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View Full Version : It's just to soon to tap or is it?

01-18-2010, 06:53 PM
I usally tap around the 2nd week in febuary. But it was almost 50 degrees today here and the weather forcast is mid 20s to upper 40s this week. The ground went from frozen this morning to 6" of mud this afternoon around my sawmill. I can't help myself I hear my tapper a calling and my trigger finger is gettin itchey. If I do tap I'll regrett it next week when theres knee deep snow and 10 degrees. But it sure is tempting.

red maples
01-18-2010, 07:20 PM
Your in stillwater? I grew up In still water. went to kittatinny HS. My parents live off east shore drive on swartzwood lake. About a quarter mile from the state park. I used fish that everyday. miss that area but don't miss Jersey.

01-18-2010, 07:34 PM
I'm 100 miles N. of you, and I'm itching to go. If I was where you are, I would have to seriously consider it. Looks like another warm up next weekend...

I've spent allot of time down you way as well - in Layton down on the river. Small world, my mom went to Kittitany camp as a kid.

red maples
01-18-2010, 07:38 PM
layton...delaware river? I used to fish there too dingman's ferry bridge! fish for shad up there.. thats the best part of jersey. I nothing but farm land for miles people only know the turn pike and newark what ever beautiful country up there and lots an lots and lots of deer.

01-19-2010, 10:26 AM
With that weather forecast and your location, I would tap.

01-19-2010, 10:42 AM

Not sure what kind of set up you have but if I were on buckets or gravity I'd wait. Vacuum I would start drilling. I'm just across the river from you but much higher and hence about 10 degrees difference. We are only supposed to be in the low to mid thities this week and next with one day high of 42.

01-19-2010, 11:14 AM
grew up in hackettstown and fished where u guys atlk about also lived in marshalls cree

red maples
01-19-2010, 11:20 AM
my brother lives just out side of blairstown in Columbia...how we get to where we are quite crazy I guess its where we ever we end up via work family school what ever!!!

01-19-2010, 11:30 AM
Peace-you would not recognize Marshalls Creek if you left more than 10 years ago! Sad, very sad, flea markets, sub divisions full of houses in forclosure and lots of city folk

red maples
01-19-2010, 01:54 PM
yeah... there are alot of places like that...franklin lakes when it used to be all woods not McMansions. and so many houses around swartzwood lake now. houses and developments every where!!! but so expensive to live just between taxes and insurance forget it!!!

01-19-2010, 04:59 PM
There are people who have already tapped in Indiana on another thread.

I think it's pretty good weather for tapping out there, and if you have days in the 40's then it's probably time to tap in New Jersey too.

I think it gets into the 40's a lot from late January into February down your way.

I grew up in Westchester County which is probably a lot like upland Jersey.

I remember a lot of nice days in February.

Mike in NY
01-19-2010, 05:05 PM
200plus miles north of you and I was thinking of hanging a couple buckets jes to see what's going on. we have about 10 inches of hard pack icy snow in the woods

01-19-2010, 07:04 PM
Well almost all the snow what little we had is gone except a few spots on the dark side of the hills. I had 39 degrees at lunch time but a light rain was falling almost all day it was a damp nasty day. I would love to tap but my evaporators not been cleaned from setting all summer neither is the collection tanks. I'm just not ready yet. I can't put the cart before the horse. I have to do some line repairs the deer knock em down and the bears chew on them. Finish installing more taps clean up tanks and so on. If I tap to soon the holes heal up winter ain't over yet. It's been cold but we ain't really had a winter.

01-19-2010, 07:25 PM
my whole family is from frankenlakes nj. well use to be, moved to central ma. in 1977 to get away from the developement, and now it's found us again.