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View Full Version : Door Ideas

01-12-2010, 11:26 AM
For those of you with 2 doors on a wood fired rig. Have any of you welded a piece of steel to the inside part of one of the door to cover the small gap between the doors. While this will not make it air tight, that along with some gasket material would get me most of the way home on the project.
Also do any of you insulate those doors? If so what do you use for insulation and how do you attach it?



01-12-2010, 04:20 PM
makes firing one side then the next a bit less efficient

Bucket Head
01-12-2010, 05:59 PM

Theres a current thread on this topic right now in "The Evaporator & Accesories" section.

I've never seen isulation on double doors, but you could do it like I attached mine. Bolts, or welded on studs and fender (oversized) washers. Just don't tighten the nuts down and compress the insulation. Take a look at my photobucket pics.


01-12-2010, 07:05 PM

Good pictures. Now I just have to bring myself to drill through brand new doors.


01-12-2010, 07:17 PM
Are you trying to add a blower? Peace brings up a good point about firing the evaporator. That peice of steel would restrict you from opening just one door at a time. The reason for the double doors is to fire one side at a time to allow as little heat loss as possible. If you are not adding a blower leave them as is.

Bucket Head
01-12-2010, 07:20 PM

Only the first hole is scary and painfull. The rest go quickly, lol!

Good luck.


01-12-2010, 07:26 PM
Instead of drilling holes through your door weld nuts on the inside of the door.Then take your bolt put a big washer on it put it through the blanket and thread in into the nut