View Full Version : Good Job Gary!!!

red maples
11-05-2009, 11:10 AM
Good job Gary!!! This is great.

Can't stop reading!!!

have there been test done in tree using taps made out of different matterials ex. plastic, stainless, aluminum and their impact on the trees and if there is more of a chemical reaction to aluminum vs stainless steel and plastic because of acid content.

Gary R
11-05-2009, 11:32 AM
I don't know about the material question. I have some more links and files to post. I also plan on asking PMRC if they might help. I'm sure they have some research papers that are not on there web site.

Happy reading:)

11-05-2009, 12:37 PM
..... been test done in tree using taps made out of different matterials ex. plastic, stainless, aluminum and their impact on the trees and if there is more of a chemical reaction to aluminum vs stainless steel and plastic because of acid content.

There has not been any such test to my knowledge, however there is also no reason to believe that any of these materials would behave differently over the short time period they are left in the trees. All those materials are fairly biologically inert.

Tim P.

Russell Lampron
11-05-2009, 06:11 PM

I just reread the article on sap ladders. I had forgotten that they used 1.25" pipe for the 2 pipe ladder in their tests. I built a 2 pipe sap ladder out of 3/4" pipe for use in my woods and it worked great. It is nice to see that I can use bigger pipe and still have it work as I add more taps. Thank you for posting the link.