View Full Version : still use buckets?

01-15-2010, 04:42 PM
how many of you still use buckets? do any of you pick the sap up with an atv?

Gumlaw's sugar shack
01-15-2010, 04:59 PM
I have about 200 buckets that I use. I go from tree to tree and carry It all out In five gallon pails. This year I'll be putting them up again along with some tubing.:o

01-15-2010, 05:11 PM
My ATV has two legs also. The smaller ATV has shorter legs and carrys less. I think a small trailer behind a atv would work better as you could load more on it then the ATV it's self. I have a trailer made for a atv that I pull behind my small tractor that will hold a lot of weight.

Thompson's Tree Farm
01-15-2010, 05:20 PM
Still use about 50 or 60. Used to do 1500. We gather with horses. Visitors love it. I have a neighbor who gathers with an ATV. He has a trailer he had built with a built in gathering tank. Holds about 70 gallons. Fred Henderson (trader) Gathers with a Kubota RTV.

Dan W
01-15-2010, 05:24 PM
I have collected with an ATV since I began (I think this is going to be my 6th year). I use 2 55 gallon drums on a trailer. Up to 160 buckets now. Agout 2/3 of my trees I can drive right up to the rest are in neighbors yards that I don't want to tear up so carry buckets for them.

01-15-2010, 05:35 PM
I do the tried and true 2 - 5 gallon buckets and horse power (I'm the horse). I tried a tank on back of the snowmobile but it just seams like I spend more time pumping than its worth. My longest carry is a couple hundred yards. I collect three different bush's so I need to get it into the truck to haul it home.

red maples
01-15-2010, 05:41 PM
all tubing except for some buckets in the front of the house still love the look of buckets hanging and I am the sap hauler!!!!

sap runner
01-15-2010, 05:49 PM
650 buckets,tractor,dog,wife,and two boys

01-15-2010, 05:49 PM
I start with the gravity tubing doing all the work. When it slows some and we get good sap weather late I set buckets. Fresh holes and a few buckets can up the sap a lot during later runs. I Drive the edge and pick up in a cage tank behind the tractor.

01-15-2010, 06:43 PM
Last year we had 2000 buckets. This year we smartened up a bit and went to tubing w/vacuum but we will still probably hang around 800 buckets, 600 of them will be gathered by a neighbor:D .

Grade "A"
01-15-2010, 06:47 PM
I have 80 buckets, also I have two 15 gal barrow (dumping stations) in different spots with 1" pipe that head down the hill and I hook it into the tank in my truck. Makes gathering fast and easy.

01-15-2010, 08:57 PM
I had 41 buckets last year. This year I will have at least 60 if not more. This year I want to use my quad. I will use a trailer with 2 55 gallon drums. I could use my cub cadet but I think the quad will work better.

maple flats
01-15-2010, 09:17 PM
1 bucket and to be honest, I never used that sap. I had the bucket near the sugarhouse just to show visitors how they worked. I dumped the sap when no one was around. However, one year I set about 100 buckets but went to tubing for everything now.

01-15-2010, 11:32 PM
I will be hanging 500 this year and then cut back to 300 and hopefully add 300 on tubing next year. John Deere tractor with a 3pt platform on the back with the gathering tank on that. If I had to carry 500 buckets of sap I would quit.

Tim Wagoner
01-16-2010, 05:37 AM
I have 180 on buckets and jugs. I would like to have all on lines but my trees in a lot of places are to far apart to string that much line. So for me here in KY if i want the sap I have got to do buckets. I do have 160 on line this year so that helps.

Tim Wagoner
T&K Farms
340 taps 160 on line 180 on buckets and jugs
Lapierre 2X8 with homemade steam preheater hood
Zerro Milk storage tank with UV light

White Barn Farm
01-16-2010, 05:58 AM
I use around 225 buckets and gather with the tractor and 4 wheeled cart. Used the 4 wheeler until we bought the tractor. We have roads that allow us to drive close to most trees. I could easily tube it all but my son and girlfriend have too much fun gathering for me.

Russell Lampron
01-16-2010, 06:07 AM
I hang about 80 buckets around the house and along the road and gather with my ATV. I have two 35 gallon tanks on a trailer behind it. The rest of my woods is tubing and vacuum. My grandson and wife gather the buckets most of the time. I bring my Honda pump down to my woods tank and pump the sap from there up to the sugar house.

Fred Henderson
01-16-2010, 06:11 AM
600 taps; 500 on buckets ,100 on tubing. I need the excerise dumping buckets.

01-16-2010, 06:31 AM
I use 500 bails. If i can't gather pails i will quit sugaring. Do not like the tubing all through the woods.

Dave Y
01-16-2010, 06:41 AM
Last year we had 1200 buckets, this year the same or more.

01-16-2010, 08:13 AM
Don't mention pails to Theron or he will be useing those too.
It's actually hard for most of my trees to run much vacuum since I am on the top of the rise. In the winter out behind the snow gets so deep walking is a chore. That and as you know we all need exercise after sitting at the computer looking at the trader all winter.

3% Solution
01-16-2010, 04:59 PM
Planning on putting up 60 buckets and the rest will be on line.

Fred Henderson
01-16-2010, 05:10 PM
I don't care what anybody says, buckets make better quality syrup.

01-16-2010, 06:19 PM
I have to agree with Fred on that one especially if you sanitize the buckets at least a couple of times throughout the season. They will run more sap than gravity tubing too.

01-16-2010, 11:20 PM
I don't care what anybody says, buckets make better quality syrup.

Fred you almost got it right. Buckets hanging on NY maples make better quality syrup:D

01-16-2010, 11:23 PM
Buckets hanging on Quebec maples make better siriop d erable. But can see where tubes come in handy some times.

01-16-2010, 11:42 PM
I hang about 60 buckets a week or two after I tap all my tubing. You need to gather at least a couple dozen buckets to keep you honest.

White Barn Farm
01-17-2010, 05:54 AM
Tubing is to trees what pipeline is to cows. You can be fooled by what each tree gives in sap volume. Most of the time I gather close to the same amount of sap through the season but it is interesting to watch the production vary throughout the season. The smaller trees start before the bigger ones wake up and are quicker to stop. You wouldn't know this with tubing. I have nothing against tubing, I just like gathering the buckets. Plus I don't have to worry about rodent damage. If I find a bucket chewed through I should probably not be in those woods!!!!!

Russell Lampron
01-17-2010, 06:53 AM
You can see the sap flow in the drop with vacuum and tubing so you can see which trees are running and which ones aren't. I put out about 80 buckets each year but get most of my sap from the tubing which is all on vacuum. The flavor and quality of my syrup is as good as or better than anybody elses, just ask my customers.

01-17-2010, 07:08 AM
Last year we hung about 600 buckets, this year would like to put out a few more but lost an assiocate(son) to college. There is nothing like the sound of drips hitting the bottom of a just emplied bucket!


Fred Henderson
01-17-2010, 12:17 PM
Last year we hung about 600 buckets, this year would like to put out a few more but lost an associate(son) to college. There is nothing like the sound of drips hitting the bottom of a just emplied bucket!


Go out at night and listen to the dripping sound.It is almost a symphony out there.

01-18-2010, 10:01 AM
Still hang 100 buckets around the fields and collect them with the a 3 barrel round tank on a trailer behind the tractor. Does keep you honest and the kids love to collect. It is a luxury not relying on them however.

01-18-2010, 11:31 AM
We do 100 buckets. I use 2 small garden trailers each with a 100 gal tank on it, pulled by my compact 4wd tractor. The collecting is what makes maple syruping fun for the family. The kids have little interest in standing in front of the evaporator for hours stuffing in wood, but they love spending 45 mins each day after school visiting each tree and collecting sap. I tow the trailer, they each visit "their" trees and bring the sap out in 5 gal buckets.

Just a note of caution to those looking to use an ATV/UTV to pull sap. Watch your loading, especially if you have any hills. I used a 4 wheeler one spring and had an exciting trip downhill being pushed by 100gals of sap. Your total towed weight should not be greater than half the weight of the towing vehicle plus rider, especially on slippery surfaces or even gradual slopes. In my case, the sap sloshed to the back, unweighting the tongue and almost lifting the rear of the 4 wheeler off the ground, which then jackknifed sideways, as I tried to steer and brake my way down to the bottom with only the front 2 wheels on the ground. I'm still here to talk about it, but I'd rather not repeat it!!!!!!!!!

01-24-2010, 08:05 PM
i got 5 buckets i put out, they are on trees that to tube i would have to add another tank for them, or cross a roadway with the tubing, so i just empty the 5 while the pump is running and filling the truck tank from the 300 gal tank in the woods on the mainline

01-24-2010, 08:19 PM
I am putting out 75 buckets this year. The ones at home I use a Polaris ranger with a 35 gal. ag tank on the back. The rest I am using a 300 gal IBC tank in my pickup, with a large cooler on a hitch hauler so I can pump it to the IBC tank in the back without having to climb up and down out of the truck. Unfortunatly I have no way to use tubing at this time.

01-24-2010, 08:32 PM
we are getting close to putting out our 200 buckets,28 taps on tubing,When you tap all the neighbors trees they like to see buckets. worked in the sugar house tonight cleaning
Uncle buck

01-24-2010, 08:35 PM
the other 25 taps we are trying out the sap sacs. the price is right to add extra taps and even bought some extra bags

Bucket Head
01-24-2010, 11:33 PM
Thats what you call a Nantucket sleigh ride...in the sugar bush!

Glad it turned out allright. Everybody planning on using an ATV, or even a smaller tractor, should keep in mind that a gallon of water weighs eight pounds. It does'nt take much of a tank and trailer combination to overwelm your tow vehicle. Too much weight and/or not enough tongue weight is called "the tail wagging the dog". Not a good thing, on the highway or in the woods.


01-25-2010, 06:28 AM
Used 300 buckets last year. This year most of our woods will be on vacuum which should total 500+ taps. I will also use 200 buckets for trees in my pasture and along roads. Will gather the buckets with a Allis Chalmers D17 with set of rear forks which will hold 125 gallon round gathering tank we also use a team of horses with trailer when my Amish neighbor helps.

Red-bellied Woodpecker
10-19-2011, 03:24 PM
Will have about 1600 taps with 1200 buckets this year. Lucky to have a sugerbush that has old logging lanes in it that we have someone we know come in and plow the snow off so we can use the ATV with trailer that takes 45gal of sap. This puts 90% of the buckets 20ft or less to the ATV. A lot of trips will have to be made this spring but still faster the needing to haul 5gal buckets as long as 450+yds. Plan to have over half them on tubing in the spring of 2014.

10-19-2011, 07:09 PM
So you must not have 3-4' of snow on the ground during sugarin season either?

Dan W
10-19-2011, 07:50 PM
I hang about 300 buckets that I collect with a Kawasaki Mule. Payload on it is 400 pounds so a 50 gallon drum in the bed works out nice. I collect with 5 gallon buckets and the farthest I have to carry is about 30 yards. about 75% of my buckets dump right into the tank. In the past I had 2 55 galon drums on a trailer that I pulled with a 4 wheeler-too much weight on those skinny tires. The Mule has been my lifesaver!!

10-19-2011, 08:16 PM
Used my ATV 6x6 to collect my 5 buckets last season, but think it will be more handy with my 85 buckets planned for this comming season.

10-19-2011, 08:24 PM
Used my ATV 6x6 to collect my 5 buckets last season, but think it will be more handy with my 85 buckets planned for this comming season.

Welcome to the addiction of Maple deckers007!

Red-bellied Woodpecker
10-19-2011, 09:23 PM
I'm sure we will have yrs that there will be no need to have the lanes cleard but if this coming spring is anything like last spring I have someone lined up to clean off the lanes for the cost of some salmon.

10-20-2011, 04:52 AM
Welcome to the addiction of Maple deckers007!

I Have NO IDEA Why I posted this….????

mike z
10-20-2011, 12:52 PM
Cause you're CRAZY GramaCindy! Crazy like all of us that come to this place.

I plan on 200 buckets this year like last, and use an ATV with a polar sled to haul covered buckets out, but wonder how I could haul a 100 gal. tank around instead. Would a guy be able to pull it by sled, or trailer with wheels? The site is on top a hill, but the soil drains poorly. Water stands for some time in wheel tracks. No, I'm not going to tubing. I just built my collection of Al. buckets.

Brad W Wi
10-20-2011, 03:36 PM
I use 400 buckets and a 4 wheeler pulling a wagon with a 220 gal tank on it. Works for me. If the snow is to deep I have a tractor.

mike z
10-20-2011, 10:14 PM
Brad, do you have chains on your wheeler?

10-21-2011, 02:56 PM
I use 300 buckets. I like using my John Deere gator when there not much snow, otherwise its my tractor. I put the tank on the front end loader. Works well 4712

Brad W Wi
10-21-2011, 06:36 PM
No, no chains. I do break a trail with the 4 or 6 wheeler. But those Polaris machines are workers. If the snow is deep I will break a trail with the tractor.

11-04-2011, 08:34 AM
I use about 700 Al. buckets with covers. Collect with Polaris 6 wheeler, trailer and tank, plow roads and trails with JD550 dozer. I do not like tubing throughout my woods and enjoy seeing what each individual tree yields. I have been doing it this way for the last 12 years. Fire with wood, 2 1/2 by 8 Dillaire with no RO, USDA inspected.

11-06-2011, 04:58 PM
I will be up to 70 buckets this year. Part of me would like to do all buckets, but most of my sugarbush is on steep rugged terrain and gathering sap with equipment would be challenging. The resulting soil erosion and compaction are also a concern. It wouldn't take much to send the topsoil to Lake Champlain.

I may tap some neighbors' land in the future and that will be with buckets as the terrain is ideal and they don't want to see tubing. Could be 200 taps there.

11-07-2011, 06:29 AM
We put out 200 buckets last year. All the neighbors love seeing them along the road and some times it even tempts them out to give a hand gathering. May do a few less this year. I gather with a 225 gallon poly tank set on the front forks of the tractor.

As a kid we had a bit over 2000 taps on buckets. Somehow I only remember gathering on those gloriously crisp and sunny early spring days, though I'm sure I must've spent plenty of days gathering in the rain.

12-02-2011, 03:25 PM
Just started last year, 45 buckets. Going with 75+ this year. Hit the big time!4894

Bruce L
12-02-2011, 04:47 PM
We still put up around 25 buckets right around the sugarhouse,it makes for great pictures as well as gives the folks a chance to see the sap dripping,and some of the older generation to gather a bucket for old time's sake

12-08-2011, 08:43 PM
Last year I started out with 42 buckets. This year, Built Sugarhouse (12x30), purchased Older 2x6 Leader Evaporator, additional 36 buckets. Made 42 gal last year having friend boil for me. This season..... boiling myself and shooting for 75 gal. Pickup sap with three daughters 11, 9, 7, '98 chevy pickup with tank.

12-10-2011, 07:50 PM
Well ---- I still haven't graduated to buckets yet. I've been a Backyarder for over fifteen years and Old Rink Mann is still my Hero.... I like his -- As a Backyarder we are about making good Maple Syrup just as cheap as possible - not to see how much money we can spend. - I've tried to follow his line of thinking and it ain't always easy. Don't You old New England Boys laugh too hard now - But I hang Coffee Cans on my trees to gather with. Mainly - cause the used regulation sap pails are hard to find and very pricey when You do.... That said - the dang coffee cans keep getting smaller and smaller and I'm getting way too old to be getting all that extra exercise making gathers. Time to change ---- Some of the guys on this site and my oldest Son included have been using tubing spiles and running the tubes thru the lids on 4 and 5 gallon plastic pails to cut down on gathers and over-flows --- So Old Set in his ways -- is gonna go that way too in 2012 --Gonna just bypass regulation sap pails altogether.... Although - I must admit - they do look classy. ----Mike---

12-10-2011, 08:10 PM
My Dad was a backyarder, plastic milk jugs and copper tubing for taps.Thats were it all started for me. Great memories!

12-11-2011, 03:50 AM
I will be putting out 125 buckets behind house so kids can gather there rest if taps on tubing and vac and that is right around 1200. Cant wait to make that item we all love. bring it on.

shane hickey
12-11-2011, 08:43 PM
unfortantly I still have 1400 buckets I put out every year the land lord doesnt want tubing in there, I tried everything.

12-20-2011, 06:57 PM
Last year we had around 950 buckets and gathered with 2 ATV's most of the time due to all the snow... we spent a lot of time stuck. We are hoping to have around 3,000-3,200 on pipeline and vacuum (bought a bush) and around 500 buckets (will gather with a tractor this year).

Bucket Head
12-20-2011, 09:02 PM
Yikes, thats a lot of buckets. You would have been better off with two horses that two ATV's. Their great machines but they are very limited in the white stuff. You'll like the tractor though! Will the tractor be a Ford, seeing Chevy does'nt make tractors? Sorry, I could'nt resist, lol. Signed: A Ford fan.

Good luck with the new bush!


12-29-2011, 12:05 PM
i think it's great there are still so many guys still using buckets. i hope to be up to 125-150 buckets this year, 90 % on a steep hill. love the traditional feel of buckets, want to stay as pure to the past as possible. can't imagine checking 2000 taps by hand that is awesome, the old-timers were definately not afraid of hard work. my plan is to not have sap touch anything but metal until it gets bottled, not sure if this will happen but it's a plan. i am going to build a shack this year hopefully 12 x 16 and am going to try to keep as " old-fashioned" as possible. not sure how much i'm going to make this year, but i going to go to end and make every drop i possibly can.

my wife sure is happy i picked up another "hobby"!! she already puts up with all my other "cheap hobbies". most of you i'm sure can relate to this!!

01-02-2012, 08:59 PM
Moved from buckets to tubing about 4 years ago. Less labor.

01-05-2012, 04:08 PM
still use buckets and went to more tubing this year with 86 taps on tubing. Will have 201 taps out total. We use tractor and atv with tracks to collect with, works well so far. New sugar house in 2009 and have a 2x5. People pack our sugar shack and say our syrup is the best around. We do not sell it and started in 2001 as a hobby with three of us and now have a fourth with us. I can say even as a hobby and just retired its a year round job! but love it.

01-08-2012, 05:44 PM
I have 30 buckets, I can't even imagine having a bucket count like some of you guys WOW. I use the square plastic buckets that food service folks use, they are free and easy to store and clean.

01-09-2012, 09:55 AM
I'm planning on putting out around 200 hundred this year. I will try some tubing one of these years!

Dave Y
01-22-2012, 08:37 AM
I keep thinking I will stop using buckets, however I keep adding them . I hang them where tubing is not permitted by location or land owner. this year we should have 2700. They make nice sap. last year they kept me going while my vacuum was down. Don't know if I will ever get rid of them.

01-22-2012, 06:09 PM
Yup, we have 12. Thats right, about 12 or 14 buckets.

Why? Cause of the heritage of them, and being able to show new people that stop by, how the older generation used to get sap!!

01-23-2012, 03:35 PM
just over 600 on buckets, 16 years old :)