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View Full Version : Getting that last lonely Tree

Dennis H.
10-26-2009, 06:10 PM
What is the best way to get that last lonely tree that is almost a pain to pickup?

I have a really nice big maple that when I used buckets it ran like crazy, now that I am going to be running vac the main that I am runing will end about 50' shy of the tree and also about 5-10' higher than the tree.
Will vac pull the sap from that tree up to the mainline?

I do have another mainline down the hill from it but that main will end with the nearest lateral being about 50' also short or it. Now this tree will be about 20-30' higher than the ed of this lateral.

So is it better to run that lateral up the hill to pick up this tree or if is it possible to use vac to suck the sap up to the main that ends near it?

10-26-2009, 06:16 PM
I'm not sure but it seems to me that any time you can get gravity to help thats the way to go. Besides if you have vac problems you can still use the line as a gravity feed. Just my thoughts.

Randy Brutkoski
10-26-2009, 06:26 PM
It will pull up the hill. I have lines that are set up that way, and i have seen it numerous of times. do it.

10-26-2009, 06:44 PM
I have a few taps that are about 8-10 feet below the main line and all I did was run the 5/16 up and into the mainline. The vacuum pulls it up just fine. I'm going to put the check valve adapters on that location this year.
Anyways for just one tree I would do it with 5/16 if you had alot I'd say run mainline and then use a sap ladder

Dennis H.
10-27-2009, 02:50 AM
I thought I shouldn't have a problem running 5/16 to it. I have maybe 5 different trees at different locations that I was looking at doing this. I wish my trees were more tightly grouped but I have what I have.

I am also going to run the check valve spouts so I guess that would help keep the sap from going back into the tap hole right.


10-27-2009, 04:44 AM
Dennis- are you still going to be boiling on your nice tweeked barrel evap or do you have something bigger planned? with Vac and check spouts I see many long nights (or I guess in your case days) boiling on the barrel evap.

10-27-2009, 01:34 PM
This is great to know - I guess you're never done learnning.

I've got a few trees that I tapped using a ladder (step, not sap) the first year I put up tubing - so as to get the 5/16th above the mainline. I have not tapped those trees the last few years cauise they were just a pain to get to. I've already got 5/16s/taps run to those trees - I'll just tap them lower and let vacuum do the rest.

Dennis H.
10-27-2009, 06:11 PM
Yeah Eric I will be still using the barrel evap!!:o

This year my money went into the vac and seting up the tubing system. I will not have has many buckets though, I figure I will put in a bunch of buckets and wosre case I pull those taps if it gets out of hand.

I need more $$$ and this past season there was a bunch of days that I didn't have any sap to boil or only enought for about an 1 or 2 hrs of boiling so I figure I should have a little wiggle room!! I hope anyway!:rolleyes:

10-27-2009, 10:51 PM
My grandfather always said that a maple would push sap the height of the tree I heard once from an oldtimer that it would push it twice the height. Im am not sure how true it is but if that is the case adding those trees and with the help of vac. should be no problem to get it to go up a few feet.