View Full Version : Bad service at D&G in Southern Ontario.

12-18-2009, 07:39 PM
I am just wondering if anyone has had any bad experiences with D&G in Ontario or elsewhere.

I have been trying to purchase some supply's for the 2010 season through the D&G branch here in Southern Ontario which is less than 1 hour away.
One of the issues I have had is that D&G has no one on staff to deal with ordering anything Maple Related they only know packaging. The people there only know that Maple Syrup Tastes good, ( I have this in writing in an e-mail).
I get referred to a dealer that works out of his garage some 2 1/2 hrs away, the first fella I was refereed to, He considers me being to small to even deal with.
I intend to follow up with D&G's head office and am looking for some input both good and bad.
There web site states:
(Our local branches give us the chance to be nearest you and offer you a better service on your packaging or sugaring equipment needs).

Hence my issues, last year D&G provided me both pricing and availability on tubing.

Thanks for any input you may have.

12-18-2009, 08:29 PM
I run into sort of the same problem but due to language. I can email the head office thru one of the names and if that person is not bilingual then he or she just refers it to the next person.
There is a tool free number to head office.
8250, Marconi
Anjou, Québec
H1J 1B2
Tél.: 514 351-3000 ext. 239
Sans frais: 866 351-2811
Téléc.: 514 354-6136

The lady I had contact with is named Lisa.

I have a actualy D&G store close by but nobody there most days untill after New Years then the have actual hours.

12-19-2009, 07:21 AM
Sorry to here that. I know most producers are very large around you and they probably don't give the little guy much time but to me that is wrong. If they advertise that there branches are there to meet your needs and then they are not meeting your needs then what good are they?
Can you try another dealer like CDL/Maple pro they are in Canada?

12-19-2009, 08:32 AM
the last time I dealt with D&G was a few years ago. I went to the dealership in Georgia VT for glass and had to pay extra for the caps, thats wrong and I won`t deal with them any more. there are plenty of maple dealers out there. what good is a glass container with out the cap, if you need to get more money for the caps then add it to the price of the glass and don`t tell me.

12-20-2009, 11:02 PM
Call Atkinson`s - located between Orillia and Barrie. Their shipping is reasonable if you`ve got a bit of time to wait for the supplies and the customer service I`ve gotten has always been very good. If yoùr local D&G dealer can`t be bothered selling to a small producer they don`t deserve your hard earned money.

12-21-2009, 09:31 PM
Thanks to all for the input.

I will continue to deal with Atkinson's, Don actually made a special trip down to visit me this past fall and I was impressed with his point of view. He liked the farm as it is situated beside Lake Erie and I benefit from the so called micro climate.
I intend to purchase enough supply's for approx 1500 taps so it would be a major purchase, all tubing and I am just learning by myself just how to run the tubing. gully's are just to steep for buckets now.

I did get a e-mail contact for head office and believe it is the same girl you dealt with. I do not speak any French so lets hope she understand English.

I may be a small guy but I am big enough to make a dent in D&G's pocketbook.

I had hoped to be able to deal with D&G as they were so handy but it is their loss.
I am not the only one in my area that has trouble dealing with D&G and I will send a good old E-Mail to Head office. I may not get anywhere with them but at least I will let off some steam.


Jim Brown
12-22-2009, 08:21 AM
From The Brown Family in Polk,Pa we would like to wish all Traders a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!


12-22-2009, 10:26 AM
the last time I dealt with D&G was a few years ago. I went to the dealership in Georgia VT for glass and had to pay extra for the caps, thats wrong and I won`t deal with them any more. there are plenty of maple dealers out there. what good is a glass container with out the cap, if you need to get more money for the caps then add it to the price of the glass and don`t tell me.

D&G offers a viariety of caps for thier bottle I.E different colors, and security seals. These cost different amounts of money.

Other places you have one choice of cap and probably pay $.10 more per bottle. It is not wrong to offer a variety a closures.

12-22-2009, 02:53 PM
I am in a small battle with D&G right now for a price for arch board. First they wanted to know what kind of evaporator I had in order to give me a price so I wrote and told here how many square feet I needed and now they won't give me a price becasue I don't have a account with them. I just go to the store and buy what I want.
I bought glass bottles that they had on sale last year. Glass bottles were 50 cents and the wire tops were 28 cents. If I had of know then what I know know about syrup I would have bought many many more of them at that price becasue everybody likes my syrup in glass for some reason.

12-22-2009, 04:13 PM

put the price of the cap into the price of the glass and no one feels like their being taken. really what good is the bottle with out the cap, why should a red cap cost more than a white cap,and if it does cost more put it in the cost of the glass.

12-22-2009, 05:03 PM
I have called the VT D&G location a couple times and was greeted by a very grumpy guy who got ruder the longer the conversation went on. If I could have found another source for the glass I needed in stock that day I would have. They were also much more money for the same product.

Dave Y
12-22-2009, 05:10 PM
Call D&G USA In Fillmore N.Y. Bob and Becky are very nice folks and very helpful.

12-22-2009, 05:16 PM
It seems when I am pricing things out that D&G are on top of the high price range. If there service is bad too boot I think I will stick with Bascoms.

12-22-2009, 06:32 PM

I have had good dealings with Atkinson and with Dick and Gale O'brien at Uncle Richard's.

Dick always has 2 or 3 of the smallest evaporators in his little showroom. Right behind his showroom is his own evaporator feed by some 3000 or more taps. He makes his own stuff so he knows and he's always had time for my questions. They offer Leader products and get it shipped up here for almost nothing in Leader's own trucks.

Atkinson's has a larger showroom and a good selection of stuff on hand too.
They're both 1 1/2 hours from my place and both have done well by me.

12-23-2009, 12:55 AM
Brent, ever used Dave Brackenbridge @ squirrel creek farms in millbrook ontario?

12-23-2009, 08:33 AM
Battle still rages on. Now they want to know what dimensions I want. For some reason asking for so many square feet dosn't work. Oh well such is life. I also said I would buy extra to cover the sizes of arch board they have in stock.

12-23-2009, 10:11 AM

I bought a used filter press from Dave and felt that he did me wrong in the error of omission category. It was a press with cast iron plates and I should have known and I think he should have told me that they were a bit of a bitch to keep clean. Wash down every night and put something on them to stop the rust. I have had poor email communications with him. He has a very impressive farm/seed sales operation but my impression is that his commitment to the maple was less than 100%.

Atkinson or Uncle Richards are the real deal.

12-24-2009, 12:42 AM
Brent, usually Dave is pretty good. I use him for everything and never had any issues. He has the potential for a great set up as because there are no other dealers in this area beside Atkinson. Sorry to hear about your issue

12-25-2009, 11:52 AM
There is another supplier in the Pontypool area, 1/2 way between Peterborough and Oshawa. Lotus valley is the name if any one is interested I can look up their address & number. Very nice couple to deal with, CDL dealer and syrup producers who sell in the Durham Region farmer's markets.

12-25-2009, 12:51 PM
mtb guy- saw on your signature that your MF in half makes you a redneck- I thought all the rednecks in CANADA lived in Alberta? (I used to live in BC)

12-25-2009, 01:16 PM
There are pockets of rednecks all over ontario. generally located close to the farm equipment dealerships.

12-25-2009, 04:22 PM
I consider my self a redneck also. Of course I am from Alberta.

12-26-2009, 12:44 PM
Anybody ever deal with Webers in St Clements? They are close for me, and I'm looking to buy some tubing.


12-26-2009, 12:51 PM
There is another supplier in the Pontypool area, 1/2 way between Peterborough and Oshawa. Lotus valley is the name if any one is interested I can look up their address & number. Very nice couple to deal with, CDL dealer and syrup producers who sell in the Durham Region farmer's markets.

I went through Pontypool on my way to Daves and never found them. Pontypool is not a very big village for anyone to hide in.

12-26-2009, 01:53 PM
We have purchased from D & G in PQ a few times and never had any problem. As for Atkinsons this past summer I broke a hydrometer and never expecting this not to be out of stock had someone stop in to pick one up. They were told they were out of stock and wouldnt have any till next spring. Really: isnt this something that is really basic and you would think that a supplier who claim to have "great' customer service would have that item always in stock.And as for Martin Weber in St. Jacobs, good pricing but not a large amount of supplys.

ps got 2 hydrometer at LEADER in Vermont, they had tons in stock


H. Walker
12-28-2009, 07:49 AM
Ken WP if you are still having problems with D & G give Germain Fortin a call at 450-539-2225. He has his own showroom near Waterloo Qc. and he sells for CDL, and he also speaks english. I'm sure he can fix you up!

12-28-2009, 08:33 AM
Techtuar deals with him a lot also and gave him a good recommendation also.Most French are good with service but some are a pain. I found the product number for fibre board on my own thru one of the old D&G catologs so I can go and ask the kid over at the Compton store for a price now. I just can't figure out why dealing with the people in Montreal is such a problem. In this day and age you would think they would jump for new business.