View Full Version : New guy here from CT!

01-19-2010, 10:49 PM
Hey everyone, I have been checking out the forum for a little bit and wanted to finally introduce myself. I have talked with a few of you already through ebay auctions, craigslist auctions, and calling on some shops for supplies.

I plan on 45-50 taps, 25 on buckets and 20-25 tubed up in Northwestern CT. This will be my first attempt at doing this so hopefully it goes well. The goal was 5-6 gallons of syrup, maybe some candy we will see...

Right now I have NOTHING but some trees however

"In the mail":
2x3 Stainless Pan
Stainless Preheater
Hydrometer Cup
25 Aluminum Buckets
25 Health Taps
25 Taps and T's for Tubes

Things I Still Need:
Storage for 3 days worth of sap (im guessing 130 gallons?)
Cinder Blocks and Bricks for homemade arch
Candy Thermometer

Id love suggestions on the storage. Im thinking either new trash cans or 55 gallon drums with a liner or bag in them. Other than that I think im all set and ready to go! Im sure I will have some questions though so bear with me as I learn. Thanks everyone!


01-20-2010, 01:24 AM
if you search craigslist there is a guy by hartford ct that has used food grade 55 gallon barrels for sale I think the ad was from the begining of December I still have his email at home if you can't find it.

01-20-2010, 05:52 AM
Welcome to the trader it is a great place aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh something to heat the sap up to a boil:D
and sometimes when we're up early or late - a cracked sense of humour
good luck, have fun

01-20-2010, 06:45 PM
Thanks for the welcomes. I will check more into the storage tanks this week. :) Its getting warmer and warmer..


Mike in NY
01-20-2010, 07:27 PM
275 gallon totes are availible to me at 60$
metal cage w/ apoly tank inside w a drawoff valve in the bottom and and a 5 inch cap on top. just make sure what the contents were previous. all ours were water soluble and we tripple rinse w/ 180* hot water

01-20-2010, 08:54 PM
I talked to someone up in western mass that was trying to move one of these tanks. I would love to get my hands on one but I dont know if I have anything I could truck it in to get it to CT. Where in NY are you? How big "physically" are these? If I could move it id buy it :) 1 of those would be all that I need.

01-21-2010, 07:19 AM
Mike I could use one of those and I am in CT too. What was in them and are they food grade.


01-21-2010, 07:55 AM
I use these tanks to collect move and store sap in. One person could lift one into a truck. There used in every corner of the world there should be some place that has them near you. Check with the local farm store. Often used in milk sanitery supply, food use and about any thing else. The last one I got still had juice in it, one time use and I got it for 25.00 That isn't often that happens.

Haynes Forest Products
01-21-2010, 09:23 AM
There about 50"x50"x50" and when empty the are light as can be. When I went to get mine the lady picked it up and had it on the trailer before I could help. Whats nice is the cage is great for strapping down and easy to handle. You will need to use a rubber coupler to get the thing down to smaller plumbing but thats easy.

01-21-2010, 04:09 PM
hey Loun.
welcome. This is my 2nd season. I'm down in Southern CT (Ansonia). In West Haven, Cosmo Foods has 50-55 gal plastic food barrels for 7.00 each.
I have one for sap storage and another I cut and I'm going to invert the top section and attach a filter and secure it down w/ the ring.

01-21-2010, 07:19 PM
The problem for me is that I dont have a pickup in ct. I have a ford explorer and my snowmobile trailer is in MA and needs to be rewired so I cant use anything I cant transport in my explorer otherwise those 275 gallon tanks in the cages would be awesome for this. I will keep trying to figure that out, I mean if its local enough id consider just renting something from uhaul maybe.

As for the 55 gallon drums from cosmo, I looked at their site and they do a lot with olives, mushrooms, etc etc and I found a bunch online that had soda syrup in them... how much of that will have a lasting flavor that when boiled down could be tasted? Is it something to worry about? Or will repeated washing with hot water and then 5% bleach solution? Will that get rid of that potential issue?

Thank you again everyone.

01-21-2010, 08:36 PM
for a good digital thermometer go to mcmaster.com they are an industrial supply place but will sell to anyone with a credit card. part number 4135k28 thats the one i bought, has a nice 12 inch long stem, and only costs $26 i have ordered alot from them, they are reasonable on prices for plumbing stuff too, and have anything ya could want in stainless fittings and fastners. and if you order it before about 6:30 pm you will have it the next day in ups. im not too far down rt 8 from you if you want to set up a time to see my small sugarhouse and setup.

01-21-2010, 08:37 PM
I would think you could top the top off of one of the cage tanks a couple of inches down from the top and put hinges on one side of it and have great access for cleaning but still have about 250 gallon storage capacity. This would shed all the water off, but allow instant access to the inside to pump the tank empty or clean or sanitize it.

Or even cut it lower if it was too high and have a bigger lid.

01-21-2010, 08:47 PM
Mark I would love to take you up on that offer. I started a new job so im going back and forth to NH for a bit. I am in Colebrook this weekend, then im down there 5 days a week after the 30th. Its getting warmer, tapping time has got to be soon. Any recommendations on when to start in that area? Im brand new down there. Thanks a ton Mark, let me know when you might have some time. I really appreciate it.


01-22-2010, 08:25 AM
Hi Loun,

Cosmo does a good job of rinsing but there was still a little odor. I rewashed and I cant detect anymore odor. Convenience got me there. Soda Syrup containers sound better bet. Good Luck.

My sister in law and family live in Colebrook. Maybe I can stop by sometime and mapletalk. Lord knows my family doesnt want to here about anymore. Some people just dont understand us.

I tapped at the end of February last season. By Mid/Late Mach it got real busy down here in Ansonia. Colebrook usually is 5 degrees (+ -) or so cooler than where I am.

01-22-2010, 10:42 AM
Thank you for that info, I dont mind washing them a bunch of times. I did find a place local to me up in NH thats has the soda syrup ones and coffee ones. One way or another I will find a way to make it happen :) The first year is always a learning experience right?

And yes, everytime i call my girlfriend (im working in NH currently so im not in CT) she starts the conversation with... "hi, if its about maple sap or syrup I dont want to hear it" *shrug* lol

I will let you know when im around, id love some tips and advice.


01-22-2010, 12:29 PM
Dont know about tips and advise, but it'll nice to shoot the breeze with someone who understands my addiction! :D

Heres a pic of my small time backyard boiler w/out the pans. Just enough to keep me in trouble for this season.

Mike Van
01-22-2010, 04:18 PM
We have a freaky little January thaw right now. I'm down in Kent, warmer than Winsted. I usually tap around mid Feb. One year it was the first week of Feb, one year it was so cold nothing ran in Feb.

01-24-2010, 11:59 AM
I went to the meeting yesterday at session woods and alogn with a BUNCH of information and some great contacts, I picked up my thermometer, hydrometer, drill bit, tubing, and a couple of 55 gallon drums over at Lamothe. Thank you everyone. I am a lot closer than I was before going.

I also picked up a couple "manuals", the "North American... Producers Manual" caused, my gf to tell me I needed to sell everything and walk away hahaha.

But after the meeting I definitely ended up thinking more and have a lot more questions. I will post a questions thread once I find the best place on here to put it.

I really need to figure out what im doing for a home made arch next and find a cheap source for firewood lol. *sigh* so how does one keep this a "fun hobby" and not so much a "job"? :)


01-24-2010, 01:52 PM
*sigh* so how does one keep this a "fun hobby" and not so much a "job"? :)


You get a GF who wants to help you and a father in-law to be who has done it before on an outdoor firepit. That's what I'm doing and I gotta tell ya, they seem to be getting the bug more than me! That's saying a lot since I've been dreaming maple recently. :D

Haynes Forest Products
01-24-2010, 02:23 PM
LOUN Call around to any Tree service and talk to the Manager or owner and ask them if they will let you pick up some firewood from a job site. Most companys are paying to get rid of it. smaller companys dont have the land to store it. If there is a big nursery around town that gets wood chips from a tree service they always have wood from the piles. YOU have to become a wood rat. Go to the store and get a bottle of Maple syrup scrape the labels off and say its yours and give it to the owner for some wood. YEA I know that just plain RIGHT to get the job done.

01-24-2010, 03:10 PM
welcome aboard loun i was at the meeting as well on sat. the north american book is an excellent source of info, as is this site very knowledgeble people. are you planning on taking the short course once the season is over or did you take it the 1st time it was offered? i took it even though i have been sugaring for about 4 yrs, you will def learn some good stuff there plus get to talk w/ some of the veterns in ct. as far as getting some fire wood take a ride around or ask if anybody has seen the tree cutters hired by cl&p or the state dot they usually leave behind lots of good wood at the road side. good luck.

01-24-2010, 06:20 PM
ctjim, I am willing to learn as much as possible from as many places as I can. As long as I am available when the next session is, then I will be there. I will hopefully make some calls in the next couple days to see what I can do to find some inexpensive wood. thank you again for the ideas.


01-24-2010, 07:12 PM
hello im from ct as well i live in east hampton this is my first season doing a tubing system you can go to sydney ME and get some surplus its called Bacon Farm i went there and got some tubing tees and saddles the lady Shelly Bacon works their and is very nice and help i definatly recomend to go there its a 4 to 6 hour drive but its worth it:D:):D:)