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View Full Version : Getting Electric

01-23-2010, 09:29 PM
Here's the deal, in this bush im in now, I want to have electric but the neigbors wont seem to let me use theres when i said they would pay there bill, Well anyways, The spot where i want my pump is probably like only 15-20 feet from the road, is it even possible to get my own electricy put in like a meter and everything, i dont think they would have to run a pole or anything since its right next to the road but i dont know? and any ideas on how much it would cost in NY to have it done? if it can even be done



01-23-2010, 10:40 PM
Nate, without being to much of a pest, I would go back to your neighbors and ask nicely again. Maybe have your mom or dad along with you. putting in electric service is expensive and you always have the monthly service bill which is around $40.00 here in Wis. We were lucky enough to have neighbors that let us "tap" off of their power. The 2 month bills (March/April) came to $136.00 total. That was running a vac pump and a kicker pump in a zero tank. Maybe pay an electric downpayment to them? Hope it works out for you.

01-23-2010, 10:52 PM
Hey Nate maybe you could SWEETEN the deal. Like Rhino said maybe an upfront cash deal is what they need along with some syrup. Hate to say this and take no offense but I agree with Rhino, bring a parent along. Alot of people just don't trust the younger generation cause most of them are not as motivated and respectful as you are.

01-24-2010, 04:59 AM
I live in upstate, NY and we put power into our sugarhouse this year, what a process that was and it was only about 100 ft( lots of paperwork). I'm not sure who your power provider is, our's is National grid. I do know that if you were to contact them NOW that you most likely would NOT have service by sugaring, it took us 10+ weeks after we started the process to get power. Since the service you want installed is not for a residence you will be put on the back burner. Like others have said, try to talk to your neighbors again.

01-24-2010, 07:34 AM
most likely the electric co will require a pole or some type of mast/backboard that would have the meter and junct box mounted to it. if its not too far from the road you could probably depending on soil put in a length of conduit to the pole at the street and then a post/backboard of sometype for the meterbox. as said earlier you probably won't be able to have the power for this season, but it wouldn't hurt to get the ball rolling now. i know down here in ct it may take awhile to get the setup done as i'm sure w/ any electric utility.

01-24-2010, 08:19 AM
Around my area you can get temporary set ups. They still need to get permits and inspected before the electric co will hook up. You can get them turned on and off as needed however there is an additional fee to do so.
But it is cheaper than paying for the minimum service charge through the rest of the yr.
I will say this though. I would do as others suggested. Sweeten the deal and try to get the owner to change there mind. Find out how much it will cost you and then offer to pay there whole bill for more than the time you use if needed.
Good luck

01-24-2010, 08:37 AM
Wheres the closest transformer. If they have to put in a new one for temporary use it will be a problem also. You just need to maybe talk nice to the neighbours.

01-24-2010, 09:15 AM
ill have to look Ken

And thanks guys, ill try asking once more,

if not ill have to see what happen MAYBE GAS! YIPPE

01-24-2010, 10:51 AM
here in pa i put a temp system in befor a built my sugar house i had to call the power company and get DR number i did not have to set a pole cause the pole and transformer where already on my side of the road i just ran a 3 inch conduit over and up the pole 10 feet the put my tempary pannel in i deal with GPU and they told me that they would give me 75 feet of wire for free (from the pole to pannel) then i payed for the rest i cost me about a $100 for all the stuff i needed and only cost $9 a mouth when i not useing it

maple flats
01-24-2010, 12:00 PM
jrthe3, you are lucky. Several years ago I tried to get seasonal power (about May-Sept) from our local co. This was for running an irrigation pump to handle 250 gal/min at 60psi or above , basically a 60 amp 240 volt pump and they said they will not put in power unless there is a biulding with a foundation. AT that time the company was Niagara Mohawk. Now National Grid bought them and I could get power to my sugarhouse for almost $10,000. Too much for now so I generate my power and have solar for lighting (if battery bank runs down I can also charge with the generator)
Nate: Basically, ask again, leave an up front deposit if needed. If that fails check to see if you can get power more easily than I can. My feeling is that everyone not with Nat Grid can get power cheaper. By the way, power runs in front of my sugarhouse and I am back in 400'. As far as the neighbor, What would the distance be and what are the specs on the equipment? If it is very far you will need to calculate what guage wire to use. I can help there, I have all of the formulas and knowledge to use them for wire voltage drop. If it comes to that try getting a voltage in figure be reading it with a meter at several times during the day. Most important times are weekdays from 7-9am and 4-8pm. Those are the times when the system has the greatest demand and voltage is lowest.

Haynes Forest Products
01-24-2010, 02:13 PM
Maple Flats have you checked back with the power co. When we put the power in for the cabin we needed to pay for it to be run another 1/4 mile down the road and if someone else then tied into the extended service we would get a refund.

01-24-2010, 06:56 PM
We "buy" power to run several of our vacuum pumps either by paying their electricity bill for several months or with syrup. Make it worth their while because you will benefit from not having to put gas in a pump, which is far more expensive, or running on gravity, which means less sap.

Is there any way you could put the pump where you do have power and run a dryline to a releaser?

01-24-2010, 07:24 PM
im going to try asking the neigbors then go from there,

01-24-2010, 07:39 PM
does any one from ny on here know if nyseg does temeray electircy drops?

farmall h
01-24-2010, 07:49 PM
I don't know...maybe you should consider a small gas generator. Less of a hassle.

01-24-2010, 08:10 PM
more like gas engine on pump if i have to

01-24-2010, 10:13 PM
Nyseg will not let you put a box on their poles. They will make you set a pole with a box for their meter and you will have to drive ground rods whether temporary or not. They will also put in a demand meter if there is no residence or if this is an additional service.

Plan on spending upwards of a Grand unless you have electrician friends.

01-25-2010, 05:43 AM
Nate--Call your power co.!!

01-25-2010, 11:41 AM
NYSEG will do a Temp hook up but it is still expensive. First off do you own the land where the meter and panel will be located. NYSEG will not allow you to put your equipment on their pole. Most likely you will need to have a pole installed or go underground to a riser and mount your meter and panel there. Depending on your towns code this may have to be done by a licensed electrician at the very least it will have to be inspected by a electrical inspector before they will even schedule a hook up date. Like one of the previous posters said this process could take a while. You would also have to pay a higher commercial rate for the electricity since it is not hooked to a residence. I could see the cost of a temp service around $2500. plus the cost of the electricty and maybe more. The best bet would be to cut a deal with the neighbor.

01-25-2010, 03:52 PM
I think i may have found a other way to get electric, the owner of the bush has a barn probably 1500feet down the road, think may run the vac pump down there then pipe the vac to the releaser, wont be this year thought anyways im running gas this year, i wont have time or cash to get it done this season, but next season, i just have to ask the owner if theres power in that barn witch i know there is cause the used to milk cow and go from there, but ill still ask the neigbors because there closet than running 1500ft of pipe, it might even be further than that but i dont think so, but i know the owner will let me,

thanks guys, if worse come to worse ill call nyseg and see

01-25-2010, 05:35 PM
You should call NYSEG right now even if you have other plans. The next time the field engineer is in the area they will check out your site and give you the available options for free. I have always found them to be helpful and easy to deal with in my area.

All of NYSEG's poles are numbered so go to the nearest one and write down the number so you can tell them which pole to look at.

02-07-2010, 02:52 PM
I have a other queston what if the land i want electric is not my land, = would i have to have toe owner do all the calling/ whatever they gotta do to get electric put in, not quite sure if im going to to have electric put in or maybe ask the owner if the barn has electric in it or ask the neighbor to the barn if i could use there electric and pay there electric bill and just pipe the vac up to the relaser like 1500 feet away, and if either of thoes are no go's then WITH GAS IT IS