View Full Version : universal dumping unit

04-25-2003, 05:21 AM
Has anyone out there used a Universal dumping unit? The one I looked at does not require electricty, but appears to be more complcated than the newer modles. It is pretty cheap. I have a surge modle 2 (Very old and pretty small) that I am going to try to hook it to.

Also, when one instals a moisture trap, is this in the line between the vacume pump and the dumper, and would the one in the Leader, Bascoms catolog be my best bet or can I get a cheaper one from a dairy supplier? Any input would be greatly appricated.
Thanks, Parker

04-26-2003, 10:25 AM
I bought a new realeaser because a milking reciever was going to be diff to hook up and I wanted it to not break down on a good run, but my vac pump is an oldy. I ran 1 1/2 pvc pipe to my realeaser from the vac pump and used a drain trap for a house drain to catch the moisture. I then just checked it every day. hope this helps.
