View Full Version : #9 or #12
01-06-2010, 07:08 PM
Picked up nice woods to day of about 500 taps. Now all I need to do is run about 700 feet of mainline in the dead on winter. Any opinion on#12 wire? I went to tractor supply tonight at it hold up to 1,500 pounds. #9 is thicker but wondering if it is worth it? Thanks.
01-06-2010, 07:11 PM
I use #4 wire but only because I had tons but I'd say the #9 would be better.If you have branches drop on it you don't want it snaping. plus when you pull it tight you don't want it streching
01-06-2010, 07:54 PM
i use 12 ga you can get a 4000ft roll for a 100 bucks, Worth every penny
Thompson's Tree Farm
01-06-2010, 07:58 PM
I've used both. If your line is going to be 1", the #12 will be fine. Use a smaller gauge to side tie and if something falls on it, the side ties will break rather than the mainline wire.
01-06-2010, 08:11 PM
I use mostly 12 gauge now with 1" or less. No problems after 6-8 years with it.
farmall h
01-06-2010, 08:17 PM
I have used (believe or not) barbless it @ Agway a few years back. Rugged stuff. You can tighten that with the 4-wheeler winch 'till you play a tune on it! The only drawback is that it is 2-wire therefore the wire slot on the saddle doesn't fit perfect.
01-06-2010, 08:46 PM
I have used both 9 and 12, I like 12 better
01-06-2010, 10:50 PM
I use 9 ga wire to hang my 3/4" mainlines and 12 ga wire for the sidepulls
maple flats
01-07-2010, 05:09 AM
I have used 9 and 12 1/2 hi tensile. I far prefer the hi tensil if your 1" or smaller line will not be rather short. I buy it at TSC and get 4000' rolls. I also use a triple crimp sleve with crimp tool to connect and to form end tree loops. Then I side pull with lighter wire to tighten line. If anything falls on the line the side pull breaks and I never had a high tensil break. Do not try to make sharp bends in hi tensil however.
01-07-2010, 05:20 AM
I use 12 ga all the time and use 14 ga for side ties. It is important to use a lighter wire for side tying. If something were to fall on it, the side ties should break, not the mainline wire.
We use 12.5 with 14ga tie backs and it works great.
01-07-2010, 06:29 AM
I been using 17 Ga for the side ties and it seems to work real well, if somthing land on it will break that easier i think anyway, may try some 14 to, but i like the 17 for sideties,
01-07-2010, 06:41 AM
I will have 3/4" mailines so it sounds like #12. Thanks guys, now all I have to do is run it and about 2 miles of 5/16" tubing in the dead of winter. Couldn't be happier though to land this woods.
red maples
01-07-2010, 09:41 AM
I string mine up with the #12 and also use the 12 for the side ties but I tie sthem loose which will hold the tightness of the wire but when something falls they come apart...already worked great when a dead tree fell last week durring that nasty wind!!! held up great!!!
jason grossman
01-07-2010, 12:44 PM
i use #9 on all installations unless the owner wants to use something else. i use 12 for the side pulls. 12.5 or 12 hi tensile have never held up to the amount of tension i use. but whatever you use always remember use a smaller (weaker) wire for the side ties. this is a "built in" safety so if something happens you only loose a side pull and not a mian line wire.
01-07-2010, 12:50 PM
I will have 3/4" mailines so it sounds like #12. Thanks guys, now all I have to do is run it and about 2 miles of 5/16" tubing in the dead of winter. Couldn't be happier though to land this woods.
Sound like fun. 2 miles = 21 rolls of tubing @ 30 taps per roll = 630 taps which is 2 days stretching if you go hard. It'll take a bit less time to cut in dropines and about a day to install 100 saddle manifolds - so you should be done this time next week, right?
I like the opinions on the mainline wire. We've never used #9 or #12 but I need to put up some dryline this summer and wasn't sure which to use - looks like #12!
01-07-2010, 12:59 PM
I am going to try to get the mainlines up this Sunday if it get above 15 degrees. That is if vendors have what I need at the NYS conference Friday Night. Thank goodness for the 3 day weekend next week so I can get after those 5/16" lateral lines.
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