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View Full Version : Fall Sugarbush Maintenance

11-20-2009, 02:54 PM
Time is running out to get up to the sugarbush and pick up all those lines that got knocked down by mother nature since last april. If I don't get up there soon, I'll be wallowing in snow and the job will be many times harder.

I usually just bring a bow saw and two colors of surveyor's flagging. The blue flagging I use to temporarily hold the laterals up to keep them from getting buried in snow. The hot-pink flagging , I use to mark problems that must be dealt with before tapping, like broken connectors and squirrel-chewed tubing.

Haynes Forest Products
11-20-2009, 03:26 PM
Now is the time to rodent proof the sugar shack. The critters are looking for a great place to live for the next 4 months:mad:

11-22-2009, 09:55 PM
I sit in the sugarbush with a 30-06 waiting for a deer and I sweeeeeet talk the maples so they give me good sap come spring.