View Full Version : tubing rinsing

02-02-2005, 10:25 PM
i am going to try to rinse or clean my tubing before season with water or water and bleech. I just wondered if I don't get them sucked out could it stretch the tubing since it could be in for 2-3 weeks. all the mains and laterals could be full. I have 3000 taps so it is not a simple job

02-03-2005, 06:12 AM
can you turn your vacuum on? it should suck out a good deal of it I would think, I'm counting on doing the same thing, plus it's a good test on the vacuum system

02-24-2005, 10:07 PM
I've heard not to use bleach in tubing due to the salts and chlorine attracting animals (i.e. squirrels) to chew on the tubing.

I use a diluted solution of acid pan cleaner in mine.


02-24-2005, 10:23 PM
You can use calcium hypercloride instead of bleach ( sodium hypercloride)
You can get it from a pool supply store. I use it and it smells like bleach just doesn't have any salt in it. Squirrels love the sodium in bleach.

Maple Flats
03-19-2005, 05:01 AM
I'll try calcium hyperchloride. Sounds like what I need for the end of the season. Do you folks rinse after washing pipeline or just leave it? Maybe rinse before next season? How are you doing it?