View Full Version : container size?
John Burton
02-09-2005, 08:57 PM
I was wondering how everyone determines how to package their syrup?this is my first year on my own so i dont have any orders yet is there a rule of thumb to follow?i just dont want to package into the wrong size container and not be able to move the product. how ever i am only going to produce approximatly 25 gal of syrup so i am not sure packing in 5 gal containers to store is right either as i might loose out on grade quality by mixing my batches? any thoughts.
02-09-2005, 09:00 PM
Quarts and pints and some gallons is what I do.. folks seem to like the quarts the best.. 10 bucks is what I charge, prolly sold 35 gallons in qts last year maybe 10 in gallon size.. the rest pts and 1/2's
02-09-2005, 10:57 PM
Quarts is my most popular size and half gal. is probably next. For me I try to keep a decent supply of every size. The reason putting some in bulk is you never know for sure what you are going to need. As you start to get low on what is put up you can re-can some of your bulk to meet your needs.
02-10-2005, 07:16 AM
I can't give gallons away and have a hard enough time with 1/2 gallons. I bottle everything in quarts and pints and sell about 3 quarts for every one pint. :?
02-10-2005, 09:28 AM
I was told that not to buy gallon jugs just 1/2 gallon jugs and if some one would want a gallon I would give them 2 -1/2 gallons. a gallon jug is a litlte big for most people and their Fridge, and I they never go through fast enough, so i tell them to put on in their fridge and the other in the freezer. But I found the quart for 10.00 sells the best.
02-10-2005, 09:41 AM
I always find it good to bottle a feww gallons each grade in gallons, for some folks who put it in their freezer and draw out of it when they need it
02-10-2005, 10:54 AM
For us it seems to be the quarts and pints sell the best. The 1/2 pints are nice to have for someone who is shyin towards trying real syrup.
02-10-2005, 12:26 PM
Half gallons seem to be the biggest seller for us, followed by quarts. We used to do some gallons and pints and even a few half pints. But there wqasn't much call for them. We stick to half gallons and quarts.
Glass quart decanters beat any other size or style of container for us in terms of sales.
Packaging is as important as the product... and what was good a few years ago might not be the best this year. Every year we try to introduce a new size, shape, or material of container and usually drop whatever sold the least. When I go to the Farmers' Market, I usually take 10-12 different containers. This year we'll have 12 oz, pint and quart decanters, 1/2 pint, pint, quart and gallon plastic jugs, 1/2 pint and 12 oz flasks, 12 oz plastic squeeze, 1/2 pint and pint long neck bottles (like salad dressing bottles), and 50 and 100 mL leafs. The larger leafs are getting dropped this year; this year we're trying gallon jugs, based on the demand my uncle had for them last year.
We recommend the glass whenever people are hemming and hawing; unless they're traveling or shipping it. The plastic squeeze bottles are great for camping and people with smaller children (flip top, small dispensing hole, doesn't break when dropped).
02-10-2005, 07:29 PM
I put mine up in all sizes of plastic jugs and fancy glass bottles, but the most popular size is the quart jug. The fancy glass bottles sell very well at the farmers market I attend. The glass bottles are the favorites for the vacationers looking for gifts for people at home.
Breezy Lane Sugarworks
02-11-2005, 07:31 AM
I try to do 80 to 90 percent of my syrup in 5 gallon bulk containers so I can can exactly to the customers needs. I am also going to try 4- 15 gallon stainless barrels, and see how those handle.
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