View Full Version : Deere dozers difference between B,D,E
11-23-2009, 12:26 PM
Out of curiosity what is the difference between a JD 350 B a 350 D and A 350 E dozer???? i always wondered and heard that one letter is better than the other, does any one know what the letters mean?
I know one major difference on those 350s are inside or outside blades. The inside being the choice it seems for woods work. But the inside blades are less adjustable so I fail to see the advantage.
maple man-iac
11-23-2009, 03:13 PM
To my knowledge the letter designation of the dozers is age. A being the oldest and e being the newest. Along with age of the dozers comes updates on the equipment. As far as the blades go I am sure there were many different styles to equip your dozer with at time of purchase when they were new.
Breezy Lane Sugarworks
11-23-2009, 05:49 PM
A 350 B had dry steering clutches and a 350 E I believe had wet clutches. And a 350 D i'm not sure but somewhere in there is when deere changed from dry to wet. And yes biggest difference is age.
Grade "A"
11-24-2009, 05:35 AM
Dano, you will find that when major changes are made to equipment like a Deere 350 dozer they will give it a new letter after the model number. This way if it needs to be worked on or needs parts they can tell what parts it has in it.
like others said the B,D,E, are not all made in the same year so you can tell about how old it is with the letters. Normaly the closer the letter is to A the older it is.
11-24-2009, 06:50 PM
Hell Dan,I used to work for the local JD dealer up here as a mechanic.The letter is given for a model year change or some major change or improvements to the machine.The 350Bwas the oldest of the ones discussed here,and they did have dry steering clutches.These were trouble if the dozer was left sitting for long periods of time they tend to seize.When they went to the "C" model they changed to wet steering clutch and I think power shift trans.The "D&E" models were upped in HP and had more moderen body styling.All in all one of Deere's best little machines.
12-15-2009, 08:01 AM
as noted, the 350 b was the last model with dry steering clutches, as the 350 c had wet clutches. however, the b came with "powershift" as an option, if the previous poster is referring to the reverser. some had them, some didn't. mine does. as far as i know, they all had 4 speed transmissions. without the reverser, the transmission shifter had a slot for "R" reverse, with a single reverse speed. the reverser-equipped models didn't have an "R" slot, but any gear would work for reverse, providing four reverse speeds.
blades were options, as these were crawlers. the "outside" mounting blades were generally (maybe always) manually angled, while my "inside" mounting blade is a fully hydraulic 6-way. that's an advantage for a lot of applications (power angle).
Can we turn this into the dozer thread?
Can anyone tell me about an old Case 310?
12-29-2009, 08:12 PM
If you want a Dozers (crawler) thread, go to More crawler information then you can shake a maple stick at.
12-31-2009, 01:10 PM
Can anyone tell me about an old Case 310?
If you want a Dozers (crawler) thread, go to More crawler information then you can shake a maple stick at.
jdcrawlers is a good reference site, with lots of information........about jd. not so much about case. so, that site won't really help dill with his request. ;) does have a crawler/dozer forum, with discussion for most makes.
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