View Full Version : Weather In The South

3% Solution
12-19-2009, 11:49 AM
Good afternoon,

How are you folks making out south of us?


220 maple
12-19-2009, 01:07 PM
Weather in the South

Here in Harrisonburg, Va. my home base, It started snowing Friday at 3.45 and its still coming down at 2 pm Sat. I would not make a guess as to how much snow we have recieved simply due to the wind piling it up in places. I went to work at 5 am only to have the plant shutdown at 10 am. Plant will be down tomorrow also due to the snow. Bummer- LOL. Any of you guys have a snowmobile I can borrow to get to the sugarbush, I only have 4 weeks tops to get ready.

Mark 220 Maple

red maples
12-19-2009, 04:07 PM
got family just outside of charlotte NC said everything is shutdown!!! they just don't have the snow removal resources that we have up here.

3% Solution
12-19-2009, 05:11 PM
Just chatted with friends from Lancaster County, Pa.
It's 15" and still snowing!!!
Says his drive is almost closed in!!

12-19-2009, 05:45 PM
Just a tad over 20" here in the eastern panhandle of WV, and still snowing.

12-19-2009, 07:05 PM
That's a lot of snow all at once. We don't even have 20 inches on the ground total here. It's got to be wreaking some havoc around DC!

Somebody called it snowpocalypse.

12-19-2009, 07:14 PM
Sounds like a Walton's mountain kind of storm. We hoefully don't get that much snow at once hard for she who has to be obeyed to shovel that much at once.

Fred Henderson
12-19-2009, 07:33 PM
Just beware when it all starts melting in other words be prepared.

12-19-2009, 07:50 PM
We got about 20 inches here and about all of it in 12 hours, so it created a big mess. I was snow about 2" per hour for a while, so thousand of vehicles stranded and state of emergency. We get quite a bit of snow here, but this hit so fast, they couldn't even get kids home from school with buses with chains on them. Snow is normal and a way of life here, but this is one of those storms that wreaks havoc. National guard can't even get Interstates cleared with their big loaders and heavy equipment due to all the jack knifed tractor trailers and vehicles everywhere. So far we haven't lost electricity, but some have and will not have it back on for a weak. Fairly heavy snow and wet, so the roads have a lot of ice on them and 3 to 4 inches thick. It hit about 3 pm yesterday and many people couldn't even get home from work even if they were only 2 to 3 miles away.

I nearly spent the night on I64 last night but was finally able to get to a crossover and got back to exit and slipped and slid until I got home. My company car is a 2008 Taurus and I have 4 studded tires and traction control and it was all I could do to get home which took 4 hours. Another hour or two and I would have spent a night or two in the car.

12-19-2009, 09:26 PM
Not sure how the geography of West Virginia shapes the weather, but the snow here was all powder, you can move it with a leaf blower... I know a friend of mine did. It was the kind of snow that rolls off the shovel like sand, but doesn't weigh much. I wish they were better equip to deal with the weather here, I'd be snowboarding right now :( In Montana where i lived for a while all the powder hounds would be heading to the mountain before daybreak to get first tracks.

12-20-2009, 10:14 AM
Your about 4 hours from me I believe and basically straight north, so the temperatures were probably lower by the time it go there. A leave blower wouldn't move a tablespoon of this stuff. I have seen much heavier snow, but this stuff is heavy enough that you wouldn't be able to blow any of it.

220 maple
12-20-2009, 06:26 PM
Our snow is nothing but powder, I suspect not very far south of you they recieved rain, I read on WVMetronews.com that as many as 100000 residents of WV is without power and they are hoping to get it back on by Christmas. I don't know of any power outages in the Harrisonburg area or of any in the Pendleton - Grant Counties area near my sugarbush. I believe if we get the right weather in Feb. and March we are going to make alot of syrup with all of the moisture we have recieved this Fall. We have streams that are running higher now than I can remember in many a year.

Mark 220 Maple

12-20-2009, 07:16 PM

Amazing enough, they got snow way south of me down into NC and I think even some in SC. Richmond, VA got 12" which is probably the most they have gotten in many years. Not a enormous storm for us, just how it hit and how fast it hit along with time of day, 2 to 3 pm on Friday before Christmas with lots of people on road along with all the kids in school. If it was the light fluffy stuff, it wouldn't have caused too many problems, but this heavier wet stuff, another story.