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View Full Version : freezing tubing

11-08-2009, 07:26 AM
Last season was my first year with tubing and having read a lot of stories here about trying to clean it I was undecided what to do for a long time. The I bought an RO and was introducted to SMBS as a preservative. Well if its good in a membrane why not pump it into the pipeline ? So I gave it a try. Yesterday I did another walk to check it out and I have to pull a few caps to confirm if the solution was still there. Got squirted for the effort.

The good news is that the pipeline is absolutely clean. So far so good.
Now we're into the beginnings of freeze up and I'm wondering if I can leave the solution in through the winter or if I should drain it. Pipelines do freeze during the season, but not often when they're totally filled.

Any thoughts from you guys.

PS I might have taken $ 10. worth of SMBS to make enough solution to fill the 160 tap system, and I had some left over. Next year I think I'll leave an inch or so it all the tanks.

Haynes Forest Products
11-08-2009, 09:05 AM
Like so many cleaners after they freeze they become some stinky, smelly slimy, worthless, gooey, crap. What happens when the cleaner is put thru 25 freeze thaws and a little sitting in the hot sun to ferment:o

11-08-2009, 09:09 AM
Once the sulphur goes out of the solution your left with water basically so it should not go bad. As long as it dosn't freeze and pot fittings and such so you have to rebuild next spring.

11-08-2009, 06:09 PM
Be carefull where you use sbs. It is very corrosive to aluminum as many who have aluminum end caps on their RO's have found out the expensive way.