View Full Version : New Sugar Shack

10-29-2009, 04:14 AM
We are pouring the Slab for the new sugarshack tomorrow. It has officially become an all consuming hobby. The new sugar shack will be 12x32. There will be 1 room for the 2x6 evaporator, and another that will be inspected and liscenced as a commercial kitchen to allow us to process and sell food products. My wife is driving this time and it makes it much easier when the financial controler is on board.

There is no need for firewood storage because I store my firewood in 4x4x4 crates in an equipment shen and I bring them in 1 at a time with my tractor, the same as I do for the house.

I kept saying I wouldn't do it but here we go.

Dave Y
10-29-2009, 05:30 AM
you are getting kind of a late start aren't you? I didn't start my addition construction until mid Aug. Just got finished the other day.A lot of rain and eight days in the hospital set me back a month. I hope you don't have any delays or it will be March by the time you finish. Good luck and have fun!