View Full Version : We do it because it's an addiction!!!

red maples
01-08-2010, 09:25 AM
So I was at the lawyer's office going throught he legal stuff for selling maple products and I asked also asked about a future Ice carving business too. and he said well how much money can you make making syrup. so I said what I was estimating (because that all we can really do right) .Then he asked how much I could make carving Ice and I told him what the going rate is,and he kinda looked at me like a dog with his head cocked to the side a little and said "So why are doing maple syrup? you can make so much more carving ice." I just looked at my wife because she knows (I mean she hears about it all the time right) I said its just and addiction. Not going make a million dollars.

He didn't get it!!!

But I am sure most of you will!!!

01-08-2010, 01:45 PM
HA HA HA, no one makes money at it, in fact it costs most of us money to do it.
We do it for many reasons, for me it builds character and brings me closer to nature. I take pride in carrying on a native tradition.

01-08-2010, 05:40 PM
I raised pigs for years and never made money also. It,s a break even thing keeps us out of the bars and sober (LOL) and we get to eat the finished product. What's better then that. I found I could boil a lot due to it being pretty easy work and nobody seemed to stand around ticking me off.

01-08-2010, 08:20 PM
and we get to eat the finished product. What's better then that.

are you talking about the pigs or the syrup

01-08-2010, 11:08 PM
I hope yu wispered those numbers to him so the wife did not hear how little your return on the investments she paid for are.

red maples
01-09-2010, 08:34 AM
I hope yu wispered those numbers to him so the wife did not hear how little your return on the investments she paid for are.

she knows!!! ...but since she knows how much I can make I told her about how much more a vacuum coul dbring and could possibly double the amount of syrup I could make and sell and she said well maybe you should get 1. :D :D :D so I can buy one now but I have wait until next year to get the releaser and and a nice big stainless tank. :D

there's that addiction I was talking about!

01-09-2010, 08:38 AM
Reminds me of this past summer bringing a cage tank across the border from Atkinson's in Ontario. US Border patrol looked at me like I was an alien when I said it was for my maple syrup operation. The guy said "why don't you make beer instead?"

01-09-2010, 10:42 AM
That would be a lot of beer. I don't drink and make wine for something to do also. I want to try beer also if I can ever get all the equipment together to bottle it. At least with maple I can taste the results. Just seems with maple everytime I turn around I need one more gizmo to fix somethingIi screwed up.