View Full Version : What do you do about Ticks???
11-16-2009, 07:08 AM
For the last few weeks I have been working up in the woods and always seem to bring home a tick or two. Does anybody have the name of a repellent that actually works and doesn't stink or burn. It seems that this year has been a bad one for ticks. I wear long sleeve shirts etc.. up in the woods but still seem to attract the little monsters. This is something we all need to think about. A family friend just found out he has Lyme Disease.
11-16-2009, 07:34 AM
ticks are the nasty little creatures. I have had more than my share and have shared the awful Lyme thing. Got it early so it wasn't bad. The best thing you can do is wear light colored cloths and make sure that your pants are inside you boots or tied tight. As far as getting the nasty's off just put petroleum jelly on them and they can't breath and will back out. does 2 things, gets them out and helps to keep the spot from getting infected. Good luck
Haynes Forest Products
11-16-2009, 09:16 AM
Duct tape the pants tight to the boots. Tight body shirt with good tight sleeves and collar. Dont reware clothing without washing in Hot water and dry on high heat.
i use the spray stuff
not on your skin but on your clothes.
saw a tick crawl up my pants this spring after treating with this, let it crawl on my finger and it did a couple loops and fell off. Usually they are sticky as a booger but this guy just swan dived.
never had a tick bite me with this stuff, i usually only use it when there are a lot around.
11-16-2009, 10:04 AM
This has been the worst year for ticks here. Everyday Im taking one of a cat or one of the dogs. Like already said get the bottom of your pants in your boots or taped off. I sometimes even wear under armour which stays rather snug to the body. The vaseline worksto get them off and I have been putting a small drop of clear nail polish on the hind tip of the ticks which is where they breath and it gets them out pretty quick. All our animals have been dipped with tick repelent from the vets and it seems not to work that well.
11-16-2009, 11:00 AM
Believe it or not my grandfather used Avon skin so soft, works good for those wonderful black flys to. Also free range quinea fowl are very good at keeping tick numbers down.
11-16-2009, 11:03 AM
I just looked at the link for the Sawyer Products. I made a copy of the info and am going to try it. I'm on Ft. Drum today so I'll stop by the PX and see if they have it. Seems to be some powerful stuff...
Fred Henderson
11-16-2009, 02:25 PM
The best way to get a tick out is with a lite cigarrette, get it glowing real good then hold it near it and watch it back right out. Just an old Army trick. Our cat is outside all day and spends his time in the pine needles looking for mice. We bought some tick stuff on the net and now he is tick free.Its not cheap but is does work for cats.
red maples
11-16-2009, 03:05 PM
We use revolution for the cat and I forget the name of the stuff we put on the dog but it goes on between the shoulder blades and what ever bites them dies. ticks bad around here too. I just do a tick check when I come out of the woods and pull them off my clothes and put them in the center of the stove burner(ours is glass top) turn it on and see how far they go before they die some are pretty quick:lol: !!!. rarely do I get one latched on.
11-16-2009, 04:01 PM
Get some chickens! They eat them up. :D
Also, since it's cooler outside now the ticks are attracted to heat... ie. you.
I always take a shower after I work outside. Haven't had one attach to me after lathering up.
Fred Henderson
11-16-2009, 04:32 PM
Guinea hens work the best for eating ticks, two of them is good for up to two acres.The wife uses Frontline plus on the cat. Jut apply is between their shoulder blades.
Randy Brutkoski
11-16-2009, 05:54 PM
I see at least 20 ticks on me every time i am in the sugarbush. I have only had to have 1 dug out of my back but my brother has been hit 6 times in the same woods and he is only in there a fraction of what i am. 1 of the ticks got him on the baby maker. When ever he is hanging pipe now he looks like a walking roll of duct tape. And he still got it again yesterday. Right on the top of the head. I am having a hard time getting him to work in the woods for me now.
red maples
11-16-2009, 06:45 PM
Guinea hens work the best for eating ticks, two of them is good for up to two acres.The wife uses Frontline plus on the cat. Jut apply is between their shoulder blades.
that's the stuff we use that on our dog!!
Fred Henderson
11-16-2009, 07:41 PM
that's the stuff we use that on our dog!!
I think she paid 43 bucks for a 3 month supply but it works super good.
11-16-2009, 10:17 PM
Took a tick of my bird dog about an hour ago this one was a stubborn s.o.b. use the nail polish trick nothing, used the vaseline trick nothing, had the one who must be obeyed light a cigarette and burn it nothing. Grabbed the stupid tool the vets gave us to remove them and pulled it out. I hate these darn things.
11-16-2009, 10:25 PM
We've taken 6 off one cat, and 2 off another. Vaseline never seems to work. So far, both cats seem fine, though I'm sure some parts were left inside them. Definitely a bad year for them. Fortunately, never gotten any in the sugarbush.
11-16-2009, 11:26 PM
Never seen ticks around here YET but back west the sheep used to have some nice ones on them. We supposedly had something called Rocky Mountain Spotted fever back there that ticks passed along . I either was lucky or to miserable for even a tick to latch on to. Plain old Ivomec will get rid of ticks also. I even had to give it to my hedgehogs for mites once.
11-17-2009, 01:11 PM
There are several brands of repellent that are effective if you spray your clothes with them. The active ingredient is a chemical called permethrin, a common brand name is Permanone. This stuff is an insecticide, so you spray it on your clothes, while you are NOT wearing them, let it dry, and then you can wear them for up to 10 days without reapplying as it stands up to some washing. So, this is not a solution for spur of the moment applications, but you can treat your work clothes.
11-24-2009, 10:38 PM
permethrin is the active ingredient in flea shampoos, but I think it got banned a few years ago
11-25-2009, 05:57 AM
permethrin is the active ingredient in flea shampoos, but I think it got banned a few years ago
Permethrins are classed as a organic insecticide. I used to buy it in 5 gallon pails to spray on the backs of the sows in the dry sow barns to control flys. I dosn't have any withdrawl times to speak of. Raid and Konk both have it as the active ingredient and it's still used. A lot of others were taken off the markets.
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