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View Full Version : When is it time for an 8" stack?

Pete S
01-04-2010, 03:31 PM
I've done the cutting and layout of my fuel oil tank evaporator.

NOW,.........I'm considering an 8" flue instead of a 6" flue.

I've got things set for a 24" +/- fire box.

Any help advice appreciated.


01-04-2010, 07:46 PM
Pete - I built an oil tank arch and used a 6" flue. I chose it because it was free. The firebox (after the firebrick is in) is about 20" wide x 18" high and 20" deep. I left about a 2" gap under the pan towards the back of the arch.

01-04-2010, 08:11 PM
6" would be enough, with forced draft would be better and 8" would be better than 6"without forced draft. If it were up to me i would run with the 8" cause you can only let in what you let out(draft air that is).:cool: