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View Full Version : Leaking T's

01-19-2010, 07:00 PM
Last year I got a bunch of Leader T's that had a pretty poor parting line from the injection mold. Air was leaking down the parting line ( the ridge you can feel on poorly formed plastic). I pulled them out and carefully sanded them smooth, not rounding the barb edge. That worked but what a pain.

So this year I was at my local dealer getting the check valves and he pulls out the bag of Leader T's and while they may not have been as bad as I got last year, the ridge was still there. I griped about it and he showed me some
D&G T's What a difference. Sharper barbs and no parting line at all.

Perfectly made, but as I discovered this afternoon, not good with Leader stubbies. They wont jamb on and stay put. Don't make that mistake.

Long drive with my tail between my legs tomorrow to get the Leader T's.