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View Full Version : Joining two Pans

01-14-2010, 07:55 AM
I made two new pans, 13 x 18, I really wanted it as one pan (26x18, but the stainless I had was not large enough to make it as one pan. now I need to join them. My fall back plan is to weld on a couple fittings and plum it on the out side.

But I was think of pluming it on the inside. this is where I need some suggestion on how to make the connection while still being able to disconnect the pans if needed. There must be a coupling that is leak proof and handle the heat.

Thanks, Dane.

01-14-2010, 08:09 AM
Why did you not just weld the pans together if you wanted a single pan.

01-14-2010, 08:14 AM
Just weld two ends of a regular stainless coupling and plumb another coupling between them.

01-14-2010, 03:50 PM
On my old evaporator I just drilled 2 holes in corresponding locations on front and back pans and used a stainless close nipple, 4 high heat O ring's, 3 stainless washers and tightened the whole thing together with 2 halfs of a coupling I cut in half. I had to drill the center out of some local hardware store fender washers. I put it at the depth I wanted to run the back pan so it would flow through automaticly. I tried to post a picture but I couldn't get the size and or format right.

Parts go in this order with the close nipple through the middle.

Coupling / Washer / O-ring / Pan / O-ring / Washer / O-ring / Pan / O-ring / Washer / Coupling

Worked for several years for me over wood fired arch.

01-17-2010, 11:40 AM
3rd, your right I should weld them. but after all the trouble I had with plugging 5 little pin holes, I not sure I have the patience to so. I'm working with a mig welder where the controls are not like a tig. I think I need a new friend that owns a tig welder. I almost gave up on welding up new ss pans after the mess I make over Christmas on the first try. I warped that ss pan something bad.

I still don't know which way I will end up going; weld them together, plum inside or plum out side.

Thank for the input everyone.


Why did you not just weld the pans together if you wanted a single pan.