have fun.:) :) :) :)


Haynes Forest Products
01-25-2010, 01:02 PM
Welcome Waysidemaple take your time and have fun and tell the parents they cant have any free syrup till you can produce enough to give away.