View Full Version : local sugar houses

01-01-2010, 01:28 PM
I am planning on starting my new sugar house next summer it looks like its going to be a 12x16, I would like to tour some local sugar houses this spring to get some more ideas I live in Billerica MA. If anyone has one close by and wants to show it off let me know

Thanks John

01-01-2010, 05:39 PM
John, I would suggest taking a weekend trip to Vt. during the season. Rutland, Addison, Chittenden,and Franklin counties have a wide variety of operations and set ups. Most all sugarmakers up here will take time to tell you what they like, and dislike about their sugarhouses. The most common complaint you will here is, that it is not BIG enough!! Another suggestion would be to take in the Vt. Maplerama in July. This tour features a county tour of sugaring operations. The other thing to consider when you are designing a sugarhouse is, How many visitors do you expect? Do you have a large family that will like to be around while you are boiling? I live in the middle of a town and my sugarhouse is no where big enough to handle the visitors that just stop to say hi.

Smith's Maple
01-01-2010, 05:59 PM
I agree with mike the camp is never big enough. From my experiance decide how big the camp should be and then double it. You will not regrete this a couple of years down the road.

01-01-2010, 06:16 PM
I agree with not being big enough. I have a 2x8 evaporator sitting in the middle of a 24x48 building and yes, mine is big enough because there is no such thing as too big. I also have a 8x24 woodshed on the end making total roof line of 56' not including overhang. I went overkill for this reason and it could be easily converted into a house if I ever sold it as it is right on the road.

maple flats
01-01-2010, 07:02 PM
Mine is 16x24 with a 3x8 evap. Getting too small, especially with visitors. planning a 14x20 addition off one side. Eventually it might go even bigger. Next year also adding a roof on poles for wood storage, about 16x24 again with a center aisle wide enough to drive the tractor in under cover. 2 walls will be each a double row of my 20" firewood and end will just get a tarp as needed. Can never get too big.

01-01-2010, 07:57 PM
We are just finishing up the first part of our new sugar house, this part is 16x24 for the new evaporator that is a 3x10. I believe that in the future there will be more regulations since we are making a food product and I am building with that in mind. I have a sealed concrete floor with a drain, walls are insulated and the interior walls will be a washable surface. I have also installed a SS sink and SS comercial kitchen work tables for bottling or candy/cream making. Next summer I plan on building a 12x16 kitchen addition. I would have prefered to do it all at once but it came down to time and money.

01-01-2010, 08:53 PM
The best thing that I can suggest is look at the sugarhouse directory on the mass maple web site. Paul Boulanger from North Andover would be a good one to look at. Being that you are in eastern ma. there are not as many producers around you but another suggestion would be to join the mass maple association. Are annual meeting is on the 23 of this month.
Good luck

01-02-2010, 06:49 AM
i'am fairly close to you. you welcome to come check out my set up, wich is a newly built 16 x 12 house. it's only my fourth season so iam still learning too.
there are a couple nice set ups in Ashby i think one goes by svsugar on here.

01-02-2010, 12:02 PM
Hey John,

You are welcome to come visit my sugar house. It's 12x20 and almost finished. I'm only about 30-40 minutes down 495 from you.

My big piece of advice might buck the trend a bit. Certainly, build as big as you can, but also try to build within your means (time and money). I'm building mine by myself and between a late start, job, three kids, and really lousy weather on many weekends, it's been a challenge to get this thing done.


01-02-2010, 12:33 PM
EJ and Sean, I would really like to take a ride down and check your shacks this season, as far as going any bigger than a 12x16 I only have a half acre lot so that is one of my limiting factors, plus I don't own any of the trees we tap

01-02-2010, 04:11 PM
don't let not owning any trees slow you down...we are going to have close to 1000 taps and not one on our property - Parker has over 2000 and only has one on his own property....

we will have several hundred reds on our property in the near future- but we have been hitting the easier ones first...

01-02-2010, 05:09 PM
Check out this web sight. I am a volunteer here and I sugar at home to but we have a nice sugar shack that the public is welcome to see. let me know a I can show you around any time.

287 Oak Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569-1250

01-03-2010, 03:23 PM

I sent you a PM with my contact info.


01-03-2010, 05:34 PM
I built a 12x16 two years ago for my half-pint. It was fine. Just got my 2x6 leader and am going to add another 12x16 to the back of my present bldg. Go bigger! You won't regret it!:)