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View Full Version : Vaccum pump

Haynes Forest Products
11-12-2009, 08:42 AM
This is the unit you want if your thinking of a Gast dry vane pump/oiless. This is the same unit I have and with a new motor from Granger ($250) you will have a pump that can run all day long pulling 26 HGs. The unit is rated at 12.5 CFMs at free flow. Remember that at high vacuum the CFMs decline rapidly. BUT the tighter the system the higher the vacuum SO HGs dont really matter. This unit goes for over $800.00 new so getting a new unit for about 500 is a nice deal for a vac pump that can run a 1000-1500 tap bush on 110 volt 20 AMP circuit. As I said I run this same unit all day long and 1/2 the night. As a test we ran my entire 1150 taps with 2 releasers over a 20 acres and mains of 2500 ft long with ladders.

EBAY 370287290268

Haynes Forest Products
11-12-2009, 10:52 AM
How did I miss this:) 330373758593:)

11-12-2009, 03:29 PM
Well if it's a good deal I guess I will start the bidding off.....Theron Said I should go with vacuum anyways.:)

Haynes Forest Products
11-12-2009, 03:50 PM
OK now all others BACK OFF we need to support the brotherhood:cool:

11-12-2009, 05:52 PM
looks like the jail is getting out of the milking business. One of the pumps is listedas poor condition the other in good condition

Haynes Forest Products
11-12-2009, 10:38 PM
SteamValleyFarm Well did you get it for the 308.00??? make sure that it comes with the coupler that is shown in the pic.

11-13-2009, 06:51 AM
Nope, I only went 303.00 was planning on being their at the end to possibly bid some more but ended up doing someother things and couldn't make it to a copmuter.....So who won?????????