View Full Version : December Journal

Thompson's Tree Farm
12-01-2009, 04:24 AM
Well guys, time is getting short and the easiest working weather is behind us. We are down to the short days and the short hairs. Go time to get all those last minute things ready for the 2010 season. Here in the North Country, I have about 3 weeks more work to finish my new 500 tap bush and all the transfer and pump lines associated with it. Still need another 10 to 15 cords of wood for the sugar house plus more house wood and sell wood. I am still delivering hay almost every day but I am almost sold out and when it is gone, that will free up some time. Plan on buying sap again this year and with my own expansion I expect to be processing sap from about 5000 taps. Happy December everyone!

12-01-2009, 06:52 AM
Still no Snow, If we Dont get a snow storm by dec 7 its a record up here, Its only been snow shower, we usally have aroud 7inches by now, but anyways, I been working in the woods, Added a other 100 drops to the new woods sunday, that puts me at 300 taps in the new woods, Should get around 400 in there,

hope everyone is doing well

Nate Casey

12-01-2009, 07:14 AM
Ive got a lot to do to. Im starting to freak a little. Ill have the taps all in but I might not make the early tap in. Gonna have 5000 holes at some point. Hopefully that will make something good happen. Want to see some BIGGGGGGGG SAPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theron

3% Solution
12-01-2009, 07:38 AM
Good morning all,
Haven't posted here for awhile.
So, here's what's up here;
The sugarhouse woodshed is full.
Got the new bush done up, looks like another 82 taps on line and 10 buckets there.
We're shooting for 200 taps for 2010, may drop a few of the harder buckets.
Bought a 12 volt pump to make the tanks easier to drain!!!!
Should save us some time too!!
Tweeked the EEU a bit, should help some.
Just waiting to drill little holes in big trees!!!
NHMaplemaker brought his new sign over to frame yesterday, we did a pretty good job at it!!!!!!!
Looks real good Jim!!!!
Guess that's all for now!!!
Everyone be safe!


red maples
12-01-2009, 11:40 AM
ennis that looks great and went up quick nice!!!

Just about finished with tubbing yeah!!!! finally. When I went through this past summer and marked trees I really didn't count very good I had figured about 150 or so trees and figured I'd do about 50 or so on my neaighbors lot and add on every year. So I made 200 droplines. and I have 20 left in the box and still about 50 to go on my property.

So I will have about 225 on my property and I am going to put 25 on my nieghbor's lot and call it at that!! so it will be 265 on gravity tubing and 10 buckets when I am all done. no wonder I needed more tubing!!! just a little more than 200.

finished up processing venison, lots of steaks, and ground meat, made 5# breakfast sausage patties, 5 # italian sausage links, and 5 # polish smoked kielbasa. Gotta get 1 more!!!

jason grossman
12-01-2009, 05:24 PM
lots of new goodies here to finish but most notabily is the new 14x22 pump house. when done it will be half heated for the vacumm pump, electric releaser, tubing workshop side, and the other half will be cold for two new 8x4.5x5 stainless round bottom tanks. one for the back 30 and one for the front 20. and all of that grand sap will jet underground 800' to the sugarhouse. got to love automation!!!!! still plenty on new mains and tube to put up in my woods. plus still helping a few producers try and get ready for spring! I love sugarin' !!

12-01-2009, 06:56 PM
Theron, I think I remember you saying that you were shooting for 4000 taps this year. I think you overshot your bush a little!:lol:

12-01-2009, 08:01 PM

12-01-2009, 08:57 PM
well no snow here either . just a few flurries . got roof jack for steam pipe done today .still have to make ro room plumb ro and go crazy. still have 5/16 to run for 2000 taps where will i find the time . other than that life is pretty good please pray for my girlfriends daughter julia who was in a headon accident sunday night. doing pretty good though.

12-01-2009, 10:09 PM

Better get on the ball as it looks like cold weather is coming and not much fun running laterals when it is BRRRR! Be glad to pray for Julia and glad she is doing good so far!

12-02-2009, 06:27 AM
Casey- I know, I know, Im doing the best I can. I bit off a lot this year. Might not get tapped in till first of feb but well see how it goes. Biggest thing I have left is the 600 tap bush but that is going to be real easy to tube. Ill be ready. Theron

12-02-2009, 08:55 AM
still pullin logs with the wheeler almost done all the logs i wanted are piled up in a spot so when the snow covers every thing up i will know where they are, no im just skidding out all the logs that i wanted to get but werent priority, just to get the new stretch of woods cleaned up so i can run line with out tripping, going to need alot of slab wood to get this years hard wood to burn! probably 6 cord in the piles and i still gotta get the stuff home cut split and in the shed, working like a dog after school then muzzleloader starts up saturday and goes till next sunday, then im free of this instictive MUST KILL DEER thoughts in my head! its always great when its 8:10 and i have to be at school at 8:20 and i have a 15 min hike to get out of the woods yet! then walk in to school in full camo or full wool and every one shakes they're head and smiles!

12-02-2009, 02:05 PM
I finally got back in the woods three weeks after finding the hole. Ran the rest of the mainline while it was warm and dry. My ankle still hurts, but a brace over thick socks did the trick. Now for the laterals. I did make lots of drops while I was laid up.

red maples
12-02-2009, 04:02 PM
Well I put in the last of the saddles today few braches on the laterals...leftover widow makers from the ice storm last year came down in the wind storm last weekend!!!

1 thing to remember if you are stretching tubing and put in a Tee remember to make sure you put the tubing all the way because when you stretch it it will come off and you will fall!!!:emb: man everything went flying emptied all the fittings out of the tool belt... gotta wet butt twisted my wrist (not bad though) at least it was in the woods where no one could see ...would have been funny!!!!

So I added everything up that I spent this year and hopefully I can sell my syrup for $50 a quart so I can break even!!!!:rolleyes:

12-02-2009, 08:31 PM
We've all taken a few of those tumbles Red Maples! I can't count the number of stumps, logs, laterals, snowshoes, etc... that have put me on my rear! Glad you're OK.

red maples
12-03-2009, 12:14 PM
oh yeah I think I fall just about every time I go in woods:emb:

SO I called a friend of mine who happens to be the chairman of the planning board . and also has a logging company. I was just asking about the process of registering my maple business with the town bla bla bla. and asked what I was using for wood. said the usual getting from the woods junk wood pine etc. he's got 2 truck loads of pine 1 year old probably 12-15 cords said he would take 2 gallons of syrup for it not bad huh. so needless to say its coming next week but I can't pay him till the spring when I have syrup!!!!:cool:

12-03-2009, 04:54 PM
December 3rd and 56 degrees! Worked on laterals after delivering some syrup. Only 200 more trees to get to in the new bush.

12-03-2009, 05:54 PM
We have so much rain here the feilds are flooded in places. Ducks are heading south just to dry out instead of it being cold enough. If it freezes the ground will be a solid ice cube.

12-03-2009, 06:25 PM
bring on the freeze...rooting for cold but no snow for a few weeks so we can get some good logging ground set up...

12-03-2009, 06:34 PM
with all the rain we have been getting lately we had to stop logging. this down time gives me chance to work on my ongoing job of cutting the fir out of my maple stand, but that dosen't pay the bills. I think I saw one of those canadian ducks with a life jacket on today.

12-03-2009, 06:46 PM
Spring peepers were peeping here this morning. Thought I missed maple season. I'll take the nice weather. It would be nice to hunt some in the snow but I could do with out it after that. A good friends two boys are both home this week, they got a nice buck out back tonight. Very happy for them, both are Navy Cops home for a week. First buck for the one, the other hasn't been hunting in six years. I have a feeling he'll get one in the morning. Made for a great photo.

A few more loads of wood and I'm set for this season. Only have 100 on gravity one main line won't take much to check, fix and wash it could almost do it all in half a day right before I set taps. So other then ordering a few things, some cleaning and pluging in the taps when it's time I'm ready!!!!

12-03-2009, 08:47 PM
Messed up weather for sure. I have a few red maples with buds on them. Never seen that before in December. Fall tapping is turning out to be lost with the weather. Glad I only put out a few test buckets and was waiting too get more taps in when they started producing. I think when winter hits it is gonna hurt this year. We have been to lucky so far to get away with it. Oh well bring it on.

12-03-2009, 09:59 PM
High temp of 65 here this afternoon. Not sure how much rain we got this am but sent all the small streams around us over the banks. Everything is waterlogged. Hope the woods dry out bit soon.

12-04-2009, 05:01 AM
going to try and pull some wood today, but if the woods are too wet, its hanging tubing time for me...

still need to finish RO room, run the plumbing for the RO , find 1000 gallons of stainless storage, etc... might be my own "honey-do list" if I don't watch out...

12-04-2009, 06:00 AM
trees are budding around here also a bit. I have rose bushes that are stiff green and we are still eating broccoli and cabbage from the garden that grew back.
If any of you do it yourself kind of guys need a small welder I figured out how to make a homemade one the last couple of weeks that actually works. I have absolutly nothing in the way of cash put into makeing it so far except the cost of one welding rod.

12-04-2009, 06:45 AM
It is almost here, we got almost a foot of snow over night. Forcast is for more throughout the weekend. Yesterday 40's today 20's. 3 months and the sweet will be flowing..:)

12-04-2009, 07:22 AM
After work yesterday I went and looked at/bought a 600 gallon sunset bulk tank for the bush. Got it for a great price and the guy included delivery to my farm! Then I drove about an hour and picked up my SP22 vac pump I bought on e-bay monday night. Got home around 10:30PM. Things are starting to come together here in the sugarbush. Hanging wires and tubing this weekend. Bulk tank will be here sat around noon. Mike

12-04-2009, 12:27 PM
we got 4" of rain yesterday i didnt even try to go up in the woods, fearing the tractor would sink out of sight or i would make bad ruts and damage the root systems of my trees, i didnt even try it on the 4 wheeler either, i moved some fire wood into the shed that was about it, not very productive,

red maples
12-04-2009, 04:33 PM
finally done!!!! got all the lines run!!! final count will be 267 on gravity tubing and 10 buckets!!! Ahhh feels good to be done with that. stock tanks are almost plumbed just need to make some covers, make a wood rack for the sugar house and I think thats it. Then to tend to the business end and get that all squared away. (I hate that part because I don't know much about it)

and get ready for snow and holiday stuff get the snow blower on the tractor I put in a 30'X60' ice rink in the front yard this is my 3rd year so I go a little more every year this year lights!!!

oops just walked away from the woodstove for a few minutes to check the trader and got the stack temp up to 900f. I can smell it when that happens oh well it needed a good hot burn anyway.

maybe some snow on sat night here, after 60's yesterday!!

12-04-2009, 06:35 PM
Okay I seen it all today. With all the flooding the grounds pretty soft in places. Drove by where for some reason they are drilling a well beside the river and these 3 guys were doing something in the middle of the feild. Turns out one of them sunk up to his butt in the mud and the other two were trying to pull him out. They mover the drill rig away from the bank of the river today also.
3 day weekend due to test's at school so i can get lots done hopefully. really need to catch up somewhat this coming Xmas holiday also. 2 semaines of freedom to do something that dosn't include passe compose.

12-04-2009, 06:36 PM
went out in the woods this morning, my ankle kept me out in the afternoon. Cleaned up my forth alamo pump and started making a reclaimer this afternoon. Things are starting to come together for next year.

12-04-2009, 07:10 PM
Well Still no snow thats staying on the ground.. But anyways have been working in the new bush on mapping out where the lifter lines going to go, Should have it all mapped out by the weekend if the weathers good. hope everone is doing good

Nate Casey

Dennis H.
12-04-2009, 08:02 PM
Took 2 days off of work to try and get a bunch of things done, and it looks like I am getting closer to the end.:rolleyes:

Any way I also got out this morning to get a little xmas shopping done, I think I have that all done now.

I finished the firebrick grates for the evap today, I had to get a new masonary hammer drill bit to finish it off.
I now have all the lat's in on my tubing setup, now I have to put in the saddles and the drops and I will be complete with the tubing.
Before I can put the drops in I have to 1st make the tool to hold the lat' while I cut it and insert the dropline. OOOH, AAAH, making stuff.
I got the milk tank all hooked up, now I do not have to bucket any sap I hope. I have a small electric pump to pull out of the milk tank to my evap feed tank and I also have a line that runs down to the driveway so I can empty the tank that I use to carry sap back to the sugarshack.

Go Time is getting closer, for me right around 2 months!!!:o

red maples
12-05-2009, 04:40 PM
batten down the hatches..go to the store buy 8 gallons of milk 2000 D batteries as much bread as you can fit in the truck and don't forget bottled water!!!! were gonna get it 3-6 inches snow here tonight!!!! bla bla bla:lol:

SO I went and got some MORE tarps today and cover up stuff..this time of year my wife calls me the tarp man!!! everything is blue, silver and brown before its all white!!!!:D

got the tractor all ready with snow blower hate that thing back is always a little sore after hooking that up. driveway markers in, everything covered, a new snow shovel...destoyed the one last year sooooo much snow. got the x-mas tree too. OK off to the Exeter chrismas parade see ya!!!

12-05-2009, 05:02 PM
I just kept buying bigger snow shovels the more it snowed. Got tired of walking back and firth shoveling my driveway. It 300 feet long.
Finally got working a bit on the evaporator. Have a idea what I am building so far but it might change as time runs out.

3% Solution
12-05-2009, 06:25 PM
Hi all,
I think the nice weather of late is gone south!!!!
Been snowing all afternoon, 3" on the ground.
Looks like a cold and snowy forecast for the week ahead.


12-05-2009, 07:33 PM
Just starting to snow a little here near Fulton. Wife was talking to a friend in NYC earlier, and it's snowing hard there.

I talked to my boss earlier this week about using the company's heavy duty UD dump truck to haul sap next spring. Sounds like a go as long as we don't need it much there. I could completely empty the woods tank(1600 gal.) in one trip, not towing trailer, and tip it up for emptying! How sweet is that! Especially since I may need to empty it two times (or more) a day on a good run.


red maples
12-05-2009, 08:28 PM
about 2 inches here so far!!!!

12-05-2009, 09:20 PM
Busy week quick review:
Monday morning both of the grandsons got bucks behind the house. Nic got a 8 point with a 10 inch spread at 8:00 and Mike got a 4 point with a 6 inch spread at 11:00. They were about 155 lb. live weight. Both deer are almost completely processed. I am dehydrating the jerky for Mike tonight.

Drove to Connecticut for work on Wed and was home by Friday night.

Today I had three does come in and bed within 60 yards of the tree stand, within a hour a really nice buck came in within 20 yards and I just could not get brow tines to grow on this deer:) It had a 18 in spread and I would have bet it was a eight till it got right up to me. Glad I did not get excited. Also 2 does came by at 4:45. All in all a very busy week.

Lots of folks looking for maple:( to bad I am all out.


12-06-2009, 04:39 AM
I took a walk up the hill last night in search of deer. Spent most the walk counting maple again. A man would go nuts tubbing that hill it's all up hill when your walking down, and down hill when walking up!!! If you have ever walked a Wayne county drumlin you know what I mean. The best part would run the wrong way for me to get to it easy. Some day that is going to pose a problem. But not for some time as I only have time for what I have now. Drive you crazy looking at them big maple that won't have a tap in them (this year any way). I find it hard to beleave the number of woods around me that have never been tapped. This county is all hills and hard maple. I mean a lot of them. I know 4-5 peaple that make any amount of syrup hear and thats it! Wounder why it hasn't taken hold around here??? Waiting for the sun to come up. I have to deside if I am hunting, cutting meat or cutting wood this morning. One heck of A light show this morning. Looks like a car went of the road and caught fire. There shure where a lot of lights down there. They had it lite up like day time. That went on for an hour and they were gone in a flash. Well by the time it get done feeding it will be time to choose one of the options above. I have to keep in mind I still have to work today. Going to be a long time to 12:00 am again today.

Brian Ryther
12-06-2009, 07:12 AM
Just as I think things are coming together I think of another 10 things that need to be finished. The RO room is framed and 1/2 insulated and 1/2 sided. The electrion is going to up grade the power to the sugar house and wire the ro room this week. When I get home next weekend I should be able to finish the room. I have added another dump station in the woods. This took 300 taps off a ladder. This should give better yields with higher vac. I just need to run a vac supply line from the vac supply header to the releaser. I have yet to go around and change out all of the spouts to stubbies for the check valves. Leader is finished fixing my syrup pan, just need to dedicate a trip to Rutland to pick it up, and a trip up to Swanton to pick up the ro, and a trip to PA to pick up new to me 3000gal storage tank.
Seven weeks to tap time.

12-06-2009, 12:49 PM
was at a local watering whole last night ran into an old friend that made syrup i long time back this is the man that got me really started big but we were talking and he still has his filter press asked him if he would sell it he said no but that i could use it till he needs it witch he prob never need it i got just about everything done and ready for season just waiting on my new gather tank to show and do some finishing to the heated room and i be ready

12-06-2009, 08:22 PM
My sugaring wood is officialy done! I have 1 cord hard wood and 2 cords pine. All of it is split small, stacked and covered. I started spliting in the begining of the summer that is how much I proceastinate. My sugar shack is getting started this week the base has been prepped for about a month. Once it's done I'm going to start splitting wood for next year. I also have some slabwood I need to pick up at one of my dads friends houses and some old boards to cut up. I want to talk to a farm around the corner about buying their evapoartor because they haven't made syrup in 6 years. And talk to one of my dads friends parents about tapping about 30 taps along their driveway. Man I have slot to get done in a short amount of time.

12-06-2009, 10:20 PM
Winter is upon us here got quite a little snowstorm today. Fun finishing out N.tier deer season in a blizzard. Cut another 1.5 cord today for the house. I think I finally have enough but I just can't put the saw down sometimes. Finally finished tying an order of steelhead flies for a local river guide. I am hoping fall tapping has zero correspondence to spring tapping cause that has turned out to be a flop due to the very warm fall we had. Last week was very very busy at work and I managed to land a city school district contract on servicing their printshops. This coming week things settle down again so I will have some time on the river fighting some steel. I ran out of maple things to do. I keep going down to the sugarhouse and wondering what other kinda trouble I can get in. Hope everyone gets their maple projects wrapped up and ready for the season.

12-07-2009, 10:56 AM
Still sucking hind teat here, but this is my last week of work for the year. The wood pile is ready to go and I’ve got the wire up in the woods, still need to run tube. With only 180 taps, it should go pretty fast.

Deer season has slowed things up a bit, muzzle loader season is in full swing, don’t want to frog around too much out there.

Next week I’ll get busy on the arch. Still a lot to do, but with all the time off I should be able to put a big dent in the list.

red maples
12-07-2009, 11:37 AM
AS mentioned in the fresh pork thread.

found foottracks in the snow about 100yards behind the house on sunday but you couldn't see the house because of all the limbs bending down with snow. I had a tree stand stolen last year too. SO I think I have to post my property I really don't want to but I don't think I have a choice. 100 yrds behind the house is a little too close for comfort for me a slug even buck shot or a 45-50 cal muzzle loader could easily hit the house.it becoming a safety issue!!! :mad: the thing is the property that in behind mine is posted too and there is only 2-3 folks with permission to hunt that, and I know all the folks that have permission. I wish they would have walked past the camera then I could see what they looked at least.


Quite cold here now so I think I am going to hang a few buckets now on trees that I don't plan on tappin in the spring to see what I get. maybe boil on the grill outside. don't want drips down the walls again:rolleyes: the MRS might yell at me again!!!

just a little more plumbing to do and a few little things here and there but other than that allready to go!!!

Time to put in the ice rink!!

12-07-2009, 12:26 PM
well heres the new prospect, i have a buddy of mine who has a 91 totota, i rode in it before he went out to ohio to automotive school and it has a good frame and body, he is currently rebuilding the whole engine - the pistons because they were just fine, he also put a brand new clutch in it, the catch is she has 270,000 on it, but with rebuilt engine and new clutch good frame and body im thinking 1000 that he wants for it is a good deal, any thoughts????

12-07-2009, 12:35 PM
We got the new building mostly finished on the weekend - but I didn't get a chance to download the pictures before I left last night. The 4 walls are sided and the steel is on the roof so I won't have to shovel snow out of it to finish up inside. There's just a bit of trim to finish, some old steel to put over the chipboard on the back wall and the tank to get plumbed up to be ready for sap. On to the next item on the "To Do" list!

12-07-2009, 12:38 PM
Danno why exacally is he rebuilding the engine? Also check out the tranny. If you can I would drop the pan on the transmission and check the magnet for excessive amounts of metal slug. If it looks okay throw a new tranny filter on it and tranny fluid. Some metal sludge is normal but if there is alot Run. I have 250,000 on a Durango and it runs darn strong yet but I keep up on the maintenance and tranny fluid and filter changes every 30,000 I think alot of people avoid the tranny for some reason. Maybe it intimidates them. If she is 4 wheel drive kick it in and out a few time and give it a good test drive. I would hate to see you in the same boat as you were in. Good luck.

12-07-2009, 08:48 PM
Keith T. came over and we bent up most of the stainless for the ends of his hoods. Need to build some special tooling and make some 45 deg cuts in all the corners then we can begin assembly.

Glad to see a lot of traders getting things ready for 2010. Should be a great year!

Starting to get some colder weather and snow in NWPA.

Chris C.

12-08-2009, 07:11 AM
Storm on it's way here,starting at noon till midnight wednesday.Up to a foot of snow predicted,20 mph winds gust's to 35 and 20 below windchill bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

3% Solution
12-08-2009, 07:21 AM
Yeah, then your going to send it right over here aren't you!!!!
Well that's alright, it's going to be a white Christmas now.
Have a good day and stay safe today!!


12-08-2009, 08:18 AM
It's coming our way tomorrow.

Maybe a foot of snow by Thursday.

Jim Brown
12-08-2009, 08:38 AM
And you guys are more than welcome to it!!!

red maples
12-08-2009, 02:21 PM
getting the bottom half suppose to turn to rain and freezing yuck after 4-6 inches by lunch time on wednesday hate when that happens!!!! I'll take just all rain or all snow but hey gotta roll with it this time of year!!!

12-08-2009, 04:30 PM
Weather update.Now were in a blizzard warning,10 to 16 inches,and gusts to 45mph.Sure glad I don't have to drive in it,going to stay inside till it's over,and then plow the yard out.

12-08-2009, 04:57 PM
Io inches forecast for domain here also. They told us in french today that it's almost never going to happen that the school's closed due to weather.Because we are adults. Dosn't help that there is only 3 students includeing me that have to drive any distance to school.

12-08-2009, 05:42 PM
Well, i spoke to soon, Have around a inch or two inches of snow from last week now gettting a strom tonight till Thursday 6-12 inches of snow with freezing rain, MAYBE NO SCHOOL!?

3% Solution
12-08-2009, 06:35 PM
Saying we're supposed to get 7 - 13 by tomorrow night then it will turn to freezing drizzle, winds of up to 25 mph.
This kid is going to sit right in here and watch it snow tomorrow!!!
Might be a good time to fire up the woodstove in the sugarhouse, listen to the scanner and make some drops.
Yup that's a plan.
I'll keep you posted as to what you've sent us!!! :lol:


12-08-2009, 08:50 PM
My sugar shack is officaly started. I put a frame on the ground and set up strings so I can use the auger to set post on the corners. It is going to be 16'X16 '. I will set the post tommorow or Thursday after school weather permiting. Mabey I will have a snowday tomorrow and be able to work on it once I plow 4 driveways and the pad for the sugar shack.

12-09-2009, 07:57 AM
Woke up this morning to lots of snow and 2 to 3 ft drifts.Have to go to the woods when the weather gets better and see how much snow we really got,can't tell here in the wide open with the wind blowing it.Kid's are happy all area school's are closed.All I'm going to do today is can syrup for a couple of orders I have,and make a batch of candy seed.

12-09-2009, 10:19 AM
Holy wind storm man the power has been out for quite awhile and just came back on. I am afraid to go to the sugarbush I got tree branches all over the lawn and about a foot of snow to boot. Power must of went out in the night cause the darn blower switch on the stove burnt up from all the heat in it. Man I love winter sometimes.

12-09-2009, 10:19 AM
We're supposed to get a foot or so by the time it's all over. We're not putting any more taps in this year. I'm glad we worked on that when we had very little snow on the ground. It was a lot easier than last year when we waded in a foot of snow.

Here comes winter!

12-09-2009, 06:32 PM
First time in almost 40 years I was glad they closed school early today. Was sitting in class and somebody came to the door and told the teacher and we got to go home at 1:oo pm. Drove home at about 60 to 70 klicks and then worked in the shop on my projects. See what tomorrow brings. They report closures some how on radio french.

12-09-2009, 07:32 PM
I wasn't quite ready for all this snow. I was hoping for a few more weeks but o well. I'll have to finish my work in the snow. Temps are going to drop for the near future so it looks as if it will be a white Christmas. I need to walk the laterals in the woods before the snow sets up. I hate digging laterals and drops out of the ice.

12-11-2009, 07:51 AM
Ok guys winter is old already. Today weather forcast for me 3 inches of snowfall an hour and 2+ feet of snow expected for the day. I am gonna have a snow shoveling party anybody want to join me? I thought the farmers almanac said limited snow for y region? Come on spring I wanna tap trees.

12-11-2009, 09:01 AM
Well THANKS A LOT New York. Your lake effect snow made it all the way from Lake Ontario to northern NH (so says the weather man).

Looks like shoveling out my sawmill AGAIN today.

red maples
12-11-2009, 12:46 PM
I hate the wind...man I will take the coldest you can get no problem...factor in the wind and I put on skirt can't stand it!!! Winter is here with avengence.

Man you can tell maplefever is amungst us or everyone is not outside as much because when you hit new posts thers like 10-15 new one everytime I log-on.

red maples
12-11-2009, 12:48 PM
Ok guys winter is old already. Today weather forcast for me 3 inches of snowfall an hour and 2+ feet of snow expected for the day. I am gonna have a snow shoveling party anybody want to join me? I thought the farmers almanac said limited snow for y region? Come on spring I wanna tap trees.

yeah I saw that on the weather channel sorry dude. hurt my back shoveling the soked snow here the other day!!!

12-11-2009, 01:51 PM
Thanks Red it is bad out. Have not seen a storm like this in December in a long time. Expected snowfall total went from 2 feet all the way up to 4 by saturday evening. Sure am glad she who must be obeyed had me put up all those light that are buried now. I went to work this morning after my earlier post and you get 2 miles up the road and I seen grass. Gotta love the Lake Ontario snowbelt. Remind me why do I live here, Oh yea that's right my maple tree's. Wonder if I can move them? Anybody curious as to where I live get online and look at the NY weather radar and when you see the heaviest accumalation spot on the radar well that is sitting right over me. And will be till tapping time.

3% Solution
12-11-2009, 03:24 PM
Just looked, did it on the National Weather Service.
I can't imagine that much snow in a 48 hour period!!!!
I guess you folks aren't moving around too much are you!!!!!
Better you than me, keep it right over there!!!!!
Did get some of your lake effect squalls that came through here yesterday and last night.
Happy shoveling!!!!!


12-11-2009, 04:01 PM
8 inches of snow where i live. Got all our clients plowed out yesterday. Today i had to run and pick up a new induction fan for our evaporator, found one on ebay. 330 total miles driven. better then shipping it though. Last season early one morning we didnt realize there was a pallet that was plastic and all of a sudden fire was shooting out of our induction fan, lots of sizzling in the fire box, and that smell of plastic burning in the air. That fire was so hot, that our 10 bladed induction fan paddles went from being flat to horseshoe shaped. really screwed up our draft pull. old one would work for a 8...10...or 12 foot rig but not our 18 footer. buddy of mine said i should of been watching all the temp guages at that time instead of watching the fire shoot out the fan. they probably all were maxed out. Saturday going to plow out the syrup shack. glad i fixed all the obvious pipeline problems a week ago. snow and cold make it just that more harder.

Dennis H.
12-11-2009, 06:41 PM
Just receive the rest of my stuff today for finishing up the tubing, saddles and check valve spouts, and more 5/16 tubing.

It just will be a few days till I can get to it, I need to change the front hub/bearing on my Explorer. I am also hoping for a little warmer temps if possible.

I have been working on another tubing tool. This one will be for putting in the droplines. I will post some pics of its construction.

It sounds like you guys up north are getting the brunt of the weather these days, sorry to hear that, atleast we don't have mud!!

It is getting closer now, less than 2 months to go time.

12-11-2009, 07:12 PM
When that storm from the south eased up, our north-west winds really start to kick in. Third day in a row of no school for the kids. Going on 75 cms of snow in three days (for you imperial guys that's about 30 inches).

I wish the first run was only two months away!

12-11-2009, 07:15 PM
We have some snow here. Not a whole lot but enough to shovel. Supposed to be cold tonight and then warm up a bit tomorrow.
Slowly getting things built here.

12-11-2009, 08:36 PM
The sugarhouse is snowed in and it's too cold to do much work anyway.

I think I'll change the sensor on the security light, because it goes off and on all night.

Real winter has arrived here.

Three months until tapping here.

12-11-2009, 08:47 PM
I just checked out the Altmar, NY area on the NWS. It says you are going to get another 2 feet in the next couple of days. Wow!

I have been to Oswego and it had an amazing amount of snow.

It looks like you get even more up in Altmar.

12-11-2009, 09:13 PM
Yes sir Revi it can be pretty brutal here at times. There are some manditory items we need to have. 4 wheel drive, Something big to push the snow around, and a stocked cuboard and a freezer full of venison.:D
Almost forgot, a step ladder to pull taps.......

12-11-2009, 09:37 PM
Could you guys can send some snow my way may be for Christmas, seems the storms bypass us here on the north shore of Lake Erie. So far only a trace of snow the grass is still green. Has been cold and very windy the last few days and has provided many dead falls.

12-12-2009, 06:41 AM
talking about dead fall, come to central VT we got plenty of that on Wed.and plenty of up rooted trees, our bush is a total mess, going to take quite a while to clean up after this one. If you havent been in your bush yet you may want to take a walk.

12-12-2009, 07:43 AM
We had all that rain that totally soaked the ground and then wind. After that I went for a walk and found a lot of downed trees also. So far just cedars no good trees.
Can see just how many deer I have now with the new snow. My yard is full of tracks let alone the woods.
Thats actually good becasue the deer seem to make paths where I need to go to get to all the maples in the spring.

12-12-2009, 10:24 AM
Well the snow let up overnight and we lucked out somewhat. Just flurries today but I still got 2 feet yesterday. Whitetail you can have all the snow you want but you gotta come get it. Im to busy plowing to bring some up. Again this year we had warm weather then like someone turned of the switch, cold and snow. So the ground did not freeze and since we have the snow pack now it won't. So good news is I don't have to wait for the ground to thaw for sap bad news is it is gonna be another muddy spring.

12-12-2009, 11:16 AM
walked the lines in the woods on thursday before things froze up- only have one section that has some chainsaw work to get a big pine top off it. Finished the RO room insulating today. Still lots of plumbing to do there- but need to figure my tanks out first.

hope to get floor of old woodshed poured into a slab before we get into full on winter- then will wait till spring to frame up the walls and shelves for the kitchen/canning area.

got four beer kegs on Monday- two 15.5 gal and two 7.5 gals. to tweek for syrup. getting closer...

12-12-2009, 12:45 PM
Its cold here. 9 degrees when i got up. headed in to town to get a heater for sugar house. try to get some drops made.

12-12-2009, 01:03 PM
Weather is great! We did get about 12 inches of snow since Friday morning. I just stopped back in to the house from deer hunting this A.M. And will go back out for several hours to finish the 2009 gun season in PA. Looking forward to Muzzelloader hunting after Christmas too.

Still have hoods and WRU to work on over the holidays!

Chris C.

12-12-2009, 01:10 PM
walked the lines in the woods on thursday before things froze up- only have one section that has some chainsaw work to get a big pine top off it. Finished the RO room insulating today. Still lots of plumbing to do there- but need to figure my tanks out first.

hope to get floor of old woodshed poured into a slab before we get into full on winter- then will wait till spring to frame up the walls and shelves for the kitchen/canning area.

got four beer kegs on Monday- two 15.5 gal and two 7.5 gals. to tweek for syrup. getting closer...

If there is a secret to closeing off that hole in the bottom and putting some kind of tap in it let me know. So far looks like i weld the hold over and tap some kind of spout to it.

12-12-2009, 05:56 PM
2009 PA rifle season is in the books! I saw two little rack bucks today and a streak of a deer at 4:50 that never stopped running full bore across the field and wood lot to the east of our stand. Strange? They usually sprint and stop, not this one! Maybe getting some different genes:)

Worked for a couple hours with Keith on his small hood. Have it about 80% stitched together with SST pop rivets. Looks pretty good. Need to get the corners adjusted and will need to have some one TIG them for sealing the drip edge on the inside.

Work on the WRU is at a standstill until I get these hoods out of the shop.
May have some time over Christmas break if I am not deer hunting every day:)

Looking forward to going to Marionville next weekend to see syrup made from water on that new Force 5 ! Hope Dave has done some fall tapping too, so that we can get a taste of fall syrup.

Speaking of: haven't heard much about fall syrup production figures on here lately? Folks probably to busy boiling to post?

Chris C.

12-12-2009, 07:08 PM
Well 3rdgen, glad it was you and not us for this "lake effect event"! Do you know how much Redfield got? I heard they were up to 3' yesterday. We only ended up with a couple inches, then a few miles north 12". Gotta love lake effect!


12-12-2009, 11:05 PM
Sapman they probably got close to 3 feet but it was powdery snow and the snow settle quite a bit so I bet they are at a foot and a half snowpack. My 2 feet here settled down to a foot by the end of today. Calling for rain on sunday so it will be less by end of day sunday.

12-13-2009, 07:55 PM
well heres the update on the 5 trees i tapped this fall, Sap ran when i drilled them and for the rest of that week got around maybe 1/4 gallon of sap And from them on I Didnt get anything it was either to warm or to cold and the Daily levels of right now Are 0 fall tapping is officaly OVER!

12-13-2009, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the fall tapping progress report!

Chris C.

12-13-2009, 08:22 PM
Yes sir sugarmaker there was no fall tapping this year. I put myself up to all the excitement of a fall tap and it resulted in a flop. Same thing here, Temps were to warm and now to cold. I have some taps out and plan was soon as I got a decent run I was putting the rest in. If I wait any longer for the first run it is gonna be spring. I sure hope a bad fall season only leads to a great spring one. Only time will tell.

12-13-2009, 08:25 PM
I give you folks credit for trying!

Chris C.

12-13-2009, 08:55 PM
Thanks Sugarmaker. I got my dad all ramped up for a fall tap and dissapointed him on this one. He kept telling me you can't fall tap what are you thinking. He calls every couple days and I can picture the grin on his face when he sais " hows the sap running today son". My dad is a smart*@#.
I keep telling him wait till next year.

Russell Lampron
12-14-2009, 05:53 AM
When my son in law and I were breaking out the sap roads with our tractors yesterday we saw some damage to one of our laterals as it happened. A bull moose had wandered down into one of the areas where I have tubing and stretched one of the laterals until it broke when he was making his retreat. Got some pictures that I will post at a later date.

Got some repair work on the tubing done as well. Still have about a cord and a half of sugar wood to get in but other than that we're in pretty good shape around here.

Gary R
12-14-2009, 06:22 AM
I pulled the mobile sugar shack up to the house yesterday. I got it all leveled up, just need to clean. I have a board member of our area Woodland Owners group coming by Wednesday. He would like to make syrup and I'm goiong to show him some pointers.

I did finish up deer hunting. Got lucky a week and a half ago. Shot an 11 point. 16 1/2 inside, 8" G2's. Heavy mass.

red maples
12-14-2009, 10:19 AM
I wouldn't mind a little more snow here we had some cold arould 10-15 yesterday AM then it warmed and rained last night and re-froze...yeah great fun!!!

I tapped 2 trees last week just for kicks and got about a quart of sap and we had that cold and snow snap and temps should be around 40F today so I should get a little dripping out of them today and tomorrow we'll see then we are gettign some good cold for the end of the week with snow forcasted for sun. and mon but thats a week away it changes from hour to hour!!!

12-14-2009, 10:30 AM
just found out that the truck i was going to get wont be finished being rebuilt by christmas and the next time he would be back up to vt would be august. also the gear shift on the tractor i found out has water in it and is froze solid so when i want to use the thing i have to heat it with a torch for 20 minutes, and my wood is covered with snow and i gotta find a way to get it into the shed real quick, also having friend troubles, sick of all the drama and the BS i think its stupid how you cant say any thing with out making some one mad, but thats highschool BS but good news i got an acceptance letter from VTC so looks like im going to college next year for dairy management, went and saw "the logger" on saturday that was hilarious still things are not going well for me right now, slid off the sugar house roof last night there was enough snow so i didnt get hurt when i hit, got lucky i guess

12-14-2009, 11:43 AM
DanO, congrats on getting accepted to VTC. I was there on Maplerama last year, looked like a good place. Are you going to sugar there during school? They had a nice little sugarhouse, seemed like a good operation. Be careful with the roof, tough to sugar with a broken ankle!

12-14-2009, 04:50 PM
And I thought my life was weird. I usually have any number of females ticked off at me in about 4 languages right now. Helps when I just say J'ai ne sai pas and go about my day.
This last weekend made a good dent in the new evaporator project. Xmas holidays should get it pretty well done. The hardest part will be to solder all the drop tubes in and make 19 more of them at least I should get done by April in time for sap season.

12-15-2009, 07:11 PM
I know all about the drama, Dano. I teach in a high school and there is a lot of it. You'll just have to push it all aside when the sugaring season starts.

Congrats on VTC! I think agriculture is going to be big in the future.

It's great to hear about young people like you.

We need you to keep things going!

Father & Son
12-15-2009, 08:17 PM
I was sitting here watching it snow around noon today and the UPS truck pulled up and dropped off two boxes. One of them was from Leader and I didn't order anything lately. My wife must be playing Santa , the only bad thing is I have to wait ten days to open it.


NH Maplemaker
12-15-2009, 09:18 PM
Jim, How do you know it's for you? Maybe the maple bugs has bitten your wife also!!LOL JimL.

12-15-2009, 09:55 PM
i wish my wife was that nice

12-16-2009, 05:19 AM
I wish the bug would bite my wife, she would give me more support. lord knows we need it.

12-16-2009, 05:54 AM
Wonder what you buy a sugar maker for Xmas. I am thinking a blow up tree maybe. One never knows what a wife will buy you for Xmas unless you keep the shop door unlocked so she can see what's not there to buy you.

NH Maplemaker
12-16-2009, 06:47 AM
smitty76, ya we have all been there !! My wife is always saying "if I hear about maple one more time I'm going to scream" So I just let her scream !! It's good for a person to get there frustrations out and not hold them in.JimL.

3% Solution
12-16-2009, 07:30 AM
You guys are BAD!!!!!
But right!!!!
Maybe you have an instant evaporator in the box (gift card).
Congrats to you Dano.


12-16-2009, 09:29 AM
Weather is spitting white stuff at me again. My daughter got a nice little early christmas present. Her cat ran away about a year ago and showed up at the door last night. Went outside and he came walking in the front door. I gotta tell you my daughter was very happy.

12-16-2009, 09:31 AM
Well 3rdgen, tis the season.

red maples
12-16-2009, 12:36 PM
3rdgen how much do you guys average over there. I always see those lake effects on the radar. contastant snow cloud over you!!!

Well if the temps stay down here and the winds die down a bit we will be ice fishin' in 2 weeks or so!!!

12-16-2009, 03:43 PM
We finally had the sugarhouse plowed out. That's three storms worth, so it's time. I cut some small trees to give the plow guy some place to put the snow this year. It will be a lot better than the gigantic piles that end up around the shack otherwise.

It seems like it's settling into a real winter December around here.

I've been out sick today, but the snowy vistas out the window have cheered me up a bit.

I have over 180 sick days in the bank, and I feel rotten, so I don't feel too bad about using one.

I slept about 18 hours, so maybe this will pass...

12-16-2009, 03:51 PM
180 Sick Days!!!!! Sheesh, I think I'd be sick for all of March for the next nine years........

We finally had the sugarhouse plowed out. That's three storms worth, so it's time. I cut some small trees to give the plow guy some place to put the snow this year. It will be a lot better than the gigantic piles that end up around the shack otherwise.

It seems like it's settling into a real winter December around here.

I've been out sick today, but the snowy vistas out the window have cheered me up a bit.

I have over 180 sick days in the bank, and I feel rotten, so I don't feel too bad about using one.

I slept about 18 hours, so maybe this will pass...

12-16-2009, 07:00 PM
Boy if I saw a box from Leader on my door steps I'd have to snoop around to find out what it was like checking online or calling leader and seeing what was ordered.
But I know thats not the way to do it.
I hope its is what you needed

Brian Ryther
12-16-2009, 08:07 PM
Finally back to Maple work. Spent the day with the electrion in the sugar house. The ro room has heat, light and most of the insulation and siding up. Tomorrow is a 700 mile day. First I go to Bascoms to sell the last two barrels and pick up misc fittings and things like DE and filter press papers for the season. Then it is off to St. Johnsbury to pick up the Ro. Then from St. J I am off to Rutland to pick up my syrup pan from Leader. If they have any more check valves I will clean them out. If I am still alive I will drive home from there, other wise I will spend the night at the house in Plymouth. Cant wait to get the Ro home!

12-16-2009, 11:43 PM
Red I really have no idea what the averages here are never really paid any attention. I do have to laugh every year when the local news channels use Hancock Airport as there rainfall and snowfall reading point. They always claim something like 96 inches and Every time you go to the city it is not snowing or there is only a few inches on the ground and we have like a 5 foot snowpack. If I had to take a guess I would say 500 or 600 feet, well atleast that is what my back feels like by spring.

12-16-2009, 11:59 PM
Okay Red you got me curious and I looked it up and from what I found the average here is around 118 inches. Not that much. That is almost 10 feet but I know last year and a few previous ones we had single snowfalls that measured 4 to 5 feet at a time so Im thinking that is some old data. Not to mention I have some pictures from last year and the year before where the snowbanks are above the road signs which are like 7 or 8 feet high and that was after they cut the banks back earlier in the week. You make me wanna move.

12-17-2009, 03:36 AM
I lived in Syracuse for a winter and I remember seeing the sun in February once. It was incredible the amount of snow that fell up around Oswego that year. We went to visit and I still remember that it was clear a couple of miles away, but when we got into town it was snowing like mad.

The snow banks were enormous. I had never seen anything like it.

I think it melts off quickly and the ground is very fertile around there.

Brian Ryther
12-17-2009, 09:07 AM
Things are not going as planed. I am stuck in bennington vt. The stearing linkage broke. I had to leave the trailer with syrup on the side of the highway.

red maples
12-17-2009, 10:40 AM
Giving a maple presentation to the planning board tonight. don't need to register maple AG and all but they would like to here about it. So that should be fun. made up a little section of mainline with a saddle and lateral and drop line, and some maples stuff...lots of pictures and stuff.

Okay Red you got me curious and I looked it up and from what I found the average here is around 118 inches. Not that much. That is almost 10 feet but I know last year and a few previous ones we had single snowfalls that measured 4 to 5 feet at a time so Im thinking that is some old data. Not to mention I have some pictures from last year and the year before where the snowbanks are above the road signs which are like 7 or 8 feet high and that was after they cut the banks back earlier in the week. You make me wanna move.

well according to my measurements from my deck measuring each snow fall last year we got approx. 100 inches and the year before I think it was about 110-120 inches totatl but there were warm days mixed in that winter so it didn't pile up like last year. but I think the average is about 60 inches I couldn't really find any data on the subject. I am about 20-25 minutes drive to the coast. I know maine has gotten pounded the last 2 years with close to 200 inches in some spots.

Cold here and windy this morning 8F this morning. my dog is crazy went to walk him this morning and he didn't want to come in just wanted to play(darn huskys) LOVES the cold and loves it outside. So I tied him out for a bit went to get him just wanted to play. my malamute was the same way. Just a bit worried when his winter coat is really thick it usually means a bad winter. and man this one is the thickest yet!!

Dave Y
12-17-2009, 11:17 AM
Where is it I will pick it up!:)

Amber Gold
12-17-2009, 05:33 PM
Last weekend a friend came over and we got most of the addition put on. I ran out of sheathing or I would have had all the roof done the project complete. I'll get the rest completed Saturday morning. Also buying shiplap siding to reside the SH so it looks more presentable.

I got pads leveled out for my 850 gal round bottom tank before the big freeze. Once I get the siding's on I can get that under my new addition.

I have 1.5 weeks of vacation starting the 23rd so my plan is to get all my woods work done...just my high mainline w/ sap ladder, 2 short mainlines, and adding some more taps.

After the woods are done it's just little things until the season starts.

12-17-2009, 06:39 PM
Well things are on hold for a couple of days untill it gets warm enough to want to really do something out side. Have to get used to it being below zero F .
At least the trees can start on their long journey thru the winter now.

12-17-2009, 09:18 PM
Beware we will be invading your sugar shack this weekend!:)

Hope you got the syrup to its destination! and resumed you trip.


12-17-2009, 09:57 PM
Okay Red you got me curious and I looked it up and from what I found the average here is around 118 inches. Not that much. That is almost 10 feet but I know last year and a few previous ones we had single snowfalls that measured 4 to 5 feet at a time so Im thinking that is some old data. Not to mention I have some pictures from last year and the year before where the snowbanks are above the road signs which are like 7 or 8 feet high and that was after they cut the banks back earlier in the week. You make me wanna move.

3rdgen -

I think your selling yourself short - think your snow average has got to be closer to 200" year. Our average just up the road from you (and a bit higher) is closer to 250" and last year we did about 400". Ofcourse, last year we had a fast start and had almost 100" by Thanksgiving.

220 maple
12-17-2009, 10:11 PM
Expanding Slowly
90 % of Mainline installed, I have 3 400 foot sections of 3 quarter inch pipe to finish. Hired the land owner son to help me on his christmas break, he is a fast learner! we put up 2500 feet of tubing today. This was the first time he was out in the bush. He was shocked how many Maples is on their property.
If I can get 75% of them tapped it is going to create a couple extra gallons of sugar water.

Mark 220 Maple

Dave Y
12-18-2009, 05:17 AM
Bring as many as you can put in your truck , including the bed! Make sure you have sun glasses.:)

12-18-2009, 06:56 AM
danno you must be refering to your redfield piece. I was just thinking about last year alone and we had 3 specific storms that I remember where we had a total of 14 feet of snow just with them. I am willing to bet that data is really wrong that I looked up as well. Man you think wow that is alot but we get quite a few warmups and and alot of it melts within a short period of time. I always take some time of about the second week of January for steelhead fishing because for as long as I can remember we get a nice week or better warmup. 3 years ago it was in the 60's on my Bday in january. I was fishing in a sweatshirt in alot of snow.

12-18-2009, 02:19 PM
wired a 5 horse motor and mounted it onto our new induction fan. The motor i got from a auction, (like brand new). hooked it into the 220 outlet and the darn thing spun counterclock wise. fan is supposed to run clock wise. No wire diagram on the century motor, so i called around ,and the local motor rebuilder (who is now retired) is going to reverse the poles for me. Motor that was on the fan was a 1725 rpm, this 5 horse is a 3450 so i am hopeing that we have so much draw that i can crack the back door on the arch to regulate the draw and also let it suck cooler air up to the impeller blades. Tomorrow morning we will take the old fan off the sugar house roof and hoist the new one up there. The unit is 230 pounds so we will use the loader tractor and then drag it up the roof with a rope. Hope to get done in time to ice fish a few small lakes i never fished before. Mild weather this weekend, in the mid 20's so a person should work a little but also play a little right?? December sure is flying by!

12-18-2009, 02:50 PM
Rhino is it a 3 phase motor or a single phase?

12-18-2009, 04:17 PM
Simple fix to reverse the motor. The wireing diagram which usually is on the cover plate tells you which one of the wires that are just sitting there to connect instead. Should be a easy fix hopfully.

12-18-2009, 06:05 PM
Went to school today and had a private tuter almost. Only 3 students showed up. Between Xmas and the weather everybody stays home.
This next 3 weeks will tell the difference on my work on the evaporator. I have the choice of thre different combinations of pans now depending on my soldering skills and time.

Thompson's Tree Farm
12-18-2009, 07:08 PM
:) Got my new cross flow pans, auto draw off and bubbler yesterday. Bubbler had to be sent back for some re adjustment. Glad I wasn't the one who did the measuring. I now have some inside work to do when it is really stormy...Hooking up the electrical parts and the piping from the blower to the bubbler.
Outside stuff keeps progressing but slower than I'd like (heck, I'd like to sit by the stove and be on the trader all day from now until sap runs). Have the new bush about 75% done. That will be 500 plus additional taps-put me up around 34 or 35 hundred here at home. I got 1/2 mile pump line wire and pipe up yesterday. Still need to wire tie that and run an additional 500 feet. Need to run a 1400 foot airline to supply vacuum to the new bush. Still have about 300 new droplines to install in the front bush and need to update a couple of ladders there. If time allows I have a couple of runs I could add on the front bush..about 20 taps each.
Got an additional 50 acres bought that is landlocked between me and state land. I will probably try to spend any extra time between now and march doing some thinning and planning on that piece.

red maples
12-18-2009, 08:37 PM
danno you must be refering to your redfield piece. I was just thinking about last year alone and we had 3 specific storms that I remember where we had a total of 14 feet of snow just with them. I am willing to bet that data is really wrong that I looked up as well. Man you think wow that is alot but we get quite a few warmups and and alot of it melts within a short period of time. I always take some time of about the second week of January for steelhead fishing because for as long as I can remember we get a nice week or better warmup. 3 years ago it was in the 60's on my Bday in january. I was fishing in a sweatshirt in alot of snow.

I just looked by city and syracuse average is 118 inches thas not too far from you.

12-18-2009, 08:51 PM
That is funny stuff Red It seems whenever it is snowing, Syracuse is clear skies. Syracuse,Albany, Bighamton, and Buffalo have this little competition amongst them who gets the most snowfall and I laugh when Syracuse puts their totals out cause the must be adding it all up then multiplying it by 2.
If anybody is interested there is a 3x12 evaporator in our Swap Sheet. Short little add it states it is in good condition and they want $150 for it. No other info. If anybody has an interest pm me and I will give you the phone number. There is probably 150 bucks worth of metal on the thing.

12-18-2009, 09:15 PM
Guys, its a single phase motor, and you would think that there should of been a diagram somewhere on or inside the motor. NOTHING. I see where there is empty "clips" where you could exchange the wires but boy I would hate to smoke that motor by guessing. I will leave it up to the pro. I see a big snow storm is working its way up the coast. looks like most of it will miss the big syruping section of New England.

Brian Ryther
12-19-2009, 08:07 AM
Worst trip ever. I had to leave $750 in Bennington to fix the stearing in my truck. Then I was of to Bascoms. The kid who weighed and graded my syrup forgot to get off the scale when he took down the weight. So the check I got was for an extra #150. When I got home last night there was message from Bascoms. I think they caught on. From Bascoms I went to Leader Rutland and picked up my syrup pan. Then from Rutland I went up Lapierre in Swanton to pick up my RO. So I am on my way home, I get past Albany, I am on I-88 and the rear axle on my trailer breaks free on one side. I was stuck in the slow lane during rush hour. When the tow truck shows up the flat bed is too small for the trailer. They finally strap it to the tow truck, strap the broken axle to the bottom of the trailer. It is sticking out 15' beyond the back of the flat bed. At this point the police dont care how it is moved he just wants me off the highway. They take it to the Dwaynesburg exit and drop it in the park and ride lot. Another $135 down the tubes. I had to leave my syrup pan and barrels on the trailer. Then drive 60 miles home. Unload the RO. Go back 60 miles with two trucks to get the pan and barrels. I am finally home, but I still have to get the trailer home:cry:

12-19-2009, 03:32 PM
Brian- Hope your luck gets to running better! How you making out getting ready for season? Can you give us some stats? What kind of ro did you get? Finally cooled down good down here. Looks like were finally into winter. Hoping it freezes hard till end of January. Things finally starting to come together. Still hauling home wood all the time, still running tube all the time, Getting just about everything in place though to where I can start just hooking everything up. Sounds like my buddy that wants to bring me sap is going to be running around 2000 taps, all gravity though, I told him I changed my mind on being concerned if I could handle all that and told him to tap everything he can get his hands on and bring it up. Gonna have to apply myself and make some syrup even if I have to stay up late. Got to pay for all the neat things I bought this year. Theron

Thompson's Tree Farm
12-19-2009, 04:19 PM
Jeeez Bryan, sounds like one of those trips that is designed to make you realize how good things are when they are just going normal. Man I hope your luck changes. At least you have the new things home and can start to get them in place. You got much snow down there? There is only a few inches here and the ice is getting hard. My Amish neighbor is already working the swamps with horses. Winter is here. 10 weeks and counting.

Brian Ryther
12-19-2009, 06:33 PM
Well said Doug. We all need to be knocked down a peg every once and a while to appreciate the better times.
I went for the Lapierre Turbo 600gph expandable. I build processing plants for a living but this ro is intimidating. I understand the process, but there seems to be so many "rules and procedures" for operating. For what it cost I do not want to screw it up. As far as stats go I will not have a tap count until I tap in. I have put a few out this fall, but I have also been removing over taped trees. I have also been reducing taps per lat. I have also removed a big ladder and changed it to a dump station. Plus the check valves. It should be a formula for big sap per tap. I hope. Weather pending. etc..

12-19-2009, 06:53 PM
Brian- Dont freak out about the ro. I felt the same way and after a while its old hat. Its much simpler than it looks. Have Jerry go through it with you on the phone. Mine is a cdl so itll be a bit different but he is familiar with all of them. Thats the best purchase youll ever make. now skies the limit. Theron

12-19-2009, 09:40 PM
Got the big induction fan mounted on the roof. was not a fun job with a steel roof. very slippery with the snow. couple times went slideing down the roof. Had the loader as my safety stop. used a rope to pull myself and needed supplies up to the top. took out 14" 90degree elbow pipe and put in a 22" 90 degree elbow pipe into the fan. we thought the 14" was to restrictive. all we have to do is get that motor spinning the right way, mount it, and we are ready to suck the doors in. went fishing afterwards to a couple really small lakes. one was worthless, but the other had some real nice jumbo perch. biggest one was 11 and a half inches. It was only a 5 acre lake but was 30 feet deep where we found them. few days ago i started beating down the snow with the 4-wheeler to drive some frost in a 25 acre swamp we have. there is enough dead standing wood in there i think for my lifetime of syrup makeing. Its all cedar and pine but will make a great mix with our pallets. Beavers flooded this area many years ago and thats what killed all these trees. it's semi drynow, and alot of tall canary grass. once I have it firmed up, we will use the kabota with the farmi winch and go to it. wood pile should grow pretty quick.

12-20-2009, 05:02 PM
well finally logged back on. havent made alot of changed added a few taps so i should be at about 150 or so. setting up tubing now just got to go and get some fittings. could have about another 150 on lines but thats overkill for my operation. been getting pulled away from alot of the work the fire dept im on has been giving me a workout. didnt have a single call today so i got to relax. hopefully this year well have a bumper crop

12-20-2009, 07:15 PM
I haven't been doing much because I am trying to get over a cold and that cold air isn't helping.

My partner in mapling started getting some wood out by snowmobile, which was the excuse he gave his wife for getting it. He made piles out in places we could never get to by any other method. This fall was too wet anyway.
When he gets some firewood out won't she be happy!

12-20-2009, 08:53 PM
Well guys it is getting closer everyday. It amazes me how hard we all work and the time we put into this madness for a few weeks of hard working fun. Finally got the dining room remodeling done this afternoon. I put 87 hours into it in less than 2 weeks plus work thrown in there I am glad to be done. I get to stubborn to let anybody help seems I end up refixing or changing things when I get help. She who must be obeyed say's she thinks I have an obsessive compulsive disorder. Got to make 2 maple cheescakes, a batch of maple sugar coated pecans (my favorite) my dad wanted me to make some maple sugar covered popcorn. Never even heard of it but I bet it would work. Anybody ever try it? If so got any hints? I am looking forward to getting over with this holiday and getting some steelhead fishing and ice fishing in.

12-21-2009, 10:10 AM
:o We just found out this morning that our grant application to the Dept of Agric was approved. It's a 50/50 match that pretty much completes the outfitting of our operation. We were operating under the assumption that we wouldn't get funded so I let alot of stuff go. The firewood is buried in snow - no tarp, the new sugarhouse needs a roof and siding as well doors, windows, etc, the clutch is froze on the 250 sap hauler and the Cub needs tire chains put on. Plus I will be traveling to in-laws over the Holidays. To be honest I wouldn't have it any other way. Nothing like a deadline to motivate a fellah. Hey Sawfiler - You back to work yet?

12-21-2009, 05:16 PM
It was around nine degrees F here today so I was going to concentrate on moving some house wood closer to the furnace door. I just got started on that when Josh (future son in law) came down with his tractor with ambition in his eyes. Grabbed the chain saw and tackled the pile of slab wood sitting in the turn around, me sawing, him stacking in the bucket and dumping in the sugar house future wood shed. We got that cleaned up, about a cord and a half, then started on the sliding door for the north, (stack) end of the sugar house. Finished that and the bat wing doors in the north gable end so the north wall is finished. I ordered the new smoke stack from Leader today. They ended up being cheaper then the local sheet metal shop and had the same three week time frame plus they have done this a time or two and I didn't have to explain what I needed. I want to be ready to tap Valentines day!!!!?? I haven't got a chance.:lol:

12-21-2009, 08:49 PM
Things are chugging along here at BIGSAP maple. Worked all weekend on the new bush across the road. Put in the weekend before daylight till dark working on the mainline and lats. Got all that done. Just got in tonight from putting drops in. Getting in the grove now, I bought a light weight plastic trash can and Ive got bundles of straight drops for the lateral end taps and regular drops and saddle tubes with the line precut and hooked for the saddles. Seems to work real good I just head down one main and hit each lateral till completion. Trash can also makes a pretty good beer holder. Throw a few in and head down the line. Got quite a few in tonight. Kind of nice in the woods at night although a little cold, my trusty mutt Duke helped me out the whole time. Gotta keep keeping on or Ill never be ready. Running a little a head of schedule actually becouse it looks like Ill have the lines basically in by the end of this month and Im happy about that. Once the lines are in its kind of pressure off, just have to finish hooking things up and should be ready to go by the end of next month. Cant wait to fill some drums. The BIGSAP is starting to get me scared a little bit but for some reason I just cant seem to get enough of running these lines. Must be my mission in life. Cant argue with destiny I guess. Duke seems to think Im doing the right thing so how do you argue with that. Hope everyone is having fun and getting ready. BIGSAP ALERTS should be coming soon now. Theron

12-21-2009, 09:05 PM
It was around nine degrees F here today so I was going to concentrate on moving some house wood closer to the furnace door. I just got started on that when Josh (future son in law) came down with his tractor with ambition in his eyes. I want to be ready to tap Valentines day!!!!?? I haven't got a chance.:lol:

He sounds like a keeper! I used to live in Vershire, Vermont. I think you'll be a little early tapping on Valentine's day. Most years it is in March before the sap starts running even here in balmy Skowhegan. We had a bunch of years that it ran earlier, but lately it's been March. Chelsea is pretty high up, so I'll bet it's colder than here.

We may have hit peak oil, but we're not even at the top of peak syrup yet, Vtsnowedin. Have a great season!

12-22-2009, 04:55 AM
He sounds like a keeper! I used to live in Vershire, Vermont. I think you'll be a little early tapping on Valentine's day. Most years it is in March before the sap starts running even here in balmy Skowhegan. We had a bunch of years that it ran earlier, but lately it's been March. Chelsea is pretty high up, so I'll bet it's colder than here.

We may have hit peak oil, but we're not even at the top of peak syrup yet, Vtsnowedin. Have a great season!

:cool: I said I wanted to be READY to tap, Not to tap. Recently here there has been one good run before town meeting day more years then not. I'll get as ready as I can and go by the weather I get. You have a great season to.

12-22-2009, 09:48 AM
Finally back to computer. Had my knee 'scoped' last week and damage was a little more extensive than they thought. On crutches for a few weeks now. To make matters worse had a huge willow tree fall on my vacuum line and pump line. Got a friend to cut it off but it snapped my mainline wire. Now have that to repair and about 50 saddles to install on new section of bush before I even start to prepare the sugarhouse. Man I hate being on crutches. Not a more helpless feeling out there!

maple flats
12-22-2009, 11:07 AM
The only thing I have gotten done is wood. I likely have over 2 yrs worth, all cut, split and stacked. I only have to work thru tomorrow and then I am off until Jan 4. I have lots to do. Must walk the lines with a chainsaw and likely cut some trees/limbs off the lines. Must talk to the friend who was going to install about 300 taps and sell me the sap to see if he is ready. If he changed his plans I will try to add another 100-150 more of my own. Can't add too many until I get an RO. Planning on that for 2011. Will need sugarhouse addition with heated room to put the RO in. Going to really be busy because I'm looking to start building our new house too, from the lumber I am sawing and stickering. It sure takes a lot of lumber to complete a lumber list even for a 1100 sf house. This will be our retirement home but I hope not to retire for about 8 or 9 years. Got tanks to clean, evap to reclean, and a million other things to do. Also got to finish putting the solar in the sugarhouse. Panels are mounted, poles installed, main transmission line, and entrance cable are installed. Ready to wire the inside parts. This will run almost all of my lighting needs if I keep the snow off the panels. Should also run a blower. If needed I will start the genny but like the quiet as long as possible. The genny is not real bad because it sets about 75' away and has a sound barrier wall but I still like quiet. Will likely be doing everything alone unless i end up adding more taps at the last minute.

red maples
12-22-2009, 02:22 PM
I need to get some ice fishing in so I can get tree tapping off my mind!!!! Ice should be ready soon I haven't check it yet but ther is some warm weather coming this weekend rain. I hate rain in the winter just makes a mess!!!:(

too much last minute x-mas stuff to do and I really don't want to do it!!!!

12-22-2009, 03:09 PM
Hope the recovery is quick. Never been on crutches.

Merry Christmas!
From the Casbohm family

12-22-2009, 03:15 PM
Yippee. No more french and teacher's dirty looks untill the 7 of January. Can hardley control my self with joy.
Hopefully my cold clears up so I can get working on the evaporator. Hard to think when you don't feel well. Have to start soldering pretty soon and see how well that goes.

12-22-2009, 10:42 PM
Maplewalnut, Get well soon. Bad time to have that done with snowmobile season here!:cry:

12-23-2009, 07:54 AM
Zman-yea tell me about it. It was supposed to be an in and out procedure back walking in a couple days. I still need to get up soon and get some signs from you but I guess thats another forum

12-23-2009, 10:57 AM
Walnut Speedy recovery to you. I fractured my right knee 7 years ago when I did big air competitions on my snowmobiles. Man those were fun days. So I can concur crutches stink. I was in a full leg cast from my toes to my hip for 6 weeks then a soft cast for quite awhile. Still get sharp pains if I overstress it. RED ice fishing is on my list as well. Most lakes and ponds are holding 4 to 5 inches right now around me time to go. Snowing like mad today. 2 to 3 inches an hour.

12-23-2009, 11:34 AM
I haven't gone ice fishing in many years. It was almost 40 below the last time I went and I got sort of cold. We didn't have a ice house or shelter either. I got so cold I couldn't feel the perch bit worth a darn so lost my maggots all the time.
It's not all that cold today so have to go outside and actually do something so that she who must be obeyed dosn't invent anything for me to do. She made me shovel snow today. Something to do with me being in school all the time and she had to do or something like that.

Jeff E
12-23-2009, 11:50 AM
Here in NW Wisconsin, we have about 8" of snow on the ground, and a bunch more coming (7-15" over the next 3 days). That changes things in the woods. I am down to finalizing my new section of the bush, putting in droplines, connecting laterals to mains. Then by Feb it will be time to go through the rest of the bush and get ready for the fun!!!

On schedule and loving it.

12-23-2009, 12:19 PM
I'm hoping for one last rip on the iceboat this afternoon, before we get buried in about a foot tonight.

Once I am snowed out maybe I can get to welding up that new airtight front!

maple flats
12-23-2009, 04:38 PM
Here in central NY we only have about an inch of snow. We have had the cold but I think snowfall might be at or near an all time low. We have not had to plow nor shovel yet. Went hunting all season with no snow on the ground.

12-23-2009, 08:17 PM
Were in for one heck of a storm,starting tonight and going till Saturday morn.
And I hear parts of Minnesota can get up to 2 feet of the white stuff.
Was suppose to pick up a friend from the airport late afternoon and they called and said their stranded in Chicago for the night because all flights have been cancelled

12-23-2009, 09:28 PM
I hope that snow doesn't even make it here. I think we are supposed to get some Saturday night into Sunday, though.

12-23-2009, 10:21 PM
Weatherman last night said snow all day with 1 to 3 inches in the worst areas. I kinda laughed and thought how does it snow all day and only get an inch. HMMMMM This morning before I even looked out the window I turned on the news and got the same report. Walked out side and already had 10 on the porch. Snowed all day and measured 21 on the yardstick. Very light though so that is good. Spent a good part of the day plowing 5 fishing camps out, my driveway the sugarhouse and said heck mine as well keep on going so I plowed out the main entries into the sugar bushes. Oh my parents as well. Neighbor was telling me he keeps records of the snowfall and said we are about 26 inches below what we had last year at this time.

12-23-2009, 10:54 PM
We got about an inch today.


3% Solution
12-24-2009, 07:06 AM
Chicago, that place sucks!!!!!!!!
First and last time I ever flew there was last April and it will never happen again!!!!!
Flight was cancelled on Friday and never got to leave till Monday morning at 6!!!
Never again!!!!
Ok any way, hope your friend makes it to your place before tomorrow.
Merry Christmas!


3% Solution
12-24-2009, 07:10 AM
Hi all,
I'd rather have snow than the bag that's headed for us ...... sleet, rain, snow, more rain and sleet!!!!
Oh well not much any of us can do about it other than have a Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!
Hope you've got something Maple under the tree!!!!!!!!!


12-24-2009, 07:25 AM
It's warmed up to 15F this morning from yesterdays high of 9. We finished boarding up the gable ends on the sugar house yesterday. Just doors left to build and install and to board up the sofits to get it tight enough so I can heat it while I'm bricking the arch. There is less then a foot of snow on the ground here as that last noreaster went off more to the south and let us be. Not to worry though there will be another along directly.
Merry Christmas everyone and may your tree have lots of maple stuff under it.

12-24-2009, 08:00 AM
Nothing but rain here this morning.Just went up to the main highway and nothing but ice,and not a single car traveling either.Was suppose to go to work for a couple hours but that's not going to happen.

So rain rain go away come back when you should in May

12-24-2009, 08:20 AM
Temp is 28 degrees F. right now. Not to shabby for Dec. Supposed to warm up over the weekend and rain here also. Maybe need skates on the car instead of tires. Rained hard couple days after Xmas last year also. Was cold when I went to town about 5:30 and pouring rain on the way home at 11. I can see the weather is going to be weird this year again also.

12-24-2009, 11:36 AM
I pulled the mobile sugar shack up to the house yesterday. I got it all leveled up, just need to clean. I have a board member of our area Woodland Owners group coming by Wednesday. He would like to make syrup and I'm goiong to show him some pointers.

I did finish up deer hunting. Got lucky a week and a half ago. Shot an 11 point. 16 1/2 inside, 8" G2's. Heavy mass.


Sounds like and awesome buck and congrats!!!

12-24-2009, 02:54 PM
Merry Christmas, happy holidays and enjoyfull winter solstace!
That should cover the bases. Been studiing the calander a little today and it looks like 5 weeks to January 30th. Ive declared that day the start of OPERATION TAPOFF at Pierce and Sons Maple. Not going to worry about studiing the weather out this year just tapping in and going for it. Dont want to miss any BIGSAP so taking the week off and tapping in. Cant wait till then . Thats the fun part. Just have to get everything done by then. Hope everyone has a great Christmas. Theron

12-25-2009, 08:51 AM
My Christmas wish is for BIGSAP!!! for all and to all a good season.

12-26-2009, 05:42 AM
Made it out to the sugarwoods for the first time in a very long time yesterday,,was able to walk and repair all of the Hoit road woods,,got all the brush off the lines on Rte.11, still need to go thru that with the 2 hander and fix some lines (not sure Ill be able to tap that this spring-proporty for sale),,,and walked most of the Hill woods,,got a lot done, still more to do on 2 of those 3 woods,,,,,but not far from being ready to tap,,,now I can concentrate on the new woods that I need to set up (800-1000?),,,,,I have my wood shed just about full (40? cords)...need to repair tanks in Hill and Rte.11,,,,,,in better shape than last winter,,,looking forward to filling many barrells....................

12-26-2009, 12:15 PM
yep i came down with a fever on christmas, after i opened my presents i started movin wood, today a buddy of mine came up and he split wood and i cut it thank god he was splitting because i was having all i could do to stay standing upright while running the saw, my heads hurting my nose is running like a siv and my throats closed right up, but this was the first time my friend has ever worked for me today and he cuts alot of wood for himself and he said he would help me if i needed it, i told him during sugaring season i can use all the help i can get, he said i will be there when i can, did get some wood cut today but man i feel like keeling over

12-26-2009, 05:56 PM
I have been not well for over a week. Figured it was over with but today was sick again and ended up flat on my back instead of outside. It's nice and warm here or 38 degrees which ever works. Owell the cat didn't mind.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

12-26-2009, 07:45 PM
Finished cutting up slab wood this afternoon. A bit late for sure. Shed is about 90% full. Not good! Have to finish it with some kd pine boards.
Haven't seen the woods at all. Did get water run to sugarhouse a few weeks ago. Still need to get sink. Also have to get bulk tank home. Then there is neighbors woods to check for tubing.

12-26-2009, 08:57 PM
We have been having the holiday whirl for a couple of days, so I haven't gotten up to the sugarhouse. I have a little time, so I may do some wood cutting.

red maples
12-27-2009, 04:20 PM
got some trees down today. 50F here in NH today very strange. I think we broke a record here. back to normal tonight and snow tomorrow. Got 3/4 of a grapple load of pine last week for 2 gallons of sryup should be about 4-5 cords maybe a little more. January's coming time to get those loose ends tied up and get ready!!!!

12-27-2009, 05:29 PM
Maple tax time is here, Getting the books in order for 2009.
Sales were down a little in 2009 but only because our production was short this year too. Expenses were high as usual with containers and equipment purchases topping the list. Records show that we made a little money, but I am always amazed at how much we spend on this hobby:) I try to roll some dollars back into to equipment upgrades each year. The candy machine and the large Hobart mixer will aid in producing value added maple products. Mileage was up in 2009, as I hauled home a lot more wood this year.

The crew is in to the late muzzle loader/archery season and we saw one whitetail Sat. afternoon while hunting in Crawford County.:( We usually have 3 to 8 guys in our group and have a good time doing some small drives and pushing deer to each other. Also with lots of standing in the road drinking coffee and trying to decide what patch of woods to drive next.


12-27-2009, 05:46 PM
chris i will call on wielder monday he was out of town visiting with family

12-28-2009, 12:22 PM
Today I went with my grandpa to get shiplap siding for my sugar shack. We are ready to finish he shack. I plan on getting the roof on this week I hope. We unloaded it and that was as far as we got today because it was snowing.

Dave Y
12-28-2009, 04:39 PM
you dont work in the snow? It sure beats rain!

12-28-2009, 05:20 PM
moved probably 3 1/2 cord of wood into the shed today, went and maid an appointment for my moms car to fix brake light and inspection ( that was pointed out by the state trooper a few days back and i was fined $94 for) and o 2 sensor, oil change. but The trooper origanally pulled me over for doing 64 in a 50 ( was watching the 3 deer in the field to the right of the road OOPS) but he said im going to be leinient and not get ya for that because that would put points on your licesence but im ticketing you for the inspection sticker being out of date, i said thank you officer have anice day

12-28-2009, 05:37 PM
you dont work in the snow? It sure beats rain!

Yaa we do but i was feeling under the weather today.

Thompson's Tree Farm
12-28-2009, 06:59 PM
Smart young man. A loose lip would have cost you big time. Yes sir! and Thank you officer. go a long ways to easing your relationship with the highway patrol:)

12-28-2009, 07:40 PM
Been working on the lines pretty hard as of late. Any time in between holiday get to gethers Ive been putting the hammer down pretty good. Looks like Ill have mainly all the line in as of next weekend. Then its hook up time and that should be fun. Got to run some more lines to releasers, set up tanks, etc. I really think there is going to be some really good BIGSAP this year. Ive got lines running everywhere. I think once I get everything ready I might go through and really get things tightened up. Check all my saddles and everything I can think of. Also need to make sure Ive got my maines pitched pretty good to. Had to really go fast to get everything together. Talked to a guy at my plumbing store that may be my all time new hero. He was making syrup over the hill from me and I thought he was running a handfull of taps on a homemade rig, which is great. Well, I was pricing a big tank off him today and he told me he was running 2500 taps on a huge flat pan he bought off some guy. I asked him if he sold any of the sap and he said no. If theres not something Im missing Ive got to say Ill tip my hat to that dude anyday. Anyone runs 2500 taps on a flatpans got my attention. Parker cant say that that guy doesnt WANNNNNNNNNN IT! Theron

12-28-2009, 08:13 PM

I dare say if I told you I have 50 acres of untaped virgin maple you may try to run a line from here to PA to get there sap!!!! So I wont. And your right about the guy with 2500 and a flat pan. That to me is just plan NUTS!!!!

12-28-2009, 08:48 PM
just a reminder that tommorrow night tuesday at 9 :00 on discovery channel dirty jobs will be at someones sugarhouse!!!!!!

12-28-2009, 09:25 PM
maybe the flat pan is measured in acres?

I suppose if you built a 6'x60' evaporator, you could make a lot of syrup.

12-29-2009, 05:14 AM
Gator- 50 acres of virgin maple you say? Holy cow, you need to get those babys tapped its an emergency! That probly equalls my whole operation and Ive had to run tube everywhere to put together 5000 taps. Keep hammering a 100 at a time, sooner or later they will all be hooked up. You are lucky they are clear up there or Id be sneaking tube into the woods in the dead of night or something. Theron

12-29-2009, 06:27 AM

You would go nuts sneaking into woods up hear to tape trees!!! There arn't but 4 or 5 people that make syrup in this county. Other then a bunch that tap door yard trees for there own use. This hole county is full of untaped, never been taped, hillside after hill side of maple trees. I can hear you screaming all the way up hear.

12-29-2009, 06:36 AM
Theron- all depends on how the tubing is set up,,I have seen 1000 tap opperation that only produced 50 gal syrup a year........you ask him how many gallons he made?
Wind is HOWLING here today-off to Brother Bobs to set up mainline on the mountian!!! ITS GONNA BE COLD!!! Cant wait.....:)

12-29-2009, 11:41 AM
My brother and I managed to get some time in the bush over Christmas to cut into the To Do list. Other than a couple hours in our upper bush where we stretched a couple rolls of semi-rigid to replace some old purple Lamb tubing we worked on the new building.

- built a set of steps to get down into the building
- closed in the end of the old wall we tied the building into
- built a pretty cool looking platform for the releaser
- re-connected the mainlines to the building
- closed in the wall between the vacuum pump and the tank room
- closed in the gables at the rear of the building
- put old roofing steel on back wall for siding
- put tank up on 2x4's to level it
- wired lights

There's still lots to do but we should be ready for the BIIIG SAAAP in March!

red maples
12-29-2009, 01:07 PM
went to FW webb for some stainless fittings to finish my bottler man that stuff is too expensive!!!

Did I mention I hate wind don't mind the cold in fact I like it. but oohhh that wind is terrible!!! 50F on sunday the high was 27F at 5:00am this morning and now its 13F who knows what the wind chill is 30-40 mile gusts. crazy!!!

farmall h
12-29-2009, 06:02 PM
My wife fancys him! Mike Rowe and I are about the same age...I keep telling her she doesn't need another "dirty" man. I wonder what he is going to find as "dirty" in the sugar house...other than the 1999 PB Calendar on the wall.:rolleyes:

12-29-2009, 06:32 PM
theron i ran a 1000 last year 500 on vac on my 3x8 flat pans half a$$ ro for secong half of season

12-29-2009, 06:54 PM
jrthe3 Did you end up selling the extra 500 taps sap to someone? i remember you saying that you were thinking about it last year cause the 1000 was to much, hope you got set up better this year ?

hope everone is doing good, Been cold here and windy may get into the woods tomorrow

12-29-2009, 07:13 PM
Jrthe- Your making sap the same way Ive done it most of my life. I just never had a lot of taps like that. I like the way your not afraid to try to make things. I just looked on the tv and that dirty job episode is in Pa. Sounds like a bucket operation. Be fun to see though and where it is. Ive been wire tying line last couple nights, been real cold. Picked up a releaser for across the road today and some other supplies. Yesterday I got a 275 tote Im going to use and just for the heck of it I put it in my truck and filled it up and it hauled it real good. Im going to buy a regular truck tank for the truck. This will be the first year Ive ever trucked any sap. Hoping this is the last week for the lines. Im actually pretty excited to get them done. Talked to my buddy tonight and he says hes bringing me sap off of the better part of 2000 taps gravity. Thatll be in reallity pretty close to 7000 taps that supposedly are going to be boiled on a bare bones 3 by 10. Sounds a little crazy but Im going to give it a go. Cant wait, want to make BIG SYRUP!!! Theron

12-29-2009, 09:18 PM
Ther-Idontknowwhattodowithallthisfrigginsap-on!!!!! That doesn't sound crazy - that's 100% certifiable, white coat with really long sleeves nuts!!!!! If anyone can make it work you and your father will. Once Jan 31 hits we`ll expect to hear from you some time in May!

12-29-2009, 09:28 PM

What is the most syrup you have made in one season????? 7000 taps isn't that like 1750 gallons of syrup if you hit the average per tap!!!! holy syrup bat man!!!!!

12-29-2009, 09:35 PM
Well I got some work done this week in between shoveling snow and being sick. Those two really warm days let me get the stuff done that I didn't need gloves for. I can not do things with a hammer with gloves on just no grip for me. Today was doing the little piddly things for fine tuneing but got really cold doing them. I really need a heated shop someday. If it had not snowed for one more week I would have had a heater in the shop but will have to wait till next year now.
Anybody have any idea why a 30 amp breaker keeps tripping when the 20 it replaced didn't. Baffles me.

Thompson's Tree Farm
12-30-2009, 03:49 AM
We won't hear anything until May but we will know he is OK because we'll be able to see the cloud of steam every time we look south. I heard they are putting in diversion ditches so that all that permeate from those RO's doesn't cause to much erosion:)

12-30-2009, 04:34 AM
Great day on the mountian,,got 2400' mainline up-REAL TIGHT,,and tied,,,wind was HHHOOWWLLING!!!! Laid out the rest of the woods,,should have the rest of the tubing by next wens. to finish......then cut in boosters and build the pump,,,
Going to start in on my new 1000 next week...alot to do there...

12-30-2009, 05:35 AM
Gator- Ive only done it two years now. First year I did 820 gallons on 1500 and some taps. My sugar was real good that year though and I had a big pump for the number of taps. Last year I had 3600 and a few buckets and I made somewhere between 1300 and 1400 gallons but my sugar was week and I didnt have as many cfms per tap. This year Ill have the 5000 on vac with a big pump and this is my goal. Not including the sap my buddy is bringing in I figure 2000 gallons minimum, Im expecting 2500 as my real goal, and Im fantasizing about making 3000 gallons. What the heck might as well think big. Ive got the first week of feb off to tap in and then Im off every tuesday and thursday till April so IM off every other day for both months. So If I boil all night thats fine! BRING IT ON BABY!! Parker- WE'RE MAKIN HISTORY AGAIN BROTHER!!!!!!

12-30-2009, 12:17 PM
Anyone whose looking to buy new SS drums this year had better get 'em quick! Once Ther-Isucktherootsoutofthetrees-on fires up the vacvroooom pumps there's gonna be a worldwide shortage of bulk containers to put syrup in!!!!

12-30-2009, 01:53 PM
I looked in a box earlyer today and figured that there was just about enough stuff in there to wire the lights and outlets in my sugar house. Even came up with bulbs and an extra outlet for the coffee pot. Complet with covers if you can beleave that. All done and it works, except for one light switch. If I dig around the basment I'm shure I will find one. Amazing how somedays every thing can go so smooth and others you don't know why you even try. Off to look for that switch be great to have it done done. It's even up to code if you can beleave that.

12-30-2009, 03:04 PM
Good come and fix my breaker switch. I bought a 30 amp becasue the 20 tripped once in a while and it's worse then the 15 amp was. I get more exercise just running to the breaker box then I do anything else.
We had 2 days of cold weather and now it's supposed to warm up some and snow again. Time to invent a excuse to go to Mexico for a couple of weeks.

12-30-2009, 03:46 PM

Listen you just can't keep uping the size of the breaker. The breaker has to match the size of the wire. 14 wire for a 15 amp 12 wire for a 20 amp and 10 wire for 30 amp. If it's tripping there is a reason you need to find the reason!!! NOT send it more amps. To many amps and not large enough wire leads to a fire. If it is a case of overload you need to run anouther line and get the load down some. Sending it more amps is BAD!!!! If you have a lot of stuff running and it trips down size the load. If nothing on and it trips you have a short. Shorts are BAD!!! If your not a electrition get one!!!! I'm not one, but I do know what your doing is BAD!!!!!

12-30-2009, 06:12 PM
cassy i did not find anyone to take it other then a buddy took 210 gallons to play with and help catch me up

12-30-2009, 06:25 PM
I personally think its the store brand breaker I bought instead of a name brand. It's awg 10 wire going to the breaker and it dosn't have more then one thing running at one time. The 20 amp breaker was working fine but ocassionally tripped when the welder grabbed so I went to a 30 that was recommened to use and it won't even run the air compresser like the 15 did. I don't run more then one thing at a time on that breaker due to seeing what happens when you do things like that.

Randy Brutkoski
12-30-2009, 06:28 PM
Have not posted anything in a while. Too busy. I am hoping to have my new woods done by the upcoming season. between 4500 to 5000 taps that i started late spring. That will put me at about 6700 taps. All on vac. I picked up my first wave of check spouts today, 2500 of them. They better work,almost $900 for them. If anyone is bored this winter and just wants to work in the woods , without being paid, just let me know. I will supply the coffee.

12-30-2009, 06:37 PM
Glad to hear it's 10 wire. It could be what you say. I've had bad breakers right of the shelf in the past.

farmall h
12-30-2009, 08:24 PM
KenWP, check your ground. Also, make sure the breaker is meant for your box. Whether it be Cutler Hammer, Westinghouse or what have you. Sometimes the breaker fits in the box but won't function properly. But it sounds like a ground issue.

12-30-2009, 08:34 PM
Worked more on the sugar shack today. I am going to work on it more tomorrow and burn brush. Hopefully I can get rafters up by the time vacation is over. Mabey even the metal roofing. It's coming along. I'm still looking for a 2X6 or 2X8 or mabey a little bigger evaporator for the spring. I want to tap more trees but can't with the half pint. PM me if you no of one in western mass, southern vermont, or conneticut. Thanks Farmboy

12-31-2009, 10:35 AM
Hope every one has a Happy and safe New Year. Let the 2010 season begin! Just think in six weeks someone someplace will be taped in.

Justed looked back you guys in Kentucky be in in 4 weeks. Man have I got to get moving on a few things.

Haynes Forest Products
12-31-2009, 04:31 PM
3 1/2 months Ill be packing the family east for the Wisc. season is close. New finish pans with upgrades, changing over to a Gast oiless vane pump to replace the beast. Want to stop smelling like gas and want to run off timer so I can stop the backwash when it runs out of gas. Plus Will save about $75.00 in gas.

12-31-2009, 06:44 PM
3 1/2 months makes it the middle of April I hope to get sap before that even in the far north.

12-31-2009, 09:56 PM
haynes, do you have electric at ur bush? Found out today ill be running a other Gas pump = no electric :( o well just hook up a big gas tank