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12-31-2009, 11:04 PM
Happy New Year to all and I hope this year brings everyone tsunami sap.

12-31-2009, 11:07 PM
3rd don't you have a life!!!! Some one delete my january journal 3rd beat me by 10 seconds.

12-31-2009, 11:12 PM
Wow 8 minutes into the year and we already have the January journal started. My newyears reselution is expand my #of taps get a bigger evaporator and finish my sugar shack.

12-31-2009, 11:14 PM
I have issues with insomnia. I get it quite often and have some sleepless nights then all of a sudden I hit a wall and you cant keep me awake. Gramps had it and so does my brother. Gator you are just mad I beat you by a minute lol.

12-31-2009, 11:18 PM
I am!!! I was at work thinking I would get home and start the january journal looked forward to it all night.

01-01-2010, 06:04 AM
30 days till operation tap off. Hopefully have all the lines up this weekend. Then its hook up tanks and releasers. Run electric to tank across the road. Make up the new vac pump. A lot of misc hooking things up but itll be a nice break from the lines. Cant wait till Jan 30th. START DRILLIN HOLES BABY!! Wish I could be completely ready a little early Id run some more taps but probly not reallistic. I might better get everything Ive got done a 100% Im hoping I can tap in in 5 days and then Ill still have 4 days that hopefully itll be frozen rock solid so no sap seeps into the lines and Im going to walk every single line looking for every leak I can find. Havent had time to shoot squirrells so theyve probly given me some pretty serious payback. Good thing is with 130 cfm's I ought to be able to hear a squirrell leak from inside the house with the tv turned up. Im going to sectionalize each area and only have the pump on those lines while Im on leak patrol. Need the big suck for those long runs Ive ran this year. Everybody better start getting ready pretty soon itll be time for BIGSAP WARNINGS in their areas from the EMERGENCY BIG SAP SYSTEM. Theron

3% Solution
01-01-2010, 07:15 AM
Happy New Year all you sick traders!!!!!
Is there a doctor in the house??
Yes I think there is and he's as sick as we are!!!!!

We're all set here ready to go, our go time is anytime after the middle of February.
Added a few more taps this for this year, added the use of a 12 volt pump rather than dump buckets into the gathering tank.
Suck them line tanks right out ............ slick, I hope.
Should save us some time and work.
Got a bit of snow coming down, good day to hole up and take it easy!!

All you folks stay safe out there and enjoy the weekend!!!!


01-01-2010, 10:46 AM
up here in northern Ny were still running tube and not even close to being ready, still have to get the vac pumps ready and some more honda gas engines( SINCE I GOTTA RUN GAS AT THIS NEW BUSH)= I thought i could get electric from the neigbors but i guess theres no electric in the old sugarhouse next the bush, O well just run a big gas tank, Run 3-4 days before refill, shoulds pretty good to me, in at 1500 vac taps as of right now and should be at or close to 2000 on vac when done for this season and maybe 100 buckets? probably wont have time to collect= SCHOOL. Plan on tapping Last week in feb first week in march, but who knows all depedns on the weather, usally pretty cold up here in the mnts

hope everyone is doing good,

01-01-2010, 01:14 PM
I usually put taps in early febuary, I live in southeast Pennsylvania it goes from all cold to all warm very quickly. Not to mention I tap alot of silvers. I expanded this year, graduated from kitchen stove to outside cinderblock evap. and went from 6 taps to 45 taps, big year for me!

01-01-2010, 07:56 PM
Had a good day in my new sugar shack, insulated walls and ceiling in the finishing half and started the paneling. Tomorrow I rough in the plumbing. I am getting the itch real bad. Good thing I still have a lot to do.

farmall h
01-01-2010, 08:04 PM
Spent 3 hrs. up in the bush today resetting latterals and fixing deer/squirrel chew. Had a big old maple break from the top a couple weeks ago. Cleaned that mess up. One less tree to tap.:( Light snow today, about 12" in the woods so far. Won't be long now.

01-01-2010, 08:11 PM
Got up this morning feeling quite sick(not a party animal) Sick headache and felt limp as a dishcloth. Alternated from recliner to bed all day. Didn't get on my feet til about 7:30 tonite. Have to get in shape got two pigs to butcher tomorrow. The son came up and he and the wife got everthing ready.Wanted to help but could'nt muster up the strength . He said save it for tomorrow,
guess we need someone to cut things up and make scrapple. Need a few things yet for maple and also got 40 road trees with huge tops on,have to figure out how to fit them in!!!
happy mapleing!!!

01-01-2010, 08:38 PM
My new year's resolutions are to have a good sugar season without the hassles we had last year, lose 25 lbs. (the sugar season helps with that one) and to generally have a good time this year.

We walked around town in a snowstorm and it was nice today.

If that's a harbinger for the year, I'm okay with it so far.

01-01-2010, 08:58 PM
Wow the yamaha grizzlys haul. My uncle come down to my farm with his yamaha grizzly 700. We went riding then put 2 sleds behind it and pulled them around the feild. Going 30mph on a hard plastic sled across a field can hurt but it was fun. I didn't get anything maple done but it was fun. I will work on my sugar shack all weekend. I did ring some pans on craigslist. They are stainless flatpans. I am going to call him tomorrow. It will be an improvment over the half pint.

01-01-2010, 10:28 PM
Spent 3 hrs. up in the bush today resetting latterals and fixing deer/squirrel chew. Had a big old maple break from the top a couple weeks ago. Cleaned that mess up. One less tree to tap.:( Light snow today, about 12" in the woods so far. Won't be long now.

You should have left a tall stump. I tapped a couple busted off trees. They gave sap. As long as the tree busted off after the summer.

01-02-2010, 03:04 AM
Light snow here today and not as cold as last week. I cut up two bundles of slab wood my neighbor delivered the other day. One more bundle to go plus a pile of dry ones I hauled in last summer. Yesterday I started drilling out the rivets in the flue half of the arch to change the rusted out glavy sheet metal on that end of the arch. Put a pencil through the sides anywhere near the stack. Must have spent some summers with the stack open and rain coming down the pipe. No easier time to change it then now while I have all the bricks out of it. I have to find a sheet metal shop that can bend me up three pieces to fit using the old as a pattern. The bottom sheet looked OK from the underside but when I got it apart all the seam overlap was gone so that has to come out to. That piece runs all the way down the ramp to the blower wall at the back of the firebox. I could cut it at the top of the ramp but a joint there with the load of bricks it carries is probably not a good idea.

farmall h
01-02-2010, 10:42 AM
Kenwp, the old tree is in the wood pile for the outdoor boiler. At least the top anyway. I'm sure it still has sap in it. Removed the lines already. It must have been 200 yrs. old at least. Probably one of the oldest trees in the bush. I'll cremate the rest of her come summer time!

01-02-2010, 11:22 AM
Sounds like the Tessier sugar shack is going to be really nice.

I'd love to check it out some time.

We are still snowed in up on the hill.

Slippery driving up there this morning!

I walked to the top of the hill with the dog in high boots on the last day of the year, but I think I'll need my snowshoes now.

The snow is really piling up now.

01-02-2010, 11:41 AM
Not much focus on sugaring related activities the last several months, other than cutting wood.

My wife and I added some livestock to the maple farm -- 10 alpacas. They seem to draw a crowd now, and we're hoping they'll do the same come March.

Heading to VVS for the NYS Maple Conference next weekend. Time to re-focus priorities!


Brian Ryther
01-02-2010, 11:43 AM
Starting to cut out all of the tree saver spouts and replacing them with stubbies. I wanted to wait to do this until temps were going to stay below freezing until tap time to help keep the new taps bacteria free. I wasn't thinking about my cold fingers when I came up with this plan in June.

01-02-2010, 12:09 PM
Is Verona really next week end??? January 8th and 9th????

01-02-2010, 12:39 PM
Well making it around the woods on crutches easier than I thought after knee surgery. Only a couple inches of snow on the ground and most places I need to work I can drive right up to on the ATV. Retightened a few lines and put a couple isolation valves in my mainline branches so I can find leaks easier. Ran tube to about 100 more taps. Going to overload the 2X6 this year thats for sure. Will be some long days boiling but I can't wait! I will have over 1000 gallons of storage at the sugarhouse and 300 gallons in the woods at the pump station. Probably only 6 weeks left before the drill fires up.

01-02-2010, 02:27 PM
Another day in the sugar shack, most interior plumbing is done except setting the fixtures. Two thirds of the paneling is done. Found a small furnace in my shop today that I din't know I had. All in all a real good day. Unfortunately I think tomorrow will be dedicated to snow removal. 11" and counting so far, and supposed to snow all night and all day tomorrow. National Weather Service is predicting another 8" to 12" before it is done. Good luck to all others in coping with the storm. Revi come on over most any time. I am usually around most weekends.

Dan W
01-02-2010, 03:54 PM
Spent a few hours yesterday splitting wood, but ran out of space to stack it. Still have about 1.5 cords to split, but I have plenty on hand though. I have a lot of aluminum buckets that have lids too small for the galvanized buckets. So today I sorted them all out, separated, and marked the aluminum only ones-sure will beat digging through a pile to find the right ones come tapping day. Also cleaned all the taps and got them ready. All that is left to do is replace the pan gaskets and I am ready to go. Should only be a few more weeks here.

red maples
01-02-2010, 05:15 PM
my wife is offically sick of hearing about maple!!!! everytime I bring it up she rolls her eyes. I told her I haven't been on the computer in a few days and she was like "oh what you must be going through... No mapletrader for 3 whole days!!!!" and she was right!!

burned through 2 tanks of gas on the saw yesterday on some pine (sick of being in the house eating junk) after you move pine logs around for a bit you forget how heavy oak is... went to bring some wood in the house wow that s heavy!!!

here it is I am naming it.. maple drink:

the sap boiler

1 oz maple liquer...(flag hill lee NH)
1/2 oz white creme de cocoa
1/2 oz dark or grade B syrup

put over ice shake or stir what ever you prefer
mmmmm good stuff if you like it a little less sweet just leave out the cocoa

01-02-2010, 05:35 PM
I learnt my lesson. I don't say much about maple or school or Lodge anymore. Just sort of keep quiet and eat supper.
That drink will either rot off your teeth or give you another kind of addiction. I never thought of useing maple in a drink before.
I have been working outside when ever I can trying to catch up on my evaporator repair. Found out the hard way that slow is better then trying to do something fast. Takes a lot of time to fix mistakes.

01-02-2010, 08:24 PM
Tapping time ... best cure for cabin fever around.

Dennis H.
01-02-2010, 08:29 PM
I have been tying up a bunch of loose ends, I only have about 4 weeks to tapping time.
I now have the new feed tank complete and plumbed in. I have a small elec pump that will pull from my milk tank and fill the feed tank. I have a float switch that will make that whole operation automatic.

I also have the pipe in that I will use to pump the sap from the tank in the car to the milk tank. I will be using some nice hose with camlock's to make it quick and simple.

I put in new pan gasket and have finished the firebrick grates that I switched to this year, man was that a lot of holes to drill!!

I managed to do a lot of inside stuff, it is just way to cold to do anything outside, with the windchill in is single digits.

01-02-2010, 08:42 PM
Anyone in need of snow I have an unlimited supply that just keeps coming and coming. Should be plowing 6 driveways right now but they are gonna have to wait till morning. Been on call since thursday and have limited sleep. Want to get the paths in the sugarbushes cleaned out as well. Farmers almanac was wrong on this winter. I gave up tallying snowfall. have to be above 100 inches already. Will be pulling taps with a ladder at this rate.

01-03-2010, 01:58 PM
how many taps you have on Vac so far Dennis?

01-03-2010, 02:11 PM
It can stop snowing here anytime also. Took me almost 5 hours to shovel the drive way and then had to go down the the road and start over again a bit. Snowplow never went by yet so will have to go down tonight and shovel one more time. Nice to have a long drive way until this time of the year.
I went out in the woods yesterday to dig up some metal and it's starting to pile up out there now also. Hopefully the deer make me some good trails again. I chose most of the trees I tapped last year on where the deer made trails. Turned out in places they were walking over dead fall and piles of dead trees that made it sort of hard walking come spring.

Amber Gold
01-03-2010, 03:24 PM
I've been on vacation since before Christmas and it's bee pretty productive.

I stripped and replaced the siding on the sugarhouse w/ shiplap. I also put in 3 windows which make a huge difference inside for natural light.

I put my high mainline up to get everything back to the SH. All I have left to do is side tie to set grade.

I pulled off the used mainline I use last year on 3 mainlines and will be replacing it w/ new stuff.

Scoped out a new mainline extension which should get me about 30+ taps.

I found another dozen taps where the new mainline went in that I wasn't planning on. I need to talk to my neighbor and see what he thinks about thinning in this area. If he's on board, then I'll have over 20 cull trees I'll be able to add in as well.

By the time I'm said and done, I may be pushing 500 taps this season. I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to boil all this on a 2.5x8. I talked to work and they won't guarantee time off during the season...depends on work load...we'll see how this season works out.

01-03-2010, 03:46 PM
Been working on the lines all weekend and just finished up the last of them a few minutes ago. What a nice feeling. Been working on them since last summer. Think right now Im somewhere close to 5100 taps. Seems like Ive put in a lot more becouse Ive been stretching out all over the place to get them. Got 650 across the road on the big trees, got 450 up near there that will run into the shed ( nice mix of trees) and got roughly 400 or a few more on the booy bush (pretty much all hedgerow trees). Now starting tomarrow its OPERATION HOOK UP AND FINETOON. Time to get things hooked up, get things tight, and get things finetuned. Gonna seem like being on break after stringing all that line. Four more weeks to tappin in. Hopin for the REALLY BIG SAP!!! Theron:)

01-03-2010, 03:56 PM
All I could muster up energy for was to walk out back to see if the bush was still there. Been blowing near gale force and we've had lake effect snow blowing horizontally for 2 days. Won't be much to shovel or plow - blowing so hard it's going clear off our lot. Evaporator is out in the snow.

Think I'll write to Farmer's Almanac folks to see if I can get a refund.

01-03-2010, 04:34 PM
My favorite maple drink is a 1/2 glass of rum then fill the rest of the glass with hot syrup out of the evaporator,,,I call that the "Rockwall",,,pretty sure that is what my ansestors drank when building the walls thru the woods around here.........All girls hockey all weekend.......hope to get in some maple soon.....

01-03-2010, 05:21 PM
No wonder you guys like boiling all night. White or dark rum in case I get so addicted to maple I start drinking.

Dennis H.
01-03-2010, 05:37 PM
I got a little bad news today, the stand of maples that I was going to use buckets on is up for sale. So I am pretty sure it will be gone by tapping time.

I called to find what they wanted for it, All I can say is ouch!!! It is 25 acres and they want $250,000!!!!!! that is $10,000/acre!!!

I now have to call another guy to find out if I can get permission for that property, it is alot nicer than this one that I lost. He is just alot harder to get ahold of.

01-03-2010, 06:32 PM
How many taps are on that 25 acre lot?

01-03-2010, 07:13 PM
I didn't get anything maple done this weekend, spent all my time adding a half bath in the house. Sad thing is it's still not done. When working in a 150+ year old farm house, NOTHING is quick, easy or goes exactly as it should. At least none of my solder joints leaked, I was proud of that.

01-03-2010, 08:34 PM
Okay Parker I am a rum fan myself and never tried it with hot syrup. Something just sounds wrong about that. However glass of ice and a half and half mixture is pretty darn good. Ken I use dark rum Cpt. Morgan Tattoo is my favorite. Got myself and all the fishcamps on the list plowed today. Started well before light and finished around 1:30. Never got to the sugarhouse or the bushes. Be on call rest of week and hopefully I will be done Friday morning to get some sleep in time for the conference in Verona. It marks the begining of the season for me. Shortly after that it's go time.

01-03-2010, 11:25 PM
3rdgen, how much snow you get from this storm? We left Fri. eve for Corning, got a call Sat. night from parents that we had over 2' since we left, then another foot this morning and still coming. We got home Sun. afternoon, shoveled roof and some other stuff. I'd say we got around 3'+ on the level, after some settling. Still need to plow rest of our driveway, hopefully tomorrow.


Dennis H.
01-04-2010, 12:05 AM
Not many maples. It sucks down here.
Down here we have mostly Reds when you can find some, most of our woods are made up of oaks, ash, beech, hickory. The area I was going to tap was maybe 2 acres of the 25 because the rest didn't have enough maples close enough together.

I am going to give the other guy a call in the morning to see about getting those trees. I would really love to own that stand of trees. It is only a mile from the house and it would make a great location to put a real sugarshack right there with the trees. Just a quick count and I would say somewhere between 150-200 maples in area of about 3 acres I would say.

We'll see. If I don't get the trees I should have plenty with my trees on vac with the TINY evap for this year.

01-04-2010, 05:01 AM
hello from ohio . boy have we got the snow here in northeast ohio about 2 feet in the drive this mornin . agenda for the day is to get sugarbush drive plowed so can work in sugarhouse 3/4 mile of hell. still alot of work to be done in sugarhouse . r.o . room needs insulated and tanks set.

01-04-2010, 08:01 AM
Over 2 feet here in Andover, Ohio. Need to get chains for my tractor so I can plow for the 5th time in 2 days.

01-04-2010, 10:11 AM
3rdgen, how much snow you get from this storm? We left Fri. eve for Corning, got a call Sat. night from parents that we had over 2' since we left, then another foot this morning and still coming. We got home Sun. afternoon, shoveled roof and some other stuff. I'd say we got around 3'+ on the level, after some settling. Still need to plow rest of our driveway, hopefully tomorrow.


Hey Tim - quite the lake effect snow event, huh?

You guys are used to it, but we're even getting it good down here in Onondaga County. About 30" at the house. Still a bit more on the ground at camp (near 3rd gen), but we're closing in. Still coming down now at a good clip, but not accumulating much today.

01-04-2010, 11:26 AM
just in from plowing ben at it sence mindnight 3 to 4 feet of snow with drifts upt to 6 feet deep we got hammered the state rolled two plow tructs about a 1/4 of a mile apart out by my sugar house when i left the shop penndot where putting the plow and tire chains on the graders to go plow cant plush it back far enought most roads are one lane like driving in a tunnel

red maples
01-04-2010, 03:36 PM
man I want some more snow got skunked on the last weird backwards snow from maine snowed for 3 days got like 6 inches if that...But Ice is ready gonna try to go jigging tomorrow catch a few perch...got a collection tank platform made to day and a wood rack for inside the SH. Going to the lawyer to make the business legal tomorrow well at least set up and go through the paperwork and try to get a name nailed down. got some snow shoes at sam's club this morning a good deal $70 and that included poles...used some x-mas money from the relatives!!!

01-04-2010, 03:43 PM
Hey Brad be careful on that early ice, especially if its snow covered.
It doesn't set up so fast when its got snow on early.

01-04-2010, 03:55 PM
We got some snow from New Brunswick in that backwards snowstorm, so we passed a little on to New Hampshire.

We ended up with only around 15 inches around here, but they got around 2 feet downeast.

I am okay with the amount we got.

I noticed that most of it has slid off the sugarhouse roof, so I am not going to go crazy shovelling since it has probably taken most of the weight off now.

3% Solution
01-04-2010, 05:41 PM
Hey thanks alot!!!!
Got about 5" maybe 6", can't be sure it was soooo windy the other night.
Your just a peach, you know that!!!!
See what we can do next time a storm moves up the coast!!!!
Stay safe!!!


01-04-2010, 11:07 PM
Tim and Danno I really gave up on how much snow we have gotten. Started thusday and still coming. Thing is you can go outside in the morning and there is another 10 to 12 in the driveway and after a few hours it is half that. Really light stuff. If I had to guess I would say 4 feet but it has settled to about 2 after all said and done. Have not been up to Redfield so I am not sure what they have but it is always more than me. Funny stuff the way it follows the Salmon river. You can drive 3 miles west to Pulaski and see half the amount we got then the closer you get to the upper resivour they usually get double what I got. I feel bad for those guys up there.

red maples
01-05-2010, 10:49 AM
Hey Brad be careful on that early ice, especially if its snow covered.
It doesn't set up so fast when its got snow on early.

Thanks I am very cautious about the ice I went out and checked the other day and the cove I go on always freezes first and there is 7-8 icnches of solid black ice as you go out of the cove it goes down to 4-5 inches pretty quick so I won't venture out there for at least another week.

Went to laywer to do legal stuff this morning. Going with a LLC. House and property is under my name so we figured it was the best thing. Now I don't know if anyone has ever been sued for getting sick from maple but I didn't want to be the first.

Quick side note about stupid things on thin Ice. One of my good friends from High school died last week when He and another friend that I went ot school with decided to do a polar bear plunge in a lake back in NJ. well if that wasn't bad enough they dared each other(always doing stupid things like this) decided to swimm to shore. here is the catcher...under 3 inches of ice!!! He was a good friend he didn't make it, but how stupid of a way to go is that. the other guy did make it.

01-05-2010, 05:21 PM
Daughter #2 came down this morning and we stacked the slab wood that I cut up the other day. While we were at that Josh (future son in law) took his tractor and saw and cut down and twitched out a good sized dead white pine to the sugar house and we cut that up and split some of it. Then we hopped into their truck and drove down to Bascom's Sugarhouse in Alstead NH. First time We had been there. The map on their catalog leaves a little to be desired but a cell phone call to them got us there. Nice show room, everything a sugarmaker could want or need. The one thing they were out of was 3/4" black plastic pipe. More coming next week but that was a surprise. The woman on the counter was very helpful and really new her stuff and where it was. I'm sure I'll be back or at least ordering on line from them again and again.

red maples
01-05-2010, 05:51 PM
I haven't been to their place yet but they have great service on the phone and they are very fast at getting your orders out from the internet....just as good as the maple guys!!! :)

01-05-2010, 06:41 PM
Well I made it to D&G for the first time this year. They seem to have cut back on stock or something. I priced out arch board and they are 3 times as high in price as Bascoms in the states. I have tried to find other sources but so far no luck. There is a company makes it in bigger sheets but can't find a source close by or even in Quebec so far. I might end up buying rock wool insulation and compress it with cement board and go from there. I can buy more then enough rock wool for the same price as one little peice of arch board.
Found the nicest looking bucket spouts today at D&G. They are clear blue plastic and are 5/16 and supposed to be easy to clean. Bought a few to try out just for a change of diet.

01-05-2010, 06:44 PM
UHHHH TOO MUCH TO DO TOO MUCH TO DO! to do list is starting to really drive me NUTS, its all i think about in school, ive got to go get a 1000 gal tank and figure out how to get it in the woods real soon i think i will put it on sleds and come along it up there, thats going to be an all day afair, gotta finish getting the wood into the shed, fix a broken main line, go around and tighten up all the lateral lines, hopefully add 150 more taps ( first order all the lateral line and fittings to do so), order 600 throw aways, order filters and cans, redo the roof on my tank shed before the thing falls in, fix the line that comes down from the tank to the road, run the pump line down to my little bush, im sure i can add more if i really sat and thought about it, but you get the idea, can you say stress?????? my mother was in the hospital for 2 days and got home last night, some thing was up with her heart and they really cant explain exactly what, but for the last 2 days i got 0 hours of sleep, but with her home i slept like a baby last night, happy shes back and back on top, as for me ive been kinda sick for the last 2 weeks and right when im starting to get over it i start getting all plugged up and sore again, aint life great? but thats the way it goes, i wouldnt have it any other way because thats what puts the fun in living! well i think im going to retire for the night

01-05-2010, 07:07 PM
Well the snow is gettin pretty close to the top of our 4' fences. Just keeps coming. Finally got plowing done yesterday with our shop pay loader, and now there's another 8" or so. Once it all really settles, it will look a lot better. Even two miles away in Fulton they don't seem to have as much as us. You never know!


01-05-2010, 08:06 PM
Just think once it gets alittle deeper you can just make tunnels and then who cares how much it snows.

01-05-2010, 09:12 PM
" we got then the closer you get to the upper resivour they usually get double what I got. I feel bad for those guys up there.[/QUOTE]

Yep, we're right on the upper reservoir and we've given up keeping that road open. Just snowmobile in and out now. Total snow last year was right around 400".

red maples
01-06-2010, 02:49 PM
went out on the ice for about an hour yesterday that's all I had time for caught 18 yellow perch... I only keep monster perch but I haven't seen any of those in a few years.

01-06-2010, 07:56 PM
Brad, Sorry to hear about your friend. Not good:(

01-06-2010, 08:35 PM
Sorry to hear of your friend Brad.

01-07-2010, 04:28 AM
Tons of maple stuff going on here everyday now. Got releasers in the living room being prepped to put into place. Got a guy helping me do stuff in the shed. Dads still cutting wood. I put out 1800' of suction line last night across the ground to feed a releaser. Ive got to finish that up. Then Im going to run electric to my one releaser location to run a sump pump and light bulb then I should be able to hook everything up. Got three tanks to put in place and two releasers and mainline connections and that should be pretty much it. HOPE to be done 100% be then end of the month. If I do that and Im tapped in first week of feb I MAY go put more out. Got to see how it goes and what the temps are. If Feb is totally froze up I MIGHT be able to hook another 600 taps together. It wont be pretty if I do but SAP IS SAP BABY!!! Looking for BIGGGGGGG SAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! this year. Theron

01-07-2010, 08:36 AM
Picked up a big woods last night. Should be able to run 500+ taps and the best part is I can run a stock tank down to a driveway and back my truck right in for pick up. Evaporator should show up next week. Between firebricking, running lines and gettin the shack ready I am glad we still have 7 weeks or so until the season begins.


01-07-2010, 08:49 AM
Busy in NH as well. Flat47 is coming down to pick up my old 2x4. I happened to run into a neighbor down the road at a boxing day party that I usually skip, that asked me to come down and check out his woods for trees. Amber Gold and I cruised it last weekend. Josh being the vac addict that he is figures there is at least 500 attainable in there. Just going to mickey mouse it this year with probably 100 on tubing. This might mean another annual evaporator jump next spring.
Right now I'm waiting on 10 yards of crushed stone so I can start building my sugar house MLK weekend, and then worry about bricking etc.
Way way way not ready yet.

01-07-2010, 09:33 AM
Nice to hear about the new bush. You will be happy with the 2 by 6. You will boil 35 gallons an hour with the hood on and preheater working. good luck with the shack.


red maples
01-07-2010, 09:36 AM
Thanks guys for sentiments.

Yeah gotta wait for next year for my vacuum too. but I was going to stop at 277taps on gravity tubing... but... you know....:evil: I still have like 750 feet of tubing left and like 75 more tree saver taps well uuumm maybe put in a few more I got the trees, and extra barrels for collecting points hhhmmmm we'll see maybe just add...#@$%$%^&%^ ADDICTED MAN!!!

I am sure I will over 300 before I start to tap!!

01-07-2010, 10:29 AM

You have lots of room left. I'll probably be at 350+ taps on vacuum with a 2x6! Happy boiling


01-07-2010, 10:37 AM
shoveled the snow and ice off the tank shed yestarday, i gotta put some real rafters up and put a tin roof on it a plastic roof just doesnt shed snow like it does rain! shouldnt be too hard. put the last of the slab that was split and stacked into the wood shed, just have 4 or 5 cord out into the pasture to move in now, then start on fixing the main line that was smashed, tighten up laterals, my buddy really sprained his shoulder and tor something, so at some point i got to go put a roof and a coupala on his sugar house i have WAY to much to do but next semester i get out at 12 so that will give me more time to get things done

01-07-2010, 02:01 PM
i also shoveled 3plus feet of snow off of the sugar house roof my last look at the weather was that we were goimg to get another 3 feet this weekend

01-07-2010, 03:46 PM
Maplewalnut, I thought you told me last year that you were maxed out with taps. It seems you found a few more.:lol:

01-07-2010, 05:00 PM
Well back to school today after a couple weeks off. Man talk about tireing trying to speak french all day again. A couple words a day is okay but hours of it tires a person out. That and I was wearing my hearing aids all day and actually hearing things tires me out even more.
I went to a few stores looking for a fan control switch but didn't do well. The ones in all the stores here are for a ceiling fan and work on 5 amps. I need 15-20 amps to be on the safe side. Will have to ask a real electrician I guess.
Tired of snow also had to drive nice slippery roads today and that sucks.

01-07-2010, 07:02 PM
worked a little on the new releaser tonight got all the parts machined about 45 min on the lathe started to put things togather the one a built for last year worked ok but dumped to slow and was to small for the amount of taps i tryed one idea did not work float was to small to brake 15 inchs of vacuum new one will have a vac cylinder and a slide valve if it works i will post pics

Amber Gold
01-08-2010, 11:06 AM
I will say that I am jealous of Dill's find. It's a nice bush in a managed forest so the trees are fairly spread out. Hopefully I can find something as good next year when I expand. If he doesn't find 500 trees, I'll be shocked. And I think more can be had on an adjacent property. From a quick scan of the property, vacuum would be needed to reach all parts of the orchard.

Alden, you are way, way, way far behind. Best of luck getting it all done in time.

01-08-2010, 12:01 PM
I've been further behind, the first year I didn't start building an evaporator till march 10th.

Brian Ryther
01-08-2010, 05:22 PM
I finally have something worth while to post maple related. I have finished the RO room. I have also cut in a cupola to the roof of my sugar barn. Two big items off the maple list. I posted a few pics in my photo bucket 2010 album. Looking forward to Verona tomorrow.

01-08-2010, 07:28 PM
Finally finished my new bush up the road. That should bring me to 4,000 taps for this year. bottled 30 gals today, 20 on wednesday and hopefully I'll sell it all this weekend at the markets. still lots to do in the woods till I can tap. sprained ankle put me way behind, and soon a visit to the hospital for my annual you don't have cancer anymore biopsy. that usually knocks me down for a bit. got to go label bottles and load up the truck.

01-09-2010, 04:29 AM
Got some more maple done last night. Cleaned up a couple releasers and test operated them and made up some boosters that I hope will help. Took 4 10' sections of 4" pvc and glued them up. Worked pretty good and appears to be a heck of a booster for the money. One thing really kicking my butt is trying to box up these releasers so they dont freeze. Always seems to be a pain for me. Its really hard to make something up with all the lines going into them and the way they dump. The horizontal ones seem way better dumping out the bottom but I have two verticle ones and theyre pretty much made to just dump into an open tank so then you have to have the lid up on the tank. I think as time goes by Id like to go to all horizontal ones. The one in the shed doesnt seem to freeze and the one across the road Im running power to a light bulb and I have that one boxed up so that gives me 4000 that ought to work. That still leaves me two that have to be baby sitted a lot mornings. Wish someone would invent a good fix to box them up. Theron

01-09-2010, 12:10 PM
theron i do alot of water line we use what the call a hot box you can find them in just about any size the are used where water valves or meters have to be out side above ground

01-09-2010, 03:44 PM
Jrthe- Never heard of one. You know where I can click on a pic of one so I can see if it might work for me? Theron

Dennis H.
01-09-2010, 04:00 PM
I had to repair lines already!!!

On the one line I was using a Gripple and it failed! The wire just pulled out of the one side??

The other was squirrel damage. pesky little things. Once I got the lines fixed I fired up the vac and checked for anymore leaks, looks and sounds good. I had not a single leak at the saddles, that surprised me.

For me I am pretty much done I am now waiting. I do have to do a little cleaning in the sugarshack but that is stuff I can do in the evenings.

I am bummed a little I couldn't make it up to the NY maple conf this year. It is a great show and I was hoping to learn more about making candies and that kind of things. I guess there will always be next year.

01-09-2010, 07:56 PM
i see what i can dig up talk to your local water work department they mite have an idea

01-09-2010, 08:32 PM
I got some work done on my sugar shack today. I got one wall boarded up with shiplap. Tomorrow morning I'm going to finish putting up the tripple beam al the way around. Then I have 4-H in the after noon so I can't work all day on it.

01-09-2010, 09:34 PM
-7* on the thermometer here. I hope we get a january thaw. I need it to get some of this snow down. Never got the BIG storm friday so that is good. Sugarhouse is plowed out and gonna get some things dusted and rearranged more or less out of boredum. These temps sure put the damper on steelhead fishing. Did get some snowmobile riding in today. Always puts a smile on my daughters face.

01-10-2010, 05:36 AM
Releasers and tanks going in the woods today. Going to try to get the Booy bush releaser setup all done and maybe get over on the other bush and do that one too if I have enough time. Starting to get there. Three weeks till tap time. Im not putting more taps out now. Out of time. Now its operation HOOK UP, TIGHTEN UP, AND GET THINGS PITCHED. BIGSAP IS ON ITS WAY!!!Theron:)

01-10-2010, 07:04 AM
Still way behind here and to top it all off we had some yahoo drive through our barway in our back field and destroy a healthy section of fencing. I just don't get the thrill of destroying someone elses property.

farmall h
01-10-2010, 09:00 AM
-20 below this morning. Brrrrrrr.

01-10-2010, 05:10 PM
A friend suggested that I try a neighbor that does sheet-metal work on the side for the re tinning of my arch. Only three miles away and I had never heard of the guy. I took my old pieces down to him today to get a quote. $178 bucks and a week out. Hard to beat. The guy has a sheet metal shear that will cut ten foot sheets of 1/4 inch mild steel! plus every other tool or machine a fabricator would want. I'm going to have to talk to him about a steam hood for my 3x8. And a SS preheater of course but not this season. Got to make some syrup first. I can spend next week cutting wood and hanging mainline wire and pipe.

01-11-2010, 07:48 PM
Started construction on new temporary sugar shack, just big enough for the evaporator with room to feed it, barely. Big overhang to stretch the usable space. Had to keep it under 100sqft to not get a building permit.

It's a late start This week the sap will start to flow, high 40's in the day, 20's in the night...but season won't start until mid febuary, just ehough to tease/worry us about what we have left to do.



01-11-2010, 08:14 PM
It looks like Maine there in West Virginia. Big White pines and all.

Are you going to tap when the warm weather hits at the end of the week, or wait for a while?

01-11-2010, 08:25 PM
It's tempting, the extended forcast calls for at least 15 days of sap weather, but if we did manage to put in taps not sure we would get much just on gravity, especially if the weatherman read his crystal ball wrong.

We'll probably wait, for at least another two weeks to make sure it doesn't freeze up again. We'll be kicking ourselves if the season is actually starting early for us, usually no taps in until mid February.

01-11-2010, 08:36 PM
It's too early to tap yet in WV, things are frozen hard as a rock and it would take a week of above freezing just to get things started thawing out and I think you are well north of me.

01-11-2010, 10:39 PM
Last season we didn't start tapping until the third week in February. And you are right, every thing is pretty well frozen solid around here. We'll be watching the weather closely though. How much snow did you get down there in souther wv, we got about 25" here (mostly gone now).

01-11-2010, 11:57 PM
If the weatherman can actually predict something right we got a warmup coming in the 15 day outlook. Got mid 40's in there. I am getting a bad twitch in my tapping finger looking at that. It is close maplemaniacs it is close. Hope everyone is ready. I got this feeling it is gonna be an early one this year.

01-12-2010, 05:27 AM
You guys are lucky. We are haveing out forecast warm spell now and it's still below feezeing. Long range forecast says all the cold is going to settle up here instead for another month or so. Thanks guys.

PS Just checked the forecast and the cold weather they had forecast Sunday disapeared and now it's supposed to almost get warm. Not enough to tap but hopefully enough to get some work done around here.

Dave Y
01-12-2010, 05:35 AM
Dont get all hang dog about the weather. There is nothing you can do about it. Besides weather forcasters are speculaters. It is not going to get that warm down here.

01-12-2010, 06:38 AM
My trigger finger is twitching too! Im going to probly keep getting ready though and stick with the end of the month tapping schedule. Ive still got a lot to do so I probly better get it all done before I start getting a lot of sap. I worked last night on hooking up the releaser across the road and got back up at 0330 this morning and went back to work on it. Should have it all done tonight. Kind of neat with a horizontal releaser dumping into a tote and then its going to run down to the road to a tank. Things are starting to come together now. January 31 we're drillin holes. Theron

Dave Y
01-12-2010, 06:41 AM
What is you tap count for this year? any Ideas?

01-12-2010, 06:47 AM
Dave- My best guess is 5100. Ive got a buddy too that says hes bringing me sap from maybe 1700 gravity taps. I told him Id try to boil for him, I think I can. Im hungry for money this year to pay for stuff Ive bought. Ill have to apply myself. Theron

Dave Y
01-12-2010, 07:00 AM
I Know what you mean, I have a lot to pay for myself.

01-12-2010, 10:47 AM
We got a couple days in the bush over the weekend. The snow was about knee deep with a slight crust in the middle that made walking a bit more difficult that I'd have liked! My brother and I replaced a bunch of old tubing with new semi-rigid and that only leaves us about 300 or 400 taps of old green laterals to replace and we're completely switched over. We stretched about 8 rolls and got the droplines cut in and saddle manifolds installed. Both bushes we were working in had initially been tapped with tubing 20 years ago and a lot of nice young maples have grown to over 8" since so we picked up another 40 taps or so.

We had a tree on one piece of mainline but it bounced back up once we cut it off. We got the cable skidder on the back of the International tractor and pulled a few skids of firewood out. One tree didn't quite go where we wanted it to fall and came down on the mainline - DOH! It stretched the wire a bit and will need to be tightened but no serious harm done.

Lots left to do, so little time!

red maples
01-12-2010, 11:21 AM
I am ready Finished up the remaining plumbing by the sugar house now I think I 'll make up some more drops and put in another lateral or 2 to those that I didn't think I was gonna tap maybe.... no pressure If I get to it I will. or just go Ice fishing!!! hhmmm what to do fish/maple fish/maple fish/maple!!!! maybe do both.

01-12-2010, 07:38 PM
fish now maple later. When maple comes the ice goes.

red maples
01-12-2010, 07:53 PM
oh yes good advice ....taking the little guy fishing tomorrow...he went last year for the first time we had fun didn't catch many fish but he had fun drinking hot choc. and eating jerky. I use my hunting ground blind for Ice fishing so when nature calls and it always does with him!!!!:rolleyes: then he has a place to go. And the wife is going to some yoga retreat thing in western mass, So the kids and I are going on Saturday too. bring the fire bucket nothing like franks and beans ( I wanted venison steaks but he wanted hot dogs!) while your ice fishin and a few brews as well. Ice is real thick now!!!

Gary R
01-12-2010, 08:03 PM
I had better get things ready. The ground is not frozen and the weather is starting to break. I have to spend 4 days in Erie the end of this month for work. I hope it's cold then. Also, will be hosting a backyard sugaring seminar on March 6th.

I "attended" the Penn State webinar on beginner syrup making. It was OK. I don't think it helped any beginner's by showing and talking about wet/dry lines, vacuum, releasers and a 6X18 evaporator with a piggyback. Most of the questions from the attendees were very basic. It was good to see a lot of interest in making syrup.

Dan W, are you tapping soon?

01-12-2010, 08:07 PM
Red My daughter loves going as well. I have 2 fishtraps a 2 man and a single man. Heater flips up to hold a pan for some hotdogs and making the hot chocolate. I use to tournament fish for walleyes and in the winter we had to camp on the ice for 3 days. Some of the best times I have had in my life. Had to get out of it, rich man's game. Spending 10's of thousands in hopes of just breaking even at the end of the season is like thinking you are gonna make a profit on syrup:D

01-12-2010, 10:00 PM
Last season we didn't start tapping until the third week in February. And you are right, every thing is pretty well frozen solid around here. We'll be watching the weather closely though. How much snow did you get down there in souther wv, we got about 25" here (mostly gone now).

WE have gotten close to 50" so far this winter where I live and probably about 60" at the sugarhouse. Way things are going, I am shooting to tap big south bush around Feb 6th. For next week, it is supposed to get above freezing every day for a few hours during the day which is abnormal the way is has been for the past month. I would guess it will get the snow way down as there is way too much snow around the trees for them to even think about running.

01-13-2010, 09:30 AM
I am in the woods every night until dark. I have about 400 more feet of mainline to run. I have run 3,000 feet of laterals so far but a long way to go on that front. Hope to have all the mainline and laterals up by the end of the longs weekend. The I will make drops in front of the tv for a couple of days. Evaporator is coming late next week so I will have to set that up too. Lot's to do in only a little over a month.


01-13-2010, 04:28 PM
weather man said it is going to be in the forty tomoorow and warm the rest of the week so i will be out in the woods putting tubing up like to have it all up by the end of the weekend to take advantage of the nice weather

01-13-2010, 04:59 PM
I am with you there with the warm weather. Above freezing today for first time in a while and managed to get out for a couple of hours and wade thru the deep snow and repaired the tubing in the south bush with 145 taps on it. It is pretty much ready to go. Supposed to be 40 to 45 for next 6 days, so hopefully I can get some more done and I am off for holiday next Monday. Need to walk the other 2 bushes and repair the lines there. Everything in sugarhouse about ready to go, need to wash the 2 new 160 gallon galvanized tanks I got today while it is warm. All the other tanks and evaporator are clean from last season.

01-13-2010, 06:05 PM
Some genius on here told me to fix my welder problem by checking the ground. I put a brand new ground clamp on it and the breaker hasn't blowen yet. DUH.
Is tres froid today but friday is supposed to get warm enough for me to finish a few things. If the sun shines I can do a lot of prep work in the greenhouse as it gets rather nice in there.

Dennis H.
01-13-2010, 06:34 PM
Just watched the local weather and the next 7 days we are to be in the low 40's everyday. It was even mentioned that the next 2 weeks we are to be above normal. What to do, What to do.:lol:

One good thing with the warm weather I can finally clean the milk tank and the evap pan. I was holding off that chore figuring it would get warmer one of these days.

It is funny watching the trade this time of year. Besides Therons BIG SAP ALERTS, a few days of warm temps and everyone is talking when to tap, me included.

Dennis H.
01-13-2010, 06:35 PM
Oh by the way

T minus 2 weeks and counting with no built in holds. My finger is on the big red button and it is getting itchy!!!

red maples
01-13-2010, 06:35 PM
Red My daughter loves going as well. I have 2 fishtraps a 2 man and a single man. Heater flips up to hold a pan for some hotdogs and making the hot chocolate. I use to tournament fish for walleyes and in the winter we had to camp on the ice for 3 days. Some of the best times I have had in my life. Had to get out of it, rich man's game. Spending 10's of thousands in hopes of just breaking even at the end of the season is like thinking you are gonna make a profit on syrup:D

wow 3 days on the ice don't know if I could do it.

with kids you can never get there early!!! didn't get set up until about 10:30

But we caught 6 pickeral no size to them and about 10 yellow perch my son had a good time but man he's only 4 try to get him to keep his mittens on and then he complains his hands are cold!!!! the lake is only about a 6 minute drive from house and my boy way sleeping 1/2 way home he was wiped out!! actually so am I.

the lake I used to fish when I was kid in NJ was known for its bass and trout but they decided to make it a walleye lake I haven't fished there in 15 years but there are some lunker walleyes in there.

Too cold here to even consider tapping only day close to 40 is thursday then back to cold for the weekend and more ice fishing !!! yeah!!:)

01-13-2010, 08:47 PM
Just watched the local weather and the next 7 days we are to be in the low 40's everyday. It was even mentioned that the next 2 weeks we are to be above normal. What to do, What to do.:lol:

One good thing with the warm weather I can finally clean the milk tank and the evap pan. I was holding off that chore figuring it would get warmer one of these days.

It is funny watching the trade this time of year. Besides Therons BIG SAP ALERTS, a few days of warm temps and everyone is talking when to tap, me included.


Forecast here looks the same for next 10 days, but don't be concerned as this isn't abnormal. Be ready to tap whenever you normally tap and use this warmer weather to your advantage and get everything done you can so you are chomping at the bit when the time is right!

01-13-2010, 09:40 PM
Going to be above normal here to. Instead of real cold it's going to be just cold. I can see that it's going to be a long winter.

Dennis H.
01-14-2010, 01:37 AM
Ken I like your outlook on the weather, "Instead of real cold it's going to be just cold":lol:

Thompson's Tree Farm
01-14-2010, 04:54 AM
I agree with Brandon. Weather here is calling for temps near 30 for the next ten days. Would sap run? It will in the sun. Will I tap any? Nope! I have tube to unroll and that will go much easier with the slightly warmer temps. The saddle clamps can be a bear when the temps are in the single digits. This warmer few days is go time but not for sap. It is the last hurrah to get everything lined up and ready.

Dave Y
01-14-2010, 05:05 AM
I just checked the 15day forecast, high 30's and low 40's for the next 15 days. just warm enough to sweat while working in the woods. This will be a good time to wash 1500 buckets, add 400 more taps on tubing, make all the main line connections that need work, repair all tubing, set up vacuum, and make sure the trucks are ready to go. Tapping trees no time for that yet!

01-14-2010, 07:35 AM
Just a quick Message for you all to keep watching the sugar inn/report spam here message, I have temporarily downed all PM and email. Sorry for the inconvienence. hopefully back up and running soon.

01-15-2010, 11:54 AM
It's supposed to be in the high 30's today, but it doesn't feel like it yet. It's a nice break from the cold, but it isn't a January thaw around here.

You guys further south are going to have some nice weather, but we're locked in winter until some time in March here.

01-15-2010, 02:28 PM
Spent some time today getting my sugar shack ready(10x10 leanto). It's kind of hard shoe horning a 30" x 8' evaporator in it,but I'm gonna have to make do. Built a little roof on the end to run the stack up through, hung a tarp around the one side, have an old door set up on barrels for a counter, it ain't pretty but it'll work. I got permission to tap about 40 big roadside sugars,
this year and about 20 on another property, gonna try for about 70 taps in red maples on my land.

Dan W
01-15-2010, 05:46 PM
Hey Paddy, How close are you to Penns Creek? I try to make it to Poe Paddy every couple of years to depress myself with my fly fishing skills. Sure is some beautiful country. My dad took me there close to 40 years ago. One of my favorites for sure!!

01-15-2010, 08:14 PM
DanW I'm about two miles north of Penns Creek in western Union Co. Actually I live right on the east end of Paddy Mountain, hence the name.
I know what your talking about with the fishing,not a better stream in Central Pa. I grew up along Penns Creek,spent many a day swimming, fishing and ice skating there.

01-15-2010, 10:31 PM
I am hopeing you never swam and ice fished on the same day. If so your a better man then me.
It tried to rain here all day today and stayed above freezing. Was damp but at least warm. Hopefully get some stuff soldered up tomorrow.

01-15-2010, 11:26 PM
Man I am liking this weather. Snow pack is disapearing. Something I need. Gonna get the sugarbush paths plowed out this weekend before the cold sets back in and make the snow a big block of hard pack. I never took the test buckets down from the fall tapping joke and went for a stroll this morning and dang if the sap was not running. Really makes a maple producer think should I or shouldn't I. Hmmmm I gotta ask what would Patheron do????????

farmall h
01-16-2010, 08:10 AM
Well it is rather mild out today. Just had a bagel and read the Saturday paper. Gotta go pile more slabs in the sugarhse...should have been done in the fall, oh well. A 12 pack, 2 family members and a couple hours is all I need.;)

01-16-2010, 08:22 AM
Theron probbably has a half million taps in already and 300cfms of vacuum going. That or he fell asleep and the rest of use have a chance to beat him to the sap. I doubt it's warm enough to even think about sap untill the end of Feb here. The forecast says it should stay reasonably warm untill Feb or more now so am hopeing we don't get the big cold again. That and if the roof melts off I like to do the chiminey mid winter just for safteys sake. Better safe then sorry.

01-16-2010, 12:23 PM
Went for a walk and checked those buckets again a little while ago and dang if the sap ain't dripping like crazy. One bucket was half full. Was very suprised cause there still is alot of snow on the ground but I am guessing since the ground is not frozen the sap is running. What does a man do? The weather looks like there is a potential for 6 days of nice weather by the end of the month.

01-16-2010, 03:44 PM
Five weeks from when I tapped last year. By the weather today you would think they should be in. Few things to do yet mostly just clean and tap. Nothing that couldn't be done in a morning and then tap that afternoon. So I feel good to go. Tryed out the horses and sled this morning just in case the tractor is out of order for sap pick up. Was a nice sleigh ride, had about 10 friends and family on it... I'm going to walk the line in the morning give it a good once over. Need to get in shape for season...

3% Solution
01-16-2010, 04:56 PM
Hi all,
Here we sit chomping at the bit!!!
Knowing what's just around the corner.
Can only wait,it's not going to get here any quicker.
It could be 4 weeks or it could be 6 weeks.


01-16-2010, 06:01 PM
I have a sugar house!! Or at least a right pretty frame of one. We went from a stone base to framed in 9 hours. Not bad especially if you factor in the 3 extra lumber runs.

01-16-2010, 07:51 PM
It was hard not to tap a few today, it was perfect. While fixing up the wood pile I saw a nice buck that was no more than 100 yards from my back door. I also saw a very confused woods frog in the bush, he was moving really slow.

Dan and paddy how close are you guys to tapping? I'm thinking I will tap around presidents day weather permitting. I'm pretty much ready just need to clean buckets and taps and were off to the races!

01-16-2010, 08:47 PM
Today was a very good day. I got all the rafters up and put up pine boards over the whole roof. Tommorow I will paper it. This way it is water tight and I can put the metal on when I finish the building. Hopefully I will get most of it finished over the long weekend. I also got a 3X5' flat pan from the local sawmill for $5 he hasent used it in a while but it will work for me. I will concentrate the sap on it outside then bring it into the sugar shack and boil it down with the half pint. I can't wait till tapping time.

01-16-2010, 09:54 PM
I was in the bush today cutting Beech trees for the 2011 heating and evaporating season. The wood is frozen solid. No chance of a run up here unless this spell goes on longer than the current forecast

01-16-2010, 10:43 PM
It's only been a degree or two above freezing the past few days and that's all that is forecast for the near future so we're holding tight. It always gets warm for a spell in January so the batteries are sitting on the shelf for another 6-7 weeks!

01-16-2010, 11:06 PM
Even with a week of good weather in March last year I still got diddly so with the sun this low in the sky it would never thaw out the trees. I am betting that it will be somewhat like last year. One week of good sap and 5 weeks of wishing. Actually last year I spent a lot of time wishing for a freeze at nights once in a while. Spent years wanting winter to end and now wishing for it to stay. Go figure.

01-17-2010, 12:55 AM
Started building my evaporator today. Yes, I know I am late but that is the way I always do things. I won't tap until Presidents day weekend anyway so I think I will be ready by then. Will work all day Sunday on it so I should put a dent in it. Building a arch for a 2x3 pan but making it longer so upgrading in the future won't be a problem. Found out today there is going to be a lot of cutting of angle iron involved. Will post pics this week.

Gary R
01-17-2010, 06:16 AM
Cleaned the head and collection tanks yesterday. Also, hauled wood next to the sugar house. Will clean buckets and taps this week. It's been above freezing for about 3 days. Hopefully tapping in the next couple weeks.

01-17-2010, 09:02 AM
Funny thing just happened. There is hope for one of my five children yet! Out of the blue my Nine year old daughter justed asked me "Dad don't you think it is warm enough to start and tap?" She is about the only one that brings up maple around here kinda cool. Well her mother brings it up now and then but it's not so cool when she does it.

01-17-2010, 09:12 AM
LOL yes when she who must be obeyed brings up something it can be a few scary hours.
I try to not mention those kinds of things until after meal times.

Dennis H.
01-17-2010, 09:29 AM
I got a few more things to clean up this morning and I should be ready to go.

I am seriously thinking about tapping in this week. Do here where I am we tend to have milder winters than the rest of you. All the snow is now going and it is raining, I checked the forecast and man does it look good!

There is no one else right around me that I can gauge on go-time. They are either out by Somerset in the mtn's or up north toward Theron's. What to do??

Anyway I got some cleaing to do, good luck.

01-17-2010, 12:31 PM
Well it has been like 4 days in a row and the test taps from the fall have ran everyday. She who must be obeyed is liking her morning coffee made from fresh sap. I am still on the fence. Dang I know it will not last but at the same time I am losing out on now. This maple thing is a love hate relationship.

01-17-2010, 05:04 PM
#3rgen. It's just a late fall run. Hard to say what the weather will do. Was pretty warm here today. A high of 40 degrees. I looked at a tree and figured nahhhhhh to early and who wants to boil sap in the snow anyways. Will be colder end of the week here to.

01-17-2010, 05:54 PM
It is a bit early, but I remember hearing about a bunch of people a couple of years ago over in Vermont and NY State who tapped in January and made a bunch of syrup.

It depends on how long it stays warm.

If it warms up any time in February we tap.

Wouldn't it be great to tap in mid February when I have vacation?

01-17-2010, 06:16 PM
I know guys but man when you see it run and look at the 15 day forcast and there are 10 potential days of sap weather you gotta really question your sanity. What is holding me back is the sugar content. Not Good At All it has been 1.2 and under. I do not recall seeeing it that low since I started testing for sugar content.

01-17-2010, 07:09 PM
It's back below freezing here. It was a couple of nice days though. I stocked up on firewood for the house. I don't want to run short for She who must be obeyed while I'm trying to boil sap in March. The snow has settled to about a foot and should make a good base to pull wire and mainline on next week. The galvy sheets for the back of my arch should be ready tomorrow mid day and the new stack and taper should also be ready for pick up this week. I need to pick up about a dozen more half fire brick and a bucket of refractory cement for the re bricking once I get the back re pop riveted into place. I think I will set the arch up four inches from the floor. I'd go eight but some of the help isn't six feet tall so four is a good compromise. I want to add one more dead dry pine tree to the sugar wood pile then that should be enough. This next week things should start to come together. I hope.

01-17-2010, 07:46 PM
Well we got 90% of the roof and the 2 gable ends sided. I wish I had went with shorter walls. I didn't need a 20ft tall sugar house. But wicked good progress considering it started snowing at noon.

01-18-2010, 08:06 AM
Well we got 90% of the roof and the 2 gable ends sided. I wish I had went with shorter walls. I didn't need a 20ft tall sugar house. But wicked good progress considering it started snowing at noon.

Quit teasing, Dill, and post some pics!

red maples
01-18-2010, 10:44 AM
Go dill!!!! maybe you'll be ready for the season git r done.

red maples
01-18-2010, 10:50 AM
I had I think 1.25% sugar in late fall on reds and tapped a few more reds way out on the edge of the property the last few warm days and got like a qt of sap(just not warm for long enough) and they were at just about 2% happy with that for reds. so we'll see in another month or so or when the weather is ready to let the trees run!!!

01-18-2010, 11:02 AM
I'm getting there. Nothing like have a good crew of buddies to call on when you need to put up a building. Got the stone down friday afternoon and 2 days of 8 til dark, we put on a good show yesterday hanging off rafters and cutting with chainsaws. I have to upload some pics. Looks like a bunch of snow this week but a decent weekend. I'll have to bribe my neighbor to go up on the roof to put down the roofing this weekend.
I guess its time to make more drops in front of the woodstove. Just got done plowing the driveway, I figure we got more than a foot last night.

red maples
01-18-2010, 03:46 PM
gotta about a foot here too tough to peel it up because the bottom is about 1 inch of slush. hate that!!!

Dan W
01-18-2010, 05:35 PM
WHERE ARE THE 2010 TAPPING THREADS? After a consult with my advisor, I put all my (160) buckets out yesterday. Speculation is a crazy thing. Anyhoo, collected today and only got about 35 or 40 gallons. The next several days look pretty promising though. Time will tell. Can't wait to start a fire in the new rig!!!

Gary R
01-18-2010, 07:29 PM
Dan W, PM me when you get some sap to boil. I'd like to stop in and check your set up out. Thanks!

01-18-2010, 07:54 PM
This weather in CNY in quite a tease. Looks like some of the guys south on NY are starting...

Anyway, I could use a few more weeks to get ready. Did finish the RO room today and put a hole in the wall of the sugarhouse and ran the 32' wood conveyor from the wood pile right through the wall - conveyor will dump fire wood into a box that sits about 4' from the arch doors - no more haulin' wood.

01-18-2010, 08:02 PM
Started putting the garage door up on my sugar shack. Brough some of my rusty taps to my grandpas to run in the cement mixer with sand in it. Also got a 55 gallon drum so I can use it to replace the back of my half pint. I need to clean the inside of the taps with a small wire brush. I have 70 buckets with lids and taps. I have 30 food grade 5 gallon buckets but they don't have covers. I mite get up to 100 taps this year I just need to find enough trees in my neibors yard.

01-18-2010, 09:36 PM
Dan W,
Good luck I think I'm going to go with tradition. Even though it's hard to say no to this weather. Let us know how your making out over there.

01-19-2010, 08:55 PM
Looking forward to seeing a lot of friends at the Northwest PA maple meeting in Edinboro PA this sat starting at 8:00 at the Fire hall. Jim Bortles and I will be trying to make maple sugar (Crumb) good thing we will be in a fire station.:)

Chris C

01-19-2010, 11:19 PM
Brough some of my rusty taps to my grandpas to run in the cement mixer with sand in it.

That's a pretty good idea to get rust off taps! I guess putting them in a case tumbler used to polish spent brass for reloading rifle or handgun cartridges would do the same thing, just in smaller quantities.

01-20-2010, 01:07 PM
been hitting the sugar house pritty hard last few days making way for the new pans and getting everthing ready for the season had to give up on the double releaser project for now just have to much going on right hope to finish up the tubing this week and haed to canada friday to pick up new pans

01-20-2010, 01:22 PM
I went up to Swanton and picked up my new stack at Leader's. While I was there I picked up a two handed tool, a pair of expanding pliers, an inside flue brush, spare rubbers for the Grimm floats and some pipe and tubing fittings and saddles. They were out of end line rings :o . I should have bought them when I was looking right at them at Bascom's the other day. The local store has everything but them. On the ride home the boss called and wanted to know when I could start this spring? I told her I wanted to sugar but for the price she is paying if she needs me I'm there. Just my luck the first good run some fool will want to start putting in a temporary bridge.

01-20-2010, 05:48 PM
Sorry everyone, been so busy with spammers and other things I forgot to change all the tapping for states to 2010... Thanks Westvirginiamapler for picking up on it and sending me the PM... sometimes I need a kick in the A$%

Hope everyone is getting ready, I haven't even started except putting in a nice shiny stainless 8'leg sink in the SH.

Still have to pay for this years Lease so I can get in the woods... that will get done tomorrow then Saturday is the Mass Maple Annual Mtg and trade show... Who wants to go???

red maples
01-20-2010, 07:33 PM
man I can't wait to tap I just wanna make syrup!!! he heck with all the legal stuff it will drive you crazy...I have say one thing though this country was based on small business and government feds and local push for small business they say its the backbone of the USA...well then why is there so much red tape I know you have to go through the process and there has to be rule and stuff but they could make it a little easier.

I guess thats part of the reason everything is made in china before you know it we are going to have to learn to speek mandarine!!!!

01-20-2010, 08:57 PM
Boyd, glad to here those pans are in your future should see a nice improvement in boiling rate too.

Keith and I worked on the 11 drip channels for his preheater tonight. Found out I need to rebuild the hand break pivot joint, so that we can bend some 90's in stainless again. I was using a 3/8 bolt as the pivot and will move up to a 1/2 inch bolt. I might go all out and get hardened ones! Should be good for another 100,000 miles:)


01-20-2010, 09:16 PM
I am unpateint doing nothing I tried to make maple cream tonight. Have no idea what it's supposed to really be like but I got a light beige coloured spead out of it after a few million minutes of stiring. I have to see if it goes with peanut butter tomorrow. That and pawn some off on the teacher at school.
I spent all afternoon trying to find some kind of arch board. I even found the company that used to supply Les Enterprisie Denis Darveav. They stopped actually makeing it and just develop new products but they gave me his number and told me to ask him where he get's it now. About to pull my hair out or just use ceramic blanket instead. Story of my life.

01-21-2010, 05:16 PM
Last 2 days we took time off of our logging pulp/logs to enter a 20 acre part of our woods that the cedar and tamarak are all standing dead and dry. Got 16 cords out. will have a pulp truck haul them to our sugar shack next week. Only a 4 mile haul and on woods roads so we cut them all at 9.5 feet so there should be better then 16 cord. Never used tamarak but heard it burns hot. Brothers and i have our "work weekend" planned for Jan 30th @ 31st. We will cut and split the pulp load/ cut pallets and put 1000 bags on the holders. Our sugar shack is by our hunting cabin so it should be a good time. Hope the weather dosn't turn below zero.

farmall h
01-21-2010, 05:26 PM
March seems like a long...long....loooong way from now.:(

steam maker
01-21-2010, 06:02 PM
sitting here in pittsburg new hampshire. should be thinkin of snowmobilin but my heads in the sugarhouse. its way to early for this warm weather at home. but on the brite side any thing thats under the snow at home wont be after monday:D

red maples
01-21-2010, 06:49 PM
March seems like a long...long....loooong way from now.:(

boy you got that one right...the anticipation is killing me...all this stuff going through my head...especially because this is my first year trying to get as much right as I can. I will make mistakes but the more I get right the better.

is it going to be a good year with all the rain this year?
hopefully it will be a good year for gravity tubing?
will this happen will that happen?
what else do I need to get done?

just get here already!!!!

Saw Filer
01-21-2010, 09:49 PM
Waiting is killing me too, but talking with you folks sure helps !

Gary R
01-22-2010, 05:57 AM
Yesterday I visited Dan W. His taps are in and he's waiting for sap. The weather man has been a little off but, it looks good for the weekend. Toured his new sugar house and checked out his new to him 2X6. A nice looking outfit. Yard trees scattered all around. He'll have so much time on his hands with that rig, he''ll be tapping the entire neighborhood soon:)

01-22-2010, 04:49 PM
All 4,000 taps are checked, 4 vacuum pumps are operational, releasers are cleaned, saphouse is good, and my new ro tower with the 600 gal/hr is arriving next week. I love it when a plan comes together. Think I'll add more taps next week!

01-22-2010, 05:16 PM
Hopefully this weekend I get closed to finished with my evaporator so I can do some other work on that honey list. Just have to figure out how to insulate and I am away. Or untill I boil the first time and have to patch leaks.

01-22-2010, 06:42 PM
Bought an RTV with snow tracks to tap maples up a steep hill. Testing it today. Goes about 5mph in 8" of snow, 4wd med speed. Barely made it up a 30 degree incline, sliped and couldn't go up a 3' 45 degree bank with ice and mud. Did I make a big mistake? I thought I had read great reviews on here about the RTV 900. Does anyone have any ideas, thoughts, feedback, better results?


Thompson's Tree Farm
01-22-2010, 06:45 PM
Fred Henderson has that set up on his RTV 900. Check it out with him.

01-22-2010, 06:54 PM
Thank you, but, could you tell me how to find Fred Henderson? I am fairly new to this web site (3 mo.) I don't see him under members?


farmall h
01-22-2010, 06:57 PM
what else do I need to get done?

just get here already!!!![/QUOTE]

RedMaples......you have to set up more taps! At least to 500!!!!:cool:

01-22-2010, 07:21 PM
Bought an RTV with snow tracks to tap maples up a steep hill. Testing it today. Goes about 5mph in 8" of snow, 4wd med speed. Barely made it up a 30 degree incline, sliped and couldn't go up a 3' 45 degree bank with ice and mud. Did I make a big mistake? I thought I had read great reviews on here about the RTV 900. Does anyone have any ideas, thoughts, feedback, better results?


Well i can tell you that i bought a 09 polaris ranger and had tracks on it to start last year. but it was hard to monuver through the woods. this year i tried it with out the tracks just tires, a world of difference. it goes anywhere . im still breaking trailes where i havent even been yet this year through about 16-18in of snow with no problems. the big difference here is the rtv is disel ,slow and heavy, like 3200 lbs. the ranger is 1200lb and gas. so it turns more rpms and spins the wheels faster, plus i put a 125 horizontal tank in the bed to gather two of my tanks in the woods. theres my feed back. p.s im selling the tracks

The Birdman
01-22-2010, 09:14 PM
Paradice go to the top of the page to members list. names of all members are listed there.

01-22-2010, 10:05 PM
after a long trip today and 4.5 hours of walking around bufalo ny waiting for my uncle to come back accrossed the border (i don't have a passport yet)
i got my new to me pans home they look great can't wait to try them out

01-22-2010, 10:52 PM
Weather here is turning back to winter again after tuesday. Looking at teens well into feb. Spent the day with nephew with a refresher course on tapping, setting up the evaporator and all the in's and out's. Let him do a water boil and play around with the float box and firing the evaporator. Couldn't wipe the smile off his face if I wanted too. Made for a nice cleanup as well. Made some maple fudge and some cream. Got a call from the Fed's today and they want me to come down to washington D.C. to work on some equipment. Heading out sunday and be back wednesday I am hoping. Nice little break from the norm anyways. Hopefully the weather turns into our favor mid Feb. I would love to be tapping on Valentines Day.

red maples
01-23-2010, 07:59 AM
what else do I need to get done?

just get here already!!!!

RedMaples......you have to set up more taps! At least to 500!!!!:cool:[/QUOTE]

eventually I will be there. this year I figured on 200 taps and ended up with 300:rolleyes: (no addiction here)

one thing on my side is time If I need alot of boiling time I got it.

But I can't go up to 500 taps yet here's my thinking
it's like a snowball/butterfly effect

1. as it is I don't think I will have enough sap storage. I will have 350 gallons of storgae and if I need it I have several 55 gallon poly drums. so I have to
watch the tanks because they can fill p quickly and over flow if Iam not careful.
2. with the extra sap comes the need for extra wood. which I have about 3+ cord split dry now. have lots more wood around just in full log length. but don't feel like split and firing at the same time.
3. With extra sap comes extra syrup and I have don't have enough containers for that much syrup.

next year I plan on adding (look at me 2010 season not here yet already into 2011). also will be a small vacum, relaser and 787 gallon stainless tank. and about 50 more taps. and adding in more mainline to shorten up the laterals to get more effect from the vacuum.

and build a 24 x 30 finished insulated barn with a walk in freezer. down stairs for ice carving business. upstairs art studio for my wife. expanding the sugar house. get some chickens build chicken coup(that will only take a week end), increase thae size of the garden. put in a road in the woods to have better access to far away maples.

oh man somebody stop me !!!! what am I crazy!!! not a biblical guy to say the least but ...please god give me the strength to....

01-23-2010, 10:29 AM
Red you will not need the storage if you just boil the stuff down and quit sitting on it.:D Get after that stuff.

01-23-2010, 12:13 PM
Well winter returned with a passion last two days. I had to get up in the middle of the night and put wood on the fire. She who has to be obeyed didn't wake up and do it.
Trying to get this evaporator finished this week and then be able to test boil when it's warm enough again. My one problem is trying to figure out how to move it by myself or with a 4ft 11 helper. LOL

01-23-2010, 03:27 PM
Pretty much ready to go and just waiting on tapping weather. Pulled all mine north side taps down out of the trees yesterday and marked areas I could find damage on them. We got about 1/4" of ice night before, so would have been kinda hard to find all the damage on them with all the water and ice on them. I have about 220 taps on the north side that I don't tap until about half way thru the season and they will usually run about 10 gallon of sap per tap in about 2.5 to 3 weeks since they don't usually get thawed out until around March 1st. There is cattle in there part of the year during late spring thru early fall, so at season's end, I slide the lines up the trees to 7 to 8 feet off the ground without loosening anything and all the mainline has barbed wire on above and/or below it, so they don't bother it either. Works good and laterals are way too high for cattle to bother.

Fortunately the ice didn't hurt anything. Always cringe with fear when they are calling for ice as we don't normally ever get tornadoes, but we do get ice from time to time.

Shooting for starting tapping biggest south bush around Feb 6 or Feb 13 and the smaller south bush a week or two later depending on weather.

Dennis H.
01-23-2010, 03:29 PM
I had a new one happen to me today. I started the vac this morning and then went out for lunch. After getting back I decided to walk all the lines to be sure I didn't have any leaks.
I could hear this one leak from quit a distance off, I figures I either had a stubby come loose from the CV spout or I had a tree rat chew hole.
Well I found which tree it was and there was no hole to be found and it started to look like the CV spout wasn't set completely into the tree.
That is when I found that just below the spout about 3/8" there is a little hole from some sort of insect. That is where the vac leak is. So I took a toothpick and pluged the hole.

The sap is still running in that hole but I am curious if that insect hole will cause a slow running tree at the spot. Should I drill a new tap hole??

Below is a close-up of the tap and insect hole.

01-23-2010, 06:02 PM
The first couple area I tapped (400 taps +/-) several years ago required no thinning. It looked good to go from day one. I've been thinning an adjacent area (300-400 taps) that I would like to get on-line for this season. This new area has beautiful maples, but has alot of old, dying apple under the canopy.

So, how clean is clean enough? I know once I run tubing, I will not be able to get in there to clean/thin further. Most of the thinning is done, but all the dead wood is on the ground. I imagine I'll be tripping on this stuff until it rots -but if I move that stuff out, I won't be adding those taps this year. Left some varied species in the bush.

Anybody in CNY want to come over and tell me what you think? I'm struggling with whether to run mainline tomorrow.

Now, the next section that's coming on after this section has some amazing trees:)

01-23-2010, 06:10 PM
The sap is still running in that hole but I am curious if that insect hole will cause a slow running tree at the spot. Should I drill a new tap hole??

Below is a close-up of the tap and insect hole.[/QUOTE]

Pretty darn clever plugging that hole with a toothpick. If you stopped the vacuum leak, I would not re-tap the tree. Now, if you were still leaking vacuum, I'd cap the tap and throw a bucket on the tree. I'm crazy about vacuum leaks - can't stand them, but that's just me.

Either way, I would not put another tap in the tree unless it's a two tap tree. If you plugged the hole, I don't think sap yield will drop significantly due to insect hole.

01-23-2010, 06:44 PM
Man, did the wallet take a hit today!! My new Lapierre 900 gallon stainless tank showed up, along with a new Lapierre single vertical releaser, 800' of 3/4 main,and 300' of 1 1/2" main. My new Atlantic Fluidics vacuum pump should be here by the end of the week. The power will be hooked up to my vacuum shed this week. I had to buy a huge pump to try to overcome the whirlpool in Roseville, Pa.!

This time of the year seems like a lot of outgo, without much income!!

01-23-2010, 06:46 PM
Dirty Jobs running the Sugaring episode again at 9pm tonight est.

01-23-2010, 07:03 PM
Thanks, Jim!! Most of us were just starting to get over the last time it showed!!! Stand back Pa., another whoopin' is coming!!!

01-23-2010, 08:27 PM
Decided to do metal for the sugar house roof. Amber Gold came over to give me a hand. All we got done is the coupala, and the whole time we are saying "man that looks too small". I think I'm going to rip it out in the morning go half as long and twice as high.

01-24-2010, 04:00 AM
Dennis- Your running so many cfm's per tap a little hole isnt too much of a deal I dont think. Thats allmost a 10 cfm pump on your little woods. Itll be fun as heck to see how much sap you get. How many gallons have you got in a day so far? Mike- Quit dissn us southerners! Were just trying to make some PENNSYLVANIA FANCY!! You ought to see the stuff come out of my lines yesterday. Thats going to make some Pennsylvania fancy. Theron

Gary R
01-24-2010, 06:33 AM
Yesterday was a great day! Attended the Northwest PA Maple producer's meeting. Could have talked for day's with all the wonderful member's there. Learned alot more from the great seminars. I got so excited I came home and drilled 3 1/8" test holes. All in reds that I have never tapped. All were running sap. The refractometer read 1.6 in the first. The second read 1.7 and the third read 2.2!:D My wife was with me and immediately said I should tap that one. She even walked around with me as I dreamed about putting a few hundred on tubing. I don't know if I'll ever take that step though.

01-24-2010, 08:50 AM
Well I am off to DC don't know if I will have time to keep up with the trader so I am sure there will be alot to read when I get back. Theron go make some of that Pa. Fancy. Any idea how much you have collected yet? I wish we were at the tapping stage here weather wise. Sure would be nice. Looks like mid to late Feb. now. You guys all be safe and talk to you when I return.

01-24-2010, 10:07 AM
Gary R was right the sap adrenalin and sugaring BS was flowing yesterday at the NWPA Annual maple meeting which was attended but famous maple traders like Gary R, Jim Brown, Jim (King of PA syrup) Bortles, Jan (Premium producer) Woods, Jake (Tappin and Sappin) and many others. You will seem more folks from this are getting on the trader too. :) We know its the place to be if you want to talk maple and get lots of input. and good discussions.

Good talks by Brad Gillian from Leader and local forester on the Asian Long horn beetle, Gary Bilek on invert sugar levels and how to change your invert levels in syrup, and Kirisa Durfee on maple benefits to your health.

Got to examine the new check valve spout too. Several Leader dealers were on site.

Jim Bortles and I made some nice crumb and Greg Walberg made sugar on snow. Both demonstrations were well received and we got a lot of good questions.

I was wound up like Gary R and had to go home and hang tubing for 130 taps. Felt good to get out and start to get ready for mid Feb.

We have rainy, raw, windy, warm sugaring weather today. One of those days where if you are out in the bush you cant wait to get back to the sugar house, get a fire going and get the steam rising.


01-24-2010, 10:45 AM
I most say a nine year old daughter shure can be handy at times. I was talking about adding an avatar and she took a photo, down loaded it and set it up so I could have one too. As she walked away she tapped me on the shoulder and said "if you need any more help let me know".:)

01-24-2010, 11:42 AM
Cute but true!:)


Dave Y
01-24-2010, 08:43 PM
you must be sand bagging only 130 taps. I put about 200 drop lines on today and washed around 500 buckets. Only 700 more to go. It was good to see all of you yesterday.

01-24-2010, 09:17 PM
Put pine ship lap boards on most of the back wall of the sugar shack today. Also one of my dads friends gave me a hydrometer. I need to buy a cup for it though. Saturday I put up the support bracket and some of the stack. I am using 6" metal bestos. I have had it sitting in a trailerbox for years so I'm putting it to work. I even have the spark arrestor cap for it. I can't wait to tap. Farmboy

01-24-2010, 10:18 PM
Well, I decided that new bush was ready to go on-line. Ran 750' of high tensile, got 300' of main line hung and picked up the new (to me) RO and got her safely put to bed in her new home. All in all, a good day!

01-25-2010, 05:19 AM
okay danno- fess up- what did you get for an RO?

01-25-2010, 07:08 AM
Mike- Quit dissn us southerners! Were just trying to make some PENNSYLVANIA FANCY!! You ought to see the stuff come out of my lines yesterday. Thats going to make some Pennsylvania fancy. Theron[/QUOTE]

Theron: I hope you fill all those tankers! Is your dad doing the boiling again!
I have been putting up lots of lines and may have more taps ready than I think I can handle. Everything is down to the sugar house now. Just installed a new 1500 gal tank. (small in respect to your tankers but a start) I just need to get an electric releaser and hook up the vac pump. Oh and several things to do to the evaporator. I replaced the bearings on the motor you sold me and got that old delaval 76 working. Need to go get some belts and test run it.

01-25-2010, 07:09 AM
Maybe he got my old towers and membranes, 250 gal/hr cdl.

01-25-2010, 07:46 AM
I look at the classified adds every day. This morning there where two evaporators list by I think cooney in north PA. Just went back and there not on there??? Did any one else see them, am I going nuts? They couldn't have sold in seconds or did they. If so where did they go? I was just about to give cooney a what for for posting them and making me think I could buy the 2 1/2 x 8 and get it home hooked up and add 500 taps before season starts in 4 weeks!!!! Who is the lucky guy or gal to get that 2 1/2 x 8 !?!?!:evil:

01-25-2010, 07:58 AM
yah gator, i looked at them this morn as well and just checked them now and they are gone. and it was from cooney. I liked the 21/2 x 8 as well. I currantly have a 2x6 small bros and would love to upgrade to that.


01-25-2010, 08:01 AM
So I'm not nuts!!!! Well at least about seeing them listed this morning. Someone was fast with the check book this morning!!!:mad:

01-25-2010, 08:02 AM
It looked like a nice unit.

01-25-2010, 08:05 AM
It shure did look nice!!! Ready to go, lots of extra stuff going on with it too!!!!

01-25-2010, 08:12 AM
In anticipation of the 2 plus inches of rain coming in today. I got a roof on the sugarhouse! Wahoo!. Unfortunately, the evaporator is still in the driveway under a tarp. Darn.
Really odd weather for NH. Going to get above freezing almost everyday this week. I still don't think its tapping time yet though.

01-25-2010, 08:19 AM
We just went through that weather this past week and it is odd for us as well. I do not feel its time to tap either.

Congrast on your sugerhouse, now you can work on it in any weather.

01-25-2010, 08:19 AM
It has been odd weather for the north east. Your right about it not being time to tap as well. We could freeze up again and not see a run till into March, Should be good and sweet by then. Good to her you have a roof. Now get that 2x6 you grabed out from under my nose under it!!!:lol:

01-25-2010, 06:16 PM
It's pouring rain right now. Poured rain off and on all day today. Finally got the roof of the house free of snow so I can do the chimney. Like to do it around the first of January but am a tad late this year. The last three dasy felt like tapping weather but supposed to be -20 by friday so me thinks not. Hopefull the ground dosn't freeze solid not that the snows been melted off in places.
I am hopeing to get the evaporator done by Sunday and then see how she works the next weekend and go from there. The weather forecast says Feb is supposed to be cold.

01-25-2010, 06:25 PM
Drove through ice yesterday in the Berkshires, lots of accidents, and am dealing with flooding now. My two sugarbushes by the creek could be tapped from a boat right now! Adding more taps tomorrow!

01-25-2010, 07:13 PM
We got mixes of rain and other stuff for 3 days. Hung 1300 feet of mainling and a few laterals. I was happy for the warmer weather. Only a couple inches of snow in the bush. I can see half the fields of alfalfa. Gotta get the bush work done so I can get back into the sugar shack. Easier to work in there when it freezing and blowing.

01-25-2010, 07:16 PM
bulled and jammed and pushed/pulled/ com a longed a 1000 gal metal framed tank way up into the woods all by my self, pretty proud of my self allthough the first day i wrenched my back some kinda hard but i worked that tank over the next day and got it in the shed, not bad for a one man army with a 20 foot tow strat and a 5 foot comalong

red maples
01-26-2010, 09:17 AM
Danno ...if you put down some planks (use pine thay are lighter) it will slide nicely on them. you just need to keep moving them. but it sucks when you slide off them. and take it easy on your back man..I try to do things smarter not harder and usually end up stupider after but my back doesn't hurt...only sometimes when I get frustrated and I say the heck with it and just pick it up.

red maples
01-26-2010, 11:06 AM
I just checked my test trees and I did tap 5 trees. in about 40 ft radius maybe bigger all reds. don't have that many sugars want to save them for the "right " time.

Tree 1= 1%
tree 2 = .75%
tree 3 = 2.1 %
tree 4 = 2%
tree 5 = 1.75%
total 2.5 gallons sap

average = 1.52% or 56 gallons sap per gallon syrup...hope it comes up a bit!!!!

all had similar amount of sap about 1/2 gallon between yesterday and today.

01-27-2010, 09:19 AM
picking up my order that i put down from rick marsh at the farm show today, also ordered some main line from leader at the last minute and some main fittings, brings this weeks wallet damage to 764.79. good god that hurts considering i dont work to earn money in the winter because im busy getting the sugarwoods ready. i sold 3 5 gal drums of syrup for 450 which help off set that but man o man my bank account is down to 179 OUCH thats gas money for a little while. theres a girl who really likes me but i told her i dont have any money i can spend on her right now and in about 2 or 3 weeks i will have 0 time to spend with her unless she wants to hang out in the sugar house, and with her being the next town over about 30 min away and not having her own car and just her permit i dont think she will be in the sugar house any time soon. i gotta cut some more wood, i cut about as much as i had last year and if i had a good season last year i would have run out. that and im adding 114 taps and putting 500 and some thing on vacuum this year. still running my old 3x8 with 4ft flue and 4ft syrup pan, man im going to be screwed bad when we get a BIG SAP run. might be calling in "sick" to school a little more this year

01-27-2010, 10:29 AM
Dan I know I'm impressed by your efforts. I did a bit of farming at your age, but not on my own and surely not funded out of my own pocket. Keep up the good work. Its really money out season, its hard to have to spend and spend, without knowing what will be coming back during the season. But here's to hoping mother nature is kind to us.

01-27-2010, 11:04 AM
Dan, so far im 400 in the hole and im sure ill spend alittle bit more once I get my tax refund check. Thats one good thing about going to college you get most of your money back and then you can blow it on more maple equipment.:lol: Bad thing is I can only boil on the weekends.

01-27-2010, 12:15 PM
Dano, I would have spent less on maple and had some money for the girl you speek of. And the hole telling her i've no money or time for you. We have to work on that some too.:cool:

Dave Y
01-27-2010, 01:10 PM
Thats not so dumb, if she comes back she really likes him and there are no expectations.

01-27-2010, 01:18 PM
I know Danno is addicted to maple - but that's a tough decision! At some point in life it's no longer socially acceptable to chase teenage girls but you can tap trees at any time! Maybe she'll keep you company in the sugar shack at during those all night boils!?

01-27-2010, 01:21 PM
Don't worry about the girl. Its a good test, if she sticks around then shes a keeper if not youll save money in the long run. I shouldn't talk though I bought my girl freind a horse for graduation, she was a big help in the season though, once she tasted the first batch of syrup I had her hooked.

Haynes Forest Products
01-27-2010, 02:13 PM

01-27-2010, 04:30 PM
Dano you better find some kind of balance there between the girl and maple. The number of teenage girls will to help in sugarhouse is very small, the number that know you and are willing to spend time with you is even smaller. If you chase her off now your gonna kick yourself later!

Good luck

01-27-2010, 05:15 PM
I think you can figure out a balance between sugaring and the girl. Take her to the movies or something and see if she likes hanging out at the sugarhouse. Don't overdo the sugarhouse. It's the man cave.

She may like to help out some, but it's pretty much a male thing.

farmall h
01-27-2010, 05:24 PM
DanO, does she have any money? Maybe she would be willing to be a "silent" partner. Just be careful. Don't want to end up on "Judge Judy". ;)

01-27-2010, 06:11 PM
A silent female partner is a oxymoron. Sort of like a good mother in law. I was too busy working as a kid also and never had time for fun. I got old and don't have the energy for fun now. Might as well have some childhood memorys.

Haynes Forest Products
01-27-2010, 10:57 PM
Dang Ken Your making me feel bad Im 59 and are just starting to have some childhood memories there called my 6 and 9 year olds:o

Dano just make sure that you dont try and improve on the SUGAR SHACK reputation and have some childhood memories of your own with little sap suckers running around:o

01-28-2010, 08:48 AM
dano learn from other mistake and here is mine my first wife i had here involved in the sugar house alot so she knew what here half was when she left my new wife i keep ad far away from the sugar house as poss

01-28-2010, 10:04 AM

i use the woolie system of clothing in my woods:cool: shes alittle smaller than i am but my spair pair of woolies will fit her just fine:lol:

Asian Long Horned Beetle
01-28-2010, 12:40 PM
shes a little smarter then you, well all u need to do is get a few boiling sodas in her, lol. u should proboly just keep her out of the sugarhouse u might get destracted and burn your pan.

01-28-2010, 05:37 PM
its all about the tapping man, tap right and the sugar will come.

01-28-2010, 06:08 PM
That's bad.
We got some snow today and it's supposed to return to Quebec weather. So 4 more weeks of weather and then away we go. Another fun year of hauling buckets,watching wood burn and trying to figure out how to get everything done in a few weeks. Now if I can find everything I need this weekend I will be ready.

farmall h
01-28-2010, 06:15 PM
i use the woolie system of clothing in my woods:cool: shes alittle smaller than i am but my spair pair of woolies will fit her just fine:lol:

Ok, so who is tapping the trees?;)

01-28-2010, 06:49 PM
I'm married, its all about the trees, what are you guys thinking?

01-28-2010, 08:23 PM
All my lines are repaired and everything is ready to go. Just waiting for tapping time. I built a nice bathroom house to match my building and got a nice 5 gallon flushing RV potty off of ebay so the ladies will have a nice bathroom for this season and not have to go somewhere else. Built to to match my building, so it should look pretty nice sitting on lower corner of my lot. Just need to finish up the door on it and get it outside and it will be ready to go.

Looks like another couple of weeks here. 10 day forecast shows all cold and warmest day is 36. Hopefully it will hold like this for a couple of more weeks which will get it to middle of Feb.

01-28-2010, 08:33 PM
We got some snow today. And cold New England weather is coming back. That means tapping trees is getting farther away. Oh well I need the time anyhow. I need one more thaw for a few days so I can build a block arch for preheating sap. Farmboy

01-28-2010, 08:47 PM
Well, between yesterday and today, me and the ol man went to the woods for a little wile, and got some mainline up and ran some latertals, and cut in drops, have to install around 20-30 more saddles, then moving to the next mainline, hopfully 100-200 more taps, there, Should be at or around 2000 taps on vac, and running 500 CV adaptors, hopefuly we have a good season, Key thing for me this year is keeping the Vac pump on and not having gas engines blow up like last season and had to scarmble for a gas engine, This year i plan to hav a back up pump and a back up motor, probably have 2 back up pumps if all goes, well, you never know whats going ot happen, been wicked windy here today, calling for -35 with the wind chill here tomororw wont be doing much if its that cold

hope everone is doing good and are planning on BIG SAP this season

01-28-2010, 08:51 PM
Helped a buddy today set up his new piggyback on his 6x14 evap. 4 degrees above 0, alot of work with air bubbler tubes and hose clamps that you couldn't use gloves to work with the stuff. warming hoses up with hot water to slip them on the pipes and then our fingers would stick to the cold metal. and had a good time doing it. we are a strange bunch of people. but as the saying goes.....if i have to explain......you wouldnt understand.

01-28-2010, 09:21 PM
Well, I've been working in the bush the last two days replacing leaky Ring style clamps on my main line with SS clamps. Running a few new lateral lines and setting up for a few more taps this year. Yesterday was nice and this morning was OK other than it snowed pretty hard. Well I dont mind working in the snow but 50 mph winds while it is snowing is another story. Finished my day pretty quick. We should have another couple weeks or so here so there's not a hurry. I will fire up the heat in the shop and maybe clean some tanks tommarrow supposed to only get to 14 degrees.:mad:

01-28-2010, 09:37 PM
COLD, hunkered down by the wood stove!

01-28-2010, 09:48 PM
I would think that if anybody had any buckets out in this wind they are long gone. Drove home in a snowstorm down 81 at 10 miles an hour with a line of traffic in front and a line in the back. This dang tractor trailer driver decided to bully his way by all of us and a few hundred yards I passed him in the ditch. I was going to stop if he had a trailer full of maple equipment in the back spilled all over but he didn't so I kept on going. I think I might have a problem I see maple equipment everywhere. This weather sure takes a smile of your face.

01-29-2010, 08:18 AM
Got the 2010 construction on the sugar house finished last night. Finished siding the last wall and got the bay window in. Looks awesome, I planned to post pics but left the cell phone in the truck, which my wife took to work.
Drove 4 hours down to Mass in a snowstorm to pick up a storage tank for WCProctor last night. Nothing like unloading a tank at 8 degrees in a 40 mph wind at midnight by yourself.
Good news is my sugar house roof stayed in place during last night's wind. Good to go for the next 50 years now.

01-29-2010, 04:04 PM
:cool: It's colder then a witches t....t... ...hart here! Things are coming together though. The arch is bricked, the stack is up and the blower is bolted on and wired in. I was going to set the pans on the arch today but the buddy that was going to give me a hand with them whimped out from the cold. So I brought the 3x3 finish pan in and set it on the warm wood stove added boiling water from the tea kettle and gave it a good scrubbing with green scrubby pads. Mostly just sugar sand but it had a few black scorched spots from the last user. It cleaned up pretty good though with a lot of elbo grease. I'll work on it a little more when I test boil the pans and scrub down the flues in the flue pan. Now I need some better weather so I can string mains and laterals plus set up tanks and barrels.

red maples
01-29-2010, 04:35 PM
man you said it., winter returned with avengence. like I always say I can take the cold but man the wind it just rips right through you!!!!

I can't stay away from the trader I see noone else can either!!!! the fever is just too much. 219F I got it man!!!:lol:

01-29-2010, 06:44 PM
Here's a couple of pans for you guys looking for something small. Bet this copper one would kick butt!

http://cgi.ebay.com/COPPER-Maple-Syrup-Evaporator-Pan-Better-than-Stainless_W0QQitemZ190367525574QQcmdZViewItemQQptZ LH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2c52c9eac6

http://cgi.ebay.com/Maple-syrup-pan-Evaporator-pan-2-x-3-NEW_W0QQitemZ300390710204QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_Def aultDomain_0?hash=item45f0ae7bbc

http://cgi.ebay.com/Maple-Syrup-Pan-Preheater-Pan-48-x-24_W0QQitemZ180461251814QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_Defa ultDomain_0?hash=item2a04542ce6

http://cgi.ebay.com/Maple-Syrup-Pan-Preheater-Pan-36-x-24_W0QQitemZ120523355391QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_Defa ultDomain_0?hash=item1c0fc074ff