View Full Version : Heat Wave
01-13-2010, 09:53 AM
The past couple years, I have tapped some trees in January with success. The extreme southern Ohio forecast gives above normal temperatures for the next 10-15 days. The sap will run great next week, but that is quite early. Two years ago, I tapped about that time and boiled for 8 weeks (with the largest runs coming in late Fe). Last year, I tapped about 1/3 of my trees the last week of January. I did make syrup from that run, but it froze back up quickly for 1-2 weeks. I am sure that cost me some production later on.
I am getting over elbow surgery and will be out of town Feb 1-3 so I planned to tap the first above freezing period after Feb 3rd. I am afraid to wait until Feb if we have a two week stretch of warm weather before then.
You have to remember that I am in the southern range of sugar maples and risk my season if we would continue with a warm Feb/March as well.
I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
My Forecast:
14th Hi 44°F Lo 34°F
15th Hi 43°F Lo 31°F
16th Hi 42°F Lo 31°F
17th Hi 44°F Lo 30°F
18th Hi 47°F Lo 32°F
19th Hi 46°F Lo 31°F
20th Hi 47°F Lo 32°F
21th Hi 45°F Lo 36°F
22th Hi 51°F Lo 43°F
01-13-2010, 08:49 PM
Newman, guess difference in where you are in the state. I am in central Ohio and are calling for temps through Tuesday, highs mid to upper 30's and lows in mid to low 20's.
Haven't heard anything past the 19th. Would be tempting to start tapping but I think will hold off till see what weatherman says for rest of next week. I think we are still in for some cold temps yet and would take a bit for the ground to start thawing here. Had a long stretch of real cold before got any snow to insulate the ground. Figure probably be first or second week of Feb. at earliest here.
01-13-2010, 09:34 PM
It is noticeably cooler in the Columbus area than down here. I go up there every month for meetings and always notice it.
Last year when many were starting your way and further, our trees were starting to bud. I barely got into March last year. I boiled our last batch on March 8th. My first boil last year was on Jan 25th.
maple flats
01-14-2010, 08:51 AM
Newman maple, as I see it you likely won't miss much if those temps are right. You would likely get 2 days good, then a day or 2 very marginal then nothing. In my experience if it does not go down to at least 28 a warm spell only works well for a day and a half or maybe 2. After that you need to "reset" the pattern with a colder night. I don't see much results from a 31 or 30 overnight. You would possibly only lose 2 days by having to tap after Feb 3. unless your forcast takes a dip and then warms again. Do what you must.
01-14-2010, 01:25 PM
If you look at the forecast ( now, it looks pretty good where you are. Looks like a good run on Tuesday if the 27/43 temperatures hold. And the 8-14day outlook there shows temperatures above normal for the period.
01-14-2010, 05:07 PM
its not the early freezes that mess u up its the end of the season that will
01-14-2010, 05:27 PM
Maybe I will find the forecast that looks the best and lock it in! I wish it worked that way. I will take a close look at it tomorrow evening and decide what to do Sat and Sun.
The Birdman
01-14-2010, 08:46 PM
Take what mother nature gives you and run with it.
01-15-2010, 10:35 PM
I went ahead and put out 25 taps. All were running nicely. The forecast is marginal (warm nights) depending on which one I look at. A couple are perfect for the week ahead and others show 30-35 degree nights. I think I will tap another 25 or so tomorrow and hope for the best.
01-16-2010, 07:15 PM
Put some taps in today. Sap strarted to flow around 3 PM, but never amounted to much and had stopped by 5PM. In spite of the weather guesser, the last few nights have been too warm. Probably nothing till next week, when the prediction includes cold nights.
Buckeye mapler
01-17-2010, 01:03 PM
I had one tap out just to see how it was going. I didn't even get a 2 liter bottle full in a 2 day period. I will watch to see what is going on in the middle of the week. Fingers crossed for some artic cold to move in and freeze it up and then another quick thaw!:)
01-17-2010, 08:13 PM
The fifteen day forecast for my area looks very tempting every night below 32, and every day above 40, I think it means I am going to have to start early, or risk no season. I'll ask the other two producers in my county and see when they plan on taps in. zip 26851
01-17-2010, 09:43 PM
Where are you close to in WV?? Looks like a different world than where I am. Hard to believe that much difference???? I see you are in the eastern panhandle, I would think you would be colder but you are a ton warmer?? Makes no sense, see what other producers are saying as you are 3 to 4 hours north of me.
What is your elevation? We are around 2500 to 2600 feet where I am.
01-17-2010, 10:05 PM
I hope it works out for all of us with this crazy last half of January. I need a cold night. They predict ~29 degrees tonight. Since we are out in the boonies, it is usually lower. I sure hope so! I agree that it could be a year we just have to get an early start.
Buckeye mapler
01-17-2010, 10:11 PM
Cleaning the taps up tonight. I am going to tap in the next couple of days. I need some sap to fill my barrels!!!!
01-18-2010, 03:49 PM
What is your elevation? We are around 2500 to 2600 feet where I am.
between 1,500 feet and 2000 feet. Even though it's been warm, I checked some ground in different places, the top is muddy, but under that is still pretty frozen. I am sure the trees are still frozen.
01-18-2010, 06:12 PM
Larry Harris(member on here) and his brother and helper put in about 150 taps towards the end of last week and in 3 or 4 days, they have gotten maybe 150 gallons of sap. Trees not running very good even though temps have been good. I would imagine ground is still frozen down a couple of inches even under the snow. Just too early yet, wouldn't worry about it as there will be sugaring weather in Feb and March. Year in and year out, by far the majority of my syrup is last week in Feb and 1st 2 weeks in March.
01-18-2010, 10:24 PM
The forecast is different everywhere you look and the temps are completely different here (in either direction) than Cincinnati TV forecasts. We never got down to freezing last night and they never got above freezing today. It is generally colder here at night than Cincy. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for some sap...
Buckeye mapler
01-19-2010, 12:09 AM
how are the taps running in adams county? not too good out of my one. still planning a day to tap, but it seems I should not be in too big a hurry!
01-19-2010, 06:01 AM
Not much running here. They are still dripping ever so slowly. The temp was 36 degrees at 6:30 so I doubt they run today either.
We've had temps in the upper 30s all week with very little sun. I tapped a few trees last week anticipating some sap with the forecast we had, but I've gotten no decent sap flows. I think the ground might still be a little frozen, but with the temps only getting warmer in the daytime over the next week, I'm expecting sap any day now. I really think that if we got 1 good day of sun and mid 40s sap would be flowing. Otherwise, our forecast is PERFECT for sap, as they say low 40s the next couple of days and down to 26 at night.
Buckeye mapler
01-19-2010, 05:03 PM
Our temps will remain above freezing after tonight and saturday is going to be close to 50. I think this weekend will be good. Unless Newman starts reporting a substantial sap run from the thawing ground. Then I might jump out earlier. :D
01-19-2010, 06:33 PM
if i were you guys id wait till about valentines day? feb 14? either way. thats when ill tap hopefully. i have test taps out now. and nothings going on up here. but you guys being down south of me will start your season about a week or so ahead of me... best of luck guys
01-20-2010, 11:11 AM
We are definately more than a week apart if Valentine's Day is the mark. I have had big runs the first 2 weeks of Feb the last 2 years. Last year the trees started budding the first week of March. I know the weather in early Feb could make us hold off, but I think starting late is riskier the farther south you go.
Buckeye mapler
01-20-2010, 02:02 PM
I would have already tapped, but my pan is not finished being welded so I figure the longer I can hold off, the better for now. Next year, if we are in this same situation, I will have already tapped. Sap is sap whether it is 100 gallons or 10 gallons. I won't get anything too late into March and the last I checked 10 gallons is more than none!;) And ten gallons over each day adds up.
Sap is now flowing in my smaller trees, and I imagine my larger ones aren't far behind. Time to get the drill out and do a couple more, I guess.
01-20-2010, 04:05 PM
The temp outside is 37 right now and I brought in 20 gallons. I had planned to boil the 25 gallons I had, but I think I will wait since the sap is good and cool. Some taps had ice on them so I know it did freeze here. Tomorrow's warmup might bring more. The forecast gives mid-40's for highs.
01-20-2010, 05:21 PM
The forecast is different everywhere you look and the temps are completely different here (in either direction) than Cincinnati TV forecasts. We never got down to freezing last night and they never got above freezing today. It is generally colder here at night than Cincy. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for some sap...
Best forecast and most accurate I have found at least for my area is and put in zip code for your area or zip code for area close to you that is closest to what your temps run.
01-21-2010, 07:55 AM
This is my first year and I'm not running many taps. I'm looking at the five day forecast for Central OH and it is pretty consistent with the past 5 days i.e. low in the 30's and high in the 40's, which means trees should be getting close to thawed and the sap should start running.
I'm itching to do this so I'm going to tap on Sunday with the kids. Worst case scenario, my taps heal up and I tap more trees to finish out the season - right? I'll probably end up with more sap than I can manage anyway.
Any other Central Ohioers have thoughts? How about you Newman-I know you are further south but are you starting to seeing anything significant, yet?
01-21-2010, 06:21 PM
Thanks WVMapler for the tip. I have looked there in the past, but forgot about them this year. It looks like some good weather next week after this warmup is over.
I am boiling down ~6o gallons now. It is a good chance to make sure everything is working OK before the big runs.
I will wait to tap more until I am back from a 3 day conference Feb 1-3. I hoep to see some good weather then!
Next week looks promising Sugarin'-Fool. Just watch the weather and hope for the best!
Buckeye mapler
01-22-2010, 05:24 PM
so 60 gallons huh? not too shabby for this uncooperative weather and what, 50 taps? I still have that one lonely tap out monitoring it and the past 2 days have net me 2 gallons. not bad. sunday is the target day to tap. my pan looks awesome, but is still not complete. I am very happy with it. i still have to go get the valves. I spent a good portion of my day yesturday getting these ss pipes threaded. well, I am going out tonight to finish fire bricking the arch after these kids settle down.
01-22-2010, 07:36 PM
I hope the brick works out well.
I didn't gather this evening, but it looks like I would have another 5-10 gallons. I may go ahead and tap the rest of the trees right around the house tomorrow or Sunday (maybe 10 more taps). I was checking out the other side of the hollow at Dad's this afternoon. I think I can increase my tap numbers by 25 perhaps. I just have to make sure I have enough buckets to do that. I need to check on more 5 gallon buckets. There is a guy at West Union who gets pickle buckets. I may stop at his place tomorrow and hope he is home.
01-22-2010, 09:22 PM
May want to wait 2 or 3 more weeks to tap the other 25 so you can get sap later in the season when the others dry up. I can usually go until around March 21st and I am well south of you.
Buckeye mapler
01-23-2010, 01:11 PM
well under a thread called heat wave, we are now looking at a pretty good "cold spell" coming in. some days look good, others not so good, but a much needed freeze is coming after a couple of days of thawing temperatures. looks like a good formula for pretty good sap runs to me. some nights even in the high teens again. that is nice. today and tomorrow will definitely thaw the ground good. we shall see what happens now! I would say that this weekend is a good time to get your taps in if you haven't already.
01-23-2010, 10:08 PM
WVMapler, Beckley is about 70 miles south of me, but 1500 feet higher. At a glance, your forecast definitely gives colder weather than here. I am sure that is not always the case though.
I am not tapping the rest of my trees for another 1 1/2 - 2 weeks. I am at 59 now and hope to add 75 more later. Last year, a guy brought me sap in February (because he tapped and his pan didn't come in) so I might not get to my 150 I hoped for. It would seem wrong to have less than last year!!
Buckeye mapler
01-24-2010, 07:01 PM
Well I put 77 taps out today and will due some more later in the week. it was sure flowing pretty good from every tap I put in. I am anxious to see what it amounts to. I want to boil this weekend.
01-24-2010, 07:35 PM
I put a few taps out today . . . not getting any flow? Is it possible that I didn't drill far enough or any other thoughts?
Thompson's Tree Farm
01-24-2010, 07:46 PM
If the sap was running, you would hardly have to get through the bark and you would have sap.
01-24-2010, 08:20 PM
My suggestion would be that if you put some taps out now, you had better keeps some trees available for later as your early taps will most likely dry up. Temps are warmer than typical right now, but by tapping early you are not necessarily going to be gaining extra weeks with the same taps, they will dry up early. Be patient, within a month you will be so busy that you will be beggin for mercy!
01-24-2010, 08:31 PM
Ijust looked at the forecast here in south Mi. This coming weekend lows in the single digits. I'm waiting
Buckeye mapler
01-24-2010, 10:13 PM
1.5 to 2 inch. do the side of the tree facing towards the most sunlight.
Buckeye mapler
01-24-2010, 10:15 PM
myself and newman are in the southwest part of the state. by tapping now, we will still be getting sap into March, which by the middle of march, our season is over. this is not a bad idea to tap for us.
01-24-2010, 11:11 PM
I bottled a gallon today. Surprisingly, it was medium, not light. I know using a flat pan generally makes it darker, but my first boil usually gives me light syrup.
Gonna be a cold week with some days above freezing. I hope to have enough to boil some Saturday. I If I have a small batch, I might try out my 2X3 barrel cooker I got from Buckeye. I would rather stay inside, but it is tough boiling when I start with less than 40 gallons or so.
01-25-2010, 10:28 AM
Looks like a cold snap for the next week, possibly next two weeks. This is the national weather service's 8-14 day outlook ( It's got everything below normal in the low 30s for Ohio. I'll be tapping once this cold spell breaks I think.
Buckeye mapler
01-27-2010, 11:40 AM
I am hoping some type of pop up warm front moves in and gets things flowing. I am watching Tuesday. The 7 day forecast changes everyday and each time it does they keep raising the temp on tuesday. would like some
40's!!!! I am going to see what things are doing today. 36 is the high so probably a bunch of ice in the buckets.
01-27-2010, 05:10 PM
We almost had a run today.... I had one dripping like crazy for a time. It had a gallon, but the others had a gallon total :cry:
Buckeye mapler
01-27-2010, 07:53 PM
I collected about 40 gallons of frozen sap. we took the lid off a bucket and just dumped the whole ice chunk in the barrel. I am looking forward to seeing what this tuesday brings.
01-27-2010, 09:43 PM
I'm with Mackdaddy. We wait until the weather looks auspicious before tapping. I figure we've already missed a couple of decent runs (according to our test holes), but by waiting a bit we should be able to hit the meat of the season with fairly fresh tap holes. Then the holes should still be able to make it to the end of the season with out drying up. Usually patience is rewarded, but every once in a while mother nature decides to end the season for you with a long stretch of warm weather in February. We're planning for a normal season.
Still waiting to tap.
Buckeye mapler
01-28-2010, 01:31 PM
It doesn't matter much around the southwest part of the state. The chances of you getting sap in late January are better than they are for mid to late March. By that time of the year, we will be having lows in the upper 30's. our taps will still be running strong through the big runs of february. I can let my taps go for a few days if it is barely getting above freezing and what sap is in the buckets will freeze and stay good. In March, temps get way warmer and sap will spoil, you have to collect, but without the freeze, it really isn't worth collecting cause it is amounting to nothing. I am comfortable with having taps in. If I regret it, I can always go out and reboar the hole on my bigger sap producing trees to extend it another couple weeks. Not a big deal;)
01-28-2010, 08:04 PM
I'll have to agree with Mackdaddy, the right temps going to get here before long. Sounds like the next few days here will re-freeze the trees to a degree. Looks like might be a good start to better weather starting first part of next week. Figure if anything like last year was fairly good temps till middle to end of March here. OF COURSE mother nature gets the last laugh. You take what you get and hope as good or better next year.
Josh, had another thing to put on the list to fix yesterday, at least was a fairly quick one. Hope about all of them for now.
01-28-2010, 10:07 PM
I agree that waiting can be rewarding "if" the weather cooperates, but February is our meat and potatoes here. Our trees were budding by March 5th last year and before the 15th the year before. We know anything can happen in any given year, but I know March for us is normally for late syrup with the big runs coming in February.
We are back in a freeze now, but my trees did give me another 15 gallons today. I thought it was froze up everywhere, but my best tree had 2 gallons of sap for me. The ground is not as frozen here as it must be north of us.
I really believe taping time is much trickier down here.
01-28-2010, 11:03 PM
I'll bet the great lakes really have a really nice moderating effect in northern Ohio... helping to smooth out the really warm bumps in March that would otherwise make the trees start to bud. I'm way way out of my area of expertise, but it sounds plausible.
If you look at the Timing of Tapping ( study, it showed a similar (if not a slight benefit in) sap yield for tapping earlier vs tapping near the "normal" season start. Of course that was in Vermont though.
Buckeye mapler
01-29-2010, 05:53 PM
I really think we have a big opportunity to reap the rewards next week. some forecasts are saying one thing while the others say another, but either way we should have some sap running. I know one forecast could really have things pouring. We will see. It is definitely a gamble and sometimes we will win, others we will sit scratching our heads wondering how we could have done better. :confused:
Buckeye mapler
01-31-2010, 02:15 PM
Wow. Looking at the latest forecast, this weekend is the time to put taps out, we are going to have a pretty good run this week. I am almost ready, so I should be boiling this next weekend. :D
maple flats
01-31-2010, 06:45 PM
My 10 day forecast doesn't show even 1 day about freezing. I need to wait. For me I almost never get anything much before Mar 5-10.
01-31-2010, 06:52 PM
For central Ohio, the forecast shows two days above freezing, but if you look at the hourly graph, it only goes above freezing for a few hours each day. Not enough to thaw an entire week in the teens and twenties. And both the 6-10 day ( and the 8-14 day ( outlooks predict temperatures below normal. So I probably won't be tapping for at least another week, probably two.
01-31-2010, 10:42 PM
I've seen 2 6-10 day forecasts, both say Tues. to Sat. high's mid to upper 30's, lows mid 20's then cooling Sunday, low 30's Monday after this. May see what the tree out front is acting like Wed. Be able to see another couple days into the forecast by then. I might try getting some out this week if forecast looks decent into middle of next week.
It is all kind of a guess by the weather man at times any way.
Buckeye mapler
02-01-2010, 10:41 AM
I like our forecast for a decent sap run. I will definitely have to collect each day.
02-04-2010, 08:18 PM
At least I will get to boil this weekend! It is running like crazy right now, but is due to get cold by dark tomorrow. I need to collect out of those bags late so they won't freeze, but it should be snowing hard by then... Oh well, we do what we have to do I guess. It will be a cold muddy mess by tomorrow night as the snow moves in.
I will not have a huge amount to boil, but should have 110-120 gallons of sap ready to go. I have 90 now and some taps are still dripping about once per 1-2 seconds. I hope to get a few more gallons. The next 2 weeks look pretty darn cold for us. It has been many years since we have had a Feb look like this.
I have 70 taps in and plan on at least that many more. They will have to wait!
Buckeye mapler
02-04-2010, 08:54 PM
I collected another 70 gallons today off 90 taps. I still have 40 taps to collect from tomorrow before they freeze for the next few days. That brings my total in the tank to 150 gallons. I am going to boil what doesn't freeze this weekend.
02-06-2010, 11:16 PM
I am finishing boiling 130 gallons of sap now. With the cold back in, I wanted to get it done. I hope it gets warm again sooner than the forecast!
Buckeye mapler
02-19-2010, 01:15 PM
well it looks like we may be ready to start some sap flow again..... finally!!!! The next few days look really nice and they are calling for a little rain to help melt the snow. The ground will get muddy and messy, but if it means sap to collect, I'll get waste deep in it. I hope the following days show more of the same. I am ready to boil more.
02-19-2010, 04:54 PM
Every forecast shows above freezing here for the next two weeks so I hope it has really begun! Supposed to near 50 Sunday, but the rains will make it a mess for sure. I am still debating getting into the rough bush to tap. I really need to hit it tomorrow if I can.
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