View Full Version : November Journal
Russell Lampron
11-01-2009, 05:39 AM
Another month is in the books. The leaves are gone and it is time to get into the woods and start with the tubing mods and repairs. I have been able to get pretty much caught up with the wood and other stuff so it's go time. March is just around the corner.
11-01-2009, 05:51 AM
Meeting with an abbutting landowner today,,see if I can put the tank/pump on her land and have everything run downhill (the last person to tap, gravity, here had the tank 500" in the woods and pumped sap 10 feet uphill to the road).....the current tank location would be difficult because we check the pumps-releasers sevral times a day-we would be lugging gas out there,,hauling a pump back and forth-ect.,,,,,plus I think we can pick up 100+ taps if I can run out the the neighbors land (mabey even get electricity for the pump!!!) Time will tell..........
Split another 4 cords into the sugarhouse woodshed,,that getting FULL!!
Time to put the head down and lean into the collar!!! Lots to do,and, I like it
11-01-2009, 06:10 AM
Starting to put up wire today to run sap lines. We are putting our whole 35 acre bush on tubing with vacuum. Started with buckets last year. Also bought a 3x10 small brothers evaporator off of craigslist for $2000. Its all stainless with a hood. The guy also gave me his stainless cone filter in the deal and it was already out of the sugarhouse, just needed to be loaded up. So far the 2010 season is off to a good start!!
11-01-2009, 06:21 AM
Spent the day yesterday building our reel. Heading for the woods to try it. Going to be putting up 1 1/2 pipe today. If I can figure out how to post a picture of it will try to do it tonight. MC
I went up and did a little hunting, but I couldn't keep my mind on the deer. I kept looking at the trees. There is a lot of grow-in that we have to tap!
I saw at least 5 more trees that weren't over 10 inches last year, but are big enough to add to the lines now.
I also saw a red squirrel and a partridge.
maple maniac65
11-01-2009, 05:42 PM
I was weed wacking today and there was a doe laying down on my lawn sleeping. Get this right out in the open.
11-01-2009, 05:59 PM
She figured she was safe as weed wackers are hard to throw far.
Deer season opened yesterday here and I heard some shooting out behind this afternoon. They had piles of apples and carrots out there last week so some deer have to be coming out in the day light to eat. Must be nice sit in a little house and wait for a deer. They even have a couch in two of the houses and easy chairs in the rest.
11-01-2009, 06:47 PM
Why dont they just go out and buy a deer hunting game and sit in front of their tv Ken? Baiting ain't hunting in my book. Not legal in NY anyways.
Well gents life was good again today. I rattled in and shot a real nice 8 point this afternoon. Been chasing this one around for about 3 weeks and things finally came together. I really enjoy keying in on a particular deer. Wether I get him or not. I seen this one hanging out with a bigger buck earlier in the year but have not seen that one since. She who must be obeyed says the freezer will hold 4 so I got one to go. Gotta keep her happy:D
11-01-2009, 07:19 PM
This weekend was a good one for me. I got 2 275 gallon totes from deffuse sugar shack. I need to clean them now. I stripped the loam and put sand in for the base of my sugar shack I'm starting it is 6" low rite now that will get hardpack later this week. All the sand is compacted. And I got some pine split.
11-01-2009, 07:22 PM
Today I finished pouring concrete sonotubes for all of my storage tanks. I picked up my RO on sat. Just need to get things finished up before frost sets in. I only have a few weeks and then things get crazy with candy, cream etc for craft fairs and Christmas bazars
11-01-2009, 08:28 PM
Well, I haven't done anything maple lately, been here lurking briefly and see there was a little admin work to do, all is well, getting so many spammers registering for membership it's sickening. all those people who had trouble getting in when I was banning Gmail..well I get about a hundred or more a week and about 3 are for real... so those registering please bear with me, I will get to your registration.
I installed a new oil boiler in the house this weekend, I removed my old one along with my wood boiler, now just on oil in the house... wood in the sugarhouse. the cellar was getting too dirty from years of using wood mostly.
The new boiler heats up so fast and **** it's quiet!
I still have one keg of medium left to jug up. that will be for thanksgiving and Xmas
No improvements this year to the operation, everything went smoothly last season why fix it if it aint broke!
Dennis H.
11-01-2009, 09:56 PM
I ran the last of the 3/4" main that I had on hand, I will have to make a run and pick another roll to finish everything up.
I had a few minutes this evening I made up a sign that I am thinking of getting made to hang here at the house, what do you think. Yeah I know it is a Red Maple but tat is what I have, it was actually a leaf I picked up in the woods the other day while running mainline.
I have also been working on cleaning up my new to me canner, a Curtis RU-300 coffee maker, very nice it is just a little dirty and needs a good cleaning.
11-02-2009, 06:05 AM
90% of the people would never know the difference. I went over to a freinds place and he was showing me trees that could be tapped and I asked about the others and said they are not sugar maples and was amazed to find out they could be tapped also. Far as I can tell the Quebecious will not tap anyother kind of tree.
There is maples in his yard that I need to find out about. They are big trees but they have smaller maple leaves and a whiteish bark sort of like a poplar. Anybody know what they are.
I am slowley getting the new expanded evaporator worked on.She who has to be obeyed thinks I need a welder to cut down my frustration level. Hmmmm sometimes you just have to wait a bit to get where you want to be.
11-02-2009, 07:04 AM
Got the releaser hooked up to see if it would work. Worked great. Wife and I desided instead of getting 550 gallon holding tank going with 1100. Its only 200 dollars more for double the storage. Vacuum pump up and running got 27 cfms on it with new vac regulater. This week start to run wires for new main lines. Going what to run the tubing till after hunting seasons done.
Amber Gold
11-02-2009, 10:01 AM
Keith, is that 27 cfm's or 27 inches (of mercury)? Running 27" w/ no tubing is a lot different than with. During the season you'll probably run less than that.
I spent some time out in the woods over the weekend. I marked out some more trees and it looks like I should get an additional 50+ taps w/out too much of a problem. Almost all of them will be red maples though and it'll require that I extend my mainline another 2-300'.
Does anyone put ladders in series? The top of my hill is pretty flat so I already have 1 sap ladder. To get the remaining trees, I'll probably need to run sap ladders in series. First section up the hill is 800', ladder, 200' of mainline, then the proposed ladder w/ the last 2-300' of mainline.
This last 3 chord of wood is taking forever. I got another chord split/stacked over the weekend, but I still need to split/stack the last chord...then I'll be done...finally.
red maples
11-02-2009, 10:25 AM
Why dont they just go out and buy a deer hunting game and sit in front of their tv Ken? Baiting ain't hunting in my book. Not legal in NY anyways.
Well gents life was good again today. I rattled in and shot a real nice 8 point this afternoon. Been chasing this one around for about 3 weeks and things finally came together. I really enjoy keying in on a particular deer. Wether I get him or not. I seen this one hanging out with a bigger buck earlier in the year but have not seen that one since. She who must be obeyed says the freezer will hold 4 so I got one to go. Gotta keep her happy:D
Yeah I gotta a friend of mine does the same thing. puts out a crate of apples and 200 # of cracked corn with molasses. built a 8x8 shack with a heater in it a nice cozy chairs and takes it back in the woods with his loader. drops it down about a weak befroe hunting season and he and his kid both fill their tags every year GEEE wonder how they do it:rolleyes:
thats not hunting that's target practice for goodness sake!!! just sit in your living room and put your feed pile there. then you wouldn't even have to outside.
I haven't been out too much some chilly mornings but I like hunting when its a little cooler. this weekend I will get out there. sometimes its hard though nice and cozy warm in bed or out in tree windy and cold.
red maples
11-02-2009, 02:34 PM
came in for a quick break.
Finished another 400' I started last week.
1 more 250 ft section to put in.
started on leterals got 8 or 9 laid out, gotta get some more tubing. gonna start to put on T's and saddles.
11-02-2009, 03:45 PM
Ithink nov. is the month to tube . just picked up 5500 ft of main line for the new woods. drops have been done since june. gunna set elevations tomorrow the get started with the wire .woods is 2000 tapes so ive got about 2 weeks work. thank god we are slowwing down at work. then to the sugarhouse to set new 3x10 max evaporater and r.o. tty
11-02-2009, 05:03 PM
Hi Josh you are crrect it is inches. Had a brain cramp. As far as your sap ladders in series that is a yes you can.Russ stoped by and helped on lay out. said sap ladders in series would work. Not sure if you remember the slope away from the sap house here. But in order to get it there its going to take about 5 or 6 8 footers if we tap the whole back forty. Looking like maybe a pump here may work better than sap ladders.
11-02-2009, 06:38 PM
helped my dad get his old 9-N started. it hadn't run in at least 3 years. the distributor needed new bushings. i punched out the old ones, tapped in the new bushings, and installed it. darn thing fired up after a few turns, and on old gas, to boot.
pretty soon it was idling nicely. now getting the 2011 sapwood should be easier. my boys helped finish loading the sugarhouse with 2010's wood yesterday.
also scoped out the lines, and discovered that i have some saw work to do. several large trees feel on the mains in various places. at least it's a start to 2011's wood supply. :D
11-02-2009, 07:20 PM
Update on hand break.
Well several hours of general machining and fabrication I made a couple of OK looking bends in some scrap stainless. The bends were a little more rounded than I really wanted but considering I have 72 cents invested so far it may work. This stuff really bends hard. It is stainless off of some bulk tank skins and misc pieces. Not sure of the exact thickness, I think it is about .035 inch thick, I should buy a set of calipers:) I modified the hold down portion of the brake and it is almost functional now, As in nothing broke when I made 4 bends.
Big Eddy would be proud of the effort so far. Now to see if it may actually be able to help make some projects. Kieth was over last night and wants me to help make a hood for his 30 inch x 7 foot, two pan rig. On thinner material I think this break will work quite well!
Pictures? Humm never thought of that! MAYBEEEEEEE!
Anyone notice how dark it was tonight at 6:00? Weird!
11-02-2009, 08:05 PM
well hi all it been a while sence i be on i think my computer got the hog flu but now it fixed and i back
Haynes Forest Products
11-02-2009, 08:22 PM
Dang that must have been one heck of a hog. Welcome back. My comp took a crap about 2 weeks ago and after about 3 days I was thinking WHAT are they saying about my last post:confused:
11-02-2009, 08:25 PM
Welcome back jrthe3
Chris dark did you not see that great big full hunters moon last night?
Haynes there was a couple post were people where wondering if you were okay or not cause there was no post from you.
We are putting in a planter and steel on the door of the sugarhouse. That ought to defend against any stray bullets.
We have had to spend nearly a thousand dollars in defense this season.
We are now into deficit spending.
C'est la guerre.
red maples
11-03-2009, 03:34 PM
Revi I hope you can find the bandits.
Got in saddles on 9 laterals and put in all the T's and sloped and tightened everything all nice. and put in about 40 drop lines only 160+ to go. ordering a few more things need more tubing !!!
Dave Y
11-03-2009, 06:08 PM
Finally,after suffering thru a wet September a stinking building inspector and being laid up for better part of a month,The sugar house expansion is complete. I have 725 sq ft of floor space. I know right now that it will not be big enough. Bur there is nothing I can do about it. I built as big as I could. The next construction will be some where else. The Force 5 is due to arrive Saturday. Once it gets here there is more work to be done the entire sap plumbing has to be redone. cant wait to get started. I am looking at Dec 19Th as a Demo day if anyone with in driving distance wants to see one run. I will post more details later.
11-03-2009, 07:50 PM
Glad to see you are back at it. The Force 5 should be real nice with all those taps! You will love the expanded sugar house too.
Spent the day with the wife at the hospital, she is home and feeling pretty good! Not thinking much maple today!
Did get a nice thank you card from local church that we donate syrup to for the town fair. Nice touch!
11-03-2009, 07:55 PM
dave y keep me posted on demo day i would love to see that run
11-03-2009, 08:20 PM
This past weekend we put up 1,000' of wire, tied it back at got it tight. Still have 800' to go, then tie up the 1.5" vacuum supply line to it once I get wire ties. I have to set some fence posts for another vacuum line and figure out how to secure that line through a 5' diameter road culvert. I'm thinking of using a short section of wire, with a hook at the downstream end hooked to the top of the culvert, then pulling it tight to a brace post on the bank on the upstream side. Only catch will be if the township complains. If they do, we'll have to bribe 'em with donuts. Dave Y, I'd like to see the Force 5 in action, thought about going to Somerset to Friedlines this Saturday, but too much to do at home if its not raining. Hope everyone is having fun getting ready for another maple season!
Dave Y
11-03-2009, 08:30 PM
Tell your Mrs. I said hello and to get better soon as she has to help you get ready for sugaring season. :) jr ,andy I will keep you posted on the demo I hope to have lots of folks here. I know it will be a blast.
3% Solution
11-05-2009, 05:31 PM
Hi all,
Haven't posted here in some time.
First off want to wish Mrs. Sugarmaker a speedy recovery and glad she's home.
Spitting a little snow here today.
Now for our update; all of the wood is in (1.5 cords), the pans are set ready to go.
Just need to tap and wait for sap.
Going to be adding 50 more taps.
HUH, guess we got a few months before that happens.
Oh well, we can wait.
Guess that's all for now.
11-05-2009, 06:14 PM
You must have a really good system to only burn 1.5 cords of wood with that many taps. It also must be hard wood. I burnt soft wood and used a lot more doing what few taps I had last spring.
Russell Lampron
11-05-2009, 06:23 PM
Ken 3% has his EEU which is a homemade version of the Steam Away. It is like a turbo charged pre heater. I used 2.25 cords of wood, mostly pine, to make 162 gallons of syrup from a little over 500 taps last year. I have an RO machine that gets rid of more of the water than 3%'s EEU does.
3% Solution
11-05-2009, 07:33 PM
I think we're about as efficient as we can get.
Last year we made 26 gallons of syrup per cord.
We are hoping for a little better this coming year.
I am hoping with the little tweeking I've done we can get rid of 32 to 33 gallons per hour, it's been running 30 gph.
Also keep in mind we are boiling 3% sap and that is going to make a difference too. What are you boiling for sap?
We burn Hemlock slabs, best thing I have used, just don't like pine, Hemlock keeps a good boil.
Now remember, Hemlock works good for us.
You are really efficient! We burn just about any kind of wood and only get about 15 gallons per cord.
We did a timber stand improvement and ended up with a lot of little popple that was like balsa wood. It burned pretty quickly and we kept filling the cart.
This year we have more hardwood and a bunch of stuff we found here and there, so maybe our efficiency will be up a bit.
We used up the whole woodshed's worth last year.
11-05-2009, 08:25 PM
The only 3% sap I get is from the 6 silver maples in the yard. The other trees go less. The real sugars went 1.7% or a bit higher most of the time. Usually needed about 50-60 gallons per gallon. I am trying to get a better pan set up for next spring so I can boil at least 9 gallons of sap off a hour instead of 3. Would be nice to not have to work so hard to boil.
11-05-2009, 08:39 PM
Thanks folks,
Cheryl is feeling a lot better and is improving by the hour. I still love her even without her gallbladder:)
Dave Y, I would love to get down there to see you test your new super rig.
Dave 3%, hows that grandson doing? Sounds like you have been busy getting things ready for syrup season.
Gary R, Hows the deer hunting?
Revi, I agree, what every is handy, burn it!
11-05-2009, 09:13 PM
Not sure if I have to go into the sugar inn, and re-introduce myself?
Been pretty busy. Got another 10 weeks or so before the sap hauler shows up. Still "under construction".
Dave Y
11-06-2009, 05:24 AM
So the rumors of your demise are false. Glad to see you are still out there. When construction is complete you wont be able to wipe the smile off you face for six months.
11-06-2009, 05:25 AM
I thought you got back into fishing and got lost at sea or something along those lines. Your new sap hauler should be ready for the season then.
11-06-2009, 06:11 AM
802 has been missing somewhat also. I notice that a few people must have actual lives as they only show up in the winter on here. Hmmmmmmm wonder if that is normal.
Weather is getting down to look like spring sugar weather now. Just have to wait for a few months for real spring. Around here wood cutting and sugar seem to be the only real pastimes for me.
Made sugar pies for my whole class for our split up dinner on Wen. They all come from some other country and do not really realize what maple really is. One fellow had this bottle of Aunt Jemima stuff and I told him I could find something better. Gave him a little bottle of syrup and he gave the other stuff away and then ordered a whole guart as he found maple tasted better and didn't seem to be as sugarary. One customer at a time it seems. Just have to get it in their mouths.
11-06-2009, 06:36 AM
matt don't feel bad it looks to me that alot of trades inculding my self were m i a this sumer
3% Solution
11-06-2009, 06:52 AM
Welcome back, that new sap hauler will be the best addition you and the wife could ask for (even an evaporator won't come close). Do you guys know what model it will be? I guess that doesn't matter as long as it's healthy!!!
There are few things in the body that we need and the gall bladder isn't one of them. Keep waiting on her, she'll be fine and love it.
I burn whatever I can too, but like those bundles of slabs, they cut and stack easy.
Grandson is doing fine, his first term paper was on, you guessed it, maple sugaring!!!
What a guy!!!!!!!
I've just got to keep him away from the Belchertown area, there are some scary folks in sugarhouses in that area. :lol:
There you go, get a little bit bigger unit and start selling some to help your addiction.
Yeah that 1.7% sap will take alot of wood to make syrup.
If ours was that, we would also use more wood than we do.
11-06-2009, 07:37 AM
congrats on the sap hauler. If you don't stop hanging out with
Theron you'll be adding auxillary bushes in a few years for the kid(s) to practice on.
Russell Lampron
11-06-2009, 05:13 PM
Welcome back Matt, I hope that you can stick around for a while. I took some time off this summer too. Too busy with other things to spend much time here. You know the date that I hope the sap hauler arrives on. It will still be a very special day even if it arrives on a different date.
Dave Y
11-06-2009, 05:55 PM
Today was a big day today at Yeany's Maple. The new Force 5 arrived today.
The day couldn't have been better. To top it off I sold a qt of syrup to another members brother just after we unloaded the new rig. Somebody isn't making enough syrup for their family.:)
11-06-2009, 08:50 PM
Dave 3%,
Sounds like you raised him up right !
Yea I have heard stories about Belchertown too:)
Sketching a Advanced Steam Removal System (ASRS) using the google sketch up system, Slow but learning.
Busy working the day job and catching up on the sleep. Not much maple happening right now.
Dave Y,
Congrats. Big day! Shinny stainless! You probably wont sleep much tonight!
Saw a nice 8 point on the way home, near the house, perfect rack probably 16 inch spread.
We added another 12 taps today. It was all from ingrowth, because there weren't any big enough to tap we didn't get the first time around.
We are up to 295 now, so I think we'll easily get to 300 taps by the time tapping starts.
We even added a couple of taps to big trees so we have three 3 tappers now. We only do three taps at 18 inches in diameter or bigger.
The cut we did really opened the crowns up and they seem to be growing in to the space nicely.
I also noticed that the deer have been benefitting from the trails I make for them when I go hunting. The must have followed me around yesterday, because their tracks were right over mine in the snow.
Gary R
11-07-2009, 06:56 PM
Dave Y, congrats on getting the force 5 in. I have a family christmas party the day your proposing to show and tell. I'm going to try fit it in. Would be great to see others again.
Just checked; I have 2 1/2 gal. left in the freezer! I'm going to have to step up the eating, only 3 months till I'm boiling again:) I have tentatively scheduled my own show and tell. I contacted the woodland owners group I belong too. I told them I'd be willing to host a program to show people how to make syrup in the backyard. I think there's many people who would like to try it but just need a little guidance.
I have bow hunted every day you can but one since Oct. 3 (can't hunt Sundays) I have not seen a legal buck until today. I saw 2 of them. I have all of next week off. I hope I can break this curse.
Dave Y
11-07-2009, 07:09 PM
I went to Somerset co. today to see Walnutdale's Force 5. There was a good turn out to watch the rig boil. There are a lot of sugarmakers in Somerset Co.
Joel, you and your family hosted a very nice event today. Thank you for having us. It was informative and very friendly. hope to see you folks again.
Gary R and Sugarmaker I will make it convenient for you to come I am going to boil for 4-5hrs. The reason I am doing it the 19th is there are no hunting seasons and it will probably take me that long to get everything set up.
11-07-2009, 07:53 PM
Nice day for NOV. Squirrel hunting, Bee meeting, visiting with neighbors, Kids and grand kids visiting us, Worked on 8 hp Cub engine (gas being pumped out of breather?? Not sure what that's about?)
Not much maple stuff today, Oh yeah bent some samples of stainless in thinner gauge. Brake worked better on the thinner material for sure. There would be no problem bending 5 foot piece.
11-07-2009, 08:12 PM
Back to thinking maple, hard to beleave it's just four months away!!! Going to start cutting wood in the morning. (After I get down out of my tree stand) Some for the house some for the evaporator. Logs have been down for some time should season up fast. No major increases for this season in mind other then a few more taps. Clean up and get to it is all I have to do.
Have the team driving well lots of fall hay rides this past month. Going to start plowing with them as soon as I hitch again, that sould be fun. Also lots of logs to pull out, just waiting for the beans to come off so I can get to the woods.
Sold all but a few jugs, I'm going to be out soon. I have a few locals that come to the house now to get syrup. Did a farm market this past summer that built a nice group of buyers.
Was up a maple last night, took a nice doe. Was mapping out about 100 taps worth of tubbing as I sat there. Lots of maple on that side of the hill. To bad it is on the wrong side of the hill for easy pick up. That was just what I could see from the stand, lots of maple up there!!!! Some day they will all have a hole in them. With vacume and a pump house with electric. And a line to the road for pick up and I could go on for hours with this thought.
Well it's good to be back on the trader after being away for some time. with all my seasonal habbits it's been hard to do much more then check in a little here and there. Good to see your all still here.
11-07-2009, 08:42 PM
Today. Got hopefully the last of 3 cords of wood cut. It was all pine. My total is going to be one cord of hardwood and two cords of pine for this year. I mite split more pine for next year or many this yea if I really crank out the syrup. Then I started "log mauling" he big rounds which is most of it. The "log mauler" is basicly and upsidedown woodspliiter that goes in the front of a skidsteer. It splits the monster pieces down to stuff I can lift. It will save my back. This week I'm getting more gravel then I can start building my sugar shack.
11-07-2009, 11:25 PM
I worked a half day today to pay the bills and keep the boss happy, then went home and my brother and I put up 600ft of wire and then tied up 500ft of the 1.5 vacuum supply line. Should get alot done tomorrow too since it's supposed to be nice! Chris, is the float stuck in the carb on that cub motor? Rap on the top with a hammer and see if that works!
11-08-2009, 06:36 AM
We are framing the walls for the new sugar shack today, putting a 12x20 commercial kitchen on for finishing ect. Hopefully the new kitchen will be used for other uses as well. Was talking to some aquaintences of ours and they want to tap about 100 trees but they don't have an evaporator, I offered to trade sap for syrup and they seem preety interested. If that all works out it should take some of the labor out of my operation, having sap delivered to me.
Jim Brown
11-08-2009, 07:02 AM
GaryR; I know a fella who will take all that extra syrup off your hands(LOL).I have your quarts too just got to get them back over there.I have seen as many legal buck as you and have only been drivng to work!
Well the new tranfer pumps works fine and we are increasing taps in our main bush.Getting ready for the Christmas rush of qift baskets and syrup orders. Got to work a couple of other things in and then its; get ready for tapping.
Hope all Traders have a very Blessed Thanksgiving season as we all have a great deal to be Thankful for!!!
11-08-2009, 09:05 AM
Been reading GaryR's post to do with every thing under the sun. Took a while to load any PDF files with dial up. I figured out the preheater on my own now I have to figure out a good reliable preheater that one dosn't have to adjust every 20 seconds.
Have to really get working on my evaporator here in the next while. Looks like a great day out there to finish cleaning up the yard for winter. I hate shoveling around things come snow time. The woods are off limits to me untill after the 16th of the month due to hunting season. Then I can wander around out there at will.
11-08-2009, 12:01 PM
I shure do hate when good hunting gets in the way of cutting wood!!! Took a nice buck this morning with the bow. By the time I got out of the woods hanged and skinned out, there just wasn't time to start wood. Still have to go to work (3-11) today. No sence in being tired there.
tessiersfarm, How is that team of OX doing??? Thought about you a few times this summer woundered if they were working out ok.
11-08-2009, 03:21 PM
Managed to give my 1/2 pint a coat of high-temp paint. Took a wire brush to it first then got three thin coats on it. Looks better than new!
Also got the pulley system hooked up for my cupola doors.
Only problem is that I have 1000 more things to do before February.
Sure is nice to sit outside this afternoon. Man I like Fall... and my bees love this weather too!
red maples
11-08-2009, 05:37 PM
got almost the whole thing bricked today. cut all the bricks except the final row last week and cemented everthing in today took 7 1/2 hrs. all is done except for the last row which I will cut to fit tomorrow. pre mixed refractory cement is soooo easy to work with. I got some disposible plastic pastry bags piped it on pushed them together bam easy. Finished the stack on saturday. just need to get some siver/grey High temp silacone for the storm colar but I am firing it up on Tuesday !!!! can't wait.:D :D :D
Got to meet snohiker today. its really nice to put a face to people you talk with on here!!! It's was nice to talk maple to someone other than my wife because she is sick of hearing about it.
11-08-2009, 05:42 PM
What a great day. My sister and I spent the afternoon working up some wood.....for the next season since this years wood is all ready done. I can't believe that it is November and we were working out side in t-shirts....Just love it!:)
11-08-2009, 06:05 PM
Today was warmer then it was back in September. Got all my pallats torn apart or cut into firewood. Found some that are made out of real thin oak and those make great kindling. Had some that the wood looked like mahogeny for some reason. Have stacks of wood now to burn. Winter will be here pretty soon unforunatly.
It was really nice out today. I walked around the woodlot and found a few trees that are big enough for a tap again.
I also found a little grove of brown ash. They are really neat looking trees which the indians use to make baskets.
It's nice to be putting some energy into something other than defense.
Dennis H.
11-08-2009, 08:08 PM
What an Awsome day!!
I got all my mainline hung and hooked up all 1400' of it. About 600' of it is a vac line to get to my lower milk releaser. Now to run the 5/16" blue stuff.
It is getting tougher to work outside during the week with it getting dark around 5:30 and working overtime on Sat it gives me just Sun to do the outside work.
11-08-2009, 08:33 PM
Just got back from a week at the hunt camp. We had a good week with 6 deer in total, including a 10-pointer for our 83 year old senior member (a 154 yard shot!) and a big 8 pointer for a 25 year old rookie who is now hooked on hunting! Another rookie got his first deer as well. I dropped a big doe (115 lbs dressed) and a coyote.
We managed to get the concrete poured for the knee wall in the new building. My forms weren't as solid as I'd hoped and had to do some emergency bracing as we poured. It's just a shack over a tank in the woods so it's no big deal that it's not perfect - I'll learn for next time!
11-08-2009, 09:13 PM
I rented a mini excacavator to set my 1500 bulk tank and 500 I poured sono tubes to set them on. Tired of having the tanks settle and now with a 1500 I need to make sure it doesn't go anywhere
11-09-2009, 12:33 PM
help one of my buddies on his sugar house, i put a coupala on the thing for him while he put plywood on the sides of the walls to seal it up, its looking pretty good, he cant wait, we also cut up his little brothers spike that he shot the day before, good youth weekend deer, tasted great. all in all a fun weekend i didnt get much done at all, shot 2 gray squirrels, pulled logs for an hour before i was called to go help with the deer, real productive!
red maples
11-09-2009, 07:28 PM
man it was nice out today.
I finished up the bricks today perfect temps to use refractory cement. cleaned everything up, hooked up all the lines firin' her up tomorrow just after lunch start her out slow then add a little more heat to 500F stack temp for about and hour then shut her down and let it cool down clean out the pans check for cracks if there are any seal them up and let it sit for a few days and fire it up agin and burn it hard!!!
Shotgun season starts Wednesday but I doubt if I will get out before saturday. if its nice I'll take the kids out and set up the blind. my daughter has the swine flu. simptoms aren't too bad. she's doing it OK though.
Sounds like fun. Good luck with the inaugural boil.
The swine flu is already here in Maine too.
11-09-2009, 10:34 PM
Danno2840 Welcome back young man. I thought you either got stuck in a treestand or your truck finally got you stuck in the middle of nowhere. Did you get a new truck yet or did you go with the maple equipment.
Red my daughter had the swine flue as well a few weeks ago. Doc said that type A is much more to worry about than the swine. She faired it pretty well. Now she has a double ear infection. Doc also said that 8 out of 10 kids that come into her office have tested positive for the swine.
Long day with meetings trying to land some city contracts with service on printing equipment. All I could think about was getting the heck out of their and spending some time with the dog chasing birds around. Faired well though I hope. Got home around 3 grabbed the dog and hunted for 2 hours and never put a bird up. Sure is fun watching the dog do her thing. Got home finished up the deer with some meatballs and snack sticks. Made some maple cream . Test buckets have only produced once so I am in the wait mode again. Heading to secret big buck spot on wednesday and thursday. Iam looking for the 130" one this time, Gotta get #4 in the freezer. Yeah I know Im greedy this year. But with the rising cost in licenses this year Iam getting my moneys worth.
red maples
11-10-2009, 02:32 PM
OOOHHHHH MMAAANNN!!!!! I wish it were sap and not just water!!! cured the refractory cement today everthing worked great!! a few little things here and there but overall very very good. I can't wait to boil sap in it!!!
I didin't even get it up as high as it will go.
3rdgen We can't even get in to see the doc. I have left messages for 2 days. they must be slammed I am sure...I just got back from parent teacher conference...only 10 out of 16 second graders in class today. She doesn't have bad simptoms just really a fever and bad sore throat.
11-10-2009, 05:16 PM
Okay 3rgen what's a hunting license worth. I have stupid deer sleeping on the lawn behind the house and I can't shoot at them. She who must be obeyed would have me sleeping in the greenhouse if I shot at one. Now the turkeys might be fair game as she figures they are ugly.
It's dark by the time I get home from school so not much get's done during the week. I really need to get moving on things now. Need to figure out how good a solduerer I am.
Did start a batch of pumpkin wine tonight.
11-11-2009, 08:19 AM
3rdgen - i was in my stand (or one of my friends stands) 24 out of the 31 day bow season, had the chance to kill a big ol doe but a little spotted fawn ran up beside her and right then and there i said "nope" and watched them mill around for 20 min and walk away, i also had a 60lbs skipper come in but that wasnt worth the effort so he walked to. but since the end of bow season 2 weeks ago i went up to the vontrapp farm put their old honda 2wd 4 wheeler in the back of their truck and took it down to my place and have been skidding logs threw the sugar woods since, its been slow going i can only pull 2 6"-8" logs 6 or 8' long at a time with out beating on it so its been 2 at a time. im getting down into the part where im about to roll the thing because of nasty terrain so the last 25 or so logs will be blocked into 4' or 5' so that i can pic them up and bring them to where the wheeler can get at them, no im still on the hunt for a truck, still only have 1000 and we are done work for the year, i talked to a guy i know who ive helped w/ fire wood when i needed $ off and on but hes got enough help this year already, but thats life, i will jerry rig it all together some how, i always manage to do so and make it all work we will see
11-11-2009, 08:21 AM
oh and i went and toured VTC the other day and they said really all i needed to do was send the application in and i was pretty much into their dairy program, that maid me happy
Jeff E
11-11-2009, 09:52 AM
Hey guys!
Do you prefer to do line repair work now? Are the critters less likely to chew in the winter, so there is a good chance of the repairs staying repaired until sap time, or should I wait until closer to the season.
There is plenty of other things to do, so I am trying to avoid repairing my repairs.
red maples
11-11-2009, 11:05 AM
Being from north west corner of NJ if anyone is familiar with NJ there as so many deer they are like city rats, or field mice. they are everywhere. a few years ago they started a program called earn a buck where you had to shoot a doe before you could shoot a buck they killed 75,000 deer that year, thats almost the estimated deer population of new Hampshire in 1 season. now they avaerage around 35,000 to 45,000 deer a year.
when I was still living down there I think our best year was around 12-14 deer. between my dad, brother and me. and I got 5 of them. 2 with bow and 3 with shot gun. you can't run out of tags down there if you get a deer check it in get another tag. when I was home a few years ago my parents had been in the house for a little over 20 years I counted all tags we saved and we had shot over about 100 deer. average 5 deer per year. and none of it went to waste!!! now they are having bear problems and the animal activists won't let them have a bear hunt.
Jim Brown
11-11-2009, 01:04 PM
We carry a roll of good electrical tape in the spring when we tap and repair critter damage that we can find .Then make one or two more trips through the bush when the vac is on and finish the repairs
Works for us
Russell Lampron
11-11-2009, 05:50 PM
Jeff E,
I like to do as much repair work as I can before the snow falls. That way I can get anything that is on the ground back up again before it gets frozen down. I still go back through a week or two before I tap to make any final repairs. I tap with my vacuum pump on and flag anything that I cant fix while tapping.
11-11-2009, 06:11 PM
Michelle, sap hauler/wife, shot her first deer today. She's been hunting for years and never got one. 128 pound doe ten yards or less. She's very excited. Sorry about getting off topic.
red maples
11-11-2009, 07:43 PM
congrats on the first deer!!!!
not much for maple today and the rest of the week for that matter. gotta finish getting ready for winter. finish up the leaves move wood to basement entry way. drain little fish pond and cover it up, bla bla bla. cleaned out the chimney, and gutters today. still trying to get some x-mas light ready for outside.
11-11-2009, 08:14 PM
I agree with Russ, it's best to get out in the woods before it freezes up and get the lines up at the very least. Any repairs you can do now will be one less to do in the spring when you will have many other things to do.
3% Solution
11-11-2009, 08:22 PM
The first deer is always the best!!!!
Congrats!!!! :)
Went to Bascom's for some stuff this morning.
Tightened up a short length of mainline that was doing some dips and humps.
Oh yeah looks a lot better.
Was supposed to tap some nice trees, but guys wife said no.
That's ok, got a call tonight from another guy that has 4 times as many taps and we are all set to set up mainlines and whatever we need.
He's even going to keep anything we need plowed out.
I bet there's over 150 taps there.
He may tap after a few years, but there's enough there for both of us.
So things are looking up.
Hope everyone is having a good fall.
Randy Brutkoski
11-11-2009, 08:26 PM
The only way to fix chew marks is to eliminate the problem before you give them rats with bushy tails a chance to do the damage. I have declared my big sugarbush a war zone. I have shot 73 squirells in the last 4 weeks. I shot about 40 of them sitting on the same stump. Hickory nuts every where. I have won many battles, but there is no cease fire in the near future. The date will be recognized when i win the war.
11-11-2009, 08:57 PM
Squirrels stew at Randy's place. There isn't 73 squirelsl in Quebec me thinks. Now porcupines is another story. They taste like a tree.
Trying to get something done around here is impossible right now. Every time I turn around somebody has something else they want done. Found another SS sink beside the road today. A old man with a bicycle was standing beside it and asked him if he wanted it and he said no he wanted all the old pipe that was beside it. He had two belts and was trying to load his bike with the pipe. Should have been a intresting ride home.
red maples
11-12-2009, 09:58 AM
73 squirrels:o I think I have 10 -15 in the woods behind the house -2 that I shot last week. what about red squirrels do they do much damage.
love working outside in fall not too hot not too cold. you don't sweat as much no bugs.
a little chilly now though got used to those 3-4 days of mid 60's now around 50f.
going out right now see ya.
11-12-2009, 11:12 AM
Yesterday was a holiday for me and I got up early (4am) went goose hunting (Brian 0 - Goose 1) then did a little work on the honey do list by cleaning the gutters. Then spent 4 hours cutting up 2 face cord of wood. God am I getting old. My body is sore and my energy level is near 0, glad to be a back to work today as I got to sleep in till 7 and need the rest. Now I just have 6 more face cord to do before sap season. After yesterdays wood cutting I am now considering switching to oil in a very favorable way.
By the way Happy Veterian Day to all that served and all that are serving this great country.
11-12-2009, 12:40 PM
Wife got her doe yesterday. I got mine today 137. Freeser is almost full. Keith
11-12-2009, 01:00 PM
Wife got her doe yesterday. I got mine today 137. Freeser is almost full. Keith
Congrats to both of you. Is 137lbs live weight or dressed?
I haven't seen any deer yet, but I was walking in a part of the woodlot that I don't usually frequent and I found at least 20 tappable maple trees.
Hunting for maples has been good anyway.
Now how can we get to them...
red maples
11-12-2009, 06:59 PM
Ah yes that is the question I have about 20- 30 more trees that are pretty far out over a flat areaand then up the side of a hill but I am waiting until next year for those because I will have vac for next year and I can put in a sap latter!!!! because if I tried to tap them now gosh It would be like 12 feet up the trees and I don't enough buckets besides it would be a rough walk the snow gets very deep there because there are of big pines and hemlocks mixed in so no sun gets back there and the snow doesn't melt blah, blah blah.
I think we can plug these maples in to the system. It will take an extension of one of the existing mainline. I think...
I'm going to take a better look tomorrow as I hunt the elusive whitetail.
11-12-2009, 09:37 PM
Well I made it back with the same amount of tags in my pocket that I left with. BUT I had the best hunt of my life. Guys I said I was going to my big buck spot right? Well I am changing the name to MONSTER Buck spot. If I tell you how big he was you would call me a liar. At 20 yards he was tearing the crap out of a tree behind a dead pine tree and as I was standing there 20 plus feet up waiting for him to step out and he turns looks back and takes off running. Few minutes later here comes my hunting buddies 16 year old son walking up to my stand just to see if I had seen anything yet. I told him to run before he got the arrow that the buck he scared should have. I have never and probably will never see a deer that big in person ever again. I am still shaking. I am gonna cry myself to sleep and dream a little maple sugar.
11-13-2009, 01:52 AM
Ennismaple both of those weights are fully dressed. Nothing at all left in them. Wife is still bouncing around all excited. I told her to take her bow out and kill another one.
11-13-2009, 06:02 AM
Well I made it back with the same amount of tags in my pocket that I left with. BUT I had the best hunt of my life. Guys I said I was going to my big buck spot right? Well I am changing the name to MONSTER Buck spot. If I tell you how big he was you would call me a liar. At 20 yards he was tearing the crap out of a tree behind a dead pine tree and as I was standing there 20 plus feet up waiting for him to step out and he turns looks back and takes off running. Few minutes later here comes my hunting buddies 16 year old son walking up to my stand just to see if I had seen anything yet. I told him to run before he got the arrow that the buck he scared should have. I have never and probably will never see a deer that big in person ever again. I am still shaking. I am gonna cry myself to sleep and dream a little maple sugar.
We have a saying here that the only person that lies more then a fisherman is a jogger but deer hunters come in second. I think we have all had that happen one time or another to us. Mine was a elk or to be truthfull two elk that were just about in the right spot and this dummy that appeared out of no where racks his lever action and they were gone. That and bears.
The weather here would be exxcellent for fall tapping as we are getting cold nights and 40,50,degree days now. I would bet a person could leach a bit of syrup out of those trees no problem.
11-13-2009, 09:28 AM
Finally got a good tap count, puts me at 180. Still need another 2 cord cut up for house wood, then I can start on the sugaring wood, been working on clearing the trails as I go.
Deer season opens Sunday, plan on spending tomorrow just splitting wood up near the barn. Haven’t run the chainsaw since last weekend, figure to let the woods settle a bit before the opener. Chased a nice 8 point down the driveway last week on my way to work, saw him again just the other night at the back of the property. Couple of rubs and a fresh scrape back there, hope it’s his.
Expect to start stringing wire and tube once the season ends at the end of the month. Would like to have had it up by now, but the stars just didn’t align for that one.
11-13-2009, 10:04 AM
i had a guy come out of the woods and screw me on a nice 6pt standing in the gully in front of me, i was waiting for it to get light enough so i could see the sights on my bow and some guy comes tramping out of the woods with an led headlight and shines the whole field and of coarse the 6pt and doe ran i was MAD i started after him to chew him out but he turned and headed up into the woods and i couldnt find where he went but man was i ticked off DEER SEASON STARTS TOMORROW!!!! i dont know if im going to stick with my 243 with the scope (bolt) or use my new .270 semi auto, but it doesnt have a scope, still turning it over in my head which one i want to use
11-13-2009, 08:03 PM
Had our traditional bow hunt vacation with my buddies the first week in November up here in northern Wisconsin. We hit the prime rut just right this year, I can guarentee we will never again put the smack down on the number of nice bucks we got. I ended up with a 8 point/17" inside spread, One of my buddies got the same thing but the tines were shorter, one got a 8 point with a 15" spread and my brother got a 9 point. we did'nt see alot of deer but we seen the right ones. Only heard wolves once while sitting which is unusual for our area. Rifle hunt begins next Sat. so I'm getting pumped for that. Hopefully everyone on maple traders has a safe deer hunt this year. Good luck!
11-13-2009, 08:53 PM
It was one of those amazing days in the deer woods today and I was able to connect on a nice 9 point with the bow. It had been 2 years as I missed one about that size last year. I killed him about 11:45 am as I usually hunt from daylight until dark and the one I missed last year was at 1:50 pm. I saw him around 8:30 this morning behind a much larger buck and they were snort wheezing, grunting, scraping, rubbing and the big one appeared to be at least 5.5 years ago and had a tremendous 8 point rack and he was standing on his hind legs hitting licking branches, never saw anything like it and saw 4 bucks by 8:30. I threw every call I had at them, grunt, snortwheeze, bleet can and rattled but they were to interested in showing their dominance to the small buck that was also present. One of those once in a lifetime or once every 10 year mornings and I can't wait to get back at it on Monday as I have off next week to bowhunt too and would love to get a shot at the bruiser 8 point. I am guessing he would score at least 140 for an eight point and public land buck at that. Doubt I will get a shot at him, but will be fun trying to kill a much larger one next week. This one will make lots of tasty jerky and sure was a tremendous blessing and it was a perfect day for deer movement. I grunted in about a twelve inch 8" earlier to about 20 yards for 15 minutes but he needed to grow another year or 2. Never seen 4 bucks in a day on public land and especially in 2 hours and probably won't again. I added a link below if anyone wants to see pic:¤t=IMG_0014.jpg
Nice deer Brandon!
Can you take more than one in West Virginia? I know that parts of Ohio allow 6 deer each.
I took a nice walk today up in the woods. Lots of tracks, but no deer to be seen.
Really nice sunset up on the top of our lot.
11-13-2009, 10:01 PM
Okay now why did you shave between the two pictures. Not a bad deer even for where I come from. I really need to figure out how to hunt again someday.
11-13-2009, 10:11 PM
Nice buck Brandon. I have never heard of a 140 class 8 point that would have to be some loooooong tines, extremely wide and lots of mass. Go get him. Is there a taxidermist in the house?
11-14-2009, 06:13 AM
DEER HUNT? cut wood? DEER HUNT? cut wood? What a great morning it would be to hunt, but I better do it with a chain saw then the bow. The freezer is full and I would hate to be in the woods with out a buck tag and have a giant walk out and test me. For I am human and I can be weak!! I know that's just what would happen. every thing is right for the big boys to be on the move. I still have three doe tags, maybe if I put two of then on a giant it would make a buck tag???? Next week gun opens, I have a buck tag for that season. Better wait it out and cut wood!!!! That and I don't have much wood yet. Going to start checking lines next week, check for damage and hunt at the same time. Could it get any better!!!! The sent of maple is almost in the air. Going to hitch the team later today and turn some ground. I have never plowed with horses so It should be a good show! Sun is up so I better get on the end of a saw.
11-14-2009, 07:29 AM
Just posted new pics of deer if you want to see them. Son should of had his deer also. But he likes to weight them on the run. Nothing big enough yet I guess. Raining here right now. Maybe be able to burn all the brush piles in the bush today. Michelles been going crazy cutting out all the under brush. Taken pellet gun and hunt for the squirrel destro while out there. Start running wires this week for new tubing.
11-14-2009, 07:52 AM
as a farm and property owner i Hate hunting season!!!! not safe to walk out of the house around here
11-14-2009, 08:27 AM
Still laid up. I can put weight on my ankle without pain, but any twisting movement, owwww. Maybe by monday I'll be able to get back to work.
red maples
11-14-2009, 11:26 AM
RAIN RAIN RAIN just hangin' out inside today. maybe clean up in here a bit watch some college football.
11-14-2009, 07:42 PM
PUT The Hunting Stories ASide, I did some FAll Tapping and the Cans Doing pretty good, Saps been running
Check Out My Youtube For some Fall Tapping Video's
11-14-2009, 08:19 PM
Great weather in NWPA,
Brandon nice buck!
I know you folks in the east coast are getting lots of rain.
Went squirrel hunting last night and tonight. Sandy, our golden, treed a fox squirrel about a hundred yards from me tonight. She usually doesn't roam to far from me and she rarely barks up. I bagged the nice buck squirrel with the same 22 rifle I used when I was a kid. I have worked her a little on squirrel since she was a pup. This may be her last hunting season. We found a tumor on her right hind leg and the vet doesn't think it looks too good.
Eric is now training his Fiest pup, Rocky, on squirrel too.
I think hunting, wood cutting, and building things is what sugarmakers do in between seasons.
I was eyeing up the neighbors potential sugarbush also. Not sure why. it is about 15 acres of mostly reds with some hard maple in the mix. Land is pretty flat, was a old farm field, maybe 1 foot drop in 100 ft. looks like a lot of taps could be put in there with a lot of work. My guess would be at least 1000 taps.
Had a nice visit with Daryl S. last night mostly about hoods and preheaters for his new rig. Nice D&G drop flue evaporator. He is looking to add several enhancements to improve the rate. (Maybe tap some more trees:))
Have a great weekend,
11-14-2009, 08:33 PM
Casey- Great attitude! Chris- Thats cool about the squirrell dogs. Hoping to leap back into action next week. Lots to do but feeling like things are coming along. Looks like I may be getting a bit more taps on my long runs than I thought which will be good. Hope to have the run above the house done by this next weekend. Think that might hit 400 taps. Long distance but nice enough trees. Small to medium size with some humdingers but they are all branched out nice due to it being a pasture once. Thinkin that will put me to 4000. Then hopefully by following weekend finish the Booy bush and that should run it to 4400. Then Im hitting the back bank which is going to be a bit of a job but 600 of what I would consider to be in the range of "pretty dang good ones to Holy guacamoli those are some dang big maple trees". Got to keep plugging. Also agreed to take some sap from a friend lives nearby. Shouldnt be getting in any trouble this spring. Anybody needs me theyll know where to find me. Theron:)
11-14-2009, 08:34 PM
Thanks and we are allowed a maximum of 3 bucks in WV between all seasons and a maximum of 2 archery bucks other than 4 counties that are bowhunting only that only allow 1 buck total. I have about quit gun hunting as it doesn't come in until Monday of week of Thanksgiving, I like the stick and string much better and the deer are in their natural state, not running from orange and bang bang.
As far as a 8 point, my brother killed a 151"+ 8 point at Hadley Creek in Illinois a few years ago. This one may have only been 130, but I think it was better. The last two 10 pointers I killed with a bow grossed 136.25" and 137" and I think it would go more than either of them if it had good brows. Likely never see it again or get a shot at it, but I might. It took me about 6 hours to pack that one out by the time I carried stand, bow and all the gear back to the car and packed back in and caped out the deer and cut up the deer. I packed out 45+ lbs of just meet on my back about 1.5 miles and carried about 3/4 of the cap and the head and antlers which is what is required to check it in.
128 lb. doe, that is a good doe and congrats to your wife Keith!
11-14-2009, 08:51 PM
If I had half that energy I would be dangerous.
PLEASE Prepare for BIGGGGGGG SAP, because if all those gadgets you have hooked to those trees work, you will be making some BIIGGGGG Syrup!:)
Keep poking us old timers!
11-14-2009, 10:04 PM
An update the pad is prepped for the sugar shack I just need to start buildnig it. I got more wood split and stacked today. About a cord left to split. Then il be ready. My dad got a miller generator stick welder combo today so I'm going to make a set of forks for the threepoint hitch of the massy furguson to carry the totes for collecting and moving things around when the bobcats not home. About a mile down the street one of my dads friends parents have at least 10 BIG maple along there driveway I want to run on tubing this year. That's 20+ more taps!
11-14-2009, 10:48 PM
Cassey I concentrate all year long on maple but when bow opens up it is time for deer hunting. I makes sure that just about everything is done in time for hunting season. Don't get me wrong though counting maples while on stand and potential number of taps helps the time go by. I was in a top secret:) spot the other day and man the maples that were on the side of that hill was amazing. Mostly mature trees that have never seen a tap before. Hundreds and hundreds of them. Test Taps are not producung nothing at all I had one run on the test buckets and that was it. I am thinking when the temps drop they are not gonna get up high enough for a fall run here. I will keep the test buckets out but man it is mid november and nothing worth the time yet.
Father & Son
11-15-2009, 04:46 AM
Picked up about a cord of free wood last night. Half of it was a fresh blow down good for next year and the other half was cut and stacked sitting for 2 or 3 years just needs split. Free is always good but I think the homeowner has some syrup in his future.
220 maple
11-15-2009, 05:21 AM
The countdown clock is on for my location in the Mountain State of West Virginia. We usually try to open on the first warm day after ground hogs day. We have opened before on the last week in Jan. When we opened that year it turned out to be our best syrup year so far. The Spring of 01, We made syrup for nine weeks without check valves, oh by the way my father was running the show then, if the trees stopped he would move the spiles and redrill. I always told him that was not a good thing to do. I don't move spiles, I take what I get and that is That. Unless the world goes completely haywire I will break the camp record this year due to expansion alone. If I don't the loan officers at Farm Credit will be very dissappointed with me. I leased my neighbors woods for the next five years and have been setting up their woods for the last several weeks, should be ready for tubing after today. I budgeted check valves for this woods because I'm planning on put high vacuum in there also. I promissed the land owner I would not bother his woods the week before and the week of deer season. Will need to set up the tubing in Dec. I have plenty of thing to do in my woods and Sugar camp those two weeks.
Mark 220 Maple
11-15-2009, 09:49 AM
Theron your photobucket don't come up when you click on it. Wife would like to check out your setup. If there are pics.
11-15-2009, 09:54 AM
Theron's photobucket =
11-15-2009, 10:07 AM
Thanks that one works. Not sure why it wont come up when we click on his photo bucket on his post. Keith
11-15-2009, 10:14 AM
because at the end of his url it has a smily face lol :)
red maples
11-15-2009, 11:09 AM
sorry Nate!! 'tis th e season to be hunting !!!!
Its finally over the pressures off. the dry spell over got 110 lb 4 pointer.:D
11-15-2009, 12:01 PM
It is the season to be hunting, i been hunting too still got nothing yet maybe next week when it starts to cool down again hope to have one by thanksgiving but who knows
11-15-2009, 01:31 PM
The only way to fix chew marks is to eliminate the problem before you give them rats with bushy tails a chance to do the damage. I have declared my big sugarbush a war zone. I have shot 73 squirells in the last 4 weeks. I shot about 40 of them sitting on the same stump. Hickory nuts every where. I have won many battles, but there is no cease fire in the near future. The date will be recognized when i win the war.
Problem with squirrels it that they travel great distances to find food. Nuts were scarce here this fall and there have been thousands of them killed on the highways because they are moving such great distances. I have heard they can move up to 100 miles in a year, don't know if it is true, but they have been moving a lot here earlier this fall and never saw anything like it. As long as there are hickory in that area, you may kill another 40 or 50 from the same stump.
Gary R
11-15-2009, 03:04 PM
Congrats to all you succeful deer hunters. I just got done bow hunting 36 out of a possible 37 days. A mixed season. First year I never saw a legal (4 points on one side) buck from a tree stand:( . For 4 seasons I have done most of my bowhunting with a longbow. I had yet to shoot at a deer. I figued I needed to get this accomplished. I shot a button buck last Monday. No doe hunting here. Were trying to grow the herd. I now have an expensive piece of wood for sale;) . I'm going back to training wheels full time. A week from now we bear hunt. A week after that we rifle hunt deer. I don't think I'll ever move to tubing. Too much hunting to do.
I'm ready to tap. 2 1/2 months to go.
11-15-2009, 06:06 PM
I picked up a 2X5 gas finisher from a fellow trader over the weekend and a plastic tank to be used as a permiate tank. Good day to travel on Sat as it was a total wash out to do anything outside at home.
11-16-2009, 10:57 AM
Gary, I was talking to a friend in PA last night. He has see over 20 bucks this year. Not one was a legal buck for his area. Antler restriction is working real good??? Were are all the little ones from last year. That montain he is on should be screaming with big two and tree year old deer!!! I don't see twenty buck in five years of hunting. But when I do see one it's legal. Land of presure here in Central New York.
My father was over to give me hell about not having any wood cut. Till he looked in the sugar house and saw it was 3/4 full. So he moved on to another topic, I guess I better get my pre heater project going next.
11-16-2009, 01:31 PM
We got more stuff off the "To Do" list this weekend. First and foremost I took my 5-year old son out for his 1st deer hunt. He was so excited he jumped out of bed at 5:45 a.m. when I woke him! The little guy lasted for over 2 hours the first morning and 1.5 hours yesterday. We didn't see anything - but that's to be expected because he talked the entire time! I've planted the seed and before too long I'll have my huntin' buddy for life!
We got the forms stripped off the knee wall, the subdrain with filter sock placed and the knee wall backfilled with clear stone. The materials are there ready to be turned into a building a couple of weeks time. I'll post pictures of the concrete when I get a chance.
We also got what lines are not semi-rigid back into the bush and stretched. We've got so few of them it took only about 5 hours - a big change from the 5 days it used to take! We even found time to stretch some new semi-rigid that replaces the old purple Lamb lines we got rid of. We'll get about 500 taps onto new semi-rigid this winter and the rest we'll replace next season. I'd much rather stretch new tube than old ones!
We filled the last of our syrup for some Christmas basket orders - that's nice to be done with. We also managed to get some trees cleaned up that had fallen and a bunch of other misc work that needed to be done before the ground is white. 4 months from now there should be steam roaring out of the Force 5!!!
Haynes Forest Products
11-16-2009, 04:09 PM
Had a friend that spends the time sugering with me for a few weeks out of the year spend the weekend at my cabin. He walked the woods fixing downed lines and cutting dead falls. Moved the 500 tap bulk tank to end of the paved road so we can stay out of the mud. Because the sap ladder worked so well and the elec Gast vane pump worked fine for my 600+ taps on the other section Im going with another elec oiless vane pump. I spent more money and time on keeping the gas Beast going PLUS the smell of spilled gas.
After thinking about the ball check spouts and the sap backwashing my trees after the pump runs out of gas I think this will help slightly.
red maples
11-16-2009, 06:54 PM
Man did underestimate how much 5/16 tubing you use for laterals!!! I ran out again used up another 2000 ft today and I still need some more. I am getting 1000 more and thats it;)
My daughter is 7 goes hunting with me sometimes till she get bored. helped me skin out the one last night then it was bed time for her I finished quatering it up and hung it up in the basement fridge. I showed my son who is 4 the fridge and he was grossed out I told him it was just meat. He said he liked the deer better when it was alive!!! oh man!!! I think I might have a vegetarian on my hands someday:( ...I guess my daughter will have to be my hunting buddy. I hope he grows out of it!!!
Haynes Forest Products
11-16-2009, 07:02 PM
Start out with sausage and when he eats pepperoni pizza with it on it he will come around....slowly
red maples
11-16-2009, 07:33 PM
oh no... he loves to eat all types of meat, chicken, hamburger, loves bacon and sausage. especially when I smoke my own. I just think he may become one in the future.
11-16-2009, 10:13 PM
Took the 9 year old boy out twice last year. First time turkey hunting. Turkey comes in I get ready and he stands up and starts yelling run bird run. Second time was deer hunting I had a doe tag to fill and had 6 of them in front of me and the kid does the same thing. He loves eating venison though just wants no part of hunting them. 12 year old loves to hunt with me and my 15 year old daughter will sit there all day rattling and grunting in deer for me. 2 out of 3 I will take it.
11-16-2009, 11:22 PM
My daughter would never have made noise well hunting. I think she only got to go hunting with me once when she was little if I remember right. She didn't think to much of pig butchering time at first or when rabbits were ready for the freezer but seemed to have got over it. Now she hunts boyfreinds and hangs their scalps on the wall instead.
11-17-2009, 12:24 AM
I got a few pics of the concrete for the new sap building posted plus one of my Force 5 smokestack where it goes through the roof. They are here:
red maples
11-17-2009, 03:32 PM
put in about 70 more T's on the laterals I put in yesterday. and stretched and pitched the tubing too. man my hands are a little sore.
11-17-2009, 07:18 PM
I poured concrete today for my RO. Now my back is sore. The pain was worth it though.
11-18-2009, 07:09 PM
Had to give a presentation in French today on maple syrup. Man that's hard to do. The dumbest guestion I got was why 1 liter of syrup was worth 12 bucks but 4 liters was worth 40 bucks. Had to expalin that the cost of the bottles goes down with bigger bottles. I have no idea if they believe me or not. One fellow asked to buy a 4 liter jug and several wanted smaller ones.
11-18-2009, 10:19 PM
Replaced spark plugs on the wife's car tonight. 2005 Ford 500 v-6. I began by taking off the rear license plate and working forward until I got to the three plugs at the back of the engine!:( What a pain in the but. Never had to take off a intake manifold before to change plugs! Engine light is still on but car seems to run strong now. Probably needs electronic fault cleared?
Absolutely no maple news today I didn't even make it out to the sugar house. That's rare. Spending way to much time on the couch.:)
Could someone start a Maple Rehab Program (MRP)?
11-18-2009, 10:48 PM
I've been working on the half pint. The barrel needed to be patched up before the season. I just got the ceramic blanket today, Mcmaster carr has a good price on it if your in the market. Still have to paint brick and test fire the bad boy. Not to mention I have to cut wood, this is the first year with this evaporator so I have no idea how much wood to cut, so I guess I'll just cut until I get tired of cutting and splitting.
11-19-2009, 06:05 AM
Can you disconnect the battery post to clear the fault.
11-19-2009, 06:09 AM
Found a sorce for some SS today. The local hall and community bar had did some up dates and threw all the old stuff in a heap in the bush. Lots of odds and ends plus a couple of peices of flat stock of a good size plus some copper tubeing and SS tubes. Will get this evaporator made yet.
Dave Y
11-19-2009, 06:23 AM
All I have been doing is working on Maple stuff. I have been putting up more wood and hoping I dont need it. Started the wiring in the sugar house. Need to run 220 for the new rig,plus I am adding a new circit for lights. I still have lots of woods work to do. Need to run a 11/2 line to the tanks off of 1000 taps. and set up a vacuum pump and releaser for 1600 taps and the add anther 400. I dont think I'll do much deer hunting this year. I still need to put the stacks up for the force 5 too. I am waiting on the correct roof jacks. I probably wont trap this year either. Oh well!
11-19-2009, 12:57 PM
Dave - Make sure you get a good sharp drill bit for the pilot holes through the SS roof jacks. I darn near wore out my shoulders trying to push roofing screws through the jacks!
On a related note - how much fun was it cutting the hole in your steam hood for the steam stack base? It didn't feel right to cut a big hole in a perfectly good, brand new, big $$$ evaporator! Since we've got a pre-heater we had to be really careful not to hit the pipes as they are only a few inches below the top of the hood. The SS is so tough we burned through 2 blades for the reciprocating saw to get the hole cut! Make sure you put 3 or 4 SS metal screws through the 2 ends of the base or else you'll get water running down the length of the channel along the top of the hood. The screws will make sure the condensation ends up in the drip tray below.
Dave Y
11-19-2009, 01:52 PM
I have not cut a hole in the steam hood yet. I am waiting till I get the correct roof jacks before I do any cutting. I bought a nibbler for on my drill I am not sure how well it will work. Thanks for the tip on the stack bases
11-19-2009, 05:03 PM
You guys and your new shiny evaporators!:)
I have cut and hacked some stainless too. These tips might help someone. t A sawszall will leave a mark on the new stainless as the foot scuffs along during the cut. some tape or cardboard may help eliminate the scuff marks.
On straight cuts I have used a 7-1/4 circular saw with the blade turned around backwards. Wear ear protection and take your time. I have made some nice cuts. Now this throws a big burr on the bottom of the cut and a small burr on the top which have to be removed. Be careful handling pieces with these burrs they are very sharp!
FYI: I have a extra hole in my hood :) that was put in the wrong place during fabrication ( By someone) and had to be covered due to required location of pipe through the roof. :(
DaveY, I think several of us are planning to come down for your test run.
red maples
11-19-2009, 06:56 PM
the blue painting tape works best it comes off really easy!!! just don't leave it on too long or it won't come off easy!!
tapped 2 cull trees yesterday because we have had some cold nights around 24-25F but got more drips from the frost melting off the lid of the buckets, than sap...not a drop. nedd a good cold snap I think.
Put in some more drops today. Had to return some T's to bascom's I ordered the wrong ones so I am waiting for the replacements. their computer was down so my order didn't get shipped I thought it was taking too long!!! They always have great customer service.
My son had his first venison(he had some before but he was too little to remember) and for not liking to see the dead deer he loved the meat...with ketchup!!! :D
11-19-2009, 08:16 PM
I have not cut a hole in the steam hood yet. I am waiting till I get the correct roof jacks before I do any cutting. I bought a nibbler for on my drill I am not sure how well it will work. Thanks for the tip on the stack bases
That should work better as long as it can take the heavy gauge stainless. I figured my cut didn't need to be perfect because it all gets covered by the base plate and won't be seen again unless I need to relocate the evaporator. For the steam hood over the front pans I'll just cut it while it's on the floor and with no pre-heater to worry about it'll be far less stressful!
Dave Y
11-19-2009, 08:36 PM
Glad to hear some of you are planning on coming down. I talked to Matt Williams from Lapierre today and he confirmed he would be there also. I am trying to talk Rejean Laverdiere into coming also. But I doubt that he will be able to make it.
Ennis, The hole was already cut in the front hood and guess where it falls right on a rafter. Oh well there are remedies for that
11-19-2009, 08:40 PM
Sugarmaker I don't recomend disconnecting the battery on the wifes car. It will not reset the pcm. You can either drive it and it will reset after something like 300 miles if you corrected the problem or just run down to an autozone or another parts store and they will reset it for free and tell you exacally what the problem is. I had a chevy that you had to take the motor mount bolts out and use a prybar to lift the motor enough to pull the plugs. Asked the dealer how they do it and that is exaxally how they did theres as well. Nothing like modern technology sometimes.
11-19-2009, 09:29 PM
Well today I began on making cream and coated nuts getting ready for the holidays and Christmas fairs. It seems like more and more are moving the dates to earlier dates. I wish more were after Thanksgiving since I don't like to make my candy to early.
11-20-2009, 08:48 AM
when i cut the holes in my hood found drilling hard bought carbide tip drill bits 3 bucks each. as for the main holes two of us on a pair of sheers cut the holes for steam stacks. worked great that way nice clean holes.was nice the plate covers any mistakes
11-20-2009, 12:41 PM
The hole was already cut in the front hood and guess where it falls right on a rafter. Oh well there are remedies for that
I've been told mine won't be pre-cut so I can avoid that problem. My rafters are on 24" centres so there's not much play in a 17" stack to fit it through!
11-20-2009, 06:21 PM
You were right on!, the car engine light corrected its self yesterday after about 100 miles. Thanks
I am working in Google Sketch up on the sketches for the WRU components. Couple more years and I may get the hang of it:)
Dave Y
11-21-2009, 06:26 AM
I was told mine wouldn't be precut either, But it was. :(
Amber Gold
11-21-2009, 02:18 PM
Today was a good day. I made it out in the woods with a level and was able to see if I could get a sap ladder to work at the bottom of the hill to get everything over the crest and down to the sugar house. It looks like it'll work, but it's going to be tall. If I clear the crest of the hill w/ 3+ feet and run a 2% slope 500' to the bottom of the hill, I'll be 27.5' in the air. Now if I clear the crest with less than that and run less than 2% I can bring that 27.5' down a bit...maybe in the 20' range. One sap line comes in around 5.5' off the ground so I'd be looking at a sap ladder less than 22'. The others can be up to 10' off the ground. My new vac. pump should pull 25". I'm going to sketch my woods up next week and post it on the trader to get input on how best to set the sap ladders up, whether I go for one big one, one for each mainline, or something else.
I've also found trying to set mainline by eye can be very deceiving. You really need a level when setting it. I ran through all my mainline and found the flat one I had, really was flat and the lower half of it is going to come up about 2', and the upper end is actually going to drop a couple of feet and get down to waist height. I also found the upper end of another mainline is going to drop down to waist level and I can remove that short sap ladder and extend it through the flatter areas w/out any problems w/ pitch.
Overall a very good day. Should be starting woods work in the next couple of weeks, once I get the sugar wood done...
red maples
11-21-2009, 02:37 PM
When I installed the mainline I used a site level. but I think messed up right in the begininng. before I started to put in saddles I put 1 gallon of water in 1 section of the mainline to see if all the water would come out and I was pleased I got back 3/4 of a gallon but I knew there was a quart still in there somewhere. So my flat spot was about 30 ft in when I drilled a hole for the saddle, water came out. So I fixed it up ran the test gallon again and got just shy of the full gallon which I would contribute to fittings and what not. So even with a level I still had a dip. after I get all the saddles on and all the laterals tight I will go back and check things out again just to be sure!!!
Dennis H.
11-21-2009, 04:52 PM
Today was a day to get a bunch of things wrapped up.
I now have te one bender milk releaser mounted next to the dairy tank and works great.
I also go the other Bender mounted to a skid platform that I made up for the lower part of my system. It is just a small pallet with a 50 gal rubbermaid container and a pole that the Bender is mounted to. Once the season is over it will be moved back up to the sugarshack.
I made a bench to hold my coffee maker for bottling syrup.
Slowly I am getting things done.
11-21-2009, 06:15 PM
She who must be obeyed insisted that I do real work today instead of maple stuff. So I had to repair the rotted out floor in the office of the greenhouse. The OSB was completly rotted and turns out the beams under neath were gone also. Weeeeeeeeee such fun. Now I can go back to doing something worth while.
11-21-2009, 07:47 PM
Went to a auction couple of miles away. Nothing maple there but chatted with several producers, neighbors, and friends.
After I stopped at Gary R's Cousin and picked his brain on tig welding stainless for the WRU. Sounds feasible and Kurt gave me some good tips on joint design to make welding simpler and ideas on welding equipment. He stopped over and looked at the plans that I have and the materials and helped me with some brainstorming.
Puttered in the sugar house tonight and helped the neighbor with a small restoration of a bench vice. I think we saved it!
Hope all maple families are well.
11-23-2009, 09:12 PM
Sitting here watching MNF and waiting for another batch of candy to be ready to make. My first Christmas fair is this Sat. Syrup sales this year have been good so I'm wondering how maple products will sell this Christmas?
I will know in a few weeks.
11-24-2009, 06:52 AM
got my season layoff from work on monday so it looks good for two weeks of PA deer seasom hope i don't need it all then it time for all things maple i have all the wood cut split and in the wood shed aka old sugar house just need to cclean out sugar house and hang tubing
11-24-2009, 08:57 AM
Well, I go today to pick up my brand-spankin new Leader, 2x6 American! Have been cutting wood for the past two months, Put the flashing on the roof while the weather was still warm, built a new wood shed and now will start trimming around my Maples in the woods. I AM BLESSED! ;)
red maples
11-24-2009, 03:56 PM
Not much for maple this week trying to get the house staighten up and x-mas lights up outside. man I have to say I love them but man my kids are pigs!!! stuff just evrywhere!!! I was never like that when I was a kid;). I just used to hammer my dad's tools into the ground:D scew drivers are great for that!!!!
anyway back to cleaning!!!
11-24-2009, 08:20 PM
chris (sugarmaker) i remeber you saying about how to cut bulk tanks apart what was it that you do where you cut them
11-25-2009, 02:50 PM
( ref 250 -500 gallon Dari-Kool ice bank type) Other type tanks I dont have a clue:)
I have used a 4 inch grinder, and aggressively attacked the seams, corners. This is fairly fast, but noisy and lots of sparks, be safe. I just got some thin grinding wheels that folks say work great too.
I have several tricks on this type tank. One is that I lift the inner milk tank out with a engine lifter:) then strip off the outer skin, remove the pink insulation and keep whittling.
3 hours and you can have it in the truck and home!
11-25-2009, 03:07 PM
Reading some of the folks that are expanding like mad, which is great. Could maple fever be akin to gold rush fever? I can almost hear the sap dripping:)
Happy Thanksgiving!
11-25-2009, 05:36 PM
Hope somebody is hunting deer some place. On the way to school in the last two days I have seen more amourous bucks then I have ever seen around here. They are standing beside a busy highway trying to out talk a doe for affection.
I can find the floor of the shop finally so I can get enough room to build my evaporator now. I seem to have a plan now to go foreward with.
11-25-2009, 09:47 PM
KenW I am always deer hunting when the season is open. I will be hunting tomarrow morning break for thanksgiving and hunt through sunday at sunset. I still got 2 tags left. I have all the venison I need but I use a tag for my sister who loves the meat but not the hunt and I try to fill the last tag for a friend who just cant get around like he used too.
I cannot believe the weather we have been having. I love it but sure does kill any ideas of getting some fall syrup on the shelves. I keep going to the sugarhouse after dark and can't find much to do except one little project that Fred Henderson helped me out on. Just waiting for an answer on how I can make that work. I think next week I will get after some more wood to get ahead on next year. Fred I still remember.
Just wanted to add a little note here for you guys that come up to my neck of the woods to get some steelhead fishing in. They are here and looks like it is gonna be another banner year on the river.
11-26-2009, 04:47 AM
Been playing around with some dairy vac pumps this year. Yesterday finished one up that I want to use myself. Want all through it. Its and sp 11 and I got the oil changed out, Cleaned the sight tube good. Fixed the electric motor so it works good and painted it all up nice with ford blue engine paint. Really turned out nice. It just purrs and seems to make real good vac. I really like it a lot. If I can come up with the time I want to put it on a couple hundred taps mostly just to get to run it. Now Im working on an sp 22 that I found that was really bad shape. It was all seized up but it looks like with a lot of soaking Im going to have it rebuilt like new. I think Im going to put a gas engine on that and have it ready to go in an area where theres no electric. Plus my one friend has two ring pumps on gas that sometimes mess up and ruin a coupling somehow so I think well use it for an emergency set up. The pumps are fun to play with anyhow. Anyway Im real proud of the 11. Ill try to get some pics down the road of all this stuff. Hopefully Matt will come down in start of season and hes real good at that kind of thing. Theron
Russell Lampron
11-26-2009, 05:57 AM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It has been a better year here than expected because of the economy and I have a lot to be thankful for.
Theron I hope that you can save that SP-22. I love mine and will buy another when I can spare the money. A sweet purr and 23" of vacuum 24-7. A pump you can be proud of!
11-26-2009, 10:03 AM
Me and the wife, wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving. Keith
11-26-2009, 06:13 PM
She who must be obeyed gave me a watch for my birthday that you have to load the Long and Lat into and it tells me when to go hunting. When I seen all the bucks yesterday and the day before it was flashing so it's pretty close.
It has to get cold here before we would get much sap here. Had some dasy with hard night frost and warm days wonder if they would put out sap. No time to really investigate further.
11-27-2009, 01:36 PM
got the borrow vacuum pump running today after fighting the gas ring pump last year it is out the door hope for a ring pump for next year
11-27-2009, 07:46 PM
It been a rainy day,hard to believe it is Nov 27. I found a worm in the driveway today and there is a frog in the pond by my sap house.It is 57degrees here tonight.
11-29-2009, 06:50 PM
We just finished deer hunting in Wisconsin, the best was an nice eight pointer taken from the Sugarbush swamp edge. My son killed a 400 lb black bear with his bow about 300 yards from the syrup shack, also saw one wolf and a cougar. Now will begin cutting some dead maples for the 2011 syrup season.
Will spend February before the 2010 Wisconsin syrup season helping calve 300 head of black angus outside in the central Montana winter prairie. Not sure why I enjoy that.
11-29-2009, 07:52 PM
southfork no cats this year
11-29-2009, 08:03 PM
Cougars are rare here. Our hunting group has seen three in thirty years and one was this year. Wolves are becoming common, see their tracks and sign everywhere.
11-29-2009, 09:10 PM
Had my first Christmas fair this past weekend and as it was going on I thought I was doing real good. A lot of purchases but after talliying it up sales were down about $250 from the same fair last yr. I realized that even though their was alot of customers they were buying less
11-29-2009, 09:38 PM
Southfork it's because you love being up to your shoulders in cows. The last cougers I seen was back in Alberta. There were three in a group and the smaller ones were not all that small.
Finally got to work on the evaporator today somewhat. Still cutting up pallets for firewood and trying to get ready for winter also. If it snows as hard as it rains this month I am in trouble . Have to use a ladder to get the buckets down in the spring.
11-29-2009, 10:18 PM
I did nothing maple all weekend. Got most of the holiday lights up. Cut another 2 cord for the house. And believe it or not I had to mow the lawn today. Was getting to high for she who must be obeyed. I have never mowed the grass in November before. Just did not feel right at all. But good news is in a few days another month is behind us. December and January to go then the tapping month arives. Hope all you guys and gals got there stuff ready cause it is almost here.
11-29-2009, 10:31 PM
3 months at least for me to wait. I tapped the 5th and 11th of march last year and never boiled untill the 18th and then a week later then everyday until the 2oth of April. Who knows what this year will bring me.
11-30-2009, 12:04 AM
Ken I like to think on the positive side. It is usually towards the end of febuary forme as well mainly because we ge so much snow here living due east of lake ontario.
12-01-2009, 01:04 AM
We got 2 rally good days of weather on the weekend and got a ton of work done on the building for the new tank. By the end of day 2 we had all the walls up and braced, the rafters on and strapped, the tank in the building and the vacuum pump back in place plus a bit of the 1" lumber on the outside of one wall. All we need to do to get the steel on and finish the outside walls so we don't need to shovel snow out of it to finish things up inside before the season.
Here's a few pics of the progress:
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